Regulations for Artificial Reproduction Institution Permit Chapter 1 General Principles Article 1 These Regulations are prescribed pursuant to Article 6, Paragraph 3 of the Artificial Reproduction Act (hereinafter referred to as "this Act"). Chapter 2 Artificial Reproduction Institution Permit Criteria Section 1 Medical Care Institutions Article 2 A medical care institution applying for a permit to operate as an artificial reproduction institution (hereinafter referred to as “Institution”) shall be equipped with the following personnel, facilities, and equipment: 1. Personnel: (1) Full-time operating physician shall likewise serve as the director of the Institution: a gynecologist/obstetrician who has undergone certain training and has practiced as a full-time operating physician shall likewise serve as the director of the Institution. Where an institution employs two or more surgeons, one of them shall be designated as the director. (2) Full-time technician: a person who possesses a bachelors degree or higher in biology-related departments listed in Table 1 (attached) and has undergone certain training. (3) Full-time or part-time counselors: medical personnel or social workers who have undergone specific training. 2. Facilities and equipment: as prescribed in Table 1. Article 3 The specific training prescribed in Subparagraph 1 of Paragraph 1 in the preceding article shall be as follows: 1. At least two (2) years of clinical training in infertility, artificial reproductive technology, and reproductive endocrinology from a medical care institution approved by the competent authority. Trainees must have participated in at least forty (40) operations during the training period. 2. After completing one full year of the specialized training referred in the preceding paragraph, an operating physician must also receive at least 36 hours of continuing education classes with respect to infertility, artificial reproductive technology, reproductive endocrinology, psychology and ethics approved by the competent authority every three years, in which the classes of psychology, ethics and law shall be no less than five (5) hours. Verifying documents listing relevant training content, supervising physicians and details of actual operations in connection with the training as prescribed in Subparagraph 1 of the preceding paragraph shall be obtained. The medical care institution described in Subparagraph 1 of Paragraph 1 shall refer to a medical center or teaching hospital affiliated to a college of medicine accredited by the competent authority, and shall conduct at least 100 oocyte removal cycles annually along with more than 25% (rounded off to the first decimal place) cumulative live births of treatment cycles for patients less than 38 years old. The clinic medical training referred to in Paragraph 1 of Subparagraph 1 shall be performed after completion of specialist training in obstetrics and gynecology. A period registered of practice shall be at least one (1) year of service at the same medical care institution. Article 4 The specific training referred to in Subparagraph 2 of Paragraph 1 of Article 2 1 shall be as follows: 1. At least one year of training in the handling, incubation, and freezing of human sperm and oocytes, in the fertilization process, and in the assessment of embryo quality at a medical care institution approved by the competent authority, and having performed at least twenty (20) individual instances of in vitro fertilization during the training period. 2. At least eighteen (18) hours of continuing education classes with respect to infertility, artificial reproductive technology, reproductive endocrinology, psychology and ethics approved by the competent authority every three years, in which the classes of psychology, ethics and law shall be no less than three (3) hours. For quality assessment training referred to in the preceding Paragraph 1, a verifying document listing related training content and details of in vitro fertilization cases shall be obtained. The medical care institution described in Subparagraph 1 of Paragraph 1 shall conduct at least fifty (50) oocyte removal cycles annually along with more than 25% (rounded off to the first decimal place) cumulative live births of treatment cycles for patients less than 38 years old. Article 5 The specific training referred to in Subparagraph 3 of Paragraph 1 of Article 2 shall be as follows: 1. A minimum of three months of training courses in infertility, artificial reproductive technology, counseling and related laws received from a medical care institution accredited by the competent authority. 2. At least eighteen (18) hours of continuing education classes in every three years covering infertility, artificial reproductive technology, reproductive endocrinology, counseling, psychology, ethics and law, approved by the competent authority, and in which the classes of psychology, ethics and law shall be no less than three (3) hours. Verifying documents containing relevant training content shall be obtained for the training described in the preceding paragraph. Article 6 A medical care institution applying for a first permit in accordance with the regulations of this Act shall submit the following documents: 1. Photocopy of business license. 2. Roster of the personnel as prescribed from Article 2 to the proceeding article and documents verifying qualifications. 3. List and facilities and equipment as prescribed in Article 2, Subparagraph 5. 4. A working handbook shall include: (1)Preparation of culture medium. (2)Preparation of sperm and oocytes and insemination. (3)Grading of oocytes and embryos. (4)Microscopic operations. (5)Freezing and defrosting; operating procedures for computerized freezer or equivalent frozen embryo equipment. (6)CO2 incubator testing specifications. (7)Embryo room quality control measures. 5. CO2 incubator testing records, computerized freezer or equivalent frozen embryo equipment operating testing records. Article 7 Where an application as described in the proceeding article is received by the competent authority, a permit with three-year validity period may be issued unless and until the application passes documentary review and an on-site inspection. 2 Article 8 An institution applying for a permit renewal review shall submit the documents listed in the Artificial Reproduction Institution Permit Renewal Application Review Item Form (Attached Table 3) to the competent authority within three months prior to the expiration of the permit, and request the competent authority to perform a review in accordance with the Artificial Reproduction Institution Permit Renewal Review Items, Standards, and Point Distribution Table (Attached Table 4). An on-site inspection may be conducted whenever necessary for a permit renewal review. Article 9 Where an institution fails to meet certain standards in the permit renewal review process as prescribed in the proceeding article, the competent authority may grant such Institution a provisional permit of less than six months validity, which shall explicitly state items to be improved and the corresponding time-limit. Where items described in the preceding paragraph concerning the standard in which the cumulative live birth rate among treatment cycles for patients less than 38 years old is less than 9% (round off to the first decimal place), the following methods may be adopted to improve the rate: 1.The Institution's director or operating physician shall receive at least 180 hours of training in a three-month period at a medical care institution as described in Paragraph 3 of Article 3 within six months after the expiration of the original permit; the technicians of such Institution shall receive at least 180 hours of training in a three-month period at a medical care institution as described in Subparagraph 1 of Paragraph 1 in Article 4. 2.Where an Institution's director, operating physicians or technicians refuse training, such institution shall recruit a new director who is not the original director or operating physician of the institutions within six (6) months after the expiration of the original permit; the same requirement applies mutatis mutandis to the recruitment of new technicians. Institutions obtaining permit renewal pursuant to Subparagraph 1 of Paragraph 2 shall be limited to once only. An institution shall not accept new cases within the provisional permit period. If the Institution submits proof of improvement prior to the improvement deadline, and passes review, the competent authority shall issue that Institution a permit; such permit shall be valid for three years from the date of the expiration of the original permit. Where an institution fails to submit proof of improvement, it shall not continue to perform artificial reproduction services after the expiration of the provisional permit. Article 10 Where an Institution applies for a permit within three (3) years after the expiration of the original permit, its re-application for permit shall comply with regulations under Article 8; re-application for permit after the expiration of the original permit over three (3) years shall comply with regulations under Article 6. Article 11 Where the director or an operating physician or technician of an Institution changes, it shall report such changes to the competent authority within one month after the changes. Article 12 An Institution shall ensure that its personnel, facilities, and equipment comply with all the provisions of these Regulations. An Institution shall not perform artificial reproduction services if it cannot provide artificial reproduction services due to the resignation of an operating physician or technician or some other factors, even if the permit 3 is still valid. The competent authority shall revoke the permit of an Institution that has violated the regulations of Paragraph 1, and has failed to make improvement after being notified to do so within a prescribed period of time. Section 2 Public Interest Judicial Persons Article 13 A public interest judicial person shall not accept, store, or provide donated sperm unless and until applying to the competent authority and obtaining approval for establishing a sperm bank. Article 14Where a public interest organization applies for approval to establish a sperm bank, it shall meet the following criteria with respect to personnel, facilities, and equipment: 1. Holding an incorporated society or foundation registration certificate established for the public interest and non-profit. 2. Having at least one full-time quality management employee, and one of such employees designated as a director responsible for quality control of sperm inspection, storage, and other administrative matters. 3. Equipped with the facilities and equipment described in the attached Table 5. Article15The quality management personnel described in Subparagraph 2 of the proceeding Article shall possess one of the following qualifications: 1. Possessing a medical technologist (assistant) certificate, and holding proof of at least three (3) months of training in sperm examination and assessment, freezing, and storage received at a medical care institution approved by the competent authority. 2. Meeting the qualifications of a technician prescribed under Subparagraph 2 of Paragraph 1 in Article 2. The training referred to in Subparagraph 1 of the preceding paragraph shall be conducted at a medical care institution as prescribed in Subparagraph 1 of Paragraph 1 in Article 4. Quality management personnel shall, every three (3) years, receive at least twelve (12) hours of continuing education in infertility, artificial reproductive technology, and reproductive endocrinology, or in psychology, ethics and law which courses are approved by the competent authority. Article16Where a public interest society for the first time applies for permission to establish a sperm bank as provided in Paragraph 2 of Article 6 of this Act, it shall submit the following required documents: 1. Society or foundation registration certificate. 2. Personnel roster and documents verifying qualifications as prescribed in the preceding two Articles. 3. Relevant facilities and equipment specified in attached Table 5. 4. Freezing handbook, laboratory quality control handbook, and records of freezing operational quality control and instrument and equipment tests. Article 17 Where an application as described in the proceeding article is received by the competent authority, a permit with three-year validity period may be issued unless and until the application passes documentary review and an on-site inspection. Article18A sperm bank applying for permit renewal shall submit the following documents to the competent authority within three months prior to the expiration of the permit: 1. The relevant facilities, equipment, and maintenance records as prescribed in attached Table 5. 4 2. The documents as prescribed in Subparagraphs 1 to 3 of Article 16. 3. The freezing and laboratory quality control operating handbooks. 4. The laboratory quality control and management process records. An on-site inspection may be conducted whenever necessary for a permit renewal review. Article 19 Where a sperm bank fails to meet certain standards in the permit renewal review process as prescribed in the proceeding article, but requiring improvement within a prescribed period of time may be allowed under such circumstances, the competent authority may grant a provisional permit with no more than six months validity period with explicit statement of items to be improved and the corresponding deadline, or shall require the director of the sperm bank to receive at least 150 hours of training in one month period at a medical care institution as prescribed in Article 4, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 1. If the above-described sperm bank submits proof of improvement prior to the improvement deadline, and passes review, the competent authority shall issue a permit; such a permit is valid for three years from the date of the expiration of the original permit; where the sperm bank fails to submit the proof of improvement as described in the proceeding paragraph, it shall not continue to operate the sperm bank after expiration of the provisional permit. Article 20 Where the director or other quality management personnel of a sperm bank changes, it shall report such changes to the competent authority within one month after the changes. Article 21 A sperm bank shall ensure that its personnel, facilities, and equipment comply with all the provisions of these Regulations. A sperm bank shall stop operating when it cannot provide services due to the resignation of a quality management employee or some other factors, even if the permit is still valid. The competent authority shall revoke the permit of a sperm bank that has violated the regulations of Paragraph 1, and has failed to make improvement after being notified to do so within a prescribed period of time. Article 22 Donated sperm preserved in a sperm bank shall not be given to another medical care institution without the donor's prior written consent. A sperm bank may provide part of the sperm donated by a single donor. Where the donated sperm is for second use by another medical care institution, the sperm bank shall not provide such sperm unless and until confirming that there is no remaining sperm from the donor, and there have been no live births or stored embryos resulting from that donor's sperm after the prior medical care institution has performed artificial reproduction. Article 23 A sperm bank shall confirm that donors have received a health examination and assessment, and shall produce and adequately preserve records in compliance with Article 7, Paragraph 2 and Article 9, Paragraph 2 of this Act. While providing sperm to a medical care institution for use, a photocopy of the records regarding such sperm shall also be sent to that medical care institution for preservation. A sperm bank shall continue to preserve the records as described in the proceeding paragraph for seven years after the sperm has been used or destroyed. Chapter 3 Supplementary Provisions Article 24 Any Institution and its personnel shall be obligated to maintain the 5 confidentiality of a third party's private information known or obtained while practicing, and shall not divulge it without cause. Article 25The competent authority may conduct an on-site inspection whenever necessary; the Institution and its personnel shall provide their cooperation, and shall not attempt to evade, obstruct, or refuse the inspection. Article 26 Where an Institution accepts donated sperm in accordance with Article 8, Paragraph 1 of this Act, it shall perform a second HIV test on the sperm donor after his sperm has been frozen for six months, and shall provide the sperm for use unless and until confirming that the donor is not infected. Article 27The competent authority may entrust its subordinate Health Promotion Administration or relevant organizations to carry out the training, continuing education, review of personnel qualifications, permit of institutions and other relevant matters prescribed in these Regulations. Article 28 Where a medical care institution applies for a permit within one year after these Regulations take effect, proof of receiving continuing education of the institution's operating physicians, technicians, and counselors can be exempted. Article 29 Where a medical care institution submitting an application in accordance with Article 39 of this Act may be exempted from the on-site inspection requirement prescribed in Article 7; where an institution passes documentary review, the validity period of its permit shall be limited to the period approved prior to the implementation of these Regulations. Article 30 An operating physician who possesses any of the following qualifications prior to the implementation of these Regulations, he/she may apply for qualification approval within one year after the implementation of these Regulations without regard to the requirements prescribed in Article 3: 1. He/she has received director qualifications approved by the competent authority on the basis of the Assessment Criteria for Medical Care Institutions of Assisted Reproductive Technology (hereinafter referred to as "Assessment Criteria"). 2. He/she has complied with the training regulations of Assessment Criteria prior to the promulgation of these Regulations, and continued to practice artificial reproduction services after completing training. 3. He/she has complied with the training regulations of Assessment Criteria prior to the promulgation of these Regulations, but did not perform any relevant technical procedures within five years after completing training; the physician received at least 180 hours of training during a three-month period in a medical care institution announced by the competent authority in accordance with Article 3, Paragraph 3, and has obtained a document providing proof of qualifications. Where the physician possesses the qualification as prescribed in Subparagraphs 2 and 3 of the proceeding paragraph, he/she shall receive an average of at least 12 hours of continuing education annually from June 2004 in order to comply with the revised regulations of Assessment Criteria announced on June 25, 2004. Article 31 A technician who possesses any of the following qualifications prior to the implementation of these Regulations, he/she may apply for qualification approval within one year after the implementation of these Regulations without regard to the requirements prescribed in Article 4: 1. He/she has been qualified as a technician approved by the competent authority in accordance with Assessment Criteria. 6 2. He/she has complied with the training requirements of Assessment Criteria prior to the announcement of these Regulations, and continued to practice artificial reproduction services after completing training. Where a technician possesses the qualification as prescribed in Subparagraphs 2 of the proceeding paragraph, he/she shall receive an average of at least 8 hours of continuing education annually from June 2004 in order to comply with the revised regulations of Assessment Criteria announced on June 25, 2004. Article 32 These Regulations shall take effect on the date of promulgation. 7 Attached Table 1 The list of biologically relevant departments and institutes for qualified technicians of an artificial reproduction institution 1. Department of Medicine 2. Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine 3. Department of Dentistry 4. Department of Pharmacy 5.Department of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology 6. Department of Nursing 7. Department of Food, Nutrition and Health Sciences 8. Department of Physical Therapy 9. Department of Occupational Therapy 10. Department of Medical Radiation Technology 11. Department of Respiratory Therapy 12. Department of Psychology 13. Department of Animal Science 14. Department of Zoology 15. Department of Cell Biology 16. Department of Life Sciences 17. Department of Biotechnology 18. Department of Biochemistry 19. Department of Microbiology 20. Department of Biology 21. Department of Animal Husbandry 22. Department of Physiology 23. Department of Fisheries 24. Department of Aquatic Food Science 25. Department of Veterinary Medicine 26. Department of Entomology 27. Department of Animal Science 28. Department of Biomedicine 29. Department of Biomedical 30. Department of Aquatic Biology 31. Department of Agricultural Chemistry 32. Department of Molecular Biology 33. Other Departments approved by the Ministry of Health and Welfare 8 Attached Table 2 Facilities and equipment requirements for a medical care institution applying to establish an artificial reproduction institution 1. Surgical room: shall comply with surgical room establishment regulations prescribed in the Medical Care Institution Establishment Standards. 2. Separate embryo room 3. Phase contrast inverted microscope and warm carriers 4. Dissecting microscope and warming equipment 5. Laminar flow hood 6. Two or more CO2 incubators 7. Water bath 8. Centrifuge 9. pH meter 10. Osmometer 11. Computerized freezer or equivalent embryo freezing equipment 12. Liquid nitrogen storage tank, freezing bottle, or freezing tube 13. High-pressure autoclave 14. Ultrasound equipment and ultrasonic vaginal oocyte removal equipment 15. Micro-manipulation equipment 16. Pure water generator 17. Sperm counter 18. Shaking device 19. Analytical balance 20. Dry container for medicine storage 21. Backup power supply 22. Ordinary optical microscope 9 Attached Table 3 Artificial reproduction institution permit renewal application review item form 1. Photocopy of practice license; 2. Personnel roster and qualification certificates specified in Article 2; (Those whose qualification has been approved by the competent authority are not required to provide qualification certificates.) 3. Training completion certificates of operating physicians, technicians, and counselors as required in Articles 3, 4, and 5; 4. Personnel work performance assessment; 5. List of facilities and equipment prescribed in the attached Table 2; 6. Records of laboratory equipment maintenance and repair conducted by assigned personnel; 7. The following operation manuals: (1) Preparation of culture medium; (2) Sperm and oocytes preparation and insemination; (3) Grading of oocytes and embryos; (4) Micro-manipulation; (5) Cryopreservation and thawing procedures, and operating procedures of computer-controlled freezer or equivalent embryo freezing equipment; (6) CO2 incubator testing specifications; (7) Embryo room quality control measures 8. Laboratory quality control (1) Records of relevant operation procedures; (AR Institutions handling 20 or more cases within the three-year permit validity period shall submit records of 20 cases; however, AR Institutions handling less than 20 cases within the three-year permit validity period shall submit records of all cases.) a. Personal information of recipient couples, the examination records, the assessment data (including case indications), the surgical procedures and results, and the surgery consent form (photocopy) b. Personal information of donors and recipient couples, the examination 10 records, the assessment data, the surgical procedures and results, and the embryo preservation and destruction conditions (Note 1) c. Culture medium preparation or quality testing related data d. Induced ovulation method (including types of ovulation medicine used) e. Inspection of the aspirated substances of ovarian follicle, and identification of oocytes f. Oocyte count and oocyte quality and maturity assessment g. Sperm preparation (including collection, analysis, washing, and recycling procedures) h. Insemination of oocytes and determination of the oocyte fertilization status i. Incubation and implantation of fertilized oocytes j. Embryo incubation, status of embryo division, and identification of embryo grade k. Embryo implantation (via uterus or Fallopian tubes) l. Cryopreservation of sperm, oocytes, or embryos m. Number of pregnancy cases, miscarriages, and number of live births n. Sex and weight of infant, delivery method, and records of congenital deformity and other abnormalities. (2) Control of the operation outcomes a. Frozen and thawed records of cryopreserved human embryos b. The live birth rate of cryopreserved human embryos in the last three (3) year valid period (Notes 2 and 3). Calculation method: The numbers of live birth cycle of cryopreserved human embryos ÷the numbers of implanted cycle of cryopreserved human embryos. c. The cumulative live birth rate of treatment cycles of women less than 38 years old within the last three (3) years of valid period (Notes 2 and 3) . Calculation method: (the number of live birth cycles of fresh human embryos + the number of live birth cycles of cryopreserved human embryos) ÷ the number of treatment cycles d. Technical experiences and records of intracytoplasmic sperm injection into 11 human oocytes e. The effectiveness and accuracy of artificial reproductive data report during the current permit period. (i) The effectiveness of stipulated report forms for artificial reproduction cases entering into treatment cycle after starting using ovulation drugs and information list of artificial reproduction cases. (ii) The effectiveness of stipulated report form of the preservation status of germ cells or embryos and operation results in the report form of donations germ cell operation results. f. The ratio of women under the age of 35 who have been implanted with less than two embryos. g. The monitoring, improvement plans and records of moderate and severe ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome. h. The monitoring and records of sex ratio at birth. Notes: 1. Where a medical care institution provides no donation services, the requirement of “The personal information of donors, the examination and assessment data, the operational results, the embryo preservation and destruction conditions” provided in Subparagraph b of Paragraph (1) “Records of relevant operation procedures” and “The effectiveness of stipulated report form of the preservation status of germ cells or embryos and operation results in the report form of donations germ cell operation results” provided in Subparagraph 5 of Paragraph 2 “Control of the operation outcomes” shall be excluded from the total score calculation. 2. Statistics of cumulative live birth rate of treatment cycles of cryopreserved human embryo of women under the age of 38 within the latest three (3) years of valid period shall be calculated from one year and three months prior to the expiration of the permit validity period. 3. The following data are established by the competent authority pursuant 12 to the “Artificial Reproduction Database” which are statistically scored within the permit validity period (scores were rounded off to the first decimal point) (1) The accumulative cryopreserved human embryos live birth rate of treatment cycles of women under age 38 in the latest three years of valid period; (2) The ratio of women under the age of 35 who have been implanted with less than two embryos within current permit period. (3) The effectiveness of stipulated report forms for artificial reproduction cases entering into a treatment cycle after starting to use ovulation drugs, and information list of artificial reproduction cases. (4) The effectiveness of stipulated report form of donations germ cell operation results. 13 Attached Table 4 Artificial reproduction institution permit renewal review items, standards, and point distribution table Review Item and Designated Standard Point 1. Regular assessment 8 points Review Principles Score 1. An assessment is conducted at 8 points of the work least once every three months; performance of procedure is duly documented, employees and results are reviewed and analyzed. Active corrective action has been implemented. 2. An assessment is conducted at 6 points least once every three months; procedure is duly documented. 3. Assessment is not conducted at 0 point least once every three months, or documented records are incomplete. 2. Records of laboratory 8 points Regular maintenance, 1 point will be equipment calibration, and records are deducted for maintenance and conducted on laboratory every missing repair conducted by equipment items 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, item. assigned personnel 11, 15, and 16 as set forth in the attached Table 2 3. Laboratory quality control 84 points (1) Records of relevant 1. Personal information of operation procedures a. Personal information 6 points recipient couples If data of each record stated in 2. Various examination records the left column 3. Assessment data (including is complete, a of recipient couples, case indications) 14 l.5-point credit the examination 4. Surgery consent form is given; a 1- records, the point credit is assessment data given for (including case incomplete indications), the records, and no surgical procedures point is given and results, and the where no surgery consent form record is (photocopy) available. b. Personal information 6 points 1. Personal information of of donors and If data of each donors and recipient couples record stated in recipient couples, the 2. Various examination records the left column examination records, 3. Assessment data (including is complete, a the assessment data, the surgical case indications) 4. Letter of consent l.5-point credit is given; a procedures and 1-point credit results, and the is given for embryo preservation incomplete and destruction records, and no conditions (Note 1) point is given where no record is available. 15 c. Culture medium 2 points Score assessment is based on the Credit point is preparation or quality integrity of the records submitted halved if testing related data or the presence or absence of records are records. incomplete; no d. Induced ovulation 4 points method (including point is given types of ovulation where no medicine used) record is e. Inspection of the 1 point available. follicle aspirated substances and identification of oocyte f. Oocyte count and 1 point oocyte quality and maturity assessment g. Sperm preparation 1 point (including collection, analysis, washing, and recycling procedures) h. Insemination of 2 points oocytes and determination of the oocyte fertilization status i. Incubation and 1 point implantation of fertilized oocytes j. Embryo incubation, 3 points status of embryo division, and 16 identification of embryo grade k. Embryo implantation 1 point (via uterus or Fallopian tubes) l. Cryopreservation of 2 points sperm, oocytes, or embryos m. Number of pregnancy 1 point cases, miscarriages, and number of live births n. Sex and weight of 2 points infant, delivery method, and records of congenital deformity and other abnormalities (2) Control of the 1. Cryopreservation, thawing, operation outcomes a. Records of 4 points and implantation procedures 4 points were implemented and duly cryopreservation and documented; thawing of human 2. Cryopreservation procedures embryos 2 points were implemented and duly documented; 3. No cryopreservation records 0 point documented. b. Live birth rate of cryopreserved human 3 points 1. ≧10% 3 points 2. 1%-9% 2 points 17 embryos recorded in 3. Successful pregnancy but no 1 point the last three years or live birth current valid period (Notes 2 and 3). c. The cumulative live 26 points 1. Above 25% 26 points birth rate of treatment 2. 20%-24% 23 points cycles of women less 3. 15%-19% 20 points than 38 year old 4. 10%-14% 16 points within the last three 5. 1%-9% 5 points (3) years of valid 6. 0% 0 point Surgeries were performed and 2 points period (Notes 2 and 3). d. Technical experiences 2 points and records of duly documented. intracytoplasmic No surgical procedure performed 0 point sperm injection into and documented human oocytes e. The ratio of women 8 points 1. Above 55% 8 points under the age of 35 2. 30%-54% 4 points who have had less 3. 20%-29% 2 points than two embryos 4. 1%-19% 1 point implanted within 5. 0 0 point current permit period (Note 3). f. The monitoring, 2 points 1. The monitoring, improvement 2 points improvement plans plans and records were carried and records of out. moderate and severe 2. The monitoring was carried ovarian hyper out without, improvement stimulation syndrome. plans and records. 18 1 point 3. No monitoring, improvement 0 point plans and records were carried out. g. The effectiveness and accuracy of artificial reproductive data reports during the current permit period (Note 3) (i) The effectiveness of 2 points 1. 0-1 overdue data report 2 points stipulated report 2. 2-4 overdue data reports 1 point forms for artificial 3. ≧5 overdue data 0 point 1. Report is true or accurate 2 points reproduction cases entering into treatment cycle after starting to use ovulation drugs and information list of artificial reproduction cases. (ii) The effectiveness of stipulated report 2 points 2. Report is not true or accurate 0 point form on the preservation status of germ cells or embryos and operation results in the report form of donated germ cell 19 operation results. h. The monitoring and 2 points 1. Having monitored and records of sex ratio at 2 points recorded birth 2. Having not monitored and 0 point recorded Total Scores 100 points Notes: 1. Where a medical care institution provides no donation services, the requirement of “The personal information of donors, the examination and assessment data, the operational results, the embryo preservation and destruction conditions” provided in Subparagraph b of Paragraph (1) “Records of relevant operation procedures” and “The effectiveness of stipulated report form of the preservation status of germ cells or embryos and operation results in the report form of donations germ cell operation results” provided in Subparagraph 5 of Paragraph 2 “Control of the operation outcomes” shall be excluded from the total score calculation. 2. Statistics of cumulative live birth rate of treatment cycles of cryopreserved human embryo of women under the age of 38 within the latest three (3) years of valid period shall be calculated from one year and three months prior to the expiration of the permit validity period. 3. The following data are established by the competent authority pursuant to the “Artificial Reproduction Database” which are statistically scored within the permit validity period (scores were rounded off to the first decimal point) (1) The live birth rate of cryopreserved human embryos in the last three (3) year valid period. Calculation method: The number of live birth cycles of cryopreserved human embryos ÷the number of implanted 20 cycles of cryopreserved human embryos. (2) The cumulative live birth rate of treatment cycles of women less than 38 years old within the last three (3) years of valid period. Calculation method: (the number of live birth cycles of fresh human embryos + the number of live birth cycles of cryopreserved human embryos) ÷ the number of treatment cycles (3) The ratio of women under the age of 35 who have had less than two embryos implanted within the current permit period. (4) The effectiveness of stipulated report forms for artificial reproduction cases entering into treatment cycle after starting to use ovulation drugs and information list of artificial reproduction cases. (5) The effectiveness of stipulated report form on donated germ cell operation results. 4. Where an artificial reproduction institution obtains its first and permit renewal prior to the promulgation and enforcement of the amendment of these Regulations on February 18 of 2014, its data with respect to e. “The ratio of women under the age of 35 who have planted less than two embryos within current permit period”, f. “The monitoring, improvement plans and records of moderate and severe ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome”, g. “The effectiveness and accuracy of artificial reproductive data report during the current permit period” and h. “The monitoring and records of sex ratio at birth” shall be reviewed from the date of amendment. 5.Where the scores given to the AR institution on the review items showed in the attached Table are 85% or higher, said AR institution shall be regarded as having passed review; those receiving scores of 84% or below shall be regarded as having failed the review. The on-site inspection procedure shall be foregone in the subsequent permit renewal application of AR Institutions that have received a score of 90% or above in this review. 21 Attached Table 5 Facilities and equipment requirements for a public interest registered society applying to establish a sperm bank 1. Optical microscope 2. Laminar flow hood 3. Laboratory (sperm inspection, freezing, storage, and operations) 4. Computerized freezer or equivalent sperm freezing equipment 5. Liquid nitrogen storage tank, freezing bottle, or freezing tube 6. Sperm counter 7. Sperm counting plate 8. Dry container for medicine storage 9. Freezer 10. Sink for hand-washing 11. Air conditioning equipment 12. Sperm collection room 13. Sterile sperm collection cups 22