IE312 HW#7 Solution 1 of 5 1. Chapter 9 Problem 19 Notations: Yi = 1 if Hallo decide to run shift i, and = 0 otherwise (i = 1, 2, 3, 4) Xi = amount produced in shift I, (i = 1, 2, 3, 4) 1 for day 1 2 for night 1 i 3 for day 2 4 for night 2 Decision variables: Yi, Xi Objective function: Min Z = Setup Cost + Inventory Cost Where Setup Cost = 8000(Y1+Y3)+ 4500(Y2+Y4) Inventory Cost = (X1-2000)+( X1+ X2-5000)+( X1+ X2+ X3-7000)+( X1+ X2+ X3+ X4-10000) Constraints: 1) Demand Constraints X12000 Interpret LINGO output: X1+ X25000 Produce 2000 unit at day 1 shift X1+ X2+ X37000 Produce 5000 unit at night 1 shift X1+ X2+ X3+ X410000 Produce 3000 unit at night 2 shift 2) If-Then constraints: whenever Xi>0, Yi=1 Xi≤10000Yi, i Setup Cost = 17000 3) Sign constraints Inventory Cost =2000 Total cost =19000 (Objective value) Xi0, i 4) Binary Decision Variables Yi Yi{0,1}, i LINGO CODE: LINGO OUTPUT: Model: Min =SetupCost+InventoryCost; SetupCost = 8000*y1+4500*y2+8000*y3+4500*y4; InventoryCost =4*x1+3*x2+2*x3+x4-24000; X1>=2000; X1+ X2>=5000; X1+ X2+ X3>=7000; X1+ X2+ X3+ X4>=10000; X1-10000*Y1<=0; X2-10000*Y2<=0; X3-10000*Y3<=0; X4-10000*Y4<=0; X1>=0; X2>=0; X3>=0; X4>=0; @bin(y1); @bin(y2); @bin(y3); @bin(y4); End Global optimal solution found. Objective value: Extended solver steps: Total solver iterations: 19000.00 2 38 Variable Value Reduced Cost SETUPCOST 17000.00 0.000000 INVENTORYCOST 2000.000 0.000000 Y1 1.000000 8000.000 Y2 1.000000 4500.000 Y3 0.000000 -2000.000 Y4 1.000000 4500.000 X1 2000.000 0.000000 X2 5000.000 0.000000 X3 0.000000 0.000000 X4 3000.000 0.000000 Row Slack or Surplus Dual Price 1 19000.00 -1.000000 2 0.000000 -1.000000 3 0.000000 -1.000000 4 0.000000 -1.000000 5 2000.000 0.000000 6 0.000000 -2.000000 7 0.000000 -1.000000 8 8000.000 0.000000 9 5000.000 0.000000 10 0.000000 1.000000 11 7000.000 0.000000 12 2000.000 0.000000 13 5000.000 0.000000 14 0.000000 0.000000 15 3000.000 0.000000 IE312 HW#7 Solution 2 of 5 2. Chapter 9 Problem 20 Same Notations and Decision Variables as #1 Objective function: Min Z = Setup Cost + Inventory Cost Where Setup Cost = 1000(Y1+Y3)+ 3500(Y2+Y4) Inventory Cost = (X1-2000)+( X1+ X2-5000)+( X1+ X2+ X3-7000)+( X1+ X2+ X3+ X4-10000) Same Constraints as #1 LINGO CODE: Model: Min =SetupCost+InventoryCost; SetupCost = 1000*y1+3500*y2+1000*y3+3500*y4; InventoryCost =4*x1+3*x2+2*x3+x4-24000; X1>=2000; X1+ X2>=5000; X1+ X2+ X3>=7000; X1+ X2+ X3+ X4>=10000; X1-10000*Y1<=0; X2-10000*Y2<=0; X3-10000*Y3<=0; X4-10000*Y4<=0; X1>=0; X2>=0; X3>=0; X4>=0; @bin(y1); @bin(y2); @bin(y3); @bin(y4); End LINGO OUTPUT: Global optimal solution found. Objective value: Extended solver steps: Total solver iterations: Interpret LINGO output: Produce 5000 unit at day 1 shift Produce 5000 unit at day 2 shift Setup Cost = 2000< 17000 (Setup Cost form #1) Inventory Cost =6000 > 2000 (Inventory Cost form #1) Total cost =8000 (Objective value) Compared result to #1 We see that the setup cost decreases while the inventory cost increases The decrease in setup costs has actually raised the average inventory level! 8000.000 3 24 Variable Value Reduced Cost SETUPCOST 2000.000 0.000000 INVENTORYCOST 6000.000 0.000000 Y1 1.000000 1000.000 Y2 0.000000 -6500.000 Y3 1.000000 1000.000 Y4 0.000000 -6500.000 X1 5000.000 0.000000 X2 0.000000 0.000000 X3 5000.000 0.000000 X4 0.000000 0.000000 Row Slack or Surplus Dual Price 1 8000.000 -1.000000 2 0.000000 -1.000000 3 0.000000 -1.000000 4 3000.000 0.000000 5 0.000000 -2.000000 6 3000.000 0.000000 7 0.000000 -2.000000 8 5000.000 0.000000 9 0.000000 1.000000 10 5000.000 0.000000 11 0.000000 1.000000 12 5000.000 0.000000 13 0.000000 0.000000 14 5000.000 0.000000 15 0.000000 0.000000 IE312 HW#7 Solution 3 of 5 3. Chapter 9 Problem 22 “A job cannot be processed on machine j unless for all i<j the job has completed its processing on machine i. once a job begins its processing on machine j, the job cannot be preempted on machine j.” From above constraint, we know that job 1 has to be produced at M/C 1 first, and then M/C 3, and finally M/C 4, job 2 has to be produced at M/C 1 first, and then M/C 2, and finally M/C 4, and job 3 has to be produced at M/C 2 first, and finally M/C 3. A summarize of machine order and the processing time for all job are shown below. Job Machine Order Processing time 1 1-3-4 P11=20. P31=25, P41=30 2 1-2-4 P12=15, P22=20, P42=18 3 2-3 P23=35, P33=28 Notations: Pij is the processing of job j at machine i, i= and j=1, 2, 3 Yij = Production starting time of job j at machine i Fj = Flow time of job j Note that Flow Time of job j= Production Completion Time of job j at the last M/C the job has been produced– Production Starting time of job j at the first M/C the job has been produced, and Production Completion Time of job j at the last M/C the job has been produced = Production Starting Time of job j at the last M/C the job has been produced + Processing time at the last M/C of the job Decision variables: Yij Objective function: 3 Min F j 1 j /3 Where F1 Y41 30 Y11 F2 Y42 18 Y12 F3 Y33 28 Y23 Constraints: 1) Type 1 Constraints Y31 Y11 20 Y41 Y31 25 Y22 Y12 15 Y42 Y22 20 Y33 Y23 35 2) Type 2 Constraints Y11 Y12 15 or Y22 Y23 35 or Y31 Y33 28 or Y41 Y42 18 or 3) Sign Constrains Fj,Yij 0, i,j Y12 Y11 20 Y23 Y22 20 Y33 Y31 25 Y42 Y41 30 IE312 HW#7 Solution 4 of 5 4. Chapter 14 Problem 5 Simulated Annealing (SA) for a single-machine scheduling problem with minimizing tardiness Notation: S0 is the best schedule found so far (k ) (k ) (k ) (k ) (k ) (k ) Sk is the current schedule, Sk = ( j1 , j 2 ,, ji 1 , ji , ji 1 ,, j n ) G(Sk) is the tardiness of a schedule Sc is the candidate schedule Aspiration Criterion: G(Sk) G(S0) Acceptance Criterion: If G(Sc) < G(Sk), accept Sc and let Sk+1 = Sc If G(Sc) G(Sk), move to Sc with probability P(Sk+1, Sc) = ec/ k c = G(Sk) - G(Sc) Step 1: Set k=1 and select the initial temperature 1, To choose initial temperature 1 for Simulated Annealing, we will start with the 1 large number that later will be slowly lowered in cooling steps. The value of 1 depends on maximum possible tardiness (worst schedule). n The worst case of the schedule is when all due date (dj) is equal to 0. We have 1= P j 1 j Pj = Processing time of job j (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) Select an initial schedule S1 and set S0=S1= ( j1 , j 2 ,, ji 1 , ji , ji 1 ,, j n ) Step 2: Select a candidate schedule Sc from N(Sk). How to select a candidate depends on neighborhood structure. Let us considered random pairwise job interchange as a type of schedule generation schemes. The schedule is generated by randomly selecting any pair of distinct jobs within the schedule and exchanging their position. (k ) (k ) (k ) (k ) (k ) (k ) Since Sk = ( j1 , j 2 ,, ji 1 , ji , ji 1 ,, j n ) , when exchanging position i with position i+1 (k ) (k ) (k ) (k ) (k ) (k ) we will have Sc = ( j1 , j 2 ,, ji 1 , ji 1 , ji ,, j n ) If G(S0)< G(Sc) < G(Sk), set Sk+1 = Sc and go to step 3 If G(Sc)< G(S0), set S0 =Sk+1 = Sc and go to step 3 If G(Sc) < G(S0), generate Uk~Uniform(0,1); If Uk≤P(Sk, Sc), set Sk+1 = Sc; otherwise set Sk+1 = Sk; go to step 3 Step 3: Select k+1≤k, Let k = k+1, if k= N STOP; otherwise go to Step 2. Note that as k decreases, the lower the probability to accept worse schedules. IE312 HW#7 Solution 5 of 5 5. Chapter 14 Problem 8 For solving Knapsack problem, we learn that each decision variable must equal 0 or 1 Let Vi is the decision whether to put item i in the knapsack, where Vi = 1 if item i is put in the knapsack, = 0 otherwise (Vi {0,1}). Notation: X0 is the best schedule found so far (k ) Xk = is the current knapsack decision, X k = (V1 ,V2( k ) ,,Vn( k ) ) G(Xk) is the benefit obtained from the knapsack Xc is the candidate schedule Tabu Search (TS) combined with single complement moves: Step 1: Set k=1, select an initial solution X1 and set X0 =X1 ( 0) Start with a initial solution X0= (V1 ,V2(0) ,,V j(0) ,,Vn(0) ) , Specify the length of tabu list as a fix length (L), the length of tabu list (L) usually can be between 5 and 9. Step 2: Select a candidate solution Xc from N(Xk) Using single complement moves to create the neighborhood solutions N(X k), selecting a position within the schedule and change its value. N(Xk) = (V1(0) ,V2(0) ,,1 V j(0) ,,Vn(0) ) , For example: X0=(1, 0, 0, 1, …, 1, …,0), with a single complement move we will have the set of neighborhood solutions N(X0) as{(0, 0, 0, 1, …, 1, …,0), (1, 1, 0, 1, …, 1, …,0), (1, 0, 1, 1, …, 1, …,0), …., (1, 0, 0, 0, …, 1, …,0), (1, 0, 0, 1, …, 0, …,0), …, (1, 0, 0, 1, …, 1, …,1)}. Candidate solution Xc= is the solution which is not tabu and has the best G(X k). Let us assume Xc= (1, 0, 0, 1, …, 0, …,0) for example. Enter Xc Xk on tabu list, which is the change of Vj to 1-Vj in this example. Push all the other entries down (and delete the last one). If G(Xc)<G(X0) set X0=Xc and go to step 3. Step 3: Let k = k+1, if k= N STOP; otherwise go to Step 2.