Approved by: …………… Minister 2010. ……………. 10th MEDIUM AND LONG-TERM PLAN OF PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY FOR RADIOACTIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT (RHK Kft.) FOR ACTIVITIES TO BE FINANCED FROM THE CENTRAL NUCLEAR FINANCIAL FUND May 2010 Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................... 4 2. ANALYSIS OF SOURCE SIDE AND STORAGE OPPORTUNITIES OF RADIOACTIVE WASTES AND SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL ........................................................................................................................................... 5 2.1. DEFINITIONS ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.2. QUANTITY OF STORED MATERIALS AND STORAGE CAPACITY .............................................................................. 6 2.3. RATE OF GENERATION OF RADIOACTIVE WASTES AND SPENT FUEL, EXPECTED TREND OF THE STATUS OF STORAGE.................................................................................................................................................................... 9 2.3.1. Generation and storage of low and medium level radioactive wastes of nuclear power plant origin, expected trend of the storage capacity, estimation of new final storage capacity............................................... 9 2.3.2. Generation and storage of high level radioactive wastes of nuclear power plant origin, expected trend of storage capacity, estimation of the required capacity of the final storage facility........................................ 11 2.3.3. Generation and interim storage of spent nuclear fuel at the plant .......................................................... 12 2.3.4. Rate of generation and disposal of low and medium level and long-life radioactive wastes of not nuclear power plant origin ................................................................................................................................ 13 2.3.5. Generation and interim storage of spent fuel of not nuclear power plant origin .................................... 13 3. FINAL DISPOSAL OF LOW AND MEDIUM LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTES ...................................... 14 3.1. FINAL DISPOSAL OF LOW AND MEDIUM LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTES AT RWTDF........................................... 14 3.1.1. Background ............................................................................................................................................. 14 3.1.2. Strategic objective ................................................................................................................................... 15 3.1.3. Tasks of the near future ........................................................................................................................... 16 3.1.4. Schedule of tasks ..................................................................................................................................... 16 3.1.5. Source data and information for economic calculations ......................................................................... 17 3.2. DISPOSAL OF LOW AND MEDIUM LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTES OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANT ORIGIN AT NRWR OF BÁTAAPÁTI ......................................................................................................................................................... 18 3.2.1. Background ............................................................................................................................................. 18 3.2.2. Strategic objective ................................................................................................................................... 19 3.2.3. Tasks of the near future ........................................................................................................................... 19 3.2.4. Schedule of tasks ..................................................................................................................................... 20 Boundary conditions of chamber requirement estimation ................................................................................. 20 Trend of chamber requirements ........................................................................................................................ 22 3.2.5. Source data and information for economic calculations ......................................................................... 26 4. INTERIM STORAGE OF SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL ....................................................................................... 26 4.1. BACKGROUND................................................................................................................................................... 26 4.1.1. Interim storage of spent fuel of power plants .......................................................................................... 26 4.1.2. Interim storage and management of spent fuel of not nuclear power plant origin.................................. 27 4.2. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................................... 28 4.3. TASKS OF THE NEAR FUTURE............................................................................................................................. 28 4.4. SCHEDULE OF TASKS ......................................................................................................................................... 29 4.5. SOURCE DATA AND INFORMATION FOR PERFORMANCE OF ECONOMIC CALCULATIONS ..................................... 30 5. FINAL DISPOSAL OF HIGH LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTES AND SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL ......... 30 5.1. BACKGROUND................................................................................................................................................... 30 5.2. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................................... 31 5.3. TASKS OF NEAR FUTURE ................................................................................................................................... 32 5.4. SCHEDULE OF TASKS ......................................................................................................................................... 33 5.5. SOURCE DATA AND INFORMATION FOR PERFORMANCE OF ECONOMIC CALCULATIONS ..................................... 35 5.5.1. Costs of disposal of spent nuclear fuel and high level wastes ................................................................. 35 5.5.2. Relationships ........................................................................................................................................... 35 6. DECOMMISSIONING OF PAKS NPP AND OTHER NUCLEAR FACILITIES .......................................... 36 6.1. BACKGROUND................................................................................................................................................... 36 6.2. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................................... 38 6.3. TASKS OF NEAR FUTURE ................................................................................................................................... 38 6.4. SCHEDULE OF TASKS ......................................................................................................................................... 39 6.5. SOURCE DATA AND INFORMATION FOR PERFORMANCE OF THE ECONOMIC CALCULATIONS .............................. 40 2 7. OTHER TASKS ..................................................................................................................................................... 40 7.1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................. 40 7.2. OPERATION OF RHK KFT. ................................................................................................................................ 40 7.3. THE COST OF FUND MANAGER .......................................................................................................................... 41 7.4. THE SYSTEM OF PUBLIC SUPPORT ...................................................................................................................... 41 8. CALCULATION OF PAYMENTS INTO CNFF IN 2011 ................................................................................. 41 8.1. METHOD OF CALCULATIONS ............................................................................................................................. 41 8.2. IMPORTANT CHANGES IN COMPARISON TO THE CALCULATIONS OF THE NINTH MEDIUM AND LONG-TERM PLAN41 8.3. THE AMOUNT OF PAYMENTS INTO CNFF .......................................................................................................... 42 8.4. EXPECTED EXPENDITURES OF BUDGETARY INSTITUTIONS AND THEIR SCHEDULE ............................................. 42 3 1. Introduction In accordance with Article 40 of the Act on Atomic Energy No. CXVI of 1996 (hereafter referred as: Atomic Act) the tasks concerning the final disposal of radioactive wastes, and interim storage and final disposal of spent fuel, decommissioning of nuclear facilities shall be performed by the organisation appointed by the Government, since they are of national interest. In accordance with Paragraph (1) of Article 62 of the Atomic Act the Central Nuclear Financial Fund (hereafter referred as CNFF or the Fund) finances performance of the referred tasks as a separated state fund. The Fund is under the authority of the Minister having a supervision over the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority (hereafter referred as: HAEA), the Fund is managed by HAEA. The Government assigned HAEA to establish the Public Agency for Radioactive Waste Management. The Act on Economic Entities No. IV of 2006 cancelled public agencies as a form of legal entities, which resulted in transformation of the company into Public Limited Company for Radioactive Waste Management (hereafter referred as: RHK Kft.) as of 7 January 2008. According to Point c) of Paragraph (1) of Article 2 of the Governmental Decree No. 240/1997. (XII. 18.) in the scope of planning and accounting tasks the medium and long-term plans of the activities to be financed from the Fund and of the income sources shall be developed and reviewed annually. The medium and long-term plans and cost estimation shall be regularly reviewed in order to ensure real cover by CNFF for any costs due in the far future. In this way the principle will be realised, that the generation using atomic energy shall pay the costs of future activities and shall not leave unreasonable burdens on the next generations. The 10th medium and long-term plan of RHK Kft. integrally fits the former cost estimations. The most important objective of medium and long-term plan of the activities to be financed from CNFF is to determine the amounts of payments into the Fund in an established, transparent and clear way. During the previous period significant changes appeared concerning disposal of radioactive wastes, and management and disposal of spent nuclear fuels. Each effect of the changes has forecast significant and opposite effects concerning the payments into the Fund. Consequently, RHK Kft. reviewed the activities of radioactive waste and spent fuel management and disposal, elaborated the document titled as ‘Foundation of the new programme for national management and disposal of radioactive wastes and spent fuel (January 2010)’, in which four different solutions were analysed. After a remarked conciliating and estimating process a decision was made that the third version of the above-mentioned document is considered as the basis of the medium and long-term plan. The Figure 1 ‘Nr. 3. National direct disposal, short decommissioning (PRK VM 20 years)’ illustrates the selected version. In this version extension of the operating lifetime of the plant by 20 years, direct national disposal of spent fuel and high-level long-life wastes combined with decommissioning of Paks NPP, where 20-year secured protection of the plant primary circuit ‘PRM VM 20 years’ are assumed. In the current medium and long-term plan there is no reason for changing the discount factor of 3 %. The key feature of the selected version is that the period of waste management activities are 4 shortened significantly (despite the year 2108 considered in the previous plans the ending date of the selected programme is 2084), even considering extension of the operating lifetime of the plant. The basis of the decision is provided by the circumstances that the licensing procedure for extension of the plant operating lifetime is expected to be finished successfully before 2012, and the selected version is technically established, feasible and does not result in introduction of irreversible solutions. In 2011 payments of Paks NPP into the Fund will stay still on the level of the previous years. In the further years (from 2012) the payment commitments resulting from the mentioned reference scenario will result in lower amounts, which means an acceptable transition between the former and future payments, and even the consumer price of electricity will not change significantly. The medium and long-term plan discusses the issues of nuclear fuel management generated in nuclear facilities operated by each institute from state budget (training reactor of Institute of Nuclear Techniques of Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME NTI) and research reactor of Hungarian Academy of Sciences KFKI Atomic Energy Research Institute (KFKI AEKI) and decommissioning of the facilities, since the source of these institutes is provided by the central budget by paying into the Fund in the year when any costs emerge. 2. Analysis of source side and storage opportunities of radioactive wastes and spent nuclear fuel 2.1. Definitions Radioactive wastes: in accordance with Point m) of Paragraph 2 of the Atomic Act, radioactive materials, which will not be further used and cannot be treated as common waste due to radiation protection characteristics. Spent fuel: in accordance with Point 1) of Paragraph 2 of the Atomic Act, nuclear material used in nuclear reactors, which cannot be considered as waste due to its recyclability outside nuclear reactors. Radioactive wastes are classified in accordance with Attachment 2 of the ministerial decree No. 47/2003 (VIII.8.) of the Health Ministry. Radioactive wastes, in which heat generation is negligible during disposal (and storage), can be considered as low and medium level radioactive wastes. Low and medium level radioactive wastes can be considered of short lifetime, if the half-life of radionuclides is 30 years or shorter, and they contain long-life alpha-radiating radionuclides only in a limited concentration (this concentration is 4000 Bq/g for one collective package and 400 Bq/g for the total amount of wastes as an average). Low and medium level radioactive wastes are of long-life, if the half-life of radionuclides and/or the concentration of alpha-radiating radionuclides exceed the limit of short-life radioactive wastes. Radioactive wastes are of high level, if their heat generation should be considered for planning of their disposal and storage, and the operation. 5 The following aspects should be considered for classification of low and medium level radioactive wastes: - - Radioactive wastes shall be classified into the categories of low and medium level wastes on the basis of their radioisotope activity concentration and exemption activity concentration (the first two lines of Table 2.1.1). The value of exemption activity concentration for each isotope is specified by the ministerial decree No. 23/1997. (VII. 18.) of the Ministry of Welfare. If radioactive wastes contain several types of radioisotopes, classification shall be performed in accordance with the first two lines of Table 2.1.2. The above waste classification is clarified by the standard MSZ 14344-1:2004 by determining the heat generation value (2 kW/m3), which is considered significant for interim storage and/or final disposal, so it should be taken into consideration. This is the heat generation limit, above which radioactive wastes belong to the category of high level radioactive wastes. Additionally, the standard specifies the limit of activity concentration, above which radioactive wastes should be classified into the category of high-level wastes (given in the third lines of Tables 2.1.1 and 2.1.2.) In the present document high level and/or long-life radioactive wastes are referred simply as high level wastes, because they need the same type of management. 2.2. Quantity of stored materials and storage capacity In our country radioactive wastes have been finally disposed only in the facility of Radioactive Waste Treatment and Disposal Facility (hereafter referred as: RWTDF) operating at Püspökszilágy. In the surface facilities of the National Radioactive Waste Repository (hereafter referred as: NRWR) to be established at Bátaapáti the technological systems, radiation and environmental monitoring systems are being taken into operation for underground storage of low and medium level solid radioactive wastes. At the site of Paks Nuclear Power Plant (hereafter referred as: Paks NPP) low, medium and high level wastes and spent fuel elements are stored for interim period. Fuel assemblies spent during power generation are transferred into the spent fuel pools for minimum 3 years, then into the Interim Storage Facility for Spent Nuclear Fuel (hereafter referred as: ISFS) for 50 years. 2331 fuel assemblies were delivered back to the former Soviet Union and Russia before 1998. Although used radiation sources are stored temporarily in the facilities of isotope and radiation sources in the country as well, they are not discussed in this paper, since they will be transferred to RWTDF sooner or later. In Table 2.2.1. the volumes of radioactive wastes and spent fuels stored temporarily or for preparation purposes or disposed finally on three sites in various institutions and facilities, and capacities of storage facilities according to the status of 1 January 2010 are listed. 6 Remarks to Table 2.2.1: A) The storage capacity of RWTDF at Püspökszilágy is given in gross volume. In this storage facility various shape packages have been placed (e.g. 200 l barrels, 400 l barrels, special container, bag package, etc.). Due to imperfect space filling the placed wastes occupy more space than their real volume. The Table does not indicate that the changed operating building is available for interim storage of incoming wastes, where altogether 912 pieces of 200 l barrels can be placed. In the frame of the above-mentioned storage capacity it is possible to store plate containers. Placing one plate container can reduce the storage space with the capacity of four 200 l barrels. In one plate container (area of 1.2 m2, 1 m height) four 200 l barrels or about 1 m3 wastes can be placed as required. B) In the case of the interim storage facility established for disposal of low and medium level radioactive wastes at the site of Paks NPP the size of the storage capacity is given in 200 l barrels, since this type of packaging is the most popular in the practice of the plant. The whole capacity indicated in the table (12541 pcs of 200 l barrels) is an approximate value. Comparing to the previous years the above-mentioned storage capacity means a significant increase due to the following two reasons: - the pool between the frame positions VK 302/I 7a-8, which was held by the plant for storing large-size wastes, has been modified in order to receive 200 l barrels and resulting in additional 808 pcs of 200 l barrels. At the same time use of the problematic area of 5x8x11 m for placement of large size wastes remained open. - the building MOWA has been modified as well, thereby having an opportunity to place further 2000 pcs of 200 l barrels. The table provides no information about that part of the room VK 302/I, where 20 pcs of filter column storage containers (selective sorbent storage containers) can be placed (concrete circular storage container, ø 1300 mm, 1300 mm height, 7 patrons can be placed inside with Cs and TANIX-MIX wastes). C) Storage of follows: - low and medium level liquid wastes at the site of Paks NPP is commented as The given storage capacity (10020 m3) refers to the operating storage volume. The volume of emergency tanks is additional (580 + 400 + 580) 1560 m3. This tank capacity is a result of an extension performed in 2005 after the incident occurred in 2003. At the plant altogether 6891 m3 liquid wastes are stored in the form of evaporation residue (concentration), ion-exchanging resins, evaporator acidifying solution and sludge. In addition to the above-mentioned waste materials the liquid media stored in the tanks contain the volume of transport waters used for transportation of resins. Although the quantity of transport waters is several cubic meters, they should not be handled completely as wastes later, because only some cubic meters of wastes are generated from these waters during subsequent evaporation. D) Storage of high level radioactive wastes stored at the site of Paks NPP is commented as follows: - The indicated capacity refers to the co-called drilled wells established for disposal of high level radioactive wastes. - The waste quantity is indicated in gross volume (i.e. occupied storage volume). 7 - - High level radioactive wastes, which cannot be placed in the drilled wells due to their size, can be stored in lead collecting containers located in other rooms. No such wastes are stored at the moment. The filter patrons BALDUF, which had been classified as of high level before, were classified of medium level after storage taking into consideration of the radionuclides and they are stored in 200 l steel barrels without collecting containers. 30 pcs of fuel assemblies damaged during the incident occurred in 2003 have been removed from the shaft No. 1 on Unit 2 of Paks NPP by cutting the top and bottom of the damaged fuel assemblies. The cut pieces are placed in 8 high level waste tanks. The size of these tanks enables to place them in drilled wells. In accordance with previous measurements of Paks NPP these tanks contain no fissile materials, which is proved also by the measurements of the International Atomic Energy Agency (hereafter referred as: IAEA) performed in 2009. The results of these measurements proved the earlier plant measurements. Later these tanks could be placed in the drilled wells. Each high level waste tank is placed in a storage tube requiring altogether 1,6 m3 of the tank capacity of Paks NPP in accordance with the preliminary estimations. E) Concerning the quantity of spent fuel it should be noted that it does not contain the number of 30 pcs of irradiated fuel assemblies damaged during the incident in 2003. The pieces of these fuel assemblies containing also fissile materials are placed in 44 T29 and 28 T28 capsules (hereafter referred as: encapsulated fuel assemblies). T29 capsules contain the smaller and T28 ones the larger pieces. T28 capsules are stored in the places of containment shell of the spent fuel pool of Unit 2, while T29 ones are stored in the same places on operational racks. F) The final storage capacity of NRWR at Bátaapáti is being established, so the relevant table indicates only the waste quantity delivered to the surface facilities of NRWR as of 01.01.2010. Each parameter of the fuel elements used in reactors for not energetic purposes is different from the parameters of fuel elements used at Paks NPP. The parameters of fuel elements used, being used and planned to be used in the future in research and training reactors are listed in Table 2.2.2. It should be noted that VVR type fuel assemblies are used in two different ways: three of them is connected mechanically or each separately. For simplifying reason for all VVR fuel assemblies the estimated value of heavy metal mass for three connected type is converted to single type. At the site of KFKI AEKI spent fuel is stored in pools filled with water. Two such pools are available for the institute, the internal spent fuel pool established next to the reactor and the spent fuel pool established outside. The capacity of interim storage facilities at the site of KFKI AEKI, the volume of stored spent fuel and the value of heavy metals, utilization of the storage facilities are given in Table 2.2.3 on the basis of the occupied status as of 1 January 2010. The external storage pool is empty now (1 January 2010) and ready for further use, its storage capacity is not changing. The internal storage pool is suitable for placing 260 capsules or 260 x 3 VVR fuel elements. In accordance with the requirements of the regulatory body 76 positions or the places of 228 VVR fuel elements should be left empty ensuring emergency unloading of the core. So the usable storage capacity of the storage facility is 184 capsules. On 1 January 2010 325 VVR fuel 8 assemblies were stored in the internal pool, which means that the place of 109 capsules is occupied. Consequently, the utilization of the pool is about 59.1 %. The block including the training reactor of BME NTI contains 25 biologically shielded tubes for disposal of spent fuel elements. However these tubes have not been used for storing spent fuel elements yet. Spent fuel elements are not stored at the site of BME NTI. 2.3. Rate of generation of radioactive wastes and spent fuel, expected trend of the status of storage 2.3.1. Generation and storage of low and medium level radioactive wastes of nuclear power plant origin, expected trend of the storage capacity, estimation of new final storage capacity Solid and liquid low and medium level radioactive wastes are generated during the operation of the plant. These wastes are stored temporarily at the plant until they will be delivered to the site of the final storage facility (NRWR). Most of the solid wastes are placed in 200 l steel barrels in compacted form (non-compactable wastes in not compacted form). Liquid wastes are collected in tanks. Wastes can be placed finally only in solid form, so liquid wastes are solidified at the plant prior to their delivery to the final storage facility. Such wastes are generated also during decommissioning of the plant, which shall be placed finally in processed solid form together with operational wastes. Table provides an overview of low and medium level wastes generated during the operation and decommissioning of the plant. It should be noted that the values in the table are mostly different from the quantities presented in the previous medium and long-term plans. The reason of the significant differences in quantities is that the following is considered in the medium and long-term plan first time: - Extension of the operating time of the plant - Introduction of the liquid waste processing technology during processing of liquid wastes - New methods and calculations for decommissioning of the plant (see Section 6). The second column of the Table presents the quantity of wastes existing on 1 January 2010, separately the solid and liquid radioactive wastes. Inside them the part of solid compacted waste, which can be stored in 200 l steel tanks, not compacted and Co-60 removal post-filter waste forms are indicated separately, which are still stored at Paks and another part, which has already been transported to the site of NRWR at Bátaapáti. Large size wastes stored at the site of Paks NPP have not been placed in the room VK 302/1 yet, so the second column of the table does not include the accumulated quantity at the beginning of 2010. Similarly, there are no data indicated concerning the quantity of selective sorbent storage containers and decommissioning wastes, because such wastes have not been generated so far. The second column reflects the appropriate quantitative distribution of the appearing forms of liquid wastes (see Section 2.2. Point C). (The quantitative data of the second column are summarized also in Table 2.2.1). The third column of the Table shows the annual rate of generation of wastes from normal operation of the plant. It can be seen that annually 170 m3 compacted solid wastes (about 850 pcs of 200 l barrels) are generated. These data are given from the trend analysis of previous years of Paks NPP, and this value can be considered sufficiently conservative. Solid wastes include also the large size wastes. This type of wastes cannot be placed (or it is not reasonable to place) in 200 l barrels, their annual rate of generation cannot be determined on the merits. Among solid wastes cesium and other filter patrons are included, which are placed in circular storage tanks (selective sorbent storage tanks) later. Few amount of this type of wastes is generated, if the whole 9 operational lifetime is taken into consideration, so the annual amount of generation is not determined. Generation of 280 m3 liquid wastes should be considered annually, the most part of which is (250 m3/year) evaporation residue (concentration), and even evaporator acidifying solutions (15 m3/year), ion exchanging resins (5 m3/year without transporting water), sludge (10 m3/year) and decontamination solutions are also registered among liquid wastes. Decontamination solutions are generated with irregular intervals, so the annual amount of generation cannot be determined. The annual increment of decontamination solutions appeared in 2009 was due to the decontamination tasks in connection with the incident occurred in 2003. The fourth column of the Table summarizes the quantity of solid and liquid wastes assuming 50year operation of the plant. The remaining operational lifetime can be assumed as approximately 25 years calculated from the average values of each reactor unit. The remaining operational lifetime and defined rate of generation of each waste type help to estimate the total quantity of wastes to be generated until the end of the operational lifetime. However, the total quantity of wastes to be generated until the end of the operational lifetime cannot be derived mechanically from the above-mentioned. Beyond the above calculations technological characteristics should be taken into consideration per each type of wastes, which slightly influence the total quantity of wastes to be generated until the end of the operational lifetime. The total quantity of wastes to be generated until the end of the operational lifetime is further influenced by the incident occurred in 2003. Its effects are not indicated separately among the solid wastes, but the proportion of evaporation residue, which is connected to the incident, is indicated separately. Until the end of the 50-year operational lifetime of the plant 6326.6 m3 compacted and not compacted solid wastes, which can be placed in 200 l barrels, and 1229.6 m3 solid wastes from Co-60 removal post-filters, which can also be placed in 200 l barrels, will be generated. Generation of Co-60 removal post-filters is connected with introduction of the liquid waste processing technology and the quantity of 1229,6 m3 (which corresponds to 6148 pcs of 200 l barrels) comes from the pessimistic assumption that only one post-filter can be placed in one 200 l barrel. About 800 m3 large size wastes are indicated in this column (which is double than the previous assumptions due to the extension of the plant operational lifetime) and 42.5 m3 filter patrons (which is several times more than the quantity estimated before, mainly due to the introduction of the liquid waste processing technology). This column provides an overview of the liquid waste amounts generated during the whole operational lifetime as well. The most part of them means concentrate – evaporation residue (12248 m3). This type of wastes is divided into operational evaporation residues and other ones generated due to the incident occurred in 2003. Auxiliaries of all the other liquid wastes are indicated for the whole operational lifetime of the plant. Volume of resins is understood without transporting water. The value of 424.5 m3 indicated as the volume of resins takes into consideration the quantity of all resins to be unloaded during shutdown of the plant as well. The fifth column of the Table indicates the various treatment procedures used for different types of low and medium level radioactive wastes. The Table indicates that no further treatment procedures are planned by our company for solid wastes. Regarding the solid wastes – as indicated before – installation of the liquid waste processing technology at Paks NPP is scheduled firstly in this plan. Concerning the amount of wastes this 10 technology results in smaller volume of solid wastes. As indicated before, as a result of using the liquid waste processing technology other auxiliaries (placement of Co-60 post-filters and increment of the volume of selective sorbent storage containers) should be considered as well. Regarding treatment of liquid wastes, in the case of resins only the volume expanding cementing procedure can be applied, where the extent of volume expansion is 60 l / 200 l. The volume reducing liquid waste processing technology is used for operational wastes of evaporation residues. According to the preliminary estimations 553 m3 sludge of 10418 m3 operational evaporation residues should be cemented. Volume expansion of the relevant cementing procedure is taken into consideration with 182 l / 400 l. For sludge registered among liquid wastes only cementing procedure can be taken into consideration with volume expansion of 182 l / 400 l. The sixth column of the Table includes only the quantity of solid and solidified wastes. These amounts are mainly the initiating data for the design of a low and medium level storage facility. It is the first time when decommissioning wastes appear in this column. (The amount of wastes to be generated during decommissioning of the plant is included in the study given in Section 6.4.). This column includes net quantities of wastes. In accordance with the summary belonging to this column the total amount of operational and decommissioning wastes is 23193.7 m3. Although 20year operational lifetime extension of Paks NPP was taken into consideration, the amount of wastes indicated in the present plan is less than indicated and considered in the previous plans. Radical decrease of the amount of wastes is enabled by the liquid waste processing technology. The last two columns of the Table (columns 7-8) demonstrate in which wastes packages the low and medium level radioactive wastes generated altogether during operation and decommissioning of the plant are placed and which quantity of each waste package should be considered. From Table 2.2.1 it can be seen how the free storage capacity for placement of 200 l barrels has changed by 1 January 2010. As a result of the waste transportation performed last year to the site of NRWR at Bátaapáti (altogether 1600 pcs of 200 l barrels) the free storage capacity increased, of course. The schedule of waste transportation is described in Section 3.3.2. Expansion of the tank storage performed at Paks NPP before (see Section 2.2) enables collection and storage of liquid wastes until the start of their processing by volume reduction. The schedule of generation and transportation of wastes generated due to volume reduction processing and solidifying is summarized also by Section 3.3.2. The target date for introduction of the liquid waste processing technology is 2010, for cementing is 2013. Waste transportations are scheduled accordingly. 2.3.2. Generation and storage of high level radioactive wastes of nuclear power plant origin, expected trend of storage capacity, estimation of the required capacity of the final storage facility During the operation of Paks NPP, in accordance with the data supply of the plant, relatively small amount (net 5 m3/year) of high level radioactive wastes is generated annually, which is stored temporarily at the site of the plant in drilled wells established for this purpose. The occupied storage place is larger than the net volume of wastes. The estimated annual amount of generation seems sufficiently conservative. In accordance with Table 2.2.1 in 228 m3 storage capacity 92.4 m3 wastes were stored on 1 January 2010. Until the end of the operational lifetime (25 years remaining lifetime) further 146.6 m3 high level radioactive wastes can be generated (this amount contains high level radioactive wastes generated during the incident occurred on Unit 2). These wastes are collected in containers and poured with concrete for final disposal. 11 Regarding the fact that space filling of the wastes placed in the drilled wells is very poor, the volume of containerized wastes, which are prepared for storage, can be considered the same as wastes occupy in their present condition in drilled wells. The size of disposable wastes is limited by the geometry of drilled wells. Typical dimensions of a drilled well: diameter of 183 mm, height of 6880 mm. Large size wastes, which cannot be placed in drilled wells, can be collected in lead containers. At the moment wastes are not stored in this way. During later decommissioning of the plant further 303.7 m3 high level wastes will be generated. This amount of wastes is considered as net quantity in accordance with the literature referred in Section 6.4. Consequently, a storage facility of larger volume is necessary for disposal of high level radioactive wastes. The above amount of wastes is placed in 101 pcs containers of about 3 m3 internal (effective) volume. The external size of these containers, including also the surface elements, corresponds to a cube with edge length of 1.7 m. Consequently, the gross volume of high level radioactive wastes generated from decommissioning is 496.2 m3. The required capacity of a high level waste storage facility to be established in the future for receiving high level wastes of nuclear power plant origin is 92,4 + 146,6 + 496,2 =735,2 m3. Considering the rate of generation of high level radioactive wastes, in accordance with the technical design the final disposal shall be resolved only in the decommissioning phase. Although it is expected that the storage capacity will not be enough for high level radioactive wastes to be generated during the 50-year operational lifetime, the waste management conception of Paks NPP (Technical conception of management and interim storage of radioactive wastes 000000N00002PRK/C – 15.04.2009) contains those measures, which can ensure interim storage of this kind of wastes. The above-mentioned conception was approved by Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority (HAEA) with the decree No. HA 4942. 2.3.3. Generation and interim storage of spent nuclear fuel at the plant Spent nuclear fuel is temporarily stored for 50 years at ISFS established in the neighbourhood of the plant. The number of spent nuclear fuel assemblies generated during the normal operation of Paks NPP can be estimated well. According to our current information the number of spent nuclear fuel assemblies to be generated until the end of the planned 50-year operational lifetime of plant and remain in the country will be 17877 pcs. The total amount – excluding the possibility of transporting back to Russia – contains the following components: 1882 pcs in spent fuel pools (01. 01.2010) see Table 2.2.1 6067 pcs at ISFS (01. 01.2010) see Table 2.2.1 9928 pcs amount of spent fuel assemblies between 2010 and 2041, including total core unloading due to unit shutdowns. For disposal and interim storage of altogether 17877 pcs of fuel assemblies to be generated 37 modules are necessary to be built at ISFS, which requires also the associated licensing procedure. Based on the data supply of Paks NPP the total amount of spent fuel – regarding the source of purchasing – is Russian type. The average heavy metal mass of spent fuel assemblies is 116 kgU regarding the currently used fuel assemblies, while this value of the fuel assemblies of Gd-2n type to be introduced later (probably in 2010) is considered 122 kg. The estimated average heavy 12 metal mass of such spent fuel assemblies is modified to 118.62 kg in the case of 50-year operational lifetime. This value is derived from the assumption of generation of 10069 pcs of old type and 7808 pcs of Gd-2n type fuel elements. The amount of spent fuel to be generated until the end of the operational lifetime reaches the amount of 2120570 kgU (i.e. 2120.57 tU) heavy metal or uranium. 2.3.4. Rate of generation and disposal of low and medium level and long-life radioactive wastes of not nuclear power plant origin Besides operating nuclear power plants radioactive wastes are generated in research institutes, health, industrial, agricultural institutes and laboratories. The amount of low and medium level radioactive wastes of not nuclear power plant origin has decreased to 10-15 m3/year recently. This kind of wastes will be placed in RWTDF at Püspükszilágy. From Table 2.2.1 it can be seen that the free capacity of RWTDF is spent, excluding the storage capacity of about 100 m3, which was released due to the safety improvement activities performed and will be used soon. Until completion of the capacity release to be performed in the final storage space the central interim storage building established by modification of the processing building means a solution, where 228 pcs holding racks can be stored. In one holding rack 4 pcs of 200 l barrels or 1 pc of 1,1 m3 plate containers can be placed. Consequently, 912 pcs of 200 l barrels can be placed. (On 1 January 2010 513 pcs of 200 l barrels and 33 pcs of plate containers were stored in the interim storage facility. One part of this amount of wastes arrived from external suppliers, one part of which will be finally disposed in the released storage pools. Another part of them was generated as a result of safety improvement measures (pool discovery), but one part of them will be disposed in the storage pools after appropriate treatment and selection, and as a result of the selection the remaining part will be stored in the central building (see Section 3.1). Consequently, during the safety improvement measures the free capacity of the interim storage facility is changing continuously, and it is difficult to define what extent of the wastes stored will be returned to the pools of RWTDF for final disposal and what extent of the wastes should be placed in other storage facilities finally.) In Hungary performance of industrial, agricultural and medical activities is accompanied by generation of a very slight amount of long-life radioactive wastes annually, which cannot be disposed finally at the site of Püspökszilágy. These wastes are stored at the site of RWTDF at the moment or they are still placed at the place of their origin. Although it is impossible to give correct annual quantitative data concerning the generation of these types of materials at the moment, our company considers that the total amount of long-life radioactive wastes will not exceed 100 m3. This type of material should be disposed together with high level and long-life radioactive wastes of nuclear power plant origin, so the total quantity to be disposed should be increased by this 100 m3. The above-mentioned number should be updated after completion of the safety improvement measures (pool discovery) of RWTDF. 2.3.5. Generation and interim storage of spent fuel of not nuclear power plant origin The research reactor of KFKI AEKI called as the Research Reactor of Budapest (hereafter referred as: RRB) has been operated since 1959. After the reconstruction started in 1986 the reactor has been operated again since 1992. The operational permit issued in 1993 for unlimited time should be renewed in the frame of periodic safety reviews in every ten years. The first review was carried out in 2003. In accordance with the data supply of KFKI AEKI the planned operational lifetime of the reactor is 30 years from the reconstruction. Consequently, the reactor will be shut down in 2023. In 13 accordance with the data supply of KFKI AEKI the average number of fuel assemblies (VVR type), which is changed every year – depending on operational time passed – is 70 pcs. On 1 January 2010 KFKI AEKI did not have fresh high enriched (36 %) fuel elements, because the fuel elements, which had not been used, were returned back to Russia. Introduction of new 20 % enriched VVR-M2 fuel assemblies has been started. The reactor has 358 fresh VVR-M2 20 % enriched assemblies at the moment. Now a mixed core is operated, the conversion will be finished by 2012 as expected, when the last 36 % enriched fuel elements will be removed from the core. In accordance with the data supply of KFKI AEKI Table presents the amount of spent fuel generated in RRB, not delivered yet and to be generated in the future until the end of the operational lifetime. It can be seen from the comparison of Tables 2.2.3. and that as a result of the fuel return in 2008 the institute has sufficient storage capacity until the end of the planned operational lifetime, because the total storage capacity is 470 pcs instead of 936 pcs required until the end of the operational lifetime. In the training reactor of BME NTI 24 partially modified EK-10 fuel assemblies have been operated since 1971. The nominal loading heavy metal mass of these fuel assemblies was 30 kg, from which about 0.02 kg U-235 were used. Due to technological reasons it is imaginable that during the planned operation of the training reactor until 2027 the core will be partially or totally refuelled. So spent fuel assemblies including 59.96 kg heavy metal mass can be expected. These data are summarized in Table Until the end of the planned operational lifetime of the two institutional reactors the amount of 246.61 + 59.96 = 306.57 kg U spent fuel assemblies will be generated. The total storage requirement is 470 + 48 = 518 storage positions, if it is assumed that the fuel assemblies of BME are stored temporarily in the storage facility of KFKI AEKI. The storage capacity requirement can be further reduced by possible return of one part of the spent fuel elements to Russia. Since the total storage capacity gives an opportunity for disposal of 518 spent fuel elements as described above, the storage capacity can be considered sufficient until the end of the operational lifetime of the two facilities. 3. Final disposal of low and medium level radioactive wastes 3.1. Final disposal of low and medium level radioactive wastes at RWTDF 3.1.1. Background Radioactive wastes have appeared together with the domestic use of isotope technique. In the beginning they were stored at the site of the leading user Isotope Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Science. By 1960 the test burial site at Solymár was ready to collect radioactive wastes from all areas of the country. Siting of the first test radioactive waste storage facility was not established sufficiently and the technical solutions of the establishment had some insufficiency as well. The capacity of the test storage facility was spent soon, so after 10 years a new radioactive waste storage facility (RWTDF) had to be established. 14 The new facility was completed at Püspökszilágy on 22 December 1976 with capacity of 3540 m3. The storage facility was established technically with a design of pools and drilled wells near the surface. RWTDF accepted the first delivery in March 1977. The final operational permit of the facility was issued in 1980 by the Ministry of Health. In the absence of any opposite order RWTDF has accepted almost all radioactive wastes for disposal, which were generated during the use of nuclear technique, including long-life radioactive wastes as well. It was a real idea when Paks NPP was put into operation that all wastes generating during the operation and decommissioning phase of the plant would be reasonable to dispose finally at Püspökszilágy, because the only facility in the country appointed for disposal of low and medium level radioactive wastes was operated here. However the volume of nuclear power plant wastes exceeded significantly the capacity of RWTDF. Consequently, delivery of low level radioactive wastes of Paks NPP to Püspökszilágy was only a temporary solution. Between 1983 and 1989, and during the period of 1992 and 1996 almost 2500 m3 of the capacity of RWTDF was occupied by the plant. During the period between the deliveries the storage capacity of RWTDF increased. The increased total storage capacity of the facility is 5040 m3. Concerning RWTDF an additional significant milestone is that the operational and licensing tasks of the facility were taken over by the predecessor of RHK Kft. in 1998. The work was started by a comprehensive safety assessment of the waste storage facility. Having aware of the safety assessment updated in 2002 it can be stated that operation of RWTDF and safety of the environment are guaranteed adequately until the end of the period of institutional control. Based on the safety assessment those tasks were determined, which are necessary for long-term safety of the facility. The assessment was also based on the document titled as ‘Safety improvement program of RWTDF at Püspökszilágy – 2002-2005’ approved in 2002 by the minister managing the Fund. The work focused on obtaining of the final operational permit replacing the temporary one, preparation and start of the safety improvement measures, which contributed to availability of further waste disposal capacities as well. Based on the reconstruction work the competent authority issued the operational permit, which is valid until 28 February 2015. In the first phase of the safety improvement programme the operational building will be modified and licensed as a temporary storage facility, and the environment of the pool series III an IV will be reconstructed. After the first phase of the safety improvement programme in 2005 the document titled as ‘Safety improvement program of RWTDF at Püspükszilágy, Cycle II (2006-2010)’ was prepared, which was approved at the end of 2005 by the minister managing the Fund, including also the further reconstruction tasks of the site. The main task of the first phase of the programme (Cycle II Phase 1) was to unload four cells (A11, A12, A13, A14) for demonstration purposes, selection of the unloaded wastes, and also to establish the required infrastructure (press, hot chamber, selecting box, crane, external and internal tent, etc.) and to license the work. The demonstration phase processed in 2009 until preparation the study summarizing the experiences. The unloaded wastes are located in the central interim waste storage building (see Section 2.3.4.). As a result of the steps performed in the frame of the cell dismantling work Cycle II Phase I enabled significant – almost 20 % - release of the storage area. 3.1.2. Strategic objective Regarding that in accordance with the domestic regulation RWTDF at Püspökszilágy can be operated with operational permits for limited periods, continuous modernization of the facility since 1998 and extension of the operational permit from time to time are of high importance. 15 The practice of volume release of the storage pools has to be continued with consideration of legal, technical, economic and public acceptance aspects. In this way such free volume of the storage capacity should be established, which provides a long-term solution for acceptance of radioactive wastes of domestic isotope users at the site. Concerning RWTDF the objective is continuous operation. In the future RWTDF will serve exclusively for final disposal of low and medium level radioactive wastes of non nuclear power plant origin. RWTDF can solve only interim storage of long-life wastes. In the future storage of low and medium level wastes can be solved by releasing free storage capacities. Consequently, it is considered as a prioritized objective. 3.1.3. Tasks of the near future In the first quarter of 2010 the installation work of purchased equipment for re-packing of the unloaded wastes, their classification and processing of liquid wastes will be completed. The ventilation system of the technological building should be extended for purchasing and installation of the new equipment. In 2010 the further due work of the safety improvement programme should be prepared. As a first step the summarizing evaluation of the chamber exploration work performed for demonstration purpose will be prepared, including the analysis of the quantities characterising the storage capacity increase for safety improvement. A safety assessment will be developed in order to support the content element of the further work. This work is necessary in order to continue the safety improvement programme in the future, where the activity started in the demonstration phase will be completed, including also the waste recovery work and accompanying capacity releasing tasks. The licensing procedural steps of Cycle II phase 2 are due in 2010 and the contractor for implementation will be selected this year as well. Modernization of the laboratory building and security protection system will be started, including also designing and implementation of the reconstruction work of the property protection fences. The most part of the above-mentioned work will be started still in 2010, but their implementation will continue for several years. 3.1.4. Schedule of tasks 2011-2012 - - 2013-2015 - - 2016-2020 - Start of the implementation work (release of capacity) of Phase 2 of Cycle II of safety improvement (opening of further pools from the pool series I and II in accordance with the partial safety report). Processing of the content of further 6 pools in the pool series I, then replacement of the wastes. Reconstruction of the drainage channel joining to a creek. Reconstruction of the external fence. Start of reconstruction of the laboratory building and security guard system. Operation and maintenance of the facility. Continuing the implementation work (release of capacity) of Phase 2 of Cycle II of safety improvement. Completion of the work of the pool series I. Reconstruction of asphalted roads. Completion of the reconstruction work of the laboratory building and security guard system. Operation and maintenance of the facility. Completion of the implementation work (release of capacity) of Phase 2 of Cycle II of safety improvement. Processing of the 16 2021–2024 - 2025–2061 2061–2163 - 2064-2067 - 2067-től - content of the pool series II, then replacement of the wastes. Reconstruction of the environment of the pool series I-II. Terrain correction and parking. Operation and maintenance of the facility. Preparation and completion of the implementation work (release of capacity) of Phase III of the safety improvement. Processing of the content of the pool series III and IV, then replacement of the wastes, elimination of the storage facilities of type C. Installation and operation of test pool cover. Operation and maintenance of the facility. Operation and maintenance of the facility. Preparation and completion of Phase IV of safety improvement (preparation of drilled wells B and D for delivery). Preparation of the facility for closing down, establishment of final earth covering. Operation and maintenance of the facility. Conditioning of long-life radioactive wastes stored in the facility and transportation to the final storage facility of high level and long-life radioactive wastes, taking the facility out of service. Institutional supervision of the facility (active and long-term passive institutional control). 3.1.5. Source data and information for economic calculations The costs of the activities to be implemented in the frame of Cycle II of safety improvement (release of capacity) are determined by the document titled as ‘Cycle II of the safety improvement programme of RWTDF at Püspökszilágy (2006-2010)’. Comparing to the schedule of the above-mentioned safety improvement programme there is a significant (about 3-year) delay at the moment. The reason of the delay of the safety improvement activities is the delay in the licensing of the demonstration programme and re-arrangement of the financial sources required to their implementation. The cell dismantling activities were carried out in the frame of the demonstration programme, which means that several technical details of the programme could not be specified precisely (e.g. method of exploration of concreted cells, backfilling of the wastes reloaded into the chambers). The financial estimations of the above-mentioned safety improvement programme seemed to be too low due to the difference between the time schedule of the provided financial resources and as defined in advance. This programme resulted in delayed implementation and increase of costs as well. The safety improvement program will be updated still in 2010. The costs and schedule of Cycles III and IV are determined based on the experiences gained during Cycle II Phase I and technical estimations. Operational costs of RWTDF contain the costs of operating activities to be performed in the above programme. The operational costs of RWTDF are the part of the operational costs of RHK Kft. (see Section 7). Based on technical estimation the conditioning costs of long-term wastes stored in the facility are included in the costs of the storage facility at Püspökszilágy, between 2064 and 2067 divided into three years. The institutional supervision after closing of the storage facility includes active and passive supervision of the facility and conservation of facility related data. The relating costs are indicated in connection with the year of closing of the facility based on technical estimation. 17 Operation of the storage facility at Püspökszilágy highly depends on the project of high level and long-life radioactive waste storage facility, since the earliest date of closing of the facility is determined by the opening date of the facility, where long-life radioactive wastes stored temporarily at Püspökszilágy can be transferred to. By releasing the capacity of the storage facility at Püspökszilágy there is a real chance of such extension of the operational lifetime. 3.2. Disposal of low and medium level radioactive wastes of nuclear power plant origin at NRWR of Bátaapáti 3.2.1. Background Since it is impossible to extend the facility at Püspökszilágy with such an extent that would satisfy all needs of Paks NPP the Interdepartmental Target Project (later National Project) was started in 1993, the objective of which was to develop a solution for final disposal of low and medium level radioactive wastes of nuclear power plant origin. In the frame of this project preparation of the siting activity was started with consideration of the public opinion as well. In 1996 the closing document of the geological, technical safety and economic analyses proposed further investigations in the region of Üveghuta for disposal underground in granite, which started in 1997. A closing report of geological researches was prepared at the end of 2003. According to its main statements “the site of Bátaapáti (Üveghuta) meets all the requirements specified by the decree, so geologically it is suitable for disposal of low and medium level radioactive wastes”. This document was reviewed and approved by the South-Transdanubian Regional Office of the Hungarian Geological Service in a decree. The objective of the underground research plan prepared for the period 2004-2007 focused on appointment of the rock volume receiving the storage facility. The underground research work was started in February 2005 by deepening the slope shafts. In 2005 two additional important events happened. By initiation of the local government of Bátaapáti a referendum was held for expressing public opinion. Almost 90.7 % of the voters with high (75 %) participation rate agreed to build a low and medium level waste storage facility in Bátaapáti. According to Paragraph (2) of Article 7 of the Atomic Act the Hungarian Parliament issued its approval-in-principle on 21 November 2005 for starting the preparation work of establishment of a low and medium level waste storage facility on the site geologically classified suitable before. The proposal for investment accepted in May 2006 was complied on the basis of research, designing work performed and safety analysis results. This document and its version updated in June 2009 (Updated proposal for investment of National Radioactive Wastes Storage Facility) serve as a basis for the investment activities of the storage facility. Together with the underground and surface investment and construction work the following licences of high importance were issued: - The environmental protection permit of first instance was issued on 15 May 2007 by Central Transdanubian Inspectorate for Environment, Nature and Water, but the decision of first instance was appealed by Hungarian Energy Club as an agent appeared on public hearing, so the competent authority made its decision in the frame of a procedure of second instance. In this procedure the authority approved the decision of first instance, which inured on 18 October 2007. 18 - - On 14 May 2008 the Southern Transdanubian Regional Institute of Hungarian National Public Health and Medical Officer Service issued the establishment permit of NRWR. Accordingly, RHK Kft. submitted its application for the operational permit, and Southern Transdanubian Regional Institute of the National Public Health and Medical Officer Service issued the commissioning licence of the surface facilities of NRWR on 25 September 2008 for preparation of underground storage. Concerning the surface site facilities most part of the work was concentrated in 2007-2008, including the official taking-over of the surface facilities on 6 October 2008 and the first waste transportation to the technological building on 2 December 2008. Regarding the underground facilities the slope shafts together with the associated connecting and technological drifts were completed by the end of 2009. 75 % of the drifts of the so-called large loop around the region of storage chambers have been completed. The total length of the drifts made for underground space formation was 5101 metres at the end of 2009. The devices required to geological-hydrological monitoring were installed in the drifted sections and the required geological, geophysical, hydrological analyses and drift documentation were carried out for safety assessment. Together with the mining activities the underground researches continued and the relevant reports were developed. The system designs of the underground and associated surface facilities, the access and service buildings and two storage chambers were developed. Control and review of the working designs developed according to these designs are in process. RHK Kft. started preparation of the commissioning licensing procedure for the underground facilities of NRWR as well. The safety assessment prior to the commissioning is in process. This document refers to commissioning of the first two storage chambers. 3.2.2. Strategic objective All low and medium level radioactive wastes of nuclear power plant origin, including decommissioning wastes of the plant, will be finally disposed in a new facility, which meets all technical and safety aspects, at NRWR at Bátaapáti. A new facility should be established and operated on the area that is classified geologically acceptable. Design, sizing of the facility, schedule of its establishment and operation should be adjusted to the requirements of Paks NPP, considering on design level also the possibility of expansion. 3.2.3. Tasks of the near future In 2011-12 – for final disposal of low and medium level wastes of Paks NPP – after construction of surface facilities and transporting slope shafts the first two storage chambers of the underground storage space of NRWR to be established at Bátaapáti. Accordingly, two storage chambers, the service drifts of the first chamber field of the storage facility should be established until the end of 2011, the technological, radiation and safety systems, the underground service and transporting equipment and means required to the operation should be installed and commissioned. From 2012 radioactive waste barrels stored on the surface from 2009 should be packed in reinforced concrete containers at the site, and the containers should be transported to and disposed at the first completed storage chamber. 19 During the first period the barrels containing the so-called ‘historical’ wastes will be disposed in containers inside the underground storage facility (‘historical’ refers to incomplete knowledge of the history of wastes, it is why the waste containing barrels should be placed in containers and filled with concrete). For preparation of the storage continuous manufacturing of the reinforced concrete containers and their transportation to the site, movement of empty and filled containers to the Technological Building and outside, their transportation and disposal at the storage chamber should be arranged. Due to leaving the concrete plant planned before at the site, the manufacturing capacity should be ensured and special lifting and transporting machines should be purchased. Similarly, the reinforced concrete containers should be filled with space filling concrete by the required tools, which should be purchased. For the prescribed random control of the content of the waste barrels – instead of inspection without opening accompanied by unreasonable extra wastes – licensing and installation of non-destructive (e.g. radiographic) testing equipment is planned. For operation of the underground space the ventilation, drainage and water treatment systems, and radiation and safety systems of the drifts/chambers should be installed. The above tasks should be completed until the end of 2011 in order to perform continuous disposal of the waste barrels in 2012, which have been delivered to the site before. Accordingly, further waste barrels can be received. 3.2.4. Schedule of tasks The most important step of schedule of the tasks is the survey of the chamber requirements based on the delivery schedule of Paks NPP and decommissioning plans. These are the two main sources concerning low and medium level radioactive wastes of nuclear power plant origin. Boundary conditions of chamber requirement estimation For performance of estimations the data supply of Paks NPP was used as an initial basis, which is summarized in Table The data supply of Paks NPP is based on the idea that the liquid waste processing technology will be introduced in 2010. The white background column for each waste type indicates the planned schedule of the deliveries from Paks NPP. The boundary conditions taken into consideration for estimation of the chamber requirements: E.g.: Segregated waste disposal as follows The following 7 types of operational wastes are placed in a separate storage chamber: - Low and medium level solid wastes (200 l barrels) - Cs-selective filter column storage container (pcs) - Co-60 removal post-filter (pcs) (1 post-filter placed in 200 l barrel) - Evaporation residue sludge (400 l barrel) - Sedimentation tank sludge (400 l barrel) - Alpha contaminated evaporation residue (400 l barrel), decontamination solution (400 l barrel), evaporator acidifying solution (400 l barrel) - Ion exchanging resin (200 l barrel) P2: low and medium level decommissioning wastes In the case of decommissioning wastes the amounts of wastes included in Table should be considered, considering also the 20-year secured protection of the primary circuit. Accordingly, altogether 4 chambers are considered for disposal of decommissioning wastes. 20 P3: Arrangement of the waste types in the chambers (for both operational and decommissioning wastes) For wastes received in 200 l barrels the following were considered: - 9 barrels are placed in one reinforced concrete container, the space requirement of which was considered as 2.3 m*2.3 m*1.4 m. - So 4*4+3=19 containers can be placed into one chamber cross-section (see Figure 2). - Into one chamber (taking 100 m active chamber length into consideration) 100/2,3≈43 container section can be placed. - Accordingly, placement of altogether 43*19*9=7353 pcs 200 l barrels is considered. For wastes received in 400 l barrels the following were considered. - 4 barrels are placed in one reinforced concrete container, the space requirement of which was considered as 1.9 m*1.9 m*1.6 m. - So 5*3+3=18 containers can be placed into one chamber cross-section (Note: in one row the width requirement of 5 containers is 5*1,9 m=9,5 m, which is more by 30 cm than planned for 200 l barrels). - Into one chamber (taking 100 m active chamber length into consideration) 100/1,9≈52 container section can be placed. - Accordingly, placement of altogether 52*18*4=3744 pcs 400 l barrels is considered. Notes: - Due to the special shape and small number of containers including Cs filter patrons it is worth considering whether it is reasonable to apply disposal in chamber. However, it should be stated that in case of disposal in chamber, which is suitable for 20 containers, a fraction chamber is enough without accumulation of containers. (If we consider a height and diameter of 1350 mm, then 9200/1350≈6 containers can be placed in one section. Consequently, 20 containers can be placed in one layer, in one chamber with the length of 4*1.35 m=5.4 m.) - Now it is considered that all wastes in barrels are placed in reinforced concrete containers, which can be changed later. - Leaving the reinforced concrete container the volume of wastes to be disposed will reduce, so the referred case can be considered conservative. P4: The condition of chamber drifting Mining activities are authorized near a storage chamber being in use, if the newly constructed storage chamber is separated from the chamber being in use by an empty (puffer) chamber. Consequently, that condition should also be taken into consideration that concerning waste transportation and storage the building site should be separated with a radiation protection zone boundary. One year is considered for drifting of a chamber. 21 The above boundary conditions are supplemented by the condition that 17 storage chambers are possible to be established within the first chamber area. Trend of chamber requirements The chamber requirements, considering the above boundary conditions, are included in Table As indicated before, for each waste type the white background column indicates the transportation schedule of Paks NPP, the yellow background column means the accumulated amount, while the brown background one indicates the date of commissioning of the new chamber required to disposal of the new waste type. In the case of the chamber A3 of the above table the amount of wastes planned for disposal exceeds by some percents the real container volume to be considered. However, in the current phase of designing it is not reasonable to take any changes into consideration. Adjusting to the schedule the commissioning dates of the new chambers are collected in Table It should be outlined that the above described schedule basically differs from the ideas presented in the previous plans. It is because the operation of the liquid waste processing technology is considered in this plan, which significantly reduces the amount of wastes, so construction of the chambers can be delayed significantly in time. Figure 3 illustrates the method of complying with the boundary (chamber drifting) conditions P4. From the Figure the dates of due commissioning (red colour) and completion (blue colour) can be seen per each chamber. Within the boundaries of the opportunities we are trying to delay the date of implementation in order to optimize the costs, excluding the storage chambers 16 and 17. Principally their construction would have been delayed in time, but delaying of the mining activity by approximately 30 years may result in more disadvantages for only two chambers than the advantage from 30-year discounting of the construction costs. Considering all of these the long-term schedule of the tasks is the following: 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - Completion of the storage chambers 1-2. Establishment and purchasing of systems and equipment needed to service the storage chambers (establishment of the Western port, technological systems, civil engineering modification of the surface site, technological purchasing concerning the surface site, purchasing, licensing and installation of waste classifying non-destructive systems). Submission of the application for operational permit for the storage chambers 1-2. Operation and maintenance of the facility. Delivery of operational wastes and starting of the final disposal, monitoring. Starting to fill the storage chamber 1 (Sz1). Establishment of the storage chamber 3. Operation and maintenance of the facility. Delivery and the final disposal of operational wastes, monitoring. Establishment of the storage chamber 4. Starting to fill chamber 2 (Co). Starting of the safety assessment for supporting the operational permit of the storage chambers 3-4-5. Starting to compile the operational licensing document for the storage chambers 3-4-5. Development of the designs of the visitor’s centre and access route 22 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019-2022 - 2023 - 2024-2028 - 2029 - 2030 - (compiling the civil engineering licensing documentation). Operation and maintenance of the facility. Delivery and the final disposal of operational wastes, monitoring. Establishment of the storage chamber 5. Completion of the operational licensing documentation and submission of the application for operational permit for the storage chambers 3-45. Establishment of the visitor’s centre and access route. Starting to fill the chamber 3 (A1). Operation and maintenance of the facility. Delivery and the final disposal of operational wastes, monitoring. Establishment of the storage chamber 6. Starting to fill the chamber 4 (A2). Hand-over of the visitor’s centre. Operation and maintenance of the facility. Delivery and the final disposal of operational wastes, monitoring. Establishment of the storage chamber 7. Starting to fill the chamber 5 (A3) Starting of the safety assessment for supporting the operational permit of the storage chambers 6-7. Starting to compile the operational licensing document for the storage chambers 6-7. Operation and maintenance of the facility. Delivery and the final disposal of operational wastes, monitoring. Establishment of the storage chamber 8. Completion of the operational licensing documentation and submission of the application for operational permit for the storage chambers 6-7. Starting to fill the chamber 6 (Sz2) Operation and maintenance of the facility. Delivery and the final disposal of operational wastes, monitoring. Establishment of the storage chamber 9. Operation and maintenance of the facility. Delivery and the final disposal of operational wastes, monitoring. Operation and maintenance of the facility. Delivery and the final disposal of operational wastes, monitoring. Starting to fill the chamber 7 (Sz3). Operation and maintenance of the facility. Delivery and the final disposal of operational wastes, monitoring. Operation and maintenance of the facility. Delivery and the final disposal of operational wastes, monitoring. Starting of the safety assessment for supporting the operational permit of the storage chambers 8-9. Starting to compile the operational licensing document for the storage chambers 8-9. Operation and maintenance of the facility. Delivery and the final disposal of operational wastes, monitoring. Establishment of the storage chamber 10. Completion of the operational licensing documentation and submission of the application for operational permit for the storage chambers 8-9. Starting to fill the chamber 8 (Sz4). Operation and maintenance of the facility. Delivery and the final 23 2031 - 2032-2034 - 2035 - 2036 - 2037 - 2038 - 2039 - 2040 - 2041-2044 - 2044-2062 2063 - 2064 - disposal of operational wastes, monitoring. Establishment of the storage chamber 11. Starting to fill the chamber 9 (Cs). Operation and maintenance of the facility. Delivery and the final disposal of operational wastes, monitoring. Operation and maintenance of the facility. Delivery and the final disposal of operational wastes, monitoring. Starting of the safety assessment for supporting the operational permit of the storage chambers 10-11. Starting to compile the operational licensing document for the storage chambers 10-11. Operation and maintenance of the facility. Delivery and the final disposal of operational wastes, monitoring. Establishment of the storage chamber 12. Completion of the operational licensing documentation and submission of the application for operational permit for the storage chambers 1011. Starting to fill the chamber 10 (Sz5). Operation and maintenance of the facility. Delivery and the final disposal of operational wastes, monitoring. Establishment of the storage chamber 13. Operation and maintenance of the facility. Delivery and the final disposal of operational wastes, monitoring. Establishment of the storage chamber 14. Starting to fill the chamber 11 (BI). Starting of the safety assessment for supporting the operational permit of the storage chambers 12-13. Starting to compile the operational licensing document for the storage chambers 12-13. Operation and maintenance of the facility. Delivery and the final disposal of operational wastes, monitoring. Establishment of the storage chamber 15. Completion of the operational licensing documentation and submission of the application for operational permit for the storage chambers 1213. Starting to fill the chamber 12 (ÜI). Operation and maintenance of the facility. Delivery and the final disposal of operational wastes, monitoring. Establishment of the storage chamber 16. Starting to fill the chamber 13 (IGy). Operation and maintenance of the facility. Delivery and the final disposal of operational wastes, monitoring. Establishment of the storage chamber 17. Operation and maintenance of the facility. Delivery and the final disposal of operational wastes, monitoring. Conditioning, conservation, monitoring. Starting of the safety assessment for supporting the operational permit of the storage chambers 14-15-16-17. Starting to compile the operational licensing document for the storage chambers 14-15-16-17, monitoring. Completion of the operational licensing documentation and submission 24 2065-2080 - 2081-2084 2084-től - of the application for operational permit for the storage chambers 1415-16-17. Starting to fill the chamber 14 (L1). Operation and maintenance of the facility. Delivery and the final disposal of operational wastes, monitoring. Operation and maintenance of the facility. Delivery and the final disposal of operational wastes. Starting to fill the chamber 15 (L2) in 2068. Starting to fill the chamber 16 (L3) in 2072. Starting to fill the chamber 17 (L4) in 2076. Monitoring. Closing of the facility. Long-term supervision. 25 3.2.5. Source data and information for economic calculations Determination of the establishment costs of a facility suitable for low and medium level radioactive wastes is based on technical estimations and complies with the content of the document titled as ‘Updated investment proposal of the National Radioactive Wastes Repository (March 2009)’. The amount of wastes to be disposed has been calculated by RHK Kft. from low and medium level conditioned radioactive wastes generated during operation and decommissioning of the plant, considering also what described in Point 3.2.4. One part of the quantitative data is updated annually. These data reflect the factual figures of waste generation from the operation of Paks NPP and the results of the developments performed in waste management technology. In this field the current plan reflects basic changes, because it is the first time that extension of the operational lifetime of Paks NPP and introduction of the liquid waste processing technology are considered specifically. The quantitative data are decisively influenced by the amount of low and medium level wastes from decommissioning of the plant. In accordance with Point 3.2.4. a new approach and quantitative data are considered in this field. The data concerning decommissioning wastes are regularly reviewed as described in Section 6. The institutional supervision after closing of the storage facility includes active and passive supervision of the facility and conservation of the facility related data. The relevant costs are presented for the year of closing, based on technical estimation. 4. Interim storage of spent nuclear fuel Considering any version of the nuclear fuel cycle some-decade interim storage of spent fuel assemblies should be taken into consideration as an element of the cycle, which enables further management of the spent fuel assemblies, since the decay heat performance and radiation of spent fuel assemblies reduce by time sufficiently. 4.1. Background 4.1.1. Interim storage of spent fuel of power plants In Hungary spent nuclear fuel had been generated already before commissioning of Paks NPP, in the research reactor of KFKI AEKI since 1959 and in the training reactor of BME NTI since 1971 (see Point 2.3.5.). Commissioning of Paks NPP has resulted in both a quantitative and qualitative change, where burning-up of nuclear fuel assemblies in energetic reactors was started in 1982. When the Technical Design of Paks NPP was accepted, it was forecast that spent fuel assemblies stored in the spent fuel pool of the plant would be received by the Soviet Union freely after 3year storage and all finished products after processing would remain in the Soviet Union. After commissioning of the first unit of the plant the conditions of returning were modified by the Soviet Union several times. Meeting the changing requirements Paks NPP returned altogether 2331 fuel assemblies to the Soviet Union (later to Russia) between 1989-1998. 26 In the first years of returning due to the political changes occurred in Europe and the Soviet Union it came up that the practice of returning the fuel assemblies could not be continued longer, even by maintaining stricter and stricter conditions. A decision was made of preparing a real domestic alternative while keeping the possibility of returning spent fuel to the Soviet Union. The plant specialists chose the Modular Vault Dry Storage (MVDS) of GEC Alsthom for establishment of ISFS. In the beginning establishment of ISFS was financed by Paks NPP, then from the Central Nuclear Financial Fund. The designing, licensing and construction phase lasted from 1992 to the end of 1996. Having the appropriate licences ISFS was commissioned in 1997 and it was started to be filled. Then ISFS was operated continuously together with its extension and this activity is in process still at the moment. In 2008 the modules 12-16 were taken over, so the number of fuel assemblies to be placed in the facility increased to 7200. As a result of the incident of the plant in 2003, 30 fuel assemblies were destroyed, the residues were placed in the capsules of type T28 and T29 within the spent fuel pool on Unit 2 of Paks NPP. If they have to be managed in Hungary for long-term, there are 100 places established in the module 16 of ISFS, where the capsules T28 and T29 can be placed, if necessary (see Point 2.2 E). The conditions of disposal, including the licensing procedure, are provided by RHK Kft. as requested. The minister managing the Fund approved on 17 March 2008 the Investment Programme for further extension of ISFS, which was updated in October 2009. A decision was made that further extension of ISFS (construction of the Eastern wing) would be continued using MVDS technology. Based on the operational experiences gained during the foregoing operation of ISFS technological modifications were decided by RHK Kft. Preparation of the technological modifications (design and licensing) was completed in 2008. Support of the modifications (heat engineering, strength and radiation protection calculations) was performed by the English senior constructor. However, also domestic companies were involved in the designing tasks. The modifications will be introduced during construction of the Eastern wing of ISFS. The soil stabilization experiments completed in 2008 for preparation of the extension resulted in soil exchange to be performed on the Eastern side of the central building before construction of the next modules of ISFS in order to provide appropriate soil mechanical parameters. Several unforeseeable technical problems arose during performance of the soil exchange, which caused extra costs and delayed the progress. By the end of 2009 the work of soil exchange significantly progressed and was directly before completion. No agreement has been made about return of spent fuel to Russia yet, so the possibility of domestic interim storage is prepared by RHK Kft. in the medium and long-term plans. 4.1.2. Interim storage and management of spent fuel of not nuclear power plant origin As it was presented in Section 2.3.5, the issue of the management of spent fuel generated in the research reactor (RRB) of KFKI AEKI and training reactor of BME NTI needs further steps. In accordance with the data supply of KFKI AEKI the first part of the spent fuel elements was returned to Russia during 2008. Interim storage of spent fuel elements generated in the future 27 during the operational lifetime of RRB, including the possibility of the return to Russia, sufficient space has been released and is available. Later – expectedly in 2013-14 – return of spent fuel assemblies generated in Hungary and remained here after their return to Russia in 2008, and their final disposal should be prepared and implemented. Regarding BME NTI a technology should be elaborated for transporting spent fuel assemblies from the building. It seems reasonable to return the irradiated fuel assemblies taken out of the reactor to Russia together with the spent fuel elements of KFKI AEKI. A procedure should be designed and licensed for interim storage of irradiated fuel elements taken out of the core as a result of refuelling. The irradiated fuel elements of BME NTI can be handled together with the spent fuel elements of KFKI AEKI in the future. No decision or agreement has been made about collective storage. 4.2. Strategic objective Interim storage of spent fuel assemblies is inseparable part of the fuel cycle, regardless of which version of the back-end of the fuel cycle will be selected in the future. Interim storage of spent nuclear fuel should be provided by extension and continuous operation of the facility (ISFS). ISFS should be extended in order to fit the extended lifetime of Paks NPP, including also renewal of the licences of the facility. The new reference scenario – domestic direct disposal, short decommissioning (PRK VM 20 years) – described in Section 1 and illustrated in Figure 1 considers that placing of the spent fuel assemblies in containers (conditioning) before final disposal is implemented in the facility attached to the end of the Eastern wing of ISFS. The relevant facilities should be built and the required activities should be performed, including also provision for public support. 4.3. Tasks of the near future Between 2011-12 – adjusting to the operation of Paks NPP – extension of ISFS should be continued in order to ensure disposal of spent fuel elements, which are already suitable for storage in dry condition. Accordingly, Phase 1 of Cycle III of ISFS (construction and assembling work of the module including four storage chambers) should be completed and the module of the completed storage facility should be commissioned. Prior to Easter extension of ISFS the soil under the first part of the future storage chambers (2.5 modules) should be exchanged in full depth, in 10-meter thickness. It is required due to insufficient strength characteristics of the organic deposit between minus 7-10 meters under the ground level. The problem was known before, even at the time of siting of ISFS, but its solution was postponed by the period of the Eastern extension of ISFS. Starting from the phase 1 of Cycle III of ISFS increased storage capacity chambers were established, which enables to place 527 fuel assemblies in one chamber instead of the previous 450 ones. It is implemented by closer placement of the storage tubes leaving the overall dimensions of the storage chamber unchanged. Increasing the storage capacity is in accordance with the 20-year operational lifetime extension objectives of Paks NPP. However, it is expected to build further 4 chambers in ISFS in addition to the originally planned 33 ones in the future. Accordingly, soil exchange should be completed by 2010. Then the construction work of Phase 1 of Cycle III can be started, and the storage spaces and technological systems can be established. Due to the technical problems occurring during the soil exchange the above mentioned work will 28 be completed expectedly in the first quarter of 2012, since the construction work, and consequently mechanical and technological assembling activities can be started about a half year later as the originally planned date. Commissioning of the module after single commissioning of the systems will be implemented by delivery of spent fuel assemblies to ISFS in 2012. Then still in 2012 the preparatory work of the next module should be started. In medium term disposability of defected fuel elements generated during the normal operation of Paks NPP should be solved at ISFS. Consequently, in co-operation with the specialists of Paks NPP and engaged in the ongoing activities, performance of the following tasks is scheduled for the years 2011-2012: - it should be confirmed that defected irradiated fuel assemblies being present latently and/or recorded apparently can be disposed in ISFS and can be moved, manipulated there; - for the above proof the source elements to be assigned to each manipulation and storage at ISFS should be determined; - it should be investigated whether the annual number of leaking fuel assemblies for delivery should be limited and, if necessary, this annual number for delivery should be determined. In case on the basis of the results of the above described supporting studies there is no possibility to place the defected fuel assemblies at ISFS, then the leaking fuel assemblies can be placed temporarily in two-purpose containers, possibly with consideration of all intended but limited modifications of the ISFS technology. Accordingly, it should be proved that these solutions can be fitted to the reference scenario demonstrated in Figure 1. It should be noted that these latter solutions and relevant proof are not scheduled and budgeted in the current document. However, if it can be proved that defected fuel assemblies can be placed at ISFS without further capsulation, then favourable resolution of the problem is not accompanied by further costs, design and preparation of the opposite (unfavourable) scenario may become necessary from 2013. 4.4. Schedule of tasks 2011–2012 - 2013–2017 2018–2023 2024–2029 2030–2035 2036–2040 2041–2046 2041–2063 - 2059–2063 2064–2072 - 2073–2077 - Preparation of chamber modules 17-20. Technical support for planning of a solution for interim storage of failed operational fuel assemblies. Preparation of the conception plan for interim storage of encapsulated fuel assemblies and support of placement of the capsules in ISFS. Preparation of chamber modules 21–24. Preparation of chamber modules 25–28. Preparation of chamber modules 29–32. Preparation of chamber modules 33–37. Continuous operation. Lifetime extension of ISFS Secured protection together with the shutdown plant, supervision and maintenance, as necessary. Construction of an encapsulating facility at the eastern end of ISFS Unloading of the filled chamber modules, encapsulating of spent fuel and transportation to the storage facility of high level radioactive wastes. Decommissioning together with decommissioning of the plant. 29 4.5. Source data and information for performance of economic calculations The cost data concerning the extension of ISFS – assuming the use of MVDS technique – can be estimated mainly on the basis of the contracts concluded before. During the estimation the content of the investment programme of March 2008 for establishment of Phase 1 of Cycle III of ISFS should be considered. It was elaborated on the basis of the technological changes decided and licensed for the extension to the Eastern direction. The costs of extension include also the costs of licensing. ISFS is a facility that can be extended with modules. Extension of the required storage capacity meets the requirements of Paks NPP. At the moment, considering the extended operational lifetime of Paks NPP, the amount of spent fuel generated annually and the amount of fuel currently stored at the site, altogether 37 chambers is planned to be built. The first 16 chambers is suitable to receive 7200 spent fuel assemblies, in each additional module 527 fuel assemblies can be placed. Consequently, the facility consisting of 37 chambers will enable to receive 18267 spent fuel elements. One part of the planned operational and maintenance costs of ISFS is determined on the basis of the data supply of Paks NPP, which is updated annually. The costs of operational lifetime extension of ISFS have been determined with technical estimation. The remarkable relationships between interim storage of spent fuel and other waste management tasks are the following: - - Between 2064 and 2072 spent fuel will be delivered from the site of ISFS to the high level waste storage facility. The costs of capsulation and transportation are included in the document TS(R)6/25rev1, which is updating of the conception plan (see Section 5.1). Decommissioning of ISFS and delivery of wastes will be performed together with decommissioning of Paks NPP from 2073. The relevant costs together with the planned review of the source data are described in Section 6. 5. Final disposal of high level radioactive wastes and spent nuclear fuel In this section the activities concerning the final domestic disposal of high level radioactive wastes and spent nuclear fuel is summarized in accordance with the Version 3 described in the document titled as ‘Foundation of the new programme for national management and disposal of radioactive wastes and spent fuel’ (see Section 1). 5.1. Background In Hungary such type of wastes has been generated since the 60s. In the absence of opposite (prohibitive) provisions the institutional wastes were delivered to Püspökszilágy before, while the spent fuel elements of the research reactor are stored at the site of KFKI AEKI. 30 Commissioning of Paks NPP established a new situation, since operation and decommissioning of the plant contribute significantly to the amount of domestic high level radioactive wastes and spent fuel generated in the country. The background regarding the spent nuclear fuel of power plant and not power plant origin available in the country is described in Section 4. In Hungary the research programme concerning the final disposal of high level radioactive wastes was continued at the end of 1993 in the frame of the National Project starting with the investigation of Boda Albitic Claystone Formation (BACF), then after its completion in March 1995 in the frame of an independent research programme. It focused (between 1996 and 1998) on the investigations performed in the underground laboratory established in BACF. As a result of the governmental decision for closing the uranium mine the underground laboratory, which can be approached from the mine, was closed at the end of 1998. In accordance with the relevant closing report no conditions arose, which would be against final disposal at BACF. In the current situation RHK Kft. reviewed the activities of establishing the high level storage facility and implemented a country-site geological screening research. Based on the analysis data Boda Albitic Claystone Formation seemed to remain the most promising receiving rock of the high level waste storage facility. Accordingly, RHK Kft. prepared a research programme for siting of a site in Western-Mecsek, which is suitable for high level and long-life radioactive wastes of Hungary and a new underground research laboratory. The programme was accepted in 2003 by the minister managing the Fund and work has been started accordingly. The conception plan (TS(R)/6/25) was completed in 2004 for disposal of spent fuel assemblies of nuclear power plant origin and other fuel assemblies, and of high level radioactive wastes. Since 2005 the amount of work completed has decreased proportionally by decreasing of the financial resources. In 2006-2009 the available financial resources enabled to perform environmental monitoring, to operate the current infrastructure and information technology system, and to prepare some studies. The document titled as ‘Content, financial and scheduling concept updating the long-term programme of BACF research’ (RHK-N-016/08 December 2008) was completed in 2008. At the request of RHK Kft. this document was reviewed by the Swiss NAGRA in 2009. The statements of the conception were incorporated in the document titled as ‘Foundation of the new programme for national management and disposal of radioactive wastes and spent fuel’ in 2009. Simultaneously, further review of the statements has been scheduled in this document in a well established way. It is expected from this review that considering the results of the safety assessment for siting a more realistic research programme will be developed and its costs may decrease. 5.2. Strategic objective From the beginning it is considered that every problem of the disposal of high level radioactive wastes should be resolved in Hungary, not regarding what happens with spent nuclear fuel, which can be classified professionally into the same category, i.e. what kind of strategy will be chosen by the country for the back-end of the fuel cycle. 31 For disposal of high level radioactive wastes a storage facility should be established in stabile deep geological formation within the country. In accordance with a uniform international position such a storage facility can be used for direct disposal of spent fuel and also suitable for receiving reprocessing wastes of spent fuel. The reference scenario for the back-end of the fuel cycle is direct disposal of wastes in Hungary. A technical solution can be called as a reference scenario, if the given solution is selected from several possible alternatives, the procedure is feasible and its costs can be realistically estimated, the short term activities for introduction of the procedure do not lead to an irreversible condition. Due to the above-mentioned it is reasonable to base the economic calculations on the selected alternative. It is supported by the internationally accepted analyses, which – analysing the costs of direct disposal of spent fuel and reprocessing – consider direct disposal still more economic. However, it is obvious that the activity for choosing the strategy for the back-end of the fuel cycle cannot be neglected, the achievements in the field of the strategy for the back-end of the fuel cycle should be continuously followed. Continuous monitoring of the reference scenario can lead to its possible basic revision, based on the international practice of back-end activities of the fuel cycle, which is important for Hungary as well. 5.3. Tasks of near future The research programme started in 2003 will be finished in 2010 by preparing a closing report. In 2010 only the monitoring activities will be implemented. The study titled as ‘Development of methodological recommendations and a working plan of a siting and underground research programme for disposal of high level wastes and spent fuel’ will be finished in 2010, which contains recommendations for the work to be performed during the period from 2011 until opening of the underground storage facility. The objective of the study is to have the activities (researches) of establishing a high level waste storage facility driven by the results of safety assessments in accordance with the international practice. The conception of further researches should be developed considering the achievements in connection with the operational lifetime extension of Paks NPP and back-end of the fuel cycle, including also the management of spent fuel elements. Between 2011 and 2013 preparation and planning of the site and laboratory activities for siting of the new underground laboratory will be performed as follows: - preparation of law modification proposals required to clarification of the relevant legal environment and initiation of law modification proposals; - preparation of regulations and guidelines required to work performance (considering the relevant international recommendations); - collection of geographical scientific parameters, the ‘inventory’ of information, which are necessary for establishment, supporting long-term safety, construction, operation and closing of the facility; - collection and validation of archive information, entering them into the Safety Evaluation Supporting Database and Safety Evaluation Supporting Knowledge Base; - development of the first version of 3D models based on the existing collected information; - development of the safety evaluation and safety report for further information acquisition; 32 - compilation of the system of criteria required to siting of the underground laboratory; adopting the experiences of international projects, as possible; development of a research plan and tendering of the implementation based on the recommendations of the safety evaluation; preparation of RHK Kft. (optimizing of the organisational structure and the staff) for performance of the task; compilation of the catalogue of the required research methods and development strategy of the models that describe the site; obtaining the research permit, preparation and submission of the technicaloperational design of the research to the authorized mining office (in accordance with Article 6/c of the Governmental decree for enforcement of the Act No. XLVIII of 1993 on mining). 5.4. Schedule of tasks 2011 - - - - 2012-2013 - - - Initiating the ‘required’ law modifications. Development, compilation and updating of regulations and guidelines No. I. Compilation of the ‘list’ of earth science parameters and information required to establish, build, operate and close the storage facility and to support its long-term safety. Collection, validation of archive information, to input to the Safety Evaluation Supporting Database and to establish the Safety Evaluation Supporting Knowledge Base No. I. Development of a study about the organisational structure of peer organisations managing advanced waste disposal programmes and professional composition of their employees. Review of the monitoring system and reasonableness of the monitoring elements. Performance of the effective technical-operating plan. Continuous monitoring. Development, compilation and updating of regulations and guidelines No. II. Collection, validation of archive information, to input to the Safety Evaluation Supporting Database and to establish the Safety Evaluation Supporting Knowledge Base No. II. Performance of expert tasks, ‘selection’, invitation and ‘employment’ of the specialists to be employed for the review. Preparation of the first version of 3D models on the basis of the existing collected information. Implementation of safety assessment for supporting acquisition of further information and preparation of the safety report demonstrating the results. Preparation of the safety report and demonstration of any lack of information. Compilation of the system of criteria required to selection of the underground laboratory site. Surveying if the results of which analyses performed abroad for establishment of waste storage facilities can be adopted for the programme. 33 - - 2014-2029 - - 2030-2037 2038-2054 - - 2055-2063 - Compilation of the research plan based on the recommendations of the safety report. Compilation of the catalogue of the research methods to be used and development strategy of the site describing models. Obtaining a new research licence, preparation of the technicaloperating plan of the research and its submission to the competent mining authority. Implementation of the effective technical-operating plan and preparation of a closing report. Possible extension of the research licence, if necessary. Review of the conception plan of high level wastes. Review of the content, financial and schedule conception for the long-term programme of BACF research. Continuous monitoring. Implementation of field research, including preparation of the required closing reports. Performance of safety assessment for supporting the underground laboratory research programme, which closes the field researches and preparation of a safety report for its demonstration. Validation of the safety report by using international peer-review. Review of the content, financial and schedule conception for the long-term programme of BACF research. Preparation of the working design of the underground laboratory. Tendering of construction of the underground laboratory. Continuous monitoring. Construction of the underground laboratory. Planning of the research programme of the underground laboratory. Authority licensing of the research programme. Tendering of implementation of the research programme. Preparation of the realization plan of the underground laboratory I. Continuous monitoring Operation of the underground laboratory. Implementation of the research programme of the underground laboratory. Performance of safety assessment for supporting the underground laboratory research programme, which closes the field researches and preparation of a safety report for its demonstration Validation of the safety report by using international peer-review. Review of the content, financial and schedule conception for the long-term programme of BACF research. Implementation of the safety assessment for supporting the application for establishing permit of the underground storage facility, preparation of the safety report. Obtaining the establishing permit. Preparation of the realization plans of the underground laboratory II. Continuous monitoring Construction of the underground storage facility. Implementation Implementation of the safety assessment for supporting the application for establishing permit of the underground storage facility, preparation of the safety report; 34 2064-2079 - 2080-2083 2084-2133 - Obtaining the permit of operation Preparation of the realization plans of the storage facility I. Continuous monitoring Transportation of the spent fuel stored at ISFS to the storage facility. Transportation of demolishing wastes of the plant to the storage facility. Transportation of long-life radioactive wastes stored at Püspökszilágy to the storage facility. Preparation of safety assessments. Preparation of the realization plans of the storage facility. Continuous monitoring Closing of the storage facility. Preparation of safety assessment International peer-review Obtaining the required authority licences for closing. Updating of the realization plans of the storage facility. Continuous monitoring Preparation of safety assessments. Continuous monitoring Decision to be made about continuing or finishing the institutional control. 5.5. Source data and information for performance of economic calculations 5.5.1. Costs of disposal of spent nuclear fuel and high level wastes The cost of disposal of spent nuclear fuel assemblies and high level wastes can be calculated on the basis of the document titled as ‘Content, financial and scheduling concept updating the longterm programme of BACF research’ (RHK-N-016/08 December 2008). On the request of RHK Kft. this document, as indicated before, was reviewed by the Swiss NAGRA. The statements of this document will be further reviewed in the near future, as indicated in Points 5.1. and 5.2. The costs of spent fuel of not nuclear power plant origin can be obtained from the conception plan TS(R)/6/25 completed in 2004 (see Point 5.1.). These costs are illustrated in Table 8.4.1 on the price of 2011. The input data relating to domestic final disposal cost calculations, which should be reviewed regularly, are summarized in Section 2.3. based on the data supply of Paks NPP, BME NTI and KFKI AEKI. The cost estimation does not cover the activities in connection with conditioning of high level wastes stored temporarily in RWTDF at Püspökszilágy. These costs are recorded among the costs of the storage facility at Püspökszilágy (see Section 3.1.5.). The cost estimation presented in Table 8.2.1. does not cover the costs of returning to Russia of spent nuclear fuel of not nuclear power plant origin. 5.5.2. Relationships 35 The plans for final disposal of high level radioactive wastes and spent fuel are in close relationship to the following, as illustrated in Figure 1: - to the date of decommissioning of the plant, which determines timing of operation and closing of the high level radioactive waste storage facility, - to the operational lifetime and unloading of ISFS, which is in relationship with the commissioning date of the storage facility, - to timing of the operation of RWTDF, since long-life wastes unloaded from RWTDF is planned to be disposed in the high level storage facility. 6. Decommissioning of Paks NPP and other nuclear facilities 6.1. Background The first unit of Paks NPP was connected to the national grid in 1982, the fourth unit was commissioned in 1987. The originally planned operational lifetime of the plant is 30 years. In this plan 50-year operational lifetime of the plant is considered. Consequently, the fourth unit will be shut down expectedly in 2037. The first study for decommissioning of the plant was prepared by DECOM Slovakia Ltd. in 1993. In this study the subject was only the first twin units (Units 1-2). The new version developed in 1997 covered already all the four units and decommissioning of ISFS. It was significant progress when in 2003 DECOM Slovakia Ltd. and TS-ENERCON Kft. prepared the first version of the Preliminary Decommissioning Plan of Paks NPP and ISFS. The Preliminary Decommissioning Plan of Paks NPP investigated the same decommissioning alternatives than the study in 1997, but this plan is deep enough as a plan and widely considered the relevant recommendations of IAEA. The study in 1997 and the Preliminary Decommissioning Plan of Paks NPP in 2003 investigated altogether five different decommissioning alternatives. The alternative of ‘closing under supervision for 70 years’ has been the most favourable one from all aspects and has become the basis of the cost estimation of RHK Kft. (reference scenario). It means that after delivery of spent fuel elements to ISFS the secondary parts of the plant will be dismantled, while the parts containing radioactive materials and components remain in closed and continuously protected and controlled condition for 70 years. First review of the Preliminary Decommissioning Plan of Paks NPP started in December 2006. Before starting the review a decision was made that only those buildings of the facility will be decommissioned and dismantled, which contain any parts contaminated with radioactive materials or activated by neutron radiation, and the buildings of the water intake plant due to landscape reasons. The other inactive buildings of the site will be handled in accordance with the owner’s decision. Adjusting to the international tendencies a decision was made about consideration of various options for the period of secured protection. The new Preliminary Decommissioning Plan, which was completed in December 2008, contains the following versions (altogether six versions): - Immediate decommissioning of the plant. - Secured protection of the reactors (including three independent options: secured protection for 50, 70, 100 years). - Secured protection of the primary circuit for 50 years. - Secured protection of the primary circuit for 20 years. 36 Complex evaluation of the above new decommissioning options was performed during development of the document titled as ‘Foundation of the new programme for national management and disposal of radioactive wastes and spent fuel’. Accordingly, the version of ‘secured protection of the primary circuit for 20 years’ of the above mentioned six versions has been selected and this version serves as the basis of the current plan. The Preliminary Decommissioning Plan of ISFS, which fits the Preliminary Decommissioning Plan of Paks NPP, was completed in December 2010, so its effects will be incorporated in the medium and long-term plans in the future. The research reactor of BME was commissioned in 1971 in order to satisfy the training requirements of the domestic nuclear specialist training. Now the reactor is operated at nominal power of 100 kW and has valid operational permit until 2017. The good technical condition of the reactor makes possible to obtain further operational permit even to 2027. Its necessity is definitely supported by the planned operational lifetime extension of Paks NPP and training of the further plant staff. Accordingly, decommissioning of the facility is planned after 2027. The actual date for elaboration of the Decommissioning Plan will be at the end of 2011 as included in last issued operational permit. The research reactor of KFKI AEKI was constructed in 1959. The core was modified in 1967 by introduction of new fuel elements. Between 1986 and 1992 the facility was reconstructed, a new vessel was installed and the heat power was increased to 10 MW. The facility serves for research and isotope manufacturing tasks, for which 2.2x1014 n/cm2s neutron flux is available. Periodic safety review of the research reactor was implemented in 2003. Accordingly, the Nuclear Safety Directorate of HAEA issued the operational permit until withdrawing. The next periodic safety review will be in 2013. Regarding that the planned operational lifetime of the reactor is 30 years, the operation is planned until 2023. The study concerning decommissioning of the reactor was prepared by AEA Technology and INITEC in the frame of PHARE Project in 1997. Another decommissioning plan was developed by Belgoprocess in 1998 in co-operation with SCK CEN and STUDSVIK RADWASTE. The reactor decommissioning costs listed in Table 8.4.1. based on the financial review of the above-mentioned studies. 37 6.2. Strategic objective During preparation for decommissioning of Paks NPP closing times with shorter and shorter supervision should be taken into consideration. In order to incorporate the worldwide technical achievements and increasing experiences into the preparation phase the preliminary decommissioning plan should be periodically (5-year cycle) reviewed. 6.3. Tasks of near future The current international practice indicates that the nuclear facilities, which were designed during the 60s or before, and where no advanced computer design tools were used during designing, correct and controllable demonstration of the so-called design input data and creation of the socalled design database mean a huge problem. Collection of data and creation of a database is extremely time- and cost-consuming. Features of the design database are the following: - the database should be room oriented, since the decommissioning activities will be performed per each room and not per components; the database should be the most advanced, state-of-art computer database; considering the current international tendencies it can be stated clearly, that so large amount of data can be managed only by an ORACLE database. The steps of developing the database are the following: - to determine the structure of the database and the data required to later calculations; to prepare the so-called data sheets required to fill up the database, which serve for control of data before enter and record of data in the database; to purchase the required hardware elements and software; to start collection of the data; to enter the collected and checked data into the database; to print the lists of components located in each room; to control during walkdowns whether anything is missing from the list. The structure of the decommissioning database of Paks NPP and ORACLE database were completed by RHK Kft. in 2004. On the request of the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority (HAEA) it was reviewed by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in 2005 in the frame of the regional programme RER/3/003 9002/01 by involving German (from Greifswald) and Slovakian experts. Collection of the first part of data was started in 2006 and finished in 2009. One of the most important tasks of the near future is collection of the second, much narrower part of data, which will be started expectedly in 2010. Among the tasks of the near future performance of the radiation protection survey required to the design of decommissioning of Paks NPP should be mentioned. During the latest review of the 38 Preliminary Decommissioning Plan of Paks NPP the radiation protection data, which were estimated ones in some cases, and suggested by DECOM Slovakia Ltd., then accepted by the specialists of Paks NPP on the basis of operational experiences were used. In order to specify the decommissioning costs the radiation protection surveys for design purposes should be performed. For the radiation protection surveys firstly a feasibility study should be elaborated, in which the scope of technological systems and building parts should be determined, the surface contamination of which should be measured. In addition, the method of sampling, used tools, schedule of sampling and estimated costs should be determined. The radiation protection survey does not cover the activated reactor structural elements and building structures, since sampling is possible in these cases only after shutdown of the units. The results of the radiation protection survey should be entered into the design database. Until the next review of the Preliminary Decommissioning Plan, due in 2013, the software required to determination of the amount of decommissioning wastes. During the latest review of the Preliminary Decommissioning Plan of Paks NPP the decommissioning costs were calculated by DECOM Slovakia Ltd. on the request of RHK Kft. in an Excel table for better transparency. Since the amount of generated wastes can be determined only by iteration method due to any possible several decontaminations or subsequent use of several decontamination technologies, the so-called pre-processing of the data was performed by the software OMEGA of DECOM Slovakia Ltd., then these data were adapted into EXCEL file. This software should be completed until updating of the Preliminary Decommissioning Plan. 6.4. Schedule of tasks 2011 - 2012 - 20132040 - 2041-2043 - 2044–2064 - 2065–2080 - Performance of radiation protection survey required to planning of decommissioning of Paks NPP Development of the software for determining the volume of radioactive wastes Regular review of the Preliminary Decommissioning Plans of Paks NPP and ISFS, the development of the Final Decommissioning Plans and their licensing. Gradual shutdown of the units. Deliver of spent fuel assemblies to ISFS. Preparation of the active parts of the plant for secured protection. Secured protection of Paks NPP, supervision and maintenance of ISFS. Decommissioning of inactive parts of Paks NPP. Decommissioning of the active parts of the plant. Delivery of spent fuel assemblies from ISFS. Decommissioning of ISFS. 39 6.5. Source data and information for performance of the economic calculations The cost data relating to decommissioning of Paks NPP are from the document elaborated in 2008 and titled as ‘Preliminary Decommissioning Plan of Paks NPP’ with identification number TS(R) 16/80 and the document elaborated in 2002 titled as ‘Preliminary Decommissioning Plan of ISFS’ with identification number STD/PAKS/VD/07-02. Replacing the latter document a new preliminary decommissioning plan will be developed for ISFS until the end of 2010. Note: the preliminary decommissioning plan with identification number TS(R) 16/80 elaborated in 2008 contains internal non-conformities. Consequently, in the section of2008 of the details of the costs of activities financed from CNFF the decommissioning costs of several years are indicated. This problem will solved during next review of the preliminary decommissioning plan. The outstanding value of 2080 on Figure 4 has been smoothed in order to prevent distortion of the real nature of the payments. The Preliminary Decommissioning Plans should be regularly updated in every 5 years until completion of the final version. Decommissioning of the plant, like the latest due momentum of tasks specified by the Act, is in remarkable relationship with the following waste management tasks: - - A significant amount of various level wastes is generated from decommissioning of the plant, so it should be taken into consideration while designing the capacity of different storage facilities. The times of closing of the storage facilities should be adjusted to decommissioning as well. Decommissioning of ISFS should be performed during and as a part of decommissioning of the plant. Supervision of ISFS, unloading and delivery of spent fuel assemblies from ISFS should be adjusted to decommissioning of the plant. 7. Other tasks 7.1. Introduction The plans relating to the main professional tasks specified by the Atomic Act and executive rules are described in the previous sections. In this section those activities are included, which are essential to perform the main tasks and included financially in the long-term plans as well, such as the operation of RHK Kft., financing of the Fund Manager, authority supervision fee and support of the public. 7.2. Operation of RHK Kft. RHK Kft. was established on 2 June 1998. Operation and financing of the company should be considered until completion of the last task included in the long-term plan, until 2083. Annual operational cost of the company is 4351.6 million HUF on the price level of July 2011. This cost includes the operational expenditures of the company, the operational costs of RWTDF at Püspökszilágy, including performance of the safety improvement (capacity release) tasks, the operation of ISFS, authority supervision fee, the operational costs of the waste repository (NRWR) at Bátaapáti, including also the delivery costs. It should be noted that the authority supervision fee will be updated in the near future. 40 7.3. The cost of Fund Manager In accordance with the paragraph (3) of Article 3 of the decree No. 14/2005. (VII. 25.) of the Ministry of Justice on the operation and procedure of CNFF the tasks performed by HAEA, and employment of specialists and group of specialists should be financed from CNFF. Accordingly, in 2011 the Fund Manager used 181.3 million HUF for operation. This type of operational costs should be considered until completion of the last task to be finance from the Fund, until 2083. The operational costs of the Fund should be reviewed annually. 7.4. The system of public support Paragraph (4) of Article 10 of the Atomic Act provides a possibility for supporting associations of municipalities. Article 67 of the Atomic Act gives authorization for the Government to control the amount of this support in a decree, the control of using this support and order of accounting. Before issuing the above mentioned governmental decree the associations of municipalities are supported in accordance with the present practice, its amount on medium term, on the price level of 2011 is 1026.7 million HUF. However, in long-term, considering the content of the document titled as ‘Foundation of the new programme for national management and disposal of radioactive wastes and spent fuel (January 2010)’, the amount of public support has been increased or reduced at the time of events significantly influencing public acceptance, in accordance with the nature of an event. Such events are establishment of a facility for management or disposal of wastes or spent fuel, or its significant extension, lifetime extension or shutdown. 8. Calculation of payments into CNFF in 2011 8.1. Method of calculations Calculations are performed in accordance with the calculation algorithm described in the document titled as ‘The rules of long-term planning of activities to be financed from the Central Nuclear Financial Fund and relevant cost estimation’. 8.2. Important changes in comparison to the calculations of the ninth medium and longterm plan It is the first medium and long-term plan that considers the operational lifetime extension of the plant by 20 years as described in the document titled as ‘Foundation of the new programme for national management and disposal of radioactive wastes and spent fuel (January 2010)’ (see Point 1). Additionally, such type of decommissioning of Paks NPP is considered, where 20-year secured protection ‘PRK VM 20 years’ is assumed. It is assumed that for treatment of low and medium-level liquid radioactive wastes the liquid waste processing technology will be introduced. The significant feature of the new reference scenario is that the duration of waste processing activities will significantly shorten, but extension of the operational lifetime of the plant is assumed. From 2011 significant changes will commence regarding the operation of RHK Kft. The aim of these changes is so that RHK Kft. gradually takes over more and more tasks on medium term, which have been contracted so far. The staff of the company is planned to increase by 33 people between 2011 and 2013. 41 Based on the report of the Hungarian National Bank from February 2010 the expected inflation rate during the period of June 2010 and June 2011 is 2.9 %. The calculations are included in Table 8.2.1. The costs of activities financed from CNFF are listed in Table 8.2.2, distribution of cash outflow is illustrated by Figure 4. 8.3. The amount of payments into CNFF According to the calculations Paks NPP shall pay 23,127.5 million HUF to CNFF in 2011. Since that year the amount of annual payments will be 18,633.6 million HUF. Table 8.3.1 contains the professional proposal for the payments into and out of CNFF in 2011. 8.4. Expected expenditures of budgetary institutions and their schedule Table 8.4.1. summarizes the costs of budgetary institutions concerning spent fuel management and decommissioning, and the expected dates of their emergence. As it was described in Section 1, these costs will be financed from the budget in the year of their emergence. The costs will appear here on the price of 2011. Concerning the table it should be noted that the illustrated costs reflect real needs, if no further deliveries back to Russia will occur. 42 Tables, Figures 43 Table 2.1.1. – Classification of radioactive wastes Class of radioactive wastes Activity concentration AK (Bq/g) 1 MEAK – 103 MEAK Low level 103 MEAK – 106 MEAK >106 MEAK Medium level High level Remarks Where MEAK means: exemption activity concentration 45 Table 2.1.2. – Classification of radioactive wastes in the case of several radioisotopes Radioactive waste class Activity concentration proportion AK MEAKi Low level i 10 3 Medium level i i AK i 10 6 MEAK i 10 6 High level 10 3 i AK i MEAK i where AKi is the activity concentration of the radioisotope i existing in radioactive wastes, while MEAKi is the exemption activity concentration of the radioisotope i 46 Table 2.2.1. – Overview of institutes, facilities, storage capacities and material quantities (1 January 2010) LOW AND MEDIUM LEVEL WASTES Site PÜSPÖKSZILÁGY, KISNÉMEDI PAKS BÁTAAPÁTI Institute, facility Storage capacity Stored quantity HIGH LEVEL WASTES Storage capacity Occupied storage capacity SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL Storage capacity Stored quantity Gross m3 pcs 200 l barrel Gross m3 pcs 200 l barrel m3 m3 pcs tU* pcs tU* RWDTF (solid wastes) 5040 --- 5040 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Site of Paks NPP (solid wastes) --- 12541 --- 8433 222,8 92,4 --- --- --- --- Site of Paks NPP (liquid wastes) 10020** --- 6891 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Spent fuel pools of Paks NPP --- --- --- --- --- --- 2600 308,4 1882 223,2 ISFS --- --- --- --- --- --- 7200 854,1 6067 719,7 NRWR (solid wastes) Under building Under building … 1600 --- --- --- --- --- * Heavy metal equivalent of spent fuel (information data) per each fuel assembly was calculated with the heavy metal quantity of 118.62 kgU. ** The nominal capacity of the tanks was given before. 47 --- Table 2.2.2. – Characteristics of fuel assemblies used and to be used in the research reactor of KFKI AEKI and training reactor or BME NTI Institute KFKI AEKI BME NTI Duration of use Type 1959 – EK-10 1966 1967 – VVR2012 SZM 1992 – VVR-M2 2012 2009 – the end of the VVR-M2 operational lifetime During the whole EK-10 operational (modified) lifetime Average heavy Nominal metal U mass Level of content of Enrichment [gU] burnspent [%] 235 (U + up [%] (irradiated) 238 U ) fuel assembly [g] 10 1250 25 1220 36 111 50 91 36 122 60 96 20 250 60 220 10 1250 <1% 1249 48 Table 2.2.3. – Characteristics and utilization of the spent fuel storage facilities of KFKI AEKI on 01.01.2010 Total capacity Capsule [pcs] / each fuel assembly [pcs] External storage facility Internal storage facility Total 752 / 2256 [pcs] Number of occupied storage positions (capsules) [pcs] 0 0 Number of stored fuel assemblies Quantity of stored heavy metal [kgU] Utilization [%] 0 30.839 184 / 552 325 (VVR) 325 : 3 = 109 936 / 2808 325 109 49 59.1 30.839 11.7 Table – Estimation of required volume of the newly established final storage facility for low and medium level wastes Generation per year [m3] 01.01.2010 [m3] SOLID Low and medium level wastes (compacted, non-compacted, Co-60 removing post-filter, all in 200 l barrels) 2006,6 Paks 1686,6 NRWR 320,0 170 (Co-60 without postfilters) Barrels [pcs] 6326,6 (compacted, not compacted operational wastes in 200 l barrels) None 7556,2 37781 None 800,0 200 (4 m3 container) 25 (1,7 m3 container) Treatment Waste packages Not centralized Not broken down --- Not broken down 42,5 None 42,5 Decommissioning waste(1) --- --- --- None 6633,8 25245 (200 l) Resin 156 5 424,52(2) 1415 7077 (200 l mixing) Large size Cs-column storage container (selective sorbent storage container) 5685 250 12248 Other LIQUID Evaporation residue Cementing 60 l / 200 l Operations 10418 Volume reduction with liquid waste processing technology. Remaining sludge cemented 182 l / 400 l Operations 1830 Cementing 182 l / 400 l 5238 Decontamination solution 560 --- 560 Evaporation: VR = 20 and cementing 182 l / 400 l 138 Evaporator acidifying solution 200 15 517,5 Evaporation: VR = 20 and cementing 182 l / 400 l 183 Sludge 290 10 540 (1) Liquid (2) Solid wastes to be disposed [m3] Generation until the end of the operational lifetime [m3] Cementing 182 l / 400 l Operations + Emergency Decommissioning 16559,9 6633,8 Total 23193,7 wastes in solidified condition generated during decommissioning are indicated in this row together with other solid decommissioning wastes. Including also the quantity of resins to be unloaded during shutdown of the nuclear power plant. 50 1187,2 16867 (400 l) Other [pcs] 302 (5,248 m3 container) Table– Characteristics of spent fuel generated in the research reactor and not delivered yet, and to be generated in the future Time, quantities Type (enrichment) VVR-SzM (36) 1959-01.01.2010. Spent fuel assemblies [pcs] 1959-2023 Required Required Heavy Heavy storage Spent fuel storage metal metal position assemblies position mass mass [pcs of [pcs] [pcs of [kgU] [kgU] capsules] capsules] 65 5.90 65 109 VVR-M2(36) 223 VVR-M2(20) --- TOTAL 5.90 170 24.95 444 --- --- 900 109 30.85 51 42.71 300 198.00 470 246.61 Table – Quantity of spent fuel generated in the training reactor operated by BME NTI 1971 – 01.01.2010. Time, quantities Type EK-10 1971 – 2027 Required Required Heavy Heavy Spent fuel storage Spent fuel storage metal metal assemblies position assemblies position mass mass [pcs] [pcs of [pcs] [pcs of [kgU] [kgU] capsules] capsules] 0 0 0 52 48 48 59,96 Table – Chamber requirements in accordance with the delivery schedule of Paks NPP Low and medium level solid wastes Accumulated quantity (200 l barrel) (200 l barrel) 2008 80 80 2009 1520 1600 2010 800 2400 2011 600 3000 2012 500 3500 2013 1130 2014 Csselective filter column storage container Accumulated quantity (pcs) (pcs) Alpha Decontami- Evaporator contaminated nation acidifying evaporation solution solution residue Accumulated quantity (pcs) (pcs) pcs chamber Type 4630 807 807 1 Co 1130 5760 269 1076 3200 3200 1 A1 2015 1130 6890 269 1345 3200 6400 1 A2 2016 0 6890 269 1614 3200 9600 1 A3 2017 1130 8020 269 1883 455 10055 2018 1130 9150 269 2152 468 10523 2019 1130 10280 269 2421 2020 1130 11410 269 2690 10868 2021 1130 12540 269 2959 10868 2022 1130 13670 269 3228 10868 2023 1130 14800 269 3497 10868 2024 1130 15930 269 3766 10868 2025 1130 17060 269 4035 10868 2026 1130 18190 269 4304 10868 2027 1220 19410 269 4573 10868 2028 1220 20630 269 4842 10868 2029 1220 21850 0 4842 10868 2030 1220 23070 0 4842 10868 2031 1220 24290 0 4842 10868 2032 1220 25510 20 0 4842 10868 2033 1220 26730 20 269 5111 10868 2034 1220 27950 20 269 5380 10868 2035 1220 29170 20 269 5649 10868 2036 1220 30390 20 269 5918 10868 2037 1243 31633 20 0 5918 10868 2038 31633 20 230 6148 2039 31633 20 6148 2572 2040 31633 20 6148 2572 2968 2041 31633 20 6148 2572 2042 31633 20 6148 2572 Year Total: 31633 pcs chamber Type 1 Sz1 1 1 1 5 pcs chamber Type Sz2 Sz3 Sz4 20 1 New chamber requirement Sz5 20 20 1 1 Cs 6148 New chamber requirement Evaporation Accumulated residue quantity sludge Sludge of Accumusedimentlated tation quantity tank Co-60 removal post-filter New chamber requirement (400 l barrel) (400 l barrel) New chamber requirement pcs chamber Type (400 l barrel) (400 l barrel) New chamber requirement pcs chamber 1 2572 2572 1 Type 11327 3200 3200 1 IGy 2968 11327 3200 6400 2968 11327 677 7077 BI 1 53 10868 459 2968 2968 pcs Type chamber New chamber requirement pcs chamber 345 2572 (400 l barrel) Ion Accumuexchanging lated resin quantity (200 l barrel) (400 l barrel) (400 l barrel) New chamber requirement (200 l barrel) Type (400 l barrel) Accumulated quantity 2968 1 1 ÜI 11327 11327 10523 345 459 3 7077 1 Table – Chamber requirement for the quantity of decommissioning low and medium level wastes Decommissioning option Number of containers of size 1.9 m*1.9 m*1.6 m Chamber requirement Number of containers of size 2.3 m*2.3 m*1.4 m Chamber requirement 20-year secured protection of the primary circuit 302 0.32 2805 3.43 54 Table – Timing requirement of installation of the chambers in the case of introduction of the liquid waste processing technology in 2010 Date (year) Waste type 2011 2013 Number of chambers (pcs) 1 1 1 Low and medium level solid wastes (Sz1) Co-60 removing post-filter (Co) Alpha contaminated evaporation residue, decontamination 2014 solution, evaporator acidifying solution (A1) Alpha contaminated evaporation residue, decontamination 1 2015 solution, evaporator acidifying solution (A2) Alpha contaminated evaporation residue, decontamination 1 2016 solution, evaporator acidifying solution (A3) Low and medium level solid wastes (Sz2) 2017 1 Low and medium level solid wastes (Sz3) 2023 1 Low and medium level solid wastes (Sz4) 1 2030 2031 Cs-selective filter column storage container (Cs) 1 2036 Low and medium level solid wastes (Sz5) 1 2038 Evaporation residue sludge (BI) 1 2039 Sedimentation tank sludge (ÜI) 1 2040 Ion exchanging resin (IGy) 1 2064 Decommissioning wastes (L1) 1 2068 Decommissioning wastes (L2) 1 2072 Decommissioning wastes (L3) 1 2076 Decommissioning wastes (L4) 1 Total: 17 Legend: Sz1…5: storage chambers for disposal of solid wastes Co: storage chamber for disposal of Co removal post-filters A1…3: storage chambers for disposal of alpha contaminated evaporation residue, decontamination solution and evaporator acidifying solution Cs: storage chambers for disposal of Cs-selective filter column storage container BI: storage chamber for disposal of evaporation residue sludge ÜI: storage chamber for disposal of sedimentation tank sludge IGy: storage chamber for disposal of ion exchanging resin L1…4: storage chambers for disposal of decommissioning wastes 55 Table 8.4.1. – Expected costs of budgetary institutions under governmental control concerning spent nuclear fuel management and decommissioning of facilities at a price of 2010 Due: in case of failure of return to Russia (after 2014) Costs: 11.94 million HUF Due: in case of failure of return to Russia (after 2047) Costs: 5511.99 million HUF Due: after 2023 Costs: 914.99 million HUF. Due: 2010-2011 Costs: 17.29 million HUF. Due: after 2047 Costs: 498.99 million HUF. Due: after 2027 Costs and method: to be determined at the end of 2011 Support of national disposal of spent fuel KFKI AEKI National disposal of spent fuel Decommissioning of the research reactor Support of delivery of spent fuel BME NTI National disposal of spent fuel Decommissioning of the training reactor Remarks: The above table does not consider possible return of spent fuel assemblies to Russia and its costs. 56 57 Table 8.2.2. – Summarizing table of the costs of activities financed from CNFF Summarizing table of the costs of activities financed from CNFF In million HUF, on base price including VAT Storage of low and medium level wastes Installation, extension Operation 1, 2 Conditioning Closing, institutional supervision Storage of high level wastes Preparation Installation Operation 1, 2 Conditioning Delivery 1, 2 Closing, institutional supervision Interim storage of spent fuel assemblies Installation, extension Reconstruction Operation of interim spent fuel store RWTDF at Püspökszilágy Safety improvement Closing, institutional supervision Operation Liquidation of Paks NPP and interim spent fuel store Other costs Support of local municipalities Fund Manager Supervision fee Operational costs of RHK Kft Total: 58 106 242.2 40 720.6 38 767.6 6 174.0 20 580.0 658 770.5 64 048.8 254 080.9 282 292.6 0.0 0.0 58 348.2 114 099.2 58 928.3 1 047.5 54 123.3 45 001.8 883.4 9 158.1 34 960.3 330 000.5 273 130.8 89 139.9 13 234.9 64 107.3 106 648.6 1 527 245.0 Table 8.3.1. – Plan about the data appearing in the Act on the budge of the year 2011: Central Nuclear Financial Fund Payingout million HUF Preparing establishment of low and medium level waste storage facilities Preparing establishment of low and medium level waste storage facilities Investments of Radioactive Waste Treatment and Disposal facility (RWTDF) at Püspökszilágy Selecting the site of high level waste storage facility Extension and reconstruction of the interim spent fuel store Extension of the interim spent fuel store Preparing decommissioning of the nuclear facilities Preparing decommissioning of Paks NPP Operational costs of waste stores and RHK Kft. Support of social monitoring and information associations To the Fund Manager for operational purposes Payments of nuclear facilities – Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. Final ad hoc disposal of radioactive wastes Other income Support from the state budget Total 59 Paying-in million HUF Change in million HUF 7 535.4 300.3 353.6 2 683.2 296.4 4 351.6 1 026.7 181.3 16 728.4 23 127.5 6.5 1.1 8 194.8 31 329.9 14 601.5 Legend: NAH: high level wastes KNÜ: spent nuclear fuel Figure 1: Nr. 3. Direct domestic disposal, short decommissioning (PRK VM 20 years) 60 Figure 2: arrangement of 200 l barrels in the cross-section of the drift 61 Figure 3: Schedule of drifting of the chambers and putting them into operation Legend: Kx: serial number of the chamber x=1...17. The first year is the date of drifting of the chamber. The second year is the date of putting the chamber into operation. The letter in brackets indicates the type of wastes (see table The core boundary indicates displacement of boundary the radiation protection controlled zone and building zone. 62 Figure 4: Costs of activities financed from CNFF 63