ENGSCI 232 Computer Systems 1 Lab 7: Anemometer Interfacing using VB Introduction In this laboratory, you will develop a program to measure and plot windspeed (or ‘car rotation speed’) and acceleration using an anemometer (or car spinner), the parallel port interface board, and your interfacing expertise. At the end of this lab, you will write and hand in Visual Basic code to plot speed and acceleration, and a short (2 page) report describing the design approach you took. Preparation On the T drive, inside Teaching\Courses\ENGSCI232SC, you will find a folder “LPT1 Project with Plotting”. Copy this folder onto your own hard disk. You can then either work with this new project, or you can copy and paste the plotting code into your own existing project. See the comments in the code for help with this. Anemometers For this project, you will be using either a spinning car toy or a windmeasuring device known as an anemometer. The anemometers we are using are designed by Midas for use on boats. We are most grateful to Marine Instruments Ltd of Auckland for making these available to us. Reed Switches Anemometers measure wind speed by using cups to spin magnets that pass over a reed switch, producing an on/off output signal whose frequency varies with the wind speed. The two wires coming out the anemometer are connected to the ends of the reed switch. The car spinners work in a similar way. magnet Group Work: You will be working in pairs during this lab, and will submit one code listing per group. However, each individual will submit their own design report (see below). It is hoped you will use your teamwork skills learnt in this and other courses to ensure everyone contributes to completing the tasks. If any issues arise that you cannot resolve within the group, please see a staff member immediately. A Magnetic Reed Switch. When a magnet moves over the switch, it changes state. Task: Develop a VB program that displays both windspeed (in knots) (or spinner car speed, in cm/s) and the rate of change in this data (the acceleration). Note that one rotation of the anemometer per Page 1 Version 1.2 second corresponds to about 4 knots windspeed. (You can work out what one rotation is in cm/s car speed, assuming a radius of 5 cm) This calibration figure should be easily customisable by the programmer (not user). Notes: 1. There are at least two (essentially ‘reciprocal’) approaches to measuring speed; be sure to outline both in your report, and justify the choice you make. 2. You may need to add code to ignore “switch bounce”. Whenever a switch opens or closes, the electrical contacts can bounce up and down, giving a sequence of very rapid open/close changes known as switch bounce. These bounces can confuse your algorithm. To work around switch bounce, you can code that ensures whenever you observe the switch change, you wait (for, say, 5 or 10ms) before you look for further changes. 3. Your program should display the current speed and acceleration as text. This value should update at least once every 2 seconds; faster updates are better (as long as they are reasonably accurate). 4. You should also plot this data; update the plots at the same rate as the displayed text. You will need to make sure you are familiar with arrays; remember they are just like vectors. 5. Add acceleration after you have the basic speed plot working 6. You should display the most significant digit of your speed on the 7-segment LED. 7. The plots do not need to have axis labels (unless you are keen). 8. Numerical differentiation can be tricky; give some thought to smoothing your output values if you think this will help. 9. Your program should be well structured using many short subroutines, each with at least a 1line descriptive comment. Also comment any tricky pieces of code, and use clear variable names. 10. Add some extension of your own choosing. For example, you might add something useful for Americas cup usage or to keep children more happy with their spinners, or some improvement to something overlooked in this spec. Submission: Due Wed 5 Oct 9am in Lab Each student should hand in their own brief design report (no more than 2 pages) that outlines the approach you took, discusses trade-offs in different approaches, and justifies your design choices. This document should be suitable for an engineer wanting to build their own speed measurement software. Be sure to include a brief algorithm (no more than half a page) that details, in a general way, how speed and acceleration can be determined from on/off switch-based inputs such as used in this lab. Also include a circuit diagram of how the switch is configured to drive an input line in the PC. Each pair of students should also hand in a listing of their finished code, and a printout of their program’s form (preferably while running; use Alt-Print Screen to get a screen grab that you can paste into Word.). Be sure to include the names (and IDs) of both students on the printout. Your code will need to be ready for demo’ing at the start of the lab on the hand-in date above. You will be marked on (1) meeting the core software objectives, (2) good software design, (3) elegance in solving the design problems, (4) your extension, and (5) quality of your report. Page 2 Version 1.2 VB Plotting Code Option Explicit ' This is our global data for the values to be plotted; all values are between 0 and 1 ' Because this PlotData() is defined outside any subroutine or function, we can ' access PlotData() from any code in this file. ' VB will initialise this array to zero; most languages don't do this Const NumPlotPoints As Integer = 100 Dim PlotData(NumPlotPoints) As Double Private Sub picPlot_Paint() ' This routine draws the sequence of points in PlotData into picPlot ' It is called automatically whenever the PictureBox on the form needs to be drawn Dim colour As Long Dim i As Integer, PlotXStep As Double, PlotYScale As Double, PlotYOffset As Double ' We'll plot in red colour = RGB(255, 0, 0) ' being red ' Scale the points to leave a bit of blank either side (left and right) PlotXStep = picPlot.Width / (NumPlotPoints + 2#) ' Scale the data points (each between 0 and 1) to nearly fill the box vertically PlotYScale = picPlot.Height * -0.9 PlotYOffset = picPlot.Height * 0.95 ' Plot an empty first point, and then draw the lines picPlot.Line (PlotXStep, PlotYOffset + PlotData(1) * PlotYScale)-(PlotXStep, PlotYOffset + PlotData(1) * PlotYScale), colour For i = 2 To NumPlotPoints picPlot.Line -(i * PlotXStep, PlotYOffset + PlotData(i) * PlotYScale), colour Next i End Sub Private Sub DisplayNewPlotPoint(NewValue As Double) ' This routine takes a new value (between 0 and 1) and displays it as ' the right-most point on the plot, scrolling everything left Dim i As Integer ' Shuffle data left in the array For i = 1 To NumPlotPoints - 1 PlotData(i) = PlotData(i + 1) Next i ' Add new point into end of array storage PlotData(NumPlotPoints) = NewValue ' Cause the PlotPictureBox to redraw itself (VB erases, and then calls PlotPictureBox_Paint) picPlot.Refresh End Sub '================================================================ ' The following subroutine illustrates how to use the ' plotting routines above. '================================================================ Private Sub cmdTestPlotting_Click() ' As an illustration, add 20 random points to the plot ' Note that each point must have a value between 0 and 1. Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To 20 DisplayNewPlotPoint Rnd Next i End Sub Notes: To draw a line in the picture box picPlot from co-ords (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) in colour c: Dim c as long, x1 as integer, x2 as integer, _ y1 as integer, y2 as integer c=RGB(255,0,0) picPlot.Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), c To draw a line in the picture box picPlot from the last point drawn to (x2,y2) in colour c: picPlot.Line -(x2, y2), c Page 3 Version 1.2