Zero-valent metal reduction is a process in which a metal such as iron, platinum, or other zero-valent metals are used to refine polluted waters. These metals are placed in the flow of water, where they begin oxidizing, causing other chain reactions to purify the water. Although the zero-valent metal reduction process has been known for years, it has not been applied to contaminated soils and waters until recently. Robert Gillham, chairman of earth sciences department at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, realized that the degradation of metals could be exploited to clean up environmental contamination. Gillham first tested his idea with the water contaminants of a local machine shop and observed that the chlorinated pollutants disappeared. He soon proceeded to form EnviroMetal Technologies Inc. (ETI) to further test and commercialize this new technology. The basis of zero-valent metal reduction is a relatively simple idea that could function as an ideal replacement for the costly pump-and-treat technology. Gillham states that the use of iron degradation “doesn’t require energy, it conserves water, and although installation costs may be comparable to other above-ground systems, the big payback is in operation and maintenance costs.”5 The most common chlorinated contaminant, trichloroethene (TCE), has been found at more than 790 of the 1300 sites on the National Priority List.2 To better understand zerovalent metal reduction for chlorinated hydrocarbons, such as TCE, it is important to introduce the concepts that are being applied. Alkyl halides are heavily used in industry as solvents and lubricants, so their interaction with industrial metals is of great interest. The chemical equations that follow are specifically involved with reductive dehalogenation of alkyl halides using iron as the zero-valent metal. Zero oxidation state metallic iron, Fe0, and dissolved aqueous iron, Fe2+, form the redox couple: Fe2+ + 2e- Fe0 (1) In the presence of water, a proton donor, alkyl halides (RX) can be reduced by iron. The typical reducing reaction for RX would be reductive dehalogenation: RX + 2e- + H+ RH+X- (2) The net reaction of equations 1 and 2 is a well known reaction known as the dissolving metal reduction: Fe0 +RX + H+ Fe2+ + RH + X- (3) The above equation is the net reductive dehalogenation by iron. It is equivalent to iron corrosion with the alkyl halide acting as the oxidizing agent. When there are no strong oxidizing agents present, there are two reduction half-reactions that produce a spontaneous corrosion reaction in water when coupled with equation 1. The preferred oxidant, dissolved oxygen (eq 4), resulting in rapid corrosion (eq 5): O2 + 2H2O + 4e- 4OH- (4) 2Fe0 + O2 + 2H2O 2Fe2+ + 4OH- (5) In equation 6, water alone can serve as the oxidant, causing corrosion to occur under anaerobic conditions (eq 7): 2H2O + 2e- H2 + 2OH- (6) Fe0 + 2H2O Fe2+ + H2 + 2OH- (7) In weakly buffered systems, Equations 5 and 7 cause the pH to rise. This effect is more pronounced under aerobic conditions, where corrosion occurs rapidly. The concern with increasing pH is that it can cause precipitates of iron hydroxide, which may form a layer on the surface of the iron, possibly inhibiting its further dissolution.3 The three major reductants in this Fe0-H20 system are iron metal, the ferrous iron, and hydrogen produced during corrosion. These three major reductants lead to three main pathways that contribute to alkyl halide dehalogenation. The first pathway, equation 3 involves the metal directly, implying electron transfer from the Fe0 surface to the adsorbed alkyl halide is the method of reduction. The second pathway involves the immediate product of corrosion in aqueous systems, Fe2+: 2Fe2+ + RX + H+ 2Fe3+ + RH + X- (8) Dissolved Fe3+ is capable of causing dehalogenation of some alkyl halides, but this is usually a slow reaction. The hydrogen produced as a product of corrosion with water is the third model for reductive dehalogenation by iron: H2 + RX RH + H+ + X- (9) The above equation needs an effective catalyst to work as a reductant to contribute directly to dehalogenation. Corrosion and reduction reactions may be inhibited by excessive H2 accumulation at the metal surface. The surface of iron, its defects, and other solid phases in the system could supply the catalyst necessary to provide for rapid dehalogenation by H2.3 In the paper titled, “Reductive Dehalogenation of Chlorinated Methanes by Iron Metal”, by Matheson, laboratory model systems were created to learn more about the mechanism and kinetics of transformations that take place when chlorinated methanes in aqueous form come in contact with granular iron. The paper presents some helpful chemical background, showing the main equations involved in the dehalogenation processes. The experimental section of the paper discussed the chemicals used, described the model reaction systems, and the methods of analyzing. The results and discussion section were very detailed and technical, covering the subjects of corrosion, halocarbon degradation pathways, kinetics of transformation, pathway of dechlorination by iron, the effect of pH, the role of iron surface characteristics, the kinetics of surface reaction, and the mechanism of dehalogenation.3 The experiment was carried out using carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, methylene chloride, and trichloroethylene to make aqueous standard solutions. Dechlorination experiments were carried out in closed batch systems made in 60-mL serum bottles. The fine-grained iron was cleaned of oxides and other surface coatings with hydrochloric acid, then was triple rinsed with deionized water while the bottle was purged with N2. A temperature of 15 C was chosen for the experiments to reflect normal groundwater conditions. Halocarbon stock solution was injected into the serum bottles through the septum. Analyses was carried out using chromatographic methods to find concentrations of chlorinated solvents. An elemental analyzer was used to measure total carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur contents of the metal after complete combustion and thermal conductivity detection had taken place. Gas adsorption was the method for finding iron surface area. The pH was determined before, during, and after the experiment. 3 The results confirmed that anaerobic corrosion took place by the reduction of the water. About 70% of the carbon tetrachloride was reduced to chloroform by dehalogenation in all systems containing iron metal. Methylene chloride was produced from further reductive dehalogenation of chloroform, after the carbon tetrachloride dropped to the detection limit. Methylene chloride accounted for about 50% of the chloroform lost. The methylene chloride disappeared after several months, it is unknown if it was due to dechlorination. The dominant degradative pathway for chlorinated methanes in anaerobic iron-water systems is sequential reductive dehalogenation. With each sequential dechlorination step, reduction rates become much less favorable. The increasing pH was found to decrease the pseudo-first-order rate constant for carbon tetrachloride dehalogenation by iron metals. Increasing both the mass and surface area of iron cause the pseudo-first-order rate constants for carbon tetrachloride dehalogenation to increase.3 It was concluded that the most important predictor of the rate of dechlorination was the iron surface area concentration. Aerobic conditions might also behave differently due to more aggressive corrosion. Precipitation of ferric hydroxides in real groundwater conditions sulfides and bacteria are also of a concern.. Our main critique would be that if these issues have been important in affecting the process in real-life groundwater conditions, then why weren’t they introduced into the experiment. It would have been interesting to see how aerobic situations would compare with the anaerobic results. Another question this paper left us with would be; would a large amount of iron be cleaned with hydrochloric acid in an actual groundwater treatment project? It makes sense that this would aid the process, but is it cost effective? It would also have been interesting to see this experiment carried out without the acid rinse, so a comparison could be made. One of the first projects involving zero-valent metal reduction was a contaminated industrial site in Sunnyvale, California taken on by ETI. In January of 1995, after being approved by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, a full-scale, permeable reactive iron wall system was installed. For the price of $770,000, this system includes slurry walls that direct the groundwater toward the reactive wall, and the reactive wall itself with dimensions of four feet wide, forty feet long, and thirty feet deep.6 The groundwater moves through the wall in approximately four days, which is plenty of time for most contaminants to degrade into products that are then degraded themselves. The specific contaminants being treated in Sunnyvale are TCE, cDCE, VC, and Freon 113. Since installation, the water leaving the treatment wall meets EPA standards.6 After proving success at Sunnyvale, EnviroMetal Technologies Inc. has used this treatment process on several contaminated sites throughout North America and one site in Ireland. One other example of their improvements can be seen in a similar industrial facility in New York. Here, a pilot-scale funnel and gate system was installed to treat 300ppb of TCE. The cost for this installation was $250,000, which included $30,000 for 45 tons of iron.6 The results can be observed on the following graph. As is evident from the results, the advancements in zero-valent metal reduction have immense potential for treating contaminated groundwater and soils. The zero-valent iron reduction procedure has since been experimented with to treat soils and has successfully removed contaminants, specifically VOCs. In the soil remediation process, a twin auger mechanism breaks up and mixes soil to a depth of 30 feet. The addition of iron is deployed by injecting a water slurry containing metallic iron particles (less than 0.3 millimeters in diameter) into the soil with the soil mixing equipment.4 Results reveal that within two weeks of the addition of iron, the concentrations of carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, 1,2-dichloroethene, and trichloroethene had decreased to below analytical detection limits. The potential use for this new technology could be integrated into hundreds of different industries. For example, in addition to treating chlorinated solvents, iron can degrade certain banned pesticides, which still contaminate the soil. Iron can also degrade dye waste, and could most likely be used to clear up water tainted with dye effluents from textile mills. Another possible use of iron reduction is to rid soils of technetium, a radionucloetide polluting several DOE sites.5 Further uses of iron remediation are possible for the treatment of soils contaminated with heavy metals. One study tested with a 50-50 sand and iron mixture reduced chromate in groundwater to below detection levels.5 One last example of reduced iron remediation in soil is the removal of nitrates. This is a prevalent problem due to the fact that nitrate contamination is one of the most extensive soil contaminants worldwide, especially in agricultural areas where they use fertilizers.5 Some of the disadvantages of using the metal reduction process are the gradual corrosion of the treatment walls, an increase in pH, and the toxicity and high costs of metals such as tin, zinc, and palladium. Using iron, which is a much cheaper metal and also less toxic, easily solves the high cost and toxicity problems. This corrosion of the wall’s zero-valent metal is inherent due to the dechlorination process, which leads to precipitation on the metal surface. With precipitation, the wall’s dechlorination is reduced and the permeability is decreased. Although most barriers are designed to operate for years with minimal maintenance, the aging limitations have not yet been determined.2 Some of the industry estimates that the reactive material may require expensive replacement within five years while others claim that even though the porous medium between the metal granules get filled with precipitate, and the porosity of the material lessens, the activity of the metal does not decrease. In one experiment the porosity decreased by 10% and still made no difference in the efficiency of the metal to treat the water inflow. Eventually the porosity will decrease to such an extent that it will make a difference, and hence technological advancements are being made to prevent the deterioration of the permeable walls.4 One such advancement includes enhancing the metal treatment by the use of ultrasound. The process, developed at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC), provides a relatively simple and economical method to regenerate and maintain the activity of the walls. The term “ultrasound“ refers to stress waves that occur at frequencies exceeding 20kHz. Results of this developing technology show that after a short exposure to low frequency, low-level ultrasound, the metal particles are cleansed of the by-products that tend to inhibit remediation. Hence, the treatment walls’ effectiveness is returned to its original level. This new advancement is still being tested and has not yet been applied to real world problems, although NASA hopes to stimulate development of commercial applications in the near future.2 Zero-valent metal reduction seems to be a large step in the fight for helping out the water pollution problem. Much work is going into the experimentation of different reductions and ways to lengthen the metal wall lifespan. The process is yet not fully developed, but seems to be an upcoming innovation that will hopefully be introduced and put into use soon.