Higher Physics: Line and continuous emission

A model of the atom and the electromagnetic spectrum
Vibrating charges produce radiation. This is the source of electromagnetic
radiation, e.g. visible light, X-rays and gamma rays.
At the end of the 19th century, physicists knew that atoms contained el ectrons
and the motion of these electrons resulted in electromagnetic radiation.
However, a mystery remained. Solving this mystery, and the work of
scientists including Fraunhofer, Brewster, Kirc hoff, Bunsen and Ǻngstrom,
took forward a new area of science – spectroscopy – which revolutionised
solar physics and astronomy.
Prior to Isaac Newton’s prism experiment in 1666, the nature of celestial
bodies such as the Sun and stars was not well unders tood. The luminescence
from such bodies was attributed to an ‘essence’.
In 1802 William Wallaston observed lines in the spectrum from the Sun. The
systematic study of these lines was undertaken by a German optician, Joseph
© University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
This is a reproduction of Fraunhofer's original 1817 drawing of the solar spectrum.
The more prominent dark lines are labelled alphabetically; some of this
nomenclature has survived to this day
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In the 1850s Kirchoff (a German physicist, 1824–1887) and Bunsen (a
German chemist, 1811–1899) took another step forward in spectroscopy with
the discovery that when various substances were held in the flame of a
Bunsen burner and the light produced passed through a prism, distinct spectra
were seen, which correspond to distinct elements in the substance. You may
have carried out similar experiments in science at school, for example
burning a copper salt in a Bunsen flame and observing the distinctive green
colour, or sodium (yellow flame), or potassium (lilac flame), or calcium (red
In the 1860s this technique was used by Kirchoff and Bunsen to discover two
new elements, caesium and rubidium. Other elements that were discovered
using this approach were gallium, helium, argon, neon, krypton and xenon.
We can use a spectroscope to observe various light sources around you, e.g.
daylight (do not point the spectroscope directly at the Sun) and the artificial
lighting within the classroom If you do not have a spe ctroscope in school, it
is possible to build a simple one that works just as effectively
(http://www.exploratorium.edu/spectroscope/ ).
A spectrophotometer allows you to observe and record data of the spectrum
for a range of light sources. You can compare the spectrum of an ordinary
filament lamp with time from its first switch -on. Compare this with the
spectrum of an ordinary filament lamp with differing voltage across the lamp.
Also contrast these with the spectrum of an energy-saving lamp with time.
Max Planck and the quantisation of energy
In 1900 the German physicist Max Planck (1858–1947; Nobel Prize winner
1918) proposed the quantisation of the energy of a vibrating molecule, i.e. it
could only take on certain fixed values.
This helped to explain the gaps and lines in the spectra of elements.
He proposed that:
with a constant of proportionality 6.626 × 10 –34 J s, this came to be known as
Planck’s constant (h).
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E = energy in joules (J)
f = the frequency in hertz (Hz)
E = hf
h = Planck’s constant = 6.626 × 10 –34
This was a revolutionary idea which provided the basis for quantum physics.
Einstein built on Planck’s work, proposing that light was also quantised in
The Bohr model of the atom
In 1911–1913 the Danish physicist Neils Bohr (1885–1962; Nobel Prize
winner 1922) collaborated in Cambridge and Manchester with JJ Thomson
and Ernst Rutherford.
Bohr knew that a charged body in motion must emit energy as
electromagnetic radiation.
This meant that orbiting electrons should emit energy, as a result lose energy
and spiral into the nucleus of the atom. This would suggest that the atom
cannot be stable.
Bohr struggled to reconcile the accepted model of the atom w ith this
In 1913, Bohr proposed a new model of the atom, which was recognised with
the award of the Nobel prize for physics in 1922, and (with some further
improvement to take account of Heisenberg’s work in the 1920s), remains the
model that accounts for the physical and chemical properties of elements
In the Bohr model:
 Electrons exist only in allowed orbits. An electron in an allowed orbit does
not radiate energy, i.e. Bohr’s model proposed that the classical
electromagnetic theory was incorrect. Electrons can jump between allowed
states, and this jump is associated with absorption or emission of
electromagnetic radiation.
 Electrons in different orbits have different energies, thus these orbits can
be considered energy levels.
 Electrons tend to occupy the lowest available energy level, i.e. the level
closest to the nucleus.
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The allowed orbits of electrons can be represented in an energy level
diagram. The diagram below represents the energy levels within a hydrogen
Electrons can exist either in the ground state E 0 or in various excited states
E 1 –E 5 .
Ionisation level is reached
when the electron gains
sufficient energy to leave
the atom completely
Ground state
An electron in an excited state can make a transition into a lower energy
In a hydrogen atom, the possible transitions are:
E0, E3 → E0, E4 → E0, E5 → E0
E1, E4 → E1, E5 → E1
E2, E5 → E2
When an electron makes a transition from a higher energy state to a lower
energy state where does the excess energy go? It is emitted as a photon of
electromagnetic radiation. In the Bohr model, it follows that the possible
excess energies must be quantised, i.e. in specific ‘packets’, since the
electron can make transitions only between specified energy levels.
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The frequency of the emitted radiation is proportional to the difference in the
energy levels (ΔE):
ΔE  f
It follows that since ΔE is quantised, the photons emitted can only be of
specified frequency.
The Bohr model and spectra
This theory applies only to free atoms. A free atom is one that is not affected
by neighbouring atoms, as in a gas. In sources such as filament lamps, the
atoms are not free and their electrons may be shared in bonding with other
atoms. This results in an infinite number of possible transitions, giving an
infinite number of lines, i.e. a continuous spectrum.
© Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011