774 1 Design Method of Miniaturized HTS Coplanar Waveguide Bandpass Filters using Cross Coupling H. Kanaya, Member, IEEE , J. Fujiyama, R. Oba, and K. Yoshida Abstract—A new design method of miniaturizing HTS coplanar waveguide bandpass filters using cross coupling is presented. When the size of the filter decreases, the cross coupling between the resonators tends to appear, which causes attenuation poles. In order to control the cross-coupling section, we reformed the meanderline interval and shape, so that we can design the frequency and number of the attenuation poles. The half-wave length resonator bandpss filter (BPF) is designed by using the 2.5-dimensional electromagnetic field simulator. 7-pole cross-coupled CPW BPF (center frequency of 2GHz, bandwidth of 15MHz, ripple of 0.1dB and two attenuation poles on both sides of pass band) is packed within 6mm × 10mm square substrate. Simulated performance is in good agreement with the designed one. This BPF has the skirt steepness of 20dB/MHz (40dB attenuation), which is the same skirt characteristic of 11-pole Chebyshev BPF. Moreover, in order for further miniaturization, we designed and tested quarter wavelength resonator BPF by using our present design theory. and interdigital gaps. In order to realize the cross-coupling section, we varied the meanderline interval and shape. The frequency responses of the cross-coupled CPW BPF with two attenuation poles on both sides of pass band, is compared with that of the standard Chebyshev BPF. Moreover, for further miniaturization, we designed and tested quarter wavelength (/4) resonator BPF by using our present design theory. II. DESIGN OF CHEBYCHEV CPW BPF Fig. 1(a) shows the equivalent circuit model of the BPF. When fractional bandwidth (w) and ripple (LAr) of BPF are requested, J inverters are given by, Index Terms—Mobile telecommunication, HTS filter, Coplanar waveguide, Cross coupling, Attenuation pole J 01 w Y0b1 , g 0 g1 (1) J i ,i 1 w bi bi 1 , (i 1, 2, , n 1) g i g i 1 (2) J n ,n 1 w I. INTRODUCTION H IGH Tc superconducting (HTS) films have extremely low surface resistance in the microwave and millimeter wave regions. This indicates that HTS passive devices such as filters and antennas have a high potential in the mobile and satellite telecommunication systems. There are many reports on micro-stripline bandpass filter (BPF) [1], [2] and HTS BPF based cryogenic receiver front-ends [3], [4]. On the other hand, the coplanar waveguide (CPW) structure is more advantageous than the micro-stripline structure because of only one side HTS coating and easy for size reductions [5]. Finally, we will fabricate the single chip HTS integrated microwave receiver that is connecting a HTS slot antenna [6] and a Si-CMOS low noise amplifier (LNA) with a broadband matching circuit. Moreover, elliptic and quasi-elliptic filter using cross-coupled resonators have sharper skirt property than that of Chebyshev filter in the same pole numbers [7]. In this paper, we designed the miniaturized cross-coupled CPW BPF by using highly packed meanderline half-wavelength (/2) resonators bnY0 , g n g n 1 where gi is the element vale of BPF, and bi is the susceptance slope parameter of the resonator which has suseptance=Bi [8]. We can realize this circuit model as the equivalent CPW configuration. In order to realize the J inverter using CPW structure, interdigital gaps are adopted in the signal line as shown as shown in Fig. 1(b). In order to realize the miniaturized BPF, we coupled highly packed meanderline resonators with interdigital gaps. The exact values such as J values and length of the resonator of meanderline are calculated from the S-matrix and F-matrix (cascade matrix) by the 2.5-dimensional electromagnetic field simulator (Momentum: Agilent). (a) J01 jB1 J12 jB2 J23 jB3 J34 jB4 J45 jB5 J56 J-Inverter J-Inverter /2 Line (b) Interdigital Gap Manuscript received August 5, 2002. H. Kanaya, J. Fujiyama, R. Oba, and K. Yoshida are with Department of Electronics, Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University, Fukuoka 812-8581, (phone: +81-92-6423917; fax: +81-92-642-3943; e-mail: kanaya@ ed.kyushu-u.ac.jp). (3) Interdigital Gap Fig. 1. Equivalent circuit model of the BPF (a) and the equivalent CPW configuration (b). 774 2 III. CHARACTERISTIC OF CROSS-COUPLING J’2,4 = 0 J’2,4 > 0 0 |S11| (dB) 0 |S11| (dB) |S11| (dB) -20 -20 -20 -40 -40 -40 -60 -60 1.96 2.04 2 Frequency(GHz) -60 1.96 C(Electric)Coupling 2.04 2 Frequency(GHz) 1.96 Non Coupling M(Magnetic)Coupling Fig. 4. Frequency responses of the Fig.3 (a). di Meanderline Interval (di ) Fig. 5. EM-simulation pattern for the coupling measurement. 1.5 J'2,4 (×10 S) 1 M(Magnetic)Coupling 0.5 0 -0.5 C(Electric)Coupling di -1 J01 jB1 J 12 jB2 J’35 J23 jB3 J34 -1.5 jB4 J45 J23 jB3 jB4 J34 J”14 (b) jB1 J23 jB2 J23 52 54 56 di (m) 58 60 62 Fig. 6. di dependence of J’2,4. J”1,4 < 0 0 |S11| (dB) -40 -60 -80 -100 1.96 J”1,4 = 0 0 -20 -40 -60 J”1,4 > 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 -80 -100 -100 2 1.96 2 1.96 2 2.04 2.04 2.04 Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz) Fig.7. Frequency responses of the circuit model for measuring the J’’1,4. J’24 jB2 50 -20 J25” Fig.2. Circuit model of the n=5 BPF with cross-coupling. (a) 48 jB5 J56 0 J14” Meanderline Interval (di ) |S11| (dB) J’13 |S11| (dB) J’24 2.04 2 Frequency(GHz) -5 When the size of the filter decreases, the cross-coupling between the resonators tends to appear, which causes attenuation poles. Fig.2 shows the circuit model of the n=5 BPF with cross-coupling. There are two kinds of cross-coupling, namely cross-coupling passed over one resonator (J’i,k) and cross-coupling passed over two resonators (J”m,n), respectively. We can neglect the higher order coupling because the coupling effect is extremely smaller than that of J’i,k and J”m,n. At first, we found the conditions for appearances of the attenuation poles by simulation. In order to realize the cross-coupling section, we reformed the meanderline interval and shape of the CPW resonators. Fig. 3 (a) shows the circuit model for measuring the J’2,4. Fig. 4 shows the frequency responses of the Fig.3 (a). When J’ 2,4 is negative value, namely electric coupling (C coupling), one attenuation pole appears on lower frequency than that of the pass band. On the other hand, when J’ 2,4 is positive value, namely magnetic coupling (M coupling), one attenuation pole appears on the opposite side. Fig. 5 shows the EM-simulation pattern for the cross-coupling measurement. In order to realize the J’i,k, we reformed the meanderline interval (di) of the CPW resonators. Fig. 6 shows the di dependence of J’2,4. We can measure and control the J”m,n in the same manner as J’i,k. Fig. 3 (b) shows the circuit model for measuring the J”1,4. Fig. 7 shows the frequency responses of the circuit model for measuring the J”1,4. In order to realize the J” 1,4, we reformed the meanderline shape (ds) of the CPW resonators. Fig. 8 shows the ds dependence of J” 1,4. We confirmed that the J’i,k value almost dose not change by changing ds. J’2,4 < 0 0 jB3 J34 jB4 Fig. 3. Circuit model for measuring the J’2,4 (a) and J”1,4 (b). IV. DESIGN AND SIMULATION OF CROSS-COUPLED BPF As shown in Sec. III, using J’’m,n is particularly effective for miniaturized cross-coupled BPF, because two attenuation poles appears on both sides of the pass band by only one J’’m,n. At first, we designed standard Chebyshev CPW BPF (see Fig. 1(a)), which has center frequency (f0)=2GHz, w=15MHz and n=5. From Figs. 6 and 8, we decided di=58m and ds=210m as no cross-coupling condition. Fig. 9 shows the frequency responses 774 3 1.5 -10 EM Simulation -20 Circuit Model -30 -40 -60 M(Magnetic) Coupling 1 J"1,4 (×10-5 S) 0 -50 2 -70 0.5 -80 1.96 1.97 1.98 1.99 2 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 frequency (GHz) Fig.10. Frequency response of the n=5 cross-coupled CPW BPF. 0 -0.5 Meanderline shape (ds) -1 C(Electric) -1.5 -2 (f0=2GHz, w=15MHz). The filter size is 2.5mm×10mm. Fig. 15 shows the simulation results of the n=4 /4 BPF with no cross-coupling. Simulated performance is in good agreement with the circuit model. S11,S21 [dB] of the EM simulation result. Simulated performance is in good agreement with the circuit model. Fig.10 shows the frequency response of the n=5 cross-coupled CPW BPF. We decided di =58m and ds =400m in order to make two attenuation poles with ±14MHz from the center frequency. The results of w and the position of attenuation poles are in good agreement with the circuit model. Fig. 11 shows the simulated pattern of the n=7 cross-coupled BPF. Filter size is 6mm ×10mm. Fig. 12 shows the simulation result of the BPF. In the figure, the responses of the n=11 Chebyshev BPF are also plotted. This BPF has the skirt steepness of 20dB/MHz (40dB attenuation) and offband minimum rejection of 45dB, which is the same skirt characteristic of n=11 standard Chebyshev BPF. 0 100 Size 6×10mm ds Coupling 200 300 ds (m) 400 500 600 di =58m Fig. 8. ds dependence of J”1,4. 0 -10 EM Simulation -20 Circuit Model ds = 400m S11,S21 [dB] -30 Fig. 11. Simulation pattern of the n=7 cross-coupled BPF. -40 -50 0 -60 -10 -70 -20 Fig. 9. Frequency responses of the n=5 Chebyshev BPF. V. DESIGN AND SIMULATION OF QUARTER WAVELENGTH BPF For further miniaturization, we designed and tested the quarter wavelength (/4) resonator BPF by using our present design theory. Fig. 13 (a) shows the circuit model of the /4 BPF. /4 resonator is connected with admittance inverter (K-inverter) and J-inverter. Fig.13 (b) shows the CPW configuration. The meander-shape short stubs realize k-inverter. Fig. 14 shows the simulation layout of the n=4 /4 BPF -30 S11,S21 [dB] -80 1.96 1.97 1.98 1.99 2 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 frequency (GHz) n=7 Crosscoupled BPF n=11 Chebyshev BPF -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 1.96 1.97 1.98 1.99 2 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 frequency (GHz) Fig. 12. Simulation result of the n=7 cross-coupled BPF. 774 4 0 (a) K12 λ/4 (b) J23 λ/4 K34 λ/4 J-Inverter J45 -5 λ/4 K-Inverter λ/4 Line Interdigital Gap Experimental results Simulation results with contact loss -10 |S11|, |S21| (dB) J01 Meander-Shape Short Stub Circuit model -15 -20 -25 -30 Fig. 13. Equivalent circuit model (a) and CPW configuration of the /4 BPF (b). -35 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 Frequency (GHz) 0.2 0.3 Fig. 16. Frequency responses of the n=3 highly packed meanderline YBCO Chebychev CPW BPF at 24K. Size : 2.5mm×10mm VII. CONCLUSION Fig. 14. Layout of n=4 /4 CPW BPF. 0 EM Simulation -10 We can design and control the frequency and number of the attenuation poles of the miniaturized BPF by reforming the meanderline interval and shape. n=7 cross-coupled CPW BPF is packed within 6mm × 10mm square substrate. Simulated performance was in good agreement with the designed one. This BPF has the skirt steepness of 20dB/MHz (40dB attenuation) and offband minimum rejection of 45dB, which is the same skirt characteristic of n=11 Chebychev BPF. Moreover, for further miniaturization, we designed the /4 CPW BPF by using our present design theory. The size of the n=4 /4 BPF is 2.5mm× 10mm. Circuit Model S11,S21 [dB] -20 REFERENCES -30 [1] -40 [2] -50 [3] -60 1.96 1.97 1.98 1.99 2 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 frequency (GHz) [4] Fig. 15. Frequency responses of the n=4 /4 CPW BPF. [5] VI. EXPERIMENTAL RESULT Fig. 16 shows the frequency responses of the n=3 meanderline YBCO Chebyshev CPW BPF at 24K. 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