Oxygen Lenka Šibravová, Soňa Konečná OXYGEN the element is very common major component of air the second largest single component of the earth's atmosphere (21% by volume) the atmosphere of Mars contains only about 0.15% oxygen usually bound with other elements produced by plants during photosynthesis necessary for aerobic respiration plant = rostlina bound = vázaný necessary = nutný, nezbytný photosynthesis = fotosyntéza Properties • • • • Name: Oxygen Symbol: O Atomic number: 8 Atomic weight: 15.9994 • Group number: 16 • Group name: Chalcogen • Period number: 2 Properties heavier than air soluble in water without smell or taste the gas is colourless, odourless and tasteless chemical bonds with almost all other elements three isotopes heavy = těžký soluble = rozpustný taste = chuť Property liquid O2 and solid O2 have a light blue color highly paramagnetic electronegativity highly oxidizing releasing heat release = uvolnit liquid = kapalný solid = pevný Liquid oxygen Properties the shell structure of oxygen crystal structure of oxygen. History • Discovered by: Joseph Priestley, Carl Scheele • Discovered at: England, Sweden • Discovered when: 1774 Joseph Priestley Preparation • large number of different methods for its preparation 1) Preparation of oxygen using potassium chlorate 2 KClO3 ==> 2 KCl + 3 O2 2) Preparation of oxygen using hydrogen peroxide 2 H2O2 ==> 2 H2O + O2 use = použít potassium = draslík Preparation 3) Preparation of oxygen by electrolysis of water 2 H2O ==> 2 H2 + O2 4) Preparation of oxygen by the decomposition of salts 2 KNO3 ==> 2 KNO2 + O2 5) Preparation of oxygen from air electrolysis of water = elektrolýza vody decomposition of salts = rozklad solí Compounds • oxygen is very reactive • oxygen forms chemical bonds with almost all other • • elements oxygen derivatives are prone to form free radicals the most common oxidation numbers are -2 chemical bond = chemická vazba prone = náchylný, nakloněný free radicals = volné radikály oxidation numbers = oxidační číslo Compounds Hydroxide Aluminium hydroxide, Al(OH)3 Barium hydroxide, Ba(OH)2 Oxide Water Carbon dioxide, CO2 has the chemical formula H2O Alcohols (R-OH) methanol, CH3OH Methanol burns in air forming carbon dioxide and water: 2CH3OH + 3 O2 → 2CO2 + 4H2O Ozone allotropic form of oxygen important component of the atmosphere effect on the ozone layer ozone is toxic! used for drinking water treatment important = důležitý drinking water = pitná voda layer = vrstva treatment = léčba Applications oxygen is essential to respiration used in medicine used in welding making of steel and methanol essential = nezbytný steel = ocel weld = svářet kovy Thank You