Physics 404 Solid State Notes © J Kiefer 2006 1 I. Crystallography......................................................................................................... 2 A. Crystal Lattices ......................................................................................................... 2 B. Atoms ......................................................................................................................... 8 C. Diffraction by Crystals ........................................................................................... 15 II. Lattice Vibrations—Phonons............................................................................. 22 A. Continuous Media ................................................................................................... 22 B. Lattice Waves .......................................................................................................... 29 III. Band Theory ........................................................................................................ 37 A. Free Electron Model of Metals .............................................................................. 37 B. Bands ........................................................................................................................ 41 C. Electrical Conductivity ........................................................................................... 48 1 I. Crystallography A. Crystal Lattices 1. Inter-atomic Binding In a solid, atoms/molecules are bound together in a rigid structure. The nature of the binding virtually determines the structure, as well as the physical properties of the solid. a. Binding energy The binding energy is defined as the negative of the potential energy. EB V For a system to be “bound” its total potential energy must be < 0, so EB 0 . The atoms will be arranged in geometry and spacing to maximize the EB. b. Types of bond Ionic Very strong, but not directional. One or more electron is transferred from one atom to another forming closed electron shells. Covalent Strong and directional, according to which orbitals (s, p, d, etc.) are involved in forming the bond. A hybrid electron orbital is formed so that one or two electrons are shared by two atoms. Metallic Strong, but not directional. The valence electrons are virtually free, forming a “sea” of electrons in which the + metallic ions are immersed. Hydrogen bond Weak and directional. A hydrogen atom forms a kind of bridge between two molecules. Water ice is the most familiar example. Sketch it. . . . van der Walls Weak and not directional. This a kind of average induced dipole-dipole interaction between atoms having closed electron shells, such as Ar, Kr, Ne, etc. 2 c. In general Between any two atoms, the potential energy of interaction looks like this: At large separation, r, the net force between two atoms is attractive and 1 . For two rn 1 1 . For two neutral atoms, it’s more like 6 . However, as atoms are 2 r r closer together, the repulsion between the electron clouds increases. That repulsion goes 1 like 12 . The sum of these two terms gives an effective V® like the one depicted above. r There is some r Ro at which V is a minimum. ions, it’s 2. Crystal Lattices In a crystal, atoms are arranged in a repeating, or periodic, pattern called an array. We first consider the geometry of a periodic array of points—the crystal lattice. The points are called lattice points. a. Basis vectors Let Rn be the position vector of a lattice point. For 3-dimensional crystal lattice, the lattice vectors are Rn n1a n2 b n3 c Where n1 , n2 , & n3 are integers and a , b , & c are the lattice basis vectors. The lattice basis vectors must be non-coplanar, but need not be mutually orthogonal. b. Bravais lattice (bra-vay) 3 In a Bravais lattice, all lattice points are equivalent. In a non-Bravais lattice, not all lattice points can be reached by an Rn , using a specified set of basis vectors. We refer to such a lattice as a lattice with a basis. Pairs or clusters of points are uniformly spaced, rather than individual points. c. Unit cells The basis vectors form the edges of a parallelepiped (parallelogram in 2-d), like a block out which the larger crystal is built. Volume of the unit cell. V a b c In 2-dimensions, the volume is the area A a b Obviously, a cubic or rectangular unit cell is more convenient. V a b c . We can identify any number of repeating blocks of various sizes, incorporating any number of lattice points. c. Primitive unit cells A primitive unit cell contains a single lattice point. So, it is the smallest possible unit cell. The 4 primitive unit cell is still not unique. However, all primitive unit cells of a specified crystal structure have the same volume (area). E.g., a square lattice Note: these two primitive unit cells have lattice points at their 4 corners. The corner 1 lattice points are shared with 4 neighboring cells. So, each cell contains 4 1 lattice 4 point. Note: we are not required, though, to put the origin of our coordinates on a lattice point. 3. Crystal Systems The distinguishing feature of a crystal system is that the structure is periodic—the repeating units repeat in all directions, filling all of space. The key word there perhaps is filling. a. Two dimensional We might ask, how many distinctly different shapes of tile are there that will completely cover a flat floor? It turns out, fortunately, that there are only five distinct shapes that will completely fill a 2-dimensional space. system square geometry a b , 90 o rectangular primitive rectangular centered hexagonal a b , 90 o a , 120 o oblique a b , 90 o a b , 90 o 5 Levy, R. A., Principles of Solid State Physics, Academic Press, 1968. b. Three dimensional Of course, there are a few more possibilities in 3-dimensions, since there is a 3rd basis vector and 3 angles. Even so, there are only 14 distinct crystal systems in 3-dimensions. See pages 36 & 37 in Blakemore; pages 8 & 9 in Omar. c. Symmetry What property distinguishes one crystal system from another? It’s their symmetries. Translation symmetry—slide by integer multiples of a , b , c and the environment is exactly the same. Rotation symmetry—Consider the shape of the unit cell. If the cell can be rotated about a specified axis and appear unchanged, then it has rotation symmetry. Commonly, that 2 angle is ; the axis is called an n-fold axis. n Reflection symmetry—The unit cell is unchanged if reflected across a plane. A reflection symmetry is designated by the letter m. 6 d. No fives Here’s something odd. It is impossible to construct an infinite crystal lattice with a unit cell having 5-fold rotational symmetry. Consider the diagram below. BC ought to be a lattice vector, but it is shorter than a. So, C cannot be a lattice point, but it is a lattice point relative to the point A by rotation. So, we have a contradiction. 2 Put it another way, we cannot make an equilateral triangle with side a and angles . 5 2 3 . 5 e. Symmetry of the basis This is a second use of the word basis in connection with crystal symmetry. It refers to the physical object associated with each lattice point in the crystal. In the simplest case, that object is a single spherically shaped atom or ion. However, the object may be a molecule (as it is in ice, say) or it may be 2 or more ions as in NaCl or it may be something even more complicated. This has the effect of reducing the overall symmetry of the crystal. 4. Point Groups & Space Groups A more systematic description of crystal symmetries. . . 7 B. Atoms Now, we imagine an atom occupying each lattice site. In a simple crystal, the atoms are all the same—argon or iron or carbon, etc. Each substance will form a distinct crystal, according to the type of binding involved. 1. Packing The atoms will assume a structure that minimizes the binding energy. a. Cubic Simple cubic The side of the cubic unit cell is a 2R , where R is the radius of the atoms. We are visualizing the atoms as hard spheres. Now, consider the amount of “empty“ space in the cube: the cell is occupied by one complete atom (sharing 8 with 8 neighboring cells). The volume of the cubic unit cell is Vcell a 3 2R 8R 3 . 3 4 The volume of a sphere is Vatom R 3 . 3 V The packing ratio is r atom 0.5236 for the simple cubic structure. Vcell 6 Body-centered cubic The bcc structure has an atom situated at the center of the cube, as well as at its corners. 8 Therefore, the diagonal of the cube is 4R, so a 16 R 2 2.309 R . There are 2 atoms 3 4 2 R 3 8.3776 R 3 0.6802 . per unit cell. The packing ratio is r 3 3 a 12.317 R 3 Face-centered cubic The fcc structure has an atom in the center of each of the six faces of the cube, as well as at the corners. Hence, it’s the cube face diagonal that equals 4R, and the cube edge is a 16 R 2 2.8284 R . 2 The atoms in the cube faces are shared between two cells, so that the unit cell contains 4 4 R 3 6 0.7405 . 1 4 atoms. The packing ratio is r 3 3 2 a Of the cubic structures, the body-centered-cubic is the most closely packed. b. Hexagonal In the hexagonal structure, the unit cell is a hexagonal right prism. There are two hexagonal faces joined by six rectangular faces. Simple hexagonal The atoms are situated at the corners of the prism and in the centers of the hexagonal faces. 9 The 12 corner-atoms are shared among 6 cells, while the two in the hexagonal faces are 12 2 3 atoms per unit cell. [We shared two cells each. Consequently, there are 6 2 could also visualize the atoms situated at the midline of the hexagonal prism rather than 6 at the corners. Then we’d say there were 1 3 atoms in the unit cell.] 3 The volume of the hexagonal prism is 1 6 b a a cos 30 o 2.598ba 2 2.598 8 R 3 20.785R 3 . The volume of three atoms 2 4 4 0.605 , which is less of radius R is 3 R 3 . Therefore, the packing ratio is r 3 20.785 closely packed than the fcc or bcc structures. However, there is a hexagonal structure more closely packed than is the simple hexagonal. Hexagonal closest packed The hexagonal layers are offset, fitting into the troughs, as it were, of the layer below. As a result, the inter-atomic spacing is a bit less than it is in the simple hexagonal structure. a 8 The volume of the hexagonal cell is 6 a cos 30 o a 33.941R 3 . There are 6 2 3 atoms contained in the hexagonal prism. Thus, the packing ratio is 4 6 R 3 25.133 3 r 0.7405 , the same as the fcc structure. By the way, the packing 3 33.941 33.941R ratio is also called the packing fraction. 2. Layers In a simple crystal, each lattice point is occupied by an atom, all of the same kind. The atoms in the crystal are arranged in parallel planes. Because the crystal can be cut at different angles, any number of atomic planes can be identified, not just those parallel or perpendicular to the basis vectors. We need a scheme for labeling the planes that will tell us the orientation of the specific plane of atoms. Here is such a scheme: a. Direction Consider the lattice vector joining any 2 lattice points. Let one lattice point be the origin of coordinates. The lattice vector would be written 10 R n1a n2 b n3 c . Now imagine factoring out any common factors, if any from the integer triplet: n , n , n 1 n , n , n . 1 2 3 m 1 2 3 For example, R 6a 3b 9c 6, 3, 9 1 2,1, 3 3 We say that R is in the [2, 1, 3] direction. For instance, [1, 0, 0] corresponds to a , etc. b. Miller indices Slice the crystal with some arbitrary plane. That plane intersects the a , b , and c x y z directions at x, y, and z. Next take , , and and turn the ratios upside down: a b c a b c , , and . Finally multiply by a common factor to obtain three integers. x y z For example, 5 2 1 1 5 a , y 2b , z 4c , 2, 4 , , 20 8,10, 5 2 2 5 2 4 The numbers 8,10, 5 are the Miller indices of that crystal plane. Now the thing is, all planes parallel to this plane have the same Miller indices. x In practice, we are interested in planes with lower numbers, because they are populated by more atoms per unit area. E.g., 1, 0, 0 , 1,1,1 , etc. c. Plane spacing Planes having the same Miller indices h, k , are parallel to each other and have uniform spacing between them. They also have the same number of atoms per unit area. We are interested, or will be interested, in that inter-planar distance, d hk . 11 All we need to figure out is the distance of the reference plane in the unit cell from the origin. We envision the vector from the origin perpendicular to the plane. The direction cosines d d d of that vector, d , are , , . x y z 2 2 d2 d2 d2 1 1 1 1 h k 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 x y z d x y z a b c 1 d 2 2 2 h k a b c 2 Therefore, the Miller indices, along with the lattice parameters, give us the atomic plane spacing. Subsequently, we’ll see that the atomic plane spacing determines the diffraction patterns produced by a crystal. 12 3. Some Real Crystalline Substances a. Sodium chloride Binding is ionic, between Na+ and Cl-. So, the binding is strong, and the crystal is hard. Because the ions are spherically symmetric, the crystal structure is cubic, with +/- ions alternating. In fact, the structure consists of two interpenetrating fcc lattices, offset by 1 a from each other. 2 b. CsCl This crystal is also ionic, but in this case the crystal structure is two interpenetrating simple cubic lattices, forming a bcc configuration. This illustrates how confusing crystal descriptions can be. In the case of NaCl above, there are two lattices, an fcc lattice of Na and an fcc lattice of Cl. The Cls, for instance, lie between Na ions along the cube edges. In the case of CsCl, however, a Cs ion lies at the center of a simple cubic lattice of Cl ions (or vice versa), hence the term bcc configuration. The crystal might also be described as being simple cubic with a two-atom basis. It is evidently the relative sizes of the filled electron shells of the ions that distinguishes the NaCl from the CsCl structures. Other ionic compounds take on the Sodium chloride or the Cesium chloride structure. [Table 1.2 in Omar] c. Metallic elements The metal ions in a metallic crystal take on fcc, bcc, or hcp structures, similarly to the inert elements (Ar, Kr, etc.). The metal crystal may change from one structure to another with changes in temperature. The metal ions are all positive, yet are held in place by the surrounding “sea” of almost free electrons. d. Diamond structure The diamond structure is an fcc structure, with a basis of two atoms. In the case of diamond itself, both those atoms of the basis are Carbon. In other compounds, such as Zinc sulfide (ZnS), the basis is 1 Zn & 1 Sulfur atom. In relation to the cubic unit cell, 1 1 1 the two atoms of the basis are at (0,0,0) and , , along the cube diagonal. Each 4 4 4 atom is surrounded by four nearest neighbors that form the vertices of a regular tetrahedron. The binding is covalent—the shapes of the valence orbitals determine the tetrahedral coordination. 13 Similarly to the NaCl or CsCl structures, water ice forms in what is called the wurtzite structure which consists of two interpenetrating hcc lattices, rather than cubic. The water molecules form tetrahedrally coordinated hydrogen bonds with each other. The term wurtzite is the name of an alternative structure for ZnS. 14 C. Diffraction by Crystals The atoms in a crystal are arranged in a periodic array. We can identify any number of identical parallel planes cutting through the crystal at specific angles relative to the basis vectors. The density of atoms in these planes may vary widely. 1. Elastic Scattering of X-rays X-rays scatter from the electrons in the crystal. Let nr be the electron number density in the crystal. This will be greatest in the vicinity of an atom. a. Fourier analysis The nr is a periodic function of r : nr Rn nr , where Rn n1a n2 b n3 c . Firstly, consider a Fourier expansion in one-dimension: (p is an integer) px px nx no C p cos 2 S p sin 2 a a p 0 p is a point in Fourier space, or in the reciprocal lattice of the crystal. Cp and Sp are a real coefficients. Alternatively, we might use the complex exponential form: 2 Where np is complex and n* p px nx n p exp i 2 , a p 0 np . In three dimensions, there is periodicity in three directions (but not necessarily the Cartesian directions) along a , b , & c . So the Fourier expansion is in three dimensions: nr nG exp iG r G G is a vector. The question is, what G will keep nr invariant under a translation of the crystal by Rn ? b. Reciprocal lattice vectors We will propose some reciprocal lattice vectors, and show that they meet the condition posed by the question above. Proposal: reciprocal lattice vectors shall be defined thusly, b c a b c c a b * 2 a b c a b c * 2 a b c * * * * * Notice that a a 2 , a b 0, & a c * 0 , etc. a * 2 15 The vectors Gn n1 a * n2 b * n3 c * generate the points of the reciprocal lattice. [In Omar, Rn R 1a 2 b 3 c at this point.] The reciprocal lattice is a lattice of points in Fourier space. Here’s why these reciprocal lattice vectors are the same G that appear in the Fourier expansion: nr R nG exp iG r exp iG R G However, exp iG R exp i n1 a * n 2 b * n3 c * 1 a 2 b 3 c exp i 2 n1 1 n2 2 n3 3 1 Therefore, nr R nr if the G in the Fourier expansion are reciprocal lattice vectors. c. Elastic scattering From a single point scattering center, such as an electron, incident plane waves produce outgoing spherical waves. In elastic scattering, the scattered waves have the same energy as the incident waves. Now, consider scattered spherical waves from two electrons, one at the origin and the other at a relative position r . 16 The path difference between the two outgoing waves is 2 1 r r o . The phase difference between the two is exp i o r exp i r . We wish to determine for which scattering vector, , will there be constructive interference between the two scattered x-rays. The amplitude of the scattered wave is proportional to F nr exp i r dxdydz Substitute for nr F G G n n exp i G r exp i r dxdydz G G exp i G r dxdydz F is called the scattering amplitude. When is F large, when small? Well, it’s large only when G and very small otherwise. That is, constructive interference among the scattered waves occurs in the directions o such that G , a reciprocal lattice vector. d. Bragg condition 2 2 For elastic scattering, o . 2 o o o G 2 o 2 2 o2 2 o G G 2 o2 2 o G G 2 0 2 o G 2 G 2 , since G G . e. Related to Miller indices Now we wish to connect the reciprocal lattice vectors to the planes in the crystal, which we previously labeled with the Miller indices h, k , . 17 Recall the definition of the Miller indices. The basis vectors define three coordinate axes (not necessarily mutually perpendicular). We’ll use x, y, & z nonetheless to be distances along those three coordinate axes. For example, in the figure above, the plane of interest intersects the axes at x, y, & z. x 2a 3 y b 2 zc x y z 3 a , b , c 2, 2 ,1 1 2 , ,1 6 3,4,6 h, k , 2 3 1 1 1 We can see that h, k , , , . Now, consider the vectors, u & v , which define x y z the plane of interest. u xa yb and v yb zc . Consider, too, a reciprocal lattice vector defined as Ghk ha * kb * c * . Our claim is that this Ghk is perpendicular to the plane of interest, the h, k , plane. u Ghk xa yb ha * kb * c * xh2 0 0 0 0 yk 2 0 2 xh yk 2 1 1 0 v Ghk yb zc ha * kb * c * Therefore, Ghk 2 yk z 0 is perpendicular to the h, k , plane. G 2 Further, the spacing of the h, k , planes is d hk xa nˆ xa Gˆ hk xa hk . Ghk Ghk 18 2. Laue Equations Here’s an alternative expression of the diffraction condition. a. Scattering vector The phase difference between waves reflected from two parallel planes is ˆ r ˆ r ˆ r 2 1 o ˆ n . The phase angle is 2 r ˆ . Constructive interference occurs if r b. Laue equations Now suppose r is a lattice (or basis vector), say a . Then the phase angle becomes 2 2 a a ˆ 2 h . By similar tokens, b b ˆ 2 k , and 2 ˆ 2 . The h, k , are integers. c c Consider the first one. a 2 a ˆ 2 h . a ˆ h a ˆ cos a , ˆ h a ˆ h where is the direction cosine. ˆ However, 2 c sin . 2 o sin 2 a sin 2 b sin . Similarly, and , so h k o c. Miller indices Of course, these h, k , are just the Miller Indices of the lattice planes in which the two scattering centers (atoms) lie. That’s why we used the same symbols in the paragraph above. 19 This claim can be demonstrated by considering a two dimensional case. N is the normal to the h, k , plane. By similar triangles, a h Nb b Na k h Na a Nb k b h a Likewise, k and . b c 3. Brillouin Zones Here is yet another way of visualizing the diffraction condition. a. In the reciprocal lattice 2 o G G 2 0 is the diffraction condition. The reciprocal lattice vector, G , is the same as o . Here is a rectangular reciprocal lattice: Any x-ray whose o is such that o G G2 will be reflected/diffracted by the crystal. 2 20 b. First Brillouin zone Brillouin zones are areas/volumes enclosed by perpendicular bisectors of reciprocal lattice vectors, Gn The first brillouin zone is defined by the perpendicular bisectors of the reciprocal basis vectors, a * and b * (for a 2-dimensional lattice). The first Brillouin zone is the smallest volume enclosed by perpendicular bisectors. It forms the primitive unit cell of the reciprocal lattice. Any o that reaches from the origin of the reciprocal lattice to the zone boundary will diffract. The zone boundaries are formed by the bisectors. c. More zones Second, third and etc. zones are defined by the bisection of longer reciprocal lattice vectors, such as a * b * and so on. 21 II. Lattice Vibrations—Phonons A. Continuous Media 1. Elastic Waves If the wavelength of an elastic wave is much longer than the atomic spacing, then we treat the solid as a continuous medium. a. Dispersion relation Consider a narrow bar of solid material. The bar has density and cross sectional area A . Let there be a longitudinal wave traveling in the bar, so that the elastic displacement at x is u(x) in the x -directions. Applying Newton’s 2nd “Law” to the segment of bar dx at x . . . ma F 2u F x dx F x t 2 We can write this in terms of Young’s Modulus and the stress, e, & strain, S. Adx 2u S x dx) S x A t 2 2 u dS A 2 A dx t 2u de 2u 2 Y Y 2 dx t x 2 2 u u 0 t 2 Y x 2 Adx e du dx S Ye F A This is a wave equation, which has the usual solutions of the form u Ae i qx t . The parameters q and are evaluated by plugging the solution into the wave equation. q Y q 22 2 The expression for q is called the dispersion relation. The quantity Y is the wave speed, vs, and is the slope of the dispersion relation graph. The phenomenon called dispersion (as in prisms) occurs when the dispersion relation is not linear—the slope is not constant with q. b. Modes of vibration—density of states Now, apply periodic boundary conditions to the bar (we are aiming toward crystals). That is, u x 0 u x L Ae iq0 Ae iqL 1 e iqL Therefore, the product qL n2 , n 0,1,2,. These are plotted as uniformly spaced points on the q-axis. Each “allowed” value of q is a mode of vibration corresponding to a particular 2 2 L L . q n n2 n The density of states is the number of allowed qn that lie in the interval dq on the q-axis. L dq , since the modes are uniformly spaced. That number is 2 In terms of , rather than , g d 2 g L L dq 2 1 d 23 dq With v s q , we get g L 1 constant . At least, g does not depend on ; it vs does depend on the properties of the medium: L, Y, . c. Extension to three dimensions Consider elastic waves traveling in 3 dimensions in a cube of side L. i q x q y q z u Ae x y z Aeiq r i q L q L q L With periodic boundary conditions, we require that e x y z 1 . So the allowed modes are those for which 2 2 2 qx n qy m qz L L L These form a uniformly spaced grid of points in q-space. How many such points lie in a sphere of radius q? Divide the volume of the sphere by the cubical volume occupied by each point. V = L3 24 4 q3 V 4 3 3 q 3 2 3 3 2 L Take the derivative with respect to q. V g q dq 4 q 2 dq 2 3 This is the number of points in the shell of radius q and thickness dq. Again, in terms of the frequency, vs q , 2 d V g d 4 . 3 2 vs vs This density of states is proportional to the frequency squared. Finally, we multiply the density of states by 3, since there are three vibrational modes for each value of q. (This is only approximately correct, since in fact the g are not really identical for all three modes. Particularly, the vs is not quite the same for transverse and longitudinal waves.) 2. Specific Heat According to the First “Law” of Thermodynamics, U Q W , where U is the internal energy of a system (in this case a chunk of crystal), Q is the energy transfer into the system in the form of heat, and W is the work done on the system. a. Classical theory of specific heat If no work is done, then U Q , and the constant volume specific heat is obtained from Cv Q U T T V It is found experimentally that 25 The classical assumptions are that the atoms of a crystal vibrate on their lattice sites like harmonic oscillators. Further, at equilibrium, the average energy of each oscillator is the same, namely kT , where k is the Boltzmann constant and T is absolute temperature. A mole of 3-dimensional oscillators, then, will have an internal energy of U N A 3kT . From this, we get (R is the gas constant.) U 3 N A k 3R , T which is independent of temperature. Obviously, this theoretical expression fails to match experiment at “low” temperature. Cv b. Einstein solid Let’s assume once again that the crystal is composed of independent harmonic oscillators. Let’s assume further that the energies of the harmonic oscillators are quantized. An atom in the crystal lattice can gain or lose energy only in discrete steps of . The average energy of an ensemble of harmonic oscillators in contact with a thermal bath is e n0 n kT n e n . kT n 0 (The crystal is in equilibrium with the thermal bath. Its temperature is constant the probability that a specific oscillator has energy n is given by the Boltzmann distribution.) 26 n ln e kT 1 n kT n kT ln e 1 n kT 1 ln kT 1 1 e kT 1 1 e kT 1 1 e kT kT 1 e kT 11 e kT e 1 e 2 e kT kT kT e kT 1 The total energy of a mole of 3-dimensional oscillators is, then, N 3 . U A e kT 1 Finally, the specific heat is E e kT e T U E Cv 3 R . 3N Ak 2 2 T V kT e kT 1 T E T 1 e (The Einstein Temperature is defined as E . The Einstein Temperature depends k on the crystal substance, since it has the oscillator frequency in it.) 2 2 While superficially this graph resembles the experimental graph, in fact it has the wrong shape at very low temperature. Experiment shows that Cv 0 as T 3 . So, we need a further refinement of the theory of specific heat. c. Debye theory of specific heat The oscillators do not vibrate independently. Rather, there are collective modes of vibration in the crystal lattice. Eventually, we will solve for the vibrational states of coupled oscillators. At this point, however, we’ll return to the elastic waves propagating in the solid. We consider that the energy residing in the elastic wave of frequency is 27 quantized. Secondly, there is an upper limit of the frequency that can exist in the crystal—the cut-off frequency. So, consider sound waves propagating in the crystal, with the dispersion relation vs q . The total vibrational energy of the crystal will be U g d . The average energy of a mode is still e g kT 1 and in a continuous medium 3V 2 3V . Therefore, U 2 d . Now, what is the range of 2 3 2 3 2 vs 2 vs e kT 1 frequency? Not 0, , but 0, D , where D is the Debye frequency, or cut-off frequency. The cut-off frequency arises because the shortest possible wavelength is determined by the inter-atomic spacing. Put another way, the maximum possible number of vibrational modes in the crystal is equal to the number of atoms (let’s say a mole) in the crystal, times 3. I.e., D g d 3N A 0 D 0 3V 2 d 3 N A 2 2 vs3 3V D3 3N A 2 2 3vs3 6 N A 2vs3 V With this as the upper integration limit, he total energy becomes D3 3V 3V U 2 d 2 3 2 vs 2 2vs3 e kT 1 In turn, the specific heat is D D 3 e 0 3 kT d . 1 T D e kT d 9 R d . 2 0 kT 2 kT D 0 kT 1 1 e e D In the last expression, the Debye temperature, D , is introduced. k 3V 2 U Cv 2 3 2 T V 2 vs kT 4e kT N D vs3 6 2 A V k k 3 3 k V vs3 D2 3 6 N A 3 3 3 D 28 4 Let’s look at the high and low temperature limits. For T D , d 1 D , so that Cv 3R . 3 T 3 3 4 4 12 4 T T 3 . , so that Cv R For T D , D , and d 15 5 D Evidently, the Debye version matches the experimental temperature dependence of the specific heat at low temperatures, as the classical and Einstein theories do not. We can relate the Debye temperature to the Young’s modulus of the crystal, through the wave speed. D 2 N A D vs 6 k k V Now, the density is d. 1 3 Y 2 NA 6 k V N AM , so qualitatively, D V 1 3 Y . (M is the atomic mass.) M Reduced temperature T is used when plotting the heat D capacity. The Debye temperature contains the information about the particular crystal substance. When plotted versus reduced temperature, the CV curve is identical for all substances. Often, a quantity called the reduced temperature, T * B. Lattice Waves Of course, the crystal is not a continuous medium, but is composed of separated atoms. Determination of the normal vibrational modes of the system means solving the equations of motion. 1. One-Dimensional Monatomic Crystal We’ll start with a discussion of a one-dimensional crystal consisting of a linear chain of identical atoms of mass m and lattice spacing a. The displacement of the nth atom from its equilibrium position is un. The atoms interact with their nearest neighbors only, via a Hook’s “Law” (linear restoring) force-- u . 29 a. Dispersion relation The net force on the nth atom is Fn un 1 un un un 1 Fn un 1 2un un 1 In Newton’s 2 “Law” nd un 1 2un un 1 m d 2u n dt 2 We’ll assume a solution of the form un un,oei t qt un,oei t naq . Similarly for un+1,o and un-1,o. We may as well let un+1,o = un-1,o = un,o = uo. If the assumed solution is substituted into the equation of motion, we obtain the dispersion relation. uo ei t naq iqa 2ei t naq ei t naqiqa m 2uoei t naq eiqa 2 eiqa m 2 qa m 2 2 4 qa sin m 2 4 sin 2 Now, in one dimension the density is 1 iz e e iz 2i 1 sin 2 z eiz e iz 4 sin z Using an identity, this equation becomes 2 m Y and the speed of sound is vs for a longitudinal waves. This gives us the expression 2 qa v s sin . a 2 30 2 qa vs vs q , which is a straight line. a 2 2 2 2 , vs sin vs , which is a constant. For q 2a a a 2 a For q 0, sin z z , so that b. Group velocity The phase velocity of a traveling wave is v p q . The group velocity is vg d . For dq the one-dimensional lattice, we obtain d 2 qa qa vg vs sin vs cos , dq a 2 2 While on the other hand 2v qa . v p s sin qa 2 2v For q 0, v p vg vs . For q , v p s , but vg 0 . Now, vg is the speed with a which energy is transmitted by the wave. If vg = 0, then the wave is a standing wave, and no energy is transported. This is the same as saying that a wave of wavelength less than the lattice spacing, a, cannot propagate in the crystal. Notice, too, that the cut off at q corresponds to the boundary of the 1st Brillouin zone in the crystal reciprocal a lattice. (by the way, Brillouin’s first name was Le’on.) 2. Diatomic One-Dimensional Crystal a. Dispersion relation There are 2n atoms, alternating masses m and M. The lattice constant is 2a, with a basis of two atoms. The net force on the atom of mass m is d 2u 2n F2 n m u 2 n 1 2u 2 n u 2 n 1 dt 2 On the atom of mass M, F2 n 1 d 2 u 2 n 1 M u 2 n 2 2u 2 n 1 u 2 n dt 2 31 Assume the solutions u2n u 2n,o e i t 2nqa and u2n1 u2n1,o e i t ( 2n1) qa , and plug into the equations of motion- 2 mu2 n ,o u 2 n 1,o e iqa e iqa 2 u 2 n ,o Mu 2 n 1,o u 2 n ,o 2 Rearrange 2 mu 2 2 n ,o e iqa e iqa 2 u 2 n 1,o 2 cos qa u 2 n 1,o 0 2 cos qa u 2 n ,o 2 2 M u 2 n 1,o 0 These are two simultaneous linear equations with u2n,o and u2n+1,o as the unknowns. The determinant of the coefficients must vanish. 2 m 2 2 cos qa 2 cos qa 2 M 0 2 Expand the determinant and solve for 2 with the quadratic formula. 1 1 m M There are two solutions. 2 (+) 2 1 1 4 sin 2 qa Mm m M 1 1 m M 2 2 1 1 4 sin 2 qa Mm m M And 1 1 1 1 (-) m M m M These yield two branches on the dispersion curve graph. 2 32 2 4 sin 2 qa Mm The upper branch is called the optical branch while the lower branch is called the acoustic branch. The gap at represents forbidden frequencies—they do not 2a propagate along the crystal. b. Physical interpretation of the branches For the acoustical branch, the two atoms of the basis oscillate with the same amplitudes and in phase. In the optical branch, the two atoms oscillate out of phase, with amplitudes inversely proportional to their masses, so that the diatomic center of mass remains still. 3. Normal Modes Those curves in the dispersion curve are not continuous curves, but rather dotted lines. a. Boundary conditions Recall the one-dimensional continuous medium. We required that u n ( x) u n ( x L) , 2 j , j 1, 2, If we count meaning that the allowed q-values are discrete: q j L up how many q-values there are from q = 0 to q , we get N, the number of atoms in 2a the unit of crystal of length L. (N will need to be even, since the basis of the onedimensional diatomic crystal is 2.) There are always N normal modes, then number of degrees of freedom in the crystal. However, this total of N is distributed in the branches of the dispersion graph. 33 b. Density of states The density of states is the number of vibrational modes in the interval , d . For the 1-dimensional case, we found g dimensional lattice we found density of states is g Notice that for n L m 2 4 a L 1 . For the monatomic 14 d dq 4 qa d , whence sin m 2 dq 4 a qa cos . Thus the m 2 2 1 qa sec . qa 2 cos 2 4 , there are no vibrations. m c. Extension to three dimensions In three dimensions, the atoms can vibrate in three (3) directions—along the x-, y-, and zcartesian directions, for instance. There are 3N normal modes. The dispersion relation is different for each kind of motion, so there are three branches in the dispersion relation. 34 The density of states typically looks like the figure below, and possibly different for each branch of the dispersion relation. For a diatomic three-dimensional lattice, there are six branches. Imagine even more branches with more different atoms in the crystal. 4. Phonons Regarding each atom as a harmonic oscillator, we said that each oscillator has energy n . Let us now regard the energy of collective lattice vibrations similarly as being quantized, and call the quanta phonons. a. Quantized lattice waves At a specified temperature there will be, on average, a certain amount of energy in waves of frequency . The average number of phonons of that frequency is 1 , n e kT 1 and the average energy of those phonons is E n . b. Phonon density The phonon density is the number of phonons per frequency mode. kT kT V 3 q , whence . At the same time, n v s q 2 2 dn 3V 2 q . dq 2 2 So to obtain the total number of phonons of all frequencies or wave numbers, we have to integrate qmax 2 3kTVqmax kT 3V 2 . N total q dq 2 2 v q 2 4 v s s 0 The total number of vibrational modes is equal to the number of degrees of freedom— 3N. [N is the number of atoms in the crystal.] The number of phonons per unit volume of the crystal is the following: N 3kT 3N 3 T . N p total 3N V 2v s qmax 2 D [Note that E kT when T D .] When E kT , then n 35 c. Phonon scattering We think of the crystal being filled with phonons. An incident photon (x-ray, for instance, or infrared) entering the crystal interacts with the phonons. Perhaps the photon is absorbed, and a phonon of the same energy is created. Perhaps a phonon vanishes and a scattered photon is created. Perhaps an incident neutron absorbs or emits a phonon by colliding with an atom of the lattice. 36 III. Band Theory A. Free Electron Model of Metals We are seeking to construct a model for the physical properties of metals, particularly electrical and thermal. 1. Classical Electron Gas We assume that when metallic atoms form a crystal lattice, the valence electrons of each atom are liberated. They become free to move throughout the crystal—they are called conduction electrons. a. Free electron gas Consider a collection of free particles confined to a box. The particles are charged (-e) 10 29 and there are a lot of them: N 3 . The conduction electrons comprise a dense m plasma. b. Electrical conductivity Consider an electron in an electric field, E . The electron will be accelerated. However, as there are other particles present, the electron will at some point collide with another particle, and lose its kinetic energy. The average time between such collisions is the collision time, . We represent the effect of the collisions by a frictional-style force, assumed to have the v form m . The equation of motion for the electron undergoing a series of collisions while being accelerated by the electric field is [component in the direction of E .] dv v m eE m . dt dv e 0 , whence v E v d , known as the drift velocity. In the steady state case, dt m The drift velocity is the net movement of conduction electrons through the crystal in the direction of the externally applied electric field. That will be the electric current. The current density is J Nevd in coulombs per cubic meter. 37 e Ne 2 J Ne E E E , which is Ohm’s “Law.” Let us put in some m m characteristic numerical values. m 9.1 10 31 kg N 10 29 m3 10 14 sec (see Table 4.1 Omar) Ne 2 10 29 m 3 1.6 10 19 C 2.8 10 7 14 10 sec m m 9.1 10 31 kg This is the conductivity, . So, the simple electron gas model can reproduce the observed behavior of conductivity in metals. The still open question is, how did we know what collision time to use? 2 c. Collision time We presume that the electron is colliding with the lattice atoms (ions). So that is hardly a free electron model, really. We do assume that the electron is free between collisions. Most crudely, we could imagine an electron bouncing from one lattice atom to the next. But this actually underestimates the mean free path. Instead, we have to picture deBroglie waves being diffracted by the crystal lattice. At any moment, the deBroglie h wavelength of a conduction electron is , where vr is the random thermal speed mvr of the electron, which v r v d . If the lattice were perfectly periodic, the electron would propagate (scatter) through the lattice without colliding, in effect, that is without losing kinetic energy. The collision time would be infinite. If there are imperfections in the lattice, the resonance is interrupted; the electron stops. The mean free path is vr . We have estimates for the mean free path (typical number of crystal defects observed) and the velocity (from thermodynamics), from which we derive an estimate for the collision time. 10 8 m 6 10 14 sec m vr 10 sec 10 10 m 10 16 sec , where crystal atomic spacing is typically Notice that this 10 14 sec 6 10 m sec a few Ångstroms. 2. Quantum Mechanics—Electrons in a Box Sadly, the simple free-electron model deos not give the correct temperature dependence of . Also, the free-electron model does not give the correct contribution of the 3 conduction electrons to the total specific heat of the metal; i.e., not R . 2 38 a. Quantum mechanics—quick review We still assume that the conduction electrons are free, but are confined to a line segment of length, L. The time independent Schrödinger Equation for a free particle is 2 d 2 E . 2m dx 2 We assume a solution of the form o e iqx . n The boundary conditions are (0) ( L) 0 , so q , as usual. L 2 2q2 2 2 The quantized energy levels are E n n . 2m 2m L If we extend this to a cubical box, then 2 2 E 2m o e iqr o e q x nx En L i qx x q y y qz z , qy ny 2 L , q z nz L 2 n x n y2 n z2 . 2m L 2 1 . Finally, the Pauli 2 Exclusion Principle says that no two electrons in a system can have the same set of quantum numbers. In addition to nx, ny, and nz, there is a spin quantum number, m s b. Fermi energy Because of the exclusion principle, all the electrons in the box cannot have the same energy. The energy levels will be filled from the lowest level upward. The highest level occupied by an electron is called the Fermi Energy, EF. The question is, given N and L, what is EF? Put another way, N electrons will fill energy levels up to what n2? 1 4 NL3 n 3f 2 8 3 3 NL3 n f 39 1 3 2 Plug this into En; E F E n f 2 2 2 n f 3 2 N 2m L 2m 2 3 . c. Density of states (again) At T = 0 K, no electrons have energy E > EF. All the states E n E F are filled, or occupied by an electron. Therefore, 1 2mE 0 g ( E )dE N 3 2 2 d 1 2m 1 g E N 2 2 E 2. dE 3 E 3 2 g(E) is the number of energy states per unit energy per unit volume. Since all the states are occupied (up to EF), it is the same as the number of electrons per unit energy per unit volume. Consequently, the average energy of the N electrons is EF E Eg ( E )dE 0 EF g ( E )dE 0 EF E 0 EF E 3 1 2 dE 2 dE 0 d. 3 EF 5 Zero point energy Classically, E 0 at T = 0K. But now, E 3 EF , all because no two electrons can be in 5 exactly the same state. 40 3. Fermi-Dirac Statistics a. Ferni-Dirac distribution At T = 0, all energy states up to EF are occupied by electrons, one to each energy state. A graph of the probability that the state of energy E is occupied looks like this: Now, if T > 0, only those electrons in states of E EF kT can jump to an energy state higher than EF. The distribution would look like this: The functional form of this distribution is 1 f ( E ) E EF . kT e 1 b. Specific heat of the conduction electrons kT Approximately, only of the conduction electrons are affected by an increase in EF temperature. Each of them, on average, absorbs an energy kT. The average thermal kT k 2T 2 kT N A emergy per mole of electrons is roughly E N A . The constant EF EF dE k2 2N A T T , and << R. For a gas of particles, dT EF even confined to a box, we’d expect 3R. volume specific heat is CV B. Bands Now we need to incorporate the influence of the lattice atoms on the conduction electrons. That is, in addition to being confined to a box of volume, V, the conduction electrons interact with the atoms that form the crystal. 41 1. Bloch Function Apart from small vibrations, the atoms are arranged in a periodic lattice. a. Schrödinger equation for a crystal 2 2 V (r ) E 2m V (r ) is the potential energy function and is periodic. If R is a lattice vector, then V ( r R) V ( r ) . b. Bloch theorem Claim: q (r ) e iqr u q (r ) , where u q (r R) u q (r ) . Proof: We can always write (r ) f (r )u (r ) , where u (r ) is a periodic function. What 2 determines f (r ) ? Well, physically we require that (r ) be periodic. Consequently, 2 2 f (r R) f (r ) , which is true only if f (r ) e iqr . The q (r ) f (r )u q (r ) is called a Bloch Function. The Bloch function is a traveling wave, modulated by the u q (r ) . The electron is shared in effect by the whole crystal, not localized close to any one atom. 2. Energy Bands “Solve” the Schrödinger equation 2 2 V (r ) E 2m iqr Plug in q (r ) e u q (r ) . a. 2 2 iqr e u q (r ) V (r )e iqr u q (r ) Ee iqr u q (r ) 2m Piece by piece. . . d d iqr e u q (r ) u q iq x e iqr e iqr uq dx dx 2 d 2 iqr iq r iq r d iq r d iq r d e u ( r ) u iq iq e iq e u iq e u e uq q q x x x q x q dx dx dx 2 dc 2 d d2 u q q x2 2iq x u q 2 u q e iqr dx dx e iq r 2 d iq x u q dx Likewise for qy and qz. 42 2 2 i q V ( r ) u q (r ) Eu q (r ) 2m For each value of the wave vector q , we would obtain a discrete set of eigen values E n (q ) . Put another way, for each quantum number, n, the En varies with q . Therefore, rather than single discrete energy levels, we have energy bands. Qualitatively, an energy level diagram would look like this: b. Number of states ina band Each energy state is described by a Bloch function, n (q ) . How many states are there? Take a one-dimensional case for the sake of argument, in which 2 qn , n 0, 1, 2, . L Now, the q is the wave number of the wave function rather than of a lattice vibration. Still, the math is the same. The first Brillioun zone is of length 2 2 . The number of q-states that fit in that reciprocal a a L N , the number of atoms in the (1 dimensional) crystal. Similarly in a L three dimensions. length is 2 43 To develop the discussion further, we need to make some assumption about the potential energy function, V (r ) . The two cases we’ll consider are V (r ) being very weak, or very strong. 3. Nearly Free Electron Model To explicitly solve for the wavefunction and energy levels, we need to put a specific 2 d 2 V (r ) into the Schrödinger equation. In one dimension k V ( x) k E k . 2m dx 2 a. Energy band gaps We start with no atoms at all, just the free conduction electrons. 2 d 2 o k E ko ko 2 2m dx The usual plane-wave solution is 1 ikx ko e L E ko 2k 2 2m L 2 k dx 1 0 Plot Eo vs. k. There is no gap between neighboring bands. Now, we add a weak interaction with the lattice atoms. Since the interaction is weak, we expect only slight changes in the energy levels and wavefunctions—perturbations. [Note, in Omar, this is discussed in Section 44 A.6, not A.7]. I.e., E k E ko E k1 , where E k1 is small compared to E ko . The perturbation 2 3 , , etc. has the effect of opening gaps at the Brillouin zone boundaries , a a a b. Effective mass Next, we consider the effect of an external electric field, , on a conduction electron. d The group velocity of the wavefunction for a conduction electron is v g and its dk 1 dE energy is E . Thus, v g , whence dE v g dk . The external electric field dk does work on the electron. Note: dW edx ev g dt E is electric field. This work changes the energy of the electron E is energy. dE ev g dt v g dk dk . dt In Newton’s 2nd “Law”, we’d say that the electric force changes the momentum of the electron. The acceleration resulting from the external force would be dv g d dE 1 2 E dk 1 2E a e . dt dt dk k 2 dt 2 k 2 e 1 2E We can see that the quantity 2 is where the mass-1 should be in the 2nd “Law.” 2 k This is the effective mass for a conduction electron experiencing an external electric field. 2 m* 2 E k 2 45 For a free electron (not in the crystal), E E 2k 2 and m* = mo. But, in a lattice 2mo 2k 2 , especially near the Brillouin zone boundary at k . a 2mo The m * 1 . curvature of E(k) Notice that m* may be greater than or less than mo, and may even be negative! c. Meaning of a negative effective mass 1 d 2E m 2 dk The curvature is the slope of the slope; a negative curvature implies a decreasing slope. For instance, at the top of the second energy band m* < 0. At the bottom of the third band, m* > 0. * The effective mass is an alternative conceptual device that incorporates the interaction with the crystal lattice into the conduction electron’s equation of motion. m dv mo Ftotal Fexternal FL Fexternal o* dt m The FL is like a drag force that can be either (+) or (-), not only negative. This FL arises when Fexternal is non-zero, since an external electric field will polarize the lattice atoms as well as accelerate the conduction electrons. 4. Tight Binding Model At the opposite extreme approximation, the crystal potential is strong—each conduction electrons is nearly bound to a lattice atom. It moves through the crystal by tunneling from one lattice atom to another. a. Effective crystal potential & the Bloch function 46 We start with an ordinary atomic orbital wave function, (x) . This might be the 4s orbital of Cu, for instance. The k (x) for a conduction electron can be written as a sum of the (x) over the N atoms (one atom per unit cell) in the crystal. k ( x) 1 1 N 2 where j j a , and a = lattice spacing. N e j 1 ik j j (x j ) , In the tight binding model, there is little overlap of the (x) s between neighboring atoms. N 1 N ik 1 ik ( x j ) k ( x) 1 e j j ( x j ) 1 e ikx e j ( x j ) e ikx u k ( x) , j 1 N 2 j 1 N 2 where u k (x) is periodic. b. Energy bands We construct the Schrödinger equation for a conduction electron thusly: 2 d 2 v( x) V ( x) k E 2 cos ka k ; 2 2m dx E is the energy of the electron in the th atomic orbital; v (x ) is the interaction potential with the nearest atom; V (x ) is the interaction potential with all the other atoms in the crystal; is the shift in E due to V (x ) ; and is the so-called overlap integral—the shift in E due to the overlap of (x) with ( x a) . (This overlap integral is the origin of the exclusion principle.) So, the single energy level, E , is broadened into a band, depending on k. 47 C. Electrical Conductivity 48 I. A. 4. Point Groups & Space Groups III. B. Band Theory Bands 3. Nearly Free Electron Model a. b. c. Nearly-free electrons Effective mass Negative mass? 4. Tight Binding Model a. b. c. Effective crystal potential Energy bands Effective mass C. Electrical Conductivity 1. Electron Dynamics a. b. Velocity of the Bloch electron Electric current 2. Bands and Transitions a. b. c. d. e. Valence & conduction bands Metals, semiconductors, insulators Holes Hole current Hall effect 49