Evaluation of Ozone Measurements From a Tethered Balloon Sampling Platform at South Pole Station in December, 2003 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Vertical boundary-layer ozone profiles were measured from a tethered balloon platform 21 during the 2003 Antarctic Tropospheric Chemistry Investigation (ANTCI) at South Pole 22 Station, Antarctica. Electrochemical concentration cell (ECC) ozonesondes were used in 23 obtaining 128 ascent and descent profile measurements to about 500 m height during 24 December 13-30, 2003. Various data checks and intercomparisons were done to confirm 25 the accuracy of the ozonesondes. The ozonesondes compared well to a surface ozone 26 ultra-violet (UV) absorption monitor located next to the tether balloon site. During the 27 18-day period, ozonesonde measurement checks at the surface averaged 0.2 ± 1.0 ppbv 28 higher than the continuous ozone measurements under ambient concentrations ranging 29 from 18 to 51 ppbv. This agreement was also consistent when compared to the nearby 30 NOAA UV monitor sampling at 17 meters above ground level during well mixed 31 conditions near the surface. In addition to the single ECC sonde profiles, 5 dual ECC 32 ozonesondes were run on the tether platform. Four release balloon-borne ozonesondes 33 were also launched during the project. Under very sharp ozone gradient events, the Bryan J. Johnsona, Detlev Helmigb, and Samuel J. Oltmansa a NOAA System Research Laboratory, Global Monitoring Division, 325 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado 80305-3328 USA b Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 803090450 USA. Revised Manuscript for Atmospheric Environment March 6, 2007 Abstract 34 release ozonesonde (with a rise rate of ~4-6 m/s) passed through the gradient layer too 35 quickly to capture the detail as measured by the controlled tethersonde at ~ 0.3 m/s 36 ascent/descent rate. Another method of ozone profiling was also done utilizing the UV 37 monitor at the tether site and a 135 meter long Teflon sampling line with a sampling inlet 38 mounted to and raised with the tethered balloon. The ECC ozonesonde averaged about 39 0.7 ± 0.8 ppbv lower than the long line sampling method from 8 profiles. 40 41 Key word index: ozonesonde, ozone measurements, tropospheric ozone, snow 42 photochemistry, 43 44 1. Introduction 45 Tethered balloon measurements have been a valuable part of campaigns investigating 46 boundary layer meteorology and chemical processes, especially in polar regions (Anlauf 47 et al., 1994; Helmig et al., 2002). As part of the 2003 Antarctic Tropospheric Chemistry 48 Investigation (ANTCI) campaign, vertical profiles of ozone, meteorological parameters, 49 and nitric oxide (NO) were measured within the boundary layer at South Pole Station 50 (Helmig et al., 2002, 2007 - this issue). The measurements were carried out on a tethered 51 balloon platform capable of reaching an altitude in excess of 500 meters above the 52 surface. The high resolution and high frequency of ozone measurements provided an 53 important picture in the ozone production and destruction processes, which are a 54 subsequent link to the active photochemical processes observed over the Antarctic 55 plateau (Davis et al. 2001, 2004). 56 57 Electrochemical concentration cell (ECC) ozonesondes were the primary ozone measuring instrument used for several reasons: They are the most widely used instrument 58 for long term ozone profiling networks; simple to prepare for flight; operate well in 59 extreme environments such as the Antarctic; and have been used successfully in other 60 tethersonde experiments (Knapp et al., 1998; De Muer et al., 1997). In addition, the slow, 61 controlled ascent and descent of the tether balloon compensates for the relatively slow 62 response time of the typical ECC ozonesonde, thereby allowing detailed profiles even 63 when sharp ambient ozone concentration changes are present through the boundary layer. 64 The ECC sensor response to a step change in ozone concentration is about 20-25 seconds 65 to reach the 1/e (63%) level (Komhyr et al., 1995). 66 The NOAA/ESRL Global Monitoring Division has a long record of measuring surface 67 ozone, total column ozone, and vertical profiles from ozonesondes at South Pole station. 68 Surface ozone has been measured with UV absorption instruments since 1975. A TEI 69 (Thermo Electron Corporation Model 49C, Franklin, MA) monitor currently operates out 70 of the Atmospheric Research Observatory (ARO) building. Weekly ECC balloon-borne 71 ozonesonde measurements have been done since 1986. Ozone measurements during 72 ANTCI, including one additional TEI ozone monitor operating next to the tether balloon 73 facility, provided for numerous data calibration checks and intercomparisons with the 74 tethersonde. One unique set of measurements included utilizing the TEI ozone monitor 75 for several vertical profiles to nearly 120 m height by running a long sampling line (135 76 m length) attached next to the ECC ozonesonde on the tether balloon platform. This 77 communication summarizes the comparison results from the various combinations of 78 ECC ozonesondes (tethered and release balloons), dual ozonesondes, and TEI ozone 79 monitors during the ANTCI campaign. 80 81 2. Experimental 82 A total of 128 profiles (includes ascent and descent) of ozone were measured from 83 December 13-30, 2003. The data summary and analysis, including the detailed 84 descriptions of the tether balloon equipment and other meteorological measurements are 85 described in detail by Helmig et al. (2007 - this issue). 86 87 88 2.1. Electrochemical Ozonesondes The ECC ozonesonde, developed by Komhyr (1986, 1995), uses an electrochemical 89 cell sensor that consists of a cathode cell containing 3 ml of dilute KI solution, and an 90 anode cell containing 1.5 ml of a saturated KI solution. A Teflon piston pump bubbles 91 ambient air into the cathode cell solution. The ozone immediately oxidizes the iodide to 92 iodine which generates a proportional electrical current from the cell and through an 93 external circuit. The ozonesonde accuracy and precision has been investigated through 94 intercomparison campaigns and by recent laboratory tests (Smit, et al., 2007 - in press). 95 The EnSci 2Z ozonesondes used in this study (EnSci Corp., Boulder, CO), interfaced 96 with a Vaisala RS-80 radiosonde, were prepared using the NOAA/ESRL Global 97 Monitoring Division standard operating procedures. The ozonesondes used were each 98 conditioned once for 30 minutes with high ozone (> 500 ppbv) 3 to 7 days prior to their 99 first profile measurement. Only 4 ozonesonde instruments were used for all of the tether 100 profile measurements, with one primary instrument used for 31 profiles. All of the 101 ozonesondes showed no signs of degradation and remained consistent in performance 102 checks done before each tether flight, except the flow rate of the primary instrument 103 increased by about 2% after the first pre-flight preparation and remained fairly constant 104 thereafter. The sonde pump flow rates were measured using a soap bubble flow meter. A 105 3% correction (reduction in measured flow rate) was applied to account for evaporation 106 of the soap solution from the dry air pumped through the sonde. Zero air was used to 107 measure the sensor background current. The cathode sensing solution consisted of a 2% 108 potassium iodide unbuffered solution, which is different than the EnSci manual 109 recommendation of a 0.5% KI buffered solution. Previous surface tests (Johnson et al., 110 2002) have shown almost no difference in surface ozone readings using the two different 111 solutions in lab and ambient air tests. Laboratory profile tests at JOSIE (Smit, et al., 2007 112 - in press), however, showed about a 6 to 7% higher reading from the 0.5% KI solution. 113 Different sensing solutions were compared on several dual ozonesonde packages run on 114 the tethersonde during this field project to further investigate the comparability of these 115 two different operational conditions. 116 The ozonesonde was placed inside the standard Styrofoam box along with a 100 gram 117 sealed water-can next to the pump frame, which kept the temperature stable under the 118 cold conditions at South Pole. Batteries and sensor solutions were checked and changed, 119 depending on how long the sonde was operating, before each profile run. Flow rates and 120 backgrounds were usually checked at the end or beginning of the day. 121 Prior to attaching to the tether platform, the ozonesonde package was run for several 122 minutes (at about 1.5 meters) to compare to the TEI monitor at 2 or 4 m. The ECC 123 ozonesonde was not calibrated or corrected to the UV absorption surface monitoring 124 instruments. 125 The ascent and descent rates of the tethered balloon were controlled at about 0.2 to 0.3 126 m/sec with a hydraulic winch. Geopotential altitude was calculated from the pressure and 127 temperature data and was adjusted accordingly so that the beginning ascent and final 128 descent surface altitude would match whenever surface pressure changes occurred during 129 the approximately 1 hour profile. On 4 occasions, a release ozonesonde was launched 130 concurrently while a tether-borne ozonesonde was held at the apex of its flight for a fly- 131 by comparison. 132 133 134 2.2. Long sample line profiling technique Finally, a new profiling technique outlined in detail by Helmig et al. (2007a,b – this 135 issue), utilized the TEI surface ozone monitor at the tether site and a 135 m long 136 conditioned PFA Teflon sampling line. The TEI instrument is tailored towards high 137 accuracy and precision surface ozone measurements, with accuracy and precision 138 typically better than 1 ppbv and 0.2 ppbv for 1-min data. The inlet was attached to the 139 tether line next to the ECC ozonesonde. Profiles were measured to nearly 120 m by 140 raising and lowering the line while the indoor surface ozone monitor pulled air through 141 the long line. The sampled air residence time in the Teflon sampling line was 2.1 or 4.2 142 min, depending on whether the NO instrument was sampling at the same time through the 143 line. The 135 m- Teflon sampling line was conditioned for 2 days in the laboratory with 144 250 ppbv ozone enriched air, prior to the field campaign. The mean ozone loss rate 145 during sample transport through this tubing in the field was 1.9% in the long sampling 146 line as determined by alternating between a 10 m sampling line and the 135 m line at the 147 surface during a nine-day period at the campaign (Helmig et al., 2007b). 148 149 3. Results 3.1. Surface ozone comparisons 150 Figure 1 shows the daily surface ozone measurements from the two UV absorption 151 instruments at the ARO building (17 m inlet height) and the tether balloon site which 152 sampled at a 2 m inlet height during the year 2003 calendar days (CD) 348 – 350 and 153 357.2 – 364. The inlet height was moved to ~ 4 m during CD 350 – 357.2. The ECC 154 ozonesonde surface (sampling at 1.5 m height) comparison checks before and after 155 balloon launches are shown as single blocks at the beginning and end of each tether 156 profile. Overall, the ozonesondes and UV monitors compared well with the ECC 157 ozonesondes measuring 0.2 ± 1.0 ppbv (0.8 ± 3.1%) higher than the TEI (2 m & 4 m). 158 During a four-day period, after December 20 (Day 354), ozone increased sharply from 20 159 ppbv to the 40 to 50 ppbv range at the surface. As discussed by Helmig et al. (2007a - 160 this issue), this was a period of enhanced ozone under stable, sunny conditions with 161 higher ozone near the surface extending up to 60 – 200 m. The ECC ozonesondes tended 162 to read slightly lower than the TEI (4 m) during this time. Figure 1 also shows that during 163 this period the ARO (17 m) was showing 3-4 ppbv lower ozone than the TEI at the tether 164 site (4 m). This was due to the sharp decreasing gradient in ozone under these stable 165 conditions and not related to instrumental differences (Helmig et al, 2007a - this issue). 166 167 3.2. Dual and release ozonesondes 168 Figures 2 and 3 compare various dual ECC ozonesonde tether profiles and release 169 flights. The ozonesonde profiles in these examples all used 2Z Ensci ozonesondes with 170 2% KI unbuffered sensor solutions unless noted in the charts as 0.5% KI buffered or 6A 171 Science Pump ECC ozonesondes. The ozonesonde accuracy in the troposphere is 172 generally considered to be ± 5%, which is related to uncertainties in the flow rate, the 173 measured background, pump temperature, and the composition of the cathode sensing 174 solution. In these dual experiments, the ozonesonde data from using 0.5% KI buffered 175 solutions were about 3% higher than the 2% KI unbuffered profiles, except for the dual 176 flight on December 23 (Fig. 3), which shows nearly identical agreement. 177 An interesting observation is shown in Figures 2a-2c, comparing the release balloon- 178 borne ozonesondes with the tethered ozonesonde profiles. The release ozonesondes were 179 launched after the tether profile was at the apex and held fixed at that altitude for several 180 minutes. The balloonborne ozonesonde rise rate is about 5 meters per second and would 181 therefore travel from the surface to the ~ 500 meter apex height in just over 100 seconds. 182 The response time of the ozonesonde is too slow to capture sharp ozone features which 183 are observed as a slow delayed decrease or increase in ozone. For example, on December 184 18 (Figure 2a) the tethered dual ozonesonde instruments recorded a fairly constant ozone 185 mixing ratio of 30 ppbv up to 480 m height, then ozone dropped sharply to 25 ppbv 186 within just a few meters. The gradient was the strongest during the controlled descent 187 (dashed lines). The release ozonesonde was launched from the balloon facility located in 188 the center of South Pole Station, about 400 meters from the temporary tether site. The 189 ozonesonde profile was also relatively constant up to 450 m, with about a 1 ppbv offset 190 from the tether profiles. The difference quickly increased though as the release sonde 191 passed through the sudden ~5 ppbv drop in ozone. At the typical 5 m/s ascent rate, an 192 ozone instrument would have to respond in just a few seconds to capture this feature. 193 This particular ozonesonde showed a 1/e response time of 26 seconds during the preflight 194 test. Therefore, at the given rise rate the release sonde would travel 300 m (vertically) 195 until 90 % of this change would be recorded, assuming the ozone concentration remains 196 constant after the step change. This behavior is clearly visible in Figure 2a, as the release 197 sonde traveled an additional 260 m in height before it read the 24-25 ppbv mixing ratio 198 that was measured by the tether instruments. De Muer and Malcorps (1984) developed a 199 deconvolution technique for correcting the response time distortion for their Brewer-Mast 200 electrochemical ozonesonde profiles. However, the correction can generate spurious 201 peaks due to noise in the data (De Backer, 1999). We did not attempt to apply this 202 correction to the release sonde data, rather we show this data to illustrate the necessity for 203 slow, controlled ascent and descent rates of the tethered balloon. The other 3 release 204 sondes (Figures 2b-2d) were launched next to the tether site and show a similar lag in 205 response to the ozone features observed by the tethered ozonesonde. The surface 206 measurements showed good agreement with the release sonde during the several minutes 207 it was held at the surface before launch. 208 209 3.3. Long line sample profiles and ECC ozonesonde comparison 210 Figure 4 shows eight of the TEI long line and ECC ozonesonde profile comparisons. 211 On average the ECC sonde was 0.7 ±0.8 ppbv lower (-1.7 ±2%) than the measurements 212 by the TEI instrument. The TEI long line data includes a 1.9% line loss correction and an 213 adjustment in altitude for the 2.1 to 4.2 minute residence time. The absolute differences 214 in these two measurements are well within the stated uncertainty ranges of both 215 measurements. Ascent and descent data were in good agreement in all eight profiles, 216 regardless whether the ozone mixing ratio gradient was fairly flat or had a relatively steep 217 gradient (Dec 24 profile). 218 219 220 Conclusions Electrochemical concentration cell ozonesondes provided high spatial and temporal 221 resolution data of ozone mixing ratios within the boundary layer during an intensive 222 profiling campaign at South Pole Station, Antarctica as part of the ANTCI experiment. A 223 total of 128 ozone profiles, between the surface and approximately 500 meters, were 224 measured from Dec 13-20, 2003. An assortment of intercomparisons and quality data 225 checks were done to confirm the accuracy of the ECC ozonesondes. Overall the ECC 226 ozonesondes used during ANTCI operated well within their limits of uncertainty and 227 were shown to be well suited for boundary layer studies of ozone using a tethered balloon 228 platform. In addition, the ozonesondes were shown to maintain good performance even 229 after numerous profile runs. One particular sonde was used in 31 tether ascent/descent 230 runs with no significant change observed in response tests or accuracy checks. 231 During surface comparisons, ozone ranged from 18 to 51 ppbv. The ECC ozonesondes 232 averaged 0.8 ± 3.1% higher than the UV absorption surface monitor operating out of the 233 tether balloon building with the sampling inlet at 2 to 4 m above the surface. Another 234 nearby (150 m away) UV monitor located in the ARO building was also used as a 235 reference and showed good agreement. However, during strong ozone gradient episodes 236 the higher 17 m sampling inlet at ARO showed 3-4 ppbv lower ozone compared to the 237 surface tether site. Analysis of these episodes by Helmig, (2007a - this issue) showed 238 that ozone, under certain stable conditions, is produced in a shallow layer above the snow 239 surface and can build up and lead to ozone gradients as high as 5 ppbv between the 240 surface and the 17 m inlet of the NOAA ozone monitor. 241 A slow controlled ascent and descent of less than 0.3 m/s allows the ECC ozonesonde to 242 capture the details of these ozone gradients. The high-resolution vertical ozone profiles 243 proved to be highly valuable for evaluating the steep gradients in vertical concentrations 244 and photochemistry in the shallow boundary layer at South Pole. The release 245 ozonesondes, with a ~15-20-fold faster ascent rate tended to wash out the sharp features 246 The UV ozone monitor at the tether balloon site was successfully used to measure 247 ozone profiles from the surface to 120 m height by using a 135 m long Teflon sampling 248 line. Eight of these profiles were compared to the ECC tether ozonesonde, which showed 249 the ECC sonde reading an average of 1.7 ±2% lower than the UV monitor. 250 251 References: 252 Anlauf, K.G., Mickle, R.E., Trivett, N.B.A., 1994. Measurement of ozone during Polar 253 Sunrise Experiment 1992, Journal of Geophysical Research, 99, 25345-25353. 254 255 Davis D., Nowak J.B., Chen G., Buhr M., Arimoto R., Hogan A., Eisele F., Mauldin L., 256 Tanner D., Shetter R., Lefer B. and McMurry P., 2001. Unexpected high levels of NO 257 observed at South Pole. Geophys. Res. Let. 28, 3625-3628. 258 259 Davis D., Chen G., Buhr M., Crawford J., Lenshow D., Lefer B., Shetter R., Eisele F., 260 Mauldin L., and Hogan A.,2004. South Pole NOx chemistry: an assessment of factors 261 controlling variability and absolute levels. Atmos. Environ. 38, 5375-5388. 262 263 DeBacker, H. G., 1999. Homogenization of ozone vertical profile measurements at 264 Uccle, edited by H. Malcorps, Sci. Publ. 007, l’Inst. R. Météorol. de Belgique, Brussels, 265 1999. 266 267 De Muer, D., and H. Malcorps, 1984. The frequency response of an electrochemical 268 ozone sonde and its application to the deconvolution of ozone profiles, J. Geophys. Res., 269 89, 1361–1372. 270 271 De Muer, D., Heylen, R., Van Loey, M. & De Sadelaer, D.G., 1997. Photochemical 272 ozone production in the convective mixed layer, studied with a tethered balloon sounding 273 system, Journal of Geophysical Research 102, 15933-15947. 274 275 Helmig, D., Boulter, J., David, D., Birks, J.W., Cullen, N.J., Steffen, K., Johnson, B.J. & 276 Oltmans, S.J., 2002. Ozone and meteorological boundary-layer conditions at Summit, 277 Greenland, during 3-21 June 2000, Atmospheric Environment, 36, 2595-2608. 278 279 Helmig, D. Johnson, B., Oltmans, S. J., Neff, W., Eisele, F., and Davis, D. D., 2007a. 280 Elevated boundary-layer ozone at South Pole, Atmos. Environ., in press. 281 Helmig, D., Johnson, B., Warshawsky, M., Morse, T., Neff, W., Eisele, F. and Davis, 282 D.D. (2007b) Nitric oxide in the boundary-layer at South Pole during the Antarctic 283 Tropospheric Chemistry Investigation (ANTCI). Atmos. Environ., submitted for 284 publication. 285 286 Johnson, B.J., Oltmans, S.J., Vömel, H., 2002. Electrochemical concentration cell (ECC) 287 ozonesonde pump efficiency measurements and tests on the sensitivity to ozone of 288 buffered and unbuffered ECC sensor cathode solutions, Journal of Geophysical Research, 289 107, 4393. 290 291 Komhyr, W.D., 1969. Electrochemical concentration cells for gas analysis, Ann. 292 Geophysics 25, 203-210. 293 294 Komhyr, W.D., R.A. Barnes, G.B. Brothers, J.A. Lathrop,, and D.P. Opperman, 1995. 295 Electrochemical concentration cell ozonesonde performance evaluation during STOIC 296 1989, Journal of Geophysical Research 100, 9231-9244. 297 298 Knapp, K.G., Jensen, M.L., Balsley, B.B., Bognar, J.A., Oltmans, S.J., Smith, T.W. & 299 Birks, J.W., 1998. Vertical profiling using a complementary kite and tethered balloon 300 platform at Ferryland Downs, Newfoundland, Canada: observation of a dry, ozone-rich 301 plume in the free troposphere, Journal of Geophysical Research 103, 13389-13397. 302 303 Smit, H.G.J, Straeter W., Johnson, B.J., Oltmans, S.J., Davies, J., Hoegger, B., Stubi, R., 304 Schmidlin, F., Witte, J., Thompson, A., Boyd, I. Poisny, F., 2007. Assessment of the 305 performance of ECC-ozone sondes under quasi-flight conditions in the environmental 306 simulation chamber: Insights from the Jülich Ozone Sonde Intercomparison Experiment 307 (JOSIE), Journal of Geophysical Research., submitted for publication. 308 309 Acknowledgements 310 This research was supported through the United States National Science Foundation 311 (Office of Polar Programs, grant #0230046). A. Drexler, J. Seiffert and M. Warshawsky 312 helped with the balloon experiment at SP and I. Brown and T. Morse assisted in the data 313 analysis and preparation of some of the color figures. We thank Raytheon Polar Services 314 and the U.S. 109th Air National Guard for providing excellent logistical support and the 315 South Pole staff for an extraordinary effort in accommodating the tethered balloon 316 experiment. 317 318 FIGURE CAPTIONS 319 320 Figure 1. Summary of surface ozone measurements from December 13 (day 347) to Dec 321 30 (day 364) from the UV absorption TEI monitor operated at the ARO building (inlet at 322 17 m above surface) and next to the tether balloon site (inlet at 2 and 4 m above surface). 323 The ECC ozonesonde data are from ~ 5-min measurements at the beginning and end of 324 each tether run at 1.5 meters. The relative differences (middle panel) and percent 325 differences (lower panel) are also shown. 326 327 Figure 2. Comparison of ECC ozonesonde profiles from tethered dual ozonesondes 328 (ascent = asc, descent = des) with release balloon-borne ozonesondes. All of the 329 ozonesondes were 2Z Ensci sondes using 2% KI unbuffered cathode unless designated 330 differently on the chart. Data from the UV absorption TEI ozone monitors at 2/4 meters 331 and 17 meters are also shown. 332 333 Figure 3. Dual ECC ozonesonde tethered flights comparing the sensor solutions 2% KI 334 unbuffered (both the same solutions in the left panel) and 0.5% KI unbuffered. Ascent 335 data are illustrated by the solid lines and descent data by the dashed lines. The UV 336 absorption TEI ozone monitors at 4 and 17 meters are also shown at the starting time of 337 the tether profile. 338 339 Figure 4. Comparison of ECC ozonesonde tether profiles (black lines) to the UV 340 absorption TEI ozone (gray lines) using the long sampling line attached to the tether 341 platform. Thick lines are ascent, thin lines are descent. The average surface ozone 342 measurements from the ARO building (17 m) during the profile run are also shown. 343 344 345 346 347 FIGURES 55 17 meter TEI ARO 2/4 meter TEI 50 1.5 meter ECC sonde (start) Ozone (ppbv) 45 1.5 meter ECC sonde (end) 40 35 30 25 20 Percent Difference ppbv difference 15 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 2m 4m 2m (sonde - 2/4 meter TEI) start (sonde - 2/4 meter TEI) end 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 (sonde - 2/4 meter TEI) start (sonde - 2/4 meter TEI) end 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 Calendar Day 2003 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 Figure 1. Summary of surface ozone measurements from December 13 (day 347) to Dec 30 (day 364) from the UV absorption TEI monitor operated at the ARO building (inlet at 17 m above surface) and next to the tether balloon site (inlet at 2 and 4 m above surface). The ECC ozonesonde data are from ~ 5-min measurements at the beginning and end of each tether run at 1.5 meters. The relative differences (middle panel) and percent differences (lower panel) are also shown. 800 (a) Dec 18 (b) Dec 23 02:39 03:58 700 release sonde release sonde 0.5%KI tether asc tether des tether 0.5%KI asc tether 0.5%KI des 17 meter TEI 4 meter TEI Height (meters) 600 500 400 release sonde tether asc tether des tether 0.5%KI asc tether 0.5%KI des 17 meter TEI 4 meter TEI 300 200 100 0 24 26 28 30 32 24 28 Ozone (ppbv) 32 36 40 44 Ozone (ppbv) 800 (c) 700 Dec 29 03:26 release sonde tether 2Z asc tether des tether 6A asc tether 6A des 17 meter TEI 4 meter TEI 600 Height (meters) (d) Dec 26 03:04 500 400 300 tether asc tether dsc release sonde 6A 200 17 meter TEI 4 meter TEI 100 0 22 24 26 28 Ozone (ppbv) 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 30 32 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 Ozone (ppbv) Figure 2. Comparison of ECC ozonesonde profiles from tethered dual ozonesondes (ascent = asc, descent = des) with release balloon-borne ozonesondes. All of the ozonesondes were 2Z Ensci sondes using 2% KI unbuffered cathode unless designated differently on the chart. Data from the UV absorption TEI ozone monitors at 2/4 meters and 17 meters are also shown. 600 Dec 21 09:09 Dec 23 09:00 Height (meters) 500 2% KI-u asc 2% KI-u des 0.5% KI-b asc 0.5% KI-b des 17 meter TEI 4 meter TEI 2% KI-u asc 2% KI-u des 2% KI-u asc 2% KI-u des 17 meter TEI 4 meter TEI 400 300 200 100 0 18 22 26 30 34 38 Ozone (ppbv) 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 42 46 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 Ozone (ppbv) Figure 3. Dual ECC ozonesonde tethered flights comparing the sensor solutions 2% KI unbuffered (both the same solutions in the left panel) and 0.5% KI unbuffered. Ascent data are illustrated by the solid lines and descent data by the dashed lines. The UV absorption TEI ozone monitors at 4 and 17 meters are also shown at the starting time of the tether profile. Height (meters) 100 ECC Sonde TEI long line ARO TEI 17 m ECC Sonde TEI long line ARO TEI 17 m Dec 17 02:39 Dec 19 04:14 ECC Sonde TEI long line ARO TEI 17 m ECC SONDE TEI Long Line ARO TEI 17 m Dec24 24 Dec Dec 20 23:29 09:18 80 60 40 20 0 28 30 32 34 36 Ozone (ppbv) 34 36 38 40 42 Ozone (ppbv) 38 40 42 44 46 Ozone (ppbv) ECC Sonde TEI long line ARO TEI 17 m ECC Sonde TEI long line ARO TEI 17 m ECC Sonde TEI long line ARO TEI 17 m Height (meters) Dec Dec24 24 100 40 44 48 52 Ozone (ppbv) ECC Sonde TEI long line ARO TEI 17 m Dec 27 20:34 Dec 26 09:01 Dec 25 05:00 19:57 36 80 60 40 20 0 40 42 44 46 48 50 Ozone (ppbv) 373 374 375 376 377 378 42 44 46 48 Ozone (ppbv) 26 28 30 Ozone (ppbv) 32 26 28 30 Ozone (ppbv) Figure 4. Comparison of ECC ozonesonde tether profiles (black lines) to the UV absorption TEI ozone (gray lines) using the long sampling line attached to the tether platform. Thick lines are ascent, thin lines are descent. The average surface ozone measurements from the ARO building (17 m) during the profile run are also shown. 32