The Coriolis Force A consideration of some of the basic forces that drive and constrain motion in the atmosphere and oceans follows. The goal is to apply Newton’s second law, d dv ma , F mv m dt dt (6.1) to a parcel of air or ocean, so we need to assemble the most important forces. Since it is difficult to keep track of mass in observing the atmosphere and oceans, we write these equations in terms of the forces per unit mass, or accelerations, acting on parcels of air or ocean water according to: dv F dt m (6.2) Equations in the form of Eq. (6.2) are called “equations of motion”. In this chapter, we will identify and derive expressions for the most important forces to include in Eq. 6.2 – the forces that govern large-scale motion in the atmosphere and oceans. Coriolis force The Coriolis force is an "apparent force," arising because of the complicated frame of reference from which we observe the atmosphere. The laws of Newtonian physics are formulated in the absolute, or inertial, frame of reference, but we observe the atmosphere and oceans within a noninertial frame of reference rotating with the earth. The Coriolis force is defined and added to the equations of motion so Newton’s laws are applicable in the rotating frame of reference. Two different physical principles are involved in the definition of the Coriolis farce, namely, conservation of absolute angular momentum and centrifugal accelerations felt in the rotating frame. Conservation of absolute angular momentum. Consider a parcel of air or water with constant mass, m, moving with constant speed, v, in a circular orbit. According to Newton’s second law, the parcel must conserve absolute angular momentum (i.e., angular momentum in the absolute frame of reference). The magnitude of the absolute angular momentum is mvr, where v is the tangential velocity, and its direction is perpendicular to the plane of motion. The right-hand rule is applied for the sign convention, so for a parcel rotating counterclockwise, the angular momentum is directed out of the paper. Ground-based observations of motion in the atmosphere and oceans are taken within the rotating frame of reference, i.e., when we conduct these measurements we are not moving with respect to the earth's surface. However, the motion of a parcel is constrained by conservation of angular momentum in the absolute frame of reference. For the observer in the rotating frame of reference, a parcel will seem to have forces acting on it when, in fact, there are no true forces acting on it and the parcel is simply conserving angular momentum in the absolute frame of reference. Part of the "Coriolis force" is an invention to make a parcel seem like it is obeying Newton's second law when observed from the rotating frame of reference. Consider a parcel of air in the earth’s atmosphere, diagramed in Fig. 6.1. The size of the parcel as well as its distance about the earth’s surface are draw wildly out of scale. For a parcel in the troposphere, for example, z ~ 10 km << a = 6371 km. So it is reasonable to neglect the height of the parcel above the surface of the earth compared with the radius of the earth, and to make the “thin atmosphere approximation” az a . (6.3) In Figure 6.1, r is the moment arm, which is the distance from Earth’s axis of rotation to the parcel, and r = a cos is the angular velocity of the earth, 2 24 hr = 7.3 x 10-5 radians/sec. (6.4) The parcel does not have any meridional velocity relative to the earth’s surface. Define UABS = total east/west velocity of the parcel in the absolute frame of reference; the same as the tangential velocity in the angular momentum review above UROT = east/west velocity of the earth under the parcel = velocity of a parcel that is in solid body rotation with the earth. At the equator, UROT = 465 m/sec. u = velocity of parcel relative to the rotating earth (this the velocity one would observe from the earth’s surface) Then, UABS = UROT + u. (6.4) When visualized from the absolute frame of reference, the parcel is traveling in a circle of radius r. UROT is the component of that velocity equal to the tangential velocity of the earth’s surface, so U ROT circumf . at latitude 2a cos 2a cos a cos . 2 rotation period of Earth 24 hr (6.5) r = a cos z a equator Figure 6.1. A parcel with zonal velocity in the earth’s atmosphere. In climate dynamics, the concepts of Newtonian physics are applied to a parcel of air or water of unit mass, i.e., 1 kg. The absolute angular momentum for a parcel with unit mass is M U ABSr a cos u a cos = constant. (6.6) According to the laws of physics, M is be conserved, i.e., M cannot change as the parcel moves around in the atmosphere or ocean. If a parcel moves to a higher latitude, , then cos will decrease and u must increase. Thus, parcels moving meridionally within the atmosphere and ocean attain zonal velocities relative to the rotating earth. Is this an important factor to consider? Is it important for determining features of the general circulation? To evaluate its importance, consider a parcel of air that moves from the equator to 30N latitude due to some impulsive meridional force. At the equator, the parcel’s (initial) absolute angular momentum is M i a cos 0 o 0 a cos 0 o a 465 m / s . (6.7) Note how large this meridional velocity is compared with zonal velocities, u, observed in the earth’s troposphere (see Ch. 2). When the parcel reaches its final position at 30N, it must have the same absolute angular momentum because no force acted on the parcel in the zonal direction. Therefore, M f a cos 30 o u f a cos 30 o M i a . (6.8) Solving Eq. 6.8 for the final zonal velocity of the parcel relative to the rotating earth at 30N, uf a 2 a cos 30 o 134 m / sec . o a cos 30 (6.9) Again, this is a very large zonal velocity – larger than those observed. This indicates that the Coriolis force is an important factor determining atmospheric wind speeds. For an observer standing on the Earth’s surface at 30N, it looks as if the parcel was accelerated to the east as it approached from the south. However, in the absolute frame of reference, the parcel is simply moving in the meridional direction, and the observer at 30°N is simply moving slower than the observer on the equator for whom the parcel had no zonal velocity. The zonal component of the Coriolis force is formulated to capture this apparent east/west acceleration of the parcel as viewed from the rotating frame of reference. With this conceptual understanding, a mathematic expression for this component of the Coriolis force can be derived. The equation dM 0 dt (6.10) expresses the principle of conservation of absolute angular momentum. The material, or total, derivative is used to indicate that the derivative is taken “following the parcel”. This is the framework in which the laws of physics are formulated. For example, in applying F = ma to a block on an incline plane in a traditional physics application, we conceptually follow the block down the plane, considering the forces acting on the block at any instance. Substituting Eq. 6.6 into Eq. 6.10, carrying through the differentiation, and solving for du/dt results in a mathematical expression for the apparent acceleration (i.e., force per unit mass) that causes a parcel moving meridionally in the atmosphere to attain a zonal velocity as seen by the observer in the rotating frame of reference. To carry out the differentiation, note the following: = constant constant. The total differential indicates motion following the parcel, and the latitude of the parcel changes as it moves northward or southward. u constant. a constant. Remember that a is the distance from the center of the earth to the parcel and it equals the radius of the earth because we have neglected the height of the parcel above the surface. But just because we have made the thin atmosphere approximation a z a doesn’t mean that the parcel can’t move vertically in the atmosphere. So we will write da d a z dz w dt dt dt (6.11) where w is vertical velocity. d v a (6.12) dt Then, one can derive F 1cor du dt 2v sin coriolis uv uw . tan 2wcos a a (6.13) This is part of the zonal component of the Coriolis force. Centrifugal accelerations and the Coriolis force The Coriolis force also accounts for centrifugal forces that act on parcels traveling in curved paths in the absolute frame of reference. For a parcel of air or ocean water in solid body rotation with the earth (u = v = 0), the centrifugal force per unit mass, C, felt by the parcel within the rotating frame of reference – another “apparent force” – is directed perpendicular outward from the axis of rotation of the earth and given by U abs 2 C r̂ , r (6.14) where r̂ is the unit vector pointing away from the axis of rotation. (Remember: In the absolute frame of reference, the parcel in solid body rotation is traveling in a circle of radius r = a cos and completing one circuit in 24 hours.) Bold arrows in the diagram below show the forces acting on this parcel. Some balance of forces exists to hold the parcel in the solid body orbit; the state of solid body rotation is not a motionless state in the absolute frame of reference. FM is some arbitrary “mystery” force (per unit mass) acting on the parcel to maintain its position over the same spot on the earth’s surface. FM r̂ g C Now consider a second parcel at the same latitude, but with some zonal velocity, u > 0, relative to the earth’s surface. In the absolute frame of reference, this parcel is traveling around the same circle as the parcel in solid body rotation, but at a faster rate, so the centrifugal force that it “feels” within the rotating frame of reference is greater than that felt by the parcel in solid body rotation. This difference in the centrifugal forces acting on the two parcels – i.e., the centrifugal force associated with velocity relative to the rotating earth, is another part of the Coriolis force. Mathematical form of the centrifugal contribution to the Coriolis force In formulating the equations of motion for the atmosphere and oceans, we absorb the centrifugal acceleration (or force per unit mass) associated with solid body rotation, Csb , into gravity, g , and define effective gravity, geff , as geff g Csb . (6.15) If the parcel has u 0 , then the centrifugal force, C , acting on the parcel does not equal C sb . Rather, C Csb C , (6.16) where C 0 for u 0 , or westerly flow (the case of super-rotation) C 0 for u 0 , or easterly flow (the case of sub-rotation). and C can be decomposed into a meridional component, Cy ĵ , and a vertical component C k̂ , as diagrammed in Figure 2. (Remember that ˆj is the unit vector in the z north/south direction, and k̂ is the unit vector in the vertical direction.) Cz C k C Csb C y Unit vector r̂ indicates the direction perpendicular to the axis of rotation, i.e., in the same direction as Csb and C : r̂ sin ĵ cos k̂ . (6.17) Substituting Eqs. 6.4 and 6.5 into Eq. 6.14, UA2 U ROT u 2 r u 2 2 u2 r̂ C r̂ r̂ r̂ r 2u r r r r (6.18) If a parcel is in solid body rotation, then u = 0 and C Csb . Setting u = 0 in the above expression, then, yields C sb 2 rrˆ . (6.19) Therefore, from Eq. (6.16), it must be that u 2 C 2u rˆ . r (6.20) Using the definitions r̂ of and r, u 2 tan u2 ĵ 2u cos k̂ F 2 cor C 2u sin a a (6.12) A parcel with meridional velocity, v, relative to the earth’s surface will also experience a centrifugal acceleration. This acceleration will be oriented upward. Since there is no component of the earth rotation in the meridional direction, this centrifugal acceleration is simply, 3 v2 ˆ Fcor k. a Adding all three components, the full Coriolis force is (6.22) uv uw u 2 tan ĵ Fcor 2v sin tan 2w cos î 2u sin a a a (6.23) u 2 v2 2u cos k̂ a In middle latitudes, for large-scale (1000’s of km) motion, under typical atmospheric conditions away from the earth’s surface, the full Coriolis force can be approximated by retaining only two terms in Eq. 6.23: Fcor 2v sin î 2u sin ĵ (6.24)