Year 1 2014 - Bankstown Public School

Year One Overview – 2014
Welcome to Year One at Bankstown PS.
Our schools contact details are:
Phone: 9796 2120
Year 1 Teachers are: Miss Chessell, Mrs Rouchdi, Miss Hudson, Mrs Smith, Mrs Wever, Mrs
Hall, Mrs Keogh and Mrs Kizilcik
Year 1 EAL (English as an additional language/ dialect) teacher: Mr Penn
Year 1 L&ST (Learning and Support teachers): Mrs Mitchell and Mrs Yousif
Reading Recovery teachers: Miss Angelis and Mrs Yousif
Modeled Reading
Every week children in year one will be introduced to a new big book, they will be guided
through a variety of activities to improve their book knowledge and to introduce new language
and reading skills.
Guided Reading
Each child will be assessed in reading and placed in a reading group according to their level.
Each group will be given a book and through explicit and systematic teaching will be instructed
in reading. Whilst one group is reading to the teacher the other groups will be involved in
independent literacy activities.
Home Reading
Each week, children will take home reading books that are matched to their level to read to an
adult. Please listen to your child read and ask them questions about the book.
Children will be exposed to a variety of text types over the year:
Term One:
Term Two: Procedure
Term Three: Exposition
Term Four: Information Report
Each class will also have one hour of collaborative language lessons every week with the
classroom teacher and Mr Penn.
Students will have one formal handwriting lesson every week. They will also use the “Targeting
Handwriting 1” book to practise their handwriting in class.
Talking and Listening
Children will be given the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities to develop their
talking and listening skills. e.g. news, role plays and listening games.
Students will be given a spelling list every week. These lists will focus on a letter combination
and word families. In class students will be involved in a variety of spelling activities and
phonics games. At home students will be expected to practise these words.
Students will be grouped according to their ability in Maths Groups. Students will take part in
hands on activities as well as complete written activities in their Maths book. They will also
learn about mathematical language.
Topics covered:
Term One:
‘Groups We Belong To’ and ‘Workers in the Community’
Term Two:
‘Look! Listen!’ about the senses
Term Three: ‘Wet and Dry Environments’
Term Four: ‘Schoolyard Safari’ about minibeasts
Tuesday 10.30 – 11.00
Grade Sport with the Community Language teachers: Thursday 2.00 – 3.00
Children are encouraged to bring a healthy lunch and Crunch ‘N’ Sip (a piece of
fruit/vegetable, and a bottle of water) to school every day. The children participate in a social
skills program which was developed by staff at the school. A child protection program and a
drug education program are also conducted throughout the year.
Children participate in class music lessons and every fortnight there will be a grade assembly
during which the children will sing.
Lessons have been designed to cover all aspects of craft and the visual arts program.
All children in year one are encouraged to do some homework. This will consist of reading their
book every weeknight to an adult and doing some spelling and Maths activities; these will
differ from class to class.
Children go to library once a fortnight with their class. The library is open Tuesday and
Thursday at lunch for borrowing. All children need a library bag.
Students will use a variety of educational software during reading groups, Maths and other
From time to time, excursions are organised to support the learning your child is experiencing
in the classroom. When these are organised, you will be provided with information outlining
where, when and the cost of each excursion. It is important that your child attend these
events. We will let you know throughout the year the excursions Year 1 has organised for
 Procedures for arriving late or leaving early have changed.
Late to school: your child must go to the front office and receive a slip before heading
to their classroom
Leaving early: the parent must sign out their child through the front office and return
the slip to the class teacher before leaving the school.
If your child is away, you must provide a note or a doctor certificate.
If you are going away or overseas, you must come and complete leave forms at the front
office before the leave begins.
 Parents are requested to stay downstairs to pick up their children at 3 pm.
 Our school website is
 The Student Portal address: is