National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) Course Selection Regulation Students must select courses in accordance with the procedures of course selection, adding and dropping course, course correction, and 2nd course withdrawal (Course selection system: 1. Course selection: students must log onto the system to enroll courses. To log onto the course selection system, they must enter their Student ID numbers, Identification Card numbers (international student, birth dates, and passwords). Students can change their passwords after logging onto the system. If courses must be selected manually, they have to be enrolled by manual operation. 1.1 Course selection Period: 1st semester: Concurrent students should enroll courses during the end of the previous semester. New students please refer to Academic calendar for course selection schedule. 2nd semester: All students must enroll courses during the end of the first semester. 1.2 The system will enroll required courses automatically for each class onto the student course selection reports. While enrolling in courses, students should follow the “Guidelines for Course selection Verification on the system ” (see Appendix #1) and log onto the system to enroll courses. If students do not intend to take the required courses loaded by system, they can drop the courses via system. However, they are not allowed to select that courses opened for other classes in the same academic year. 1.3 Except for special reasons, course sizes in every department should not exceed 55 students. If over 90 students select course, it is within the discretion of the department to open an additional section for that course. 1.4 During the period of course selection via system, in principal, there is no limit to enrollment numbers for each class. However, due to restrictions created by limited equipment or facility space, General Studies Courses and Elective Foreign Language Courses may be restricted to a limited size in advance. Note 1:Courses with quota will be open for enrollment for seven days from the first day of course selection. Once the enrollment period ends, the system will process random allocation for those courses. Allocation results will be released on bulletin boards of the departments offering these courses. During the period from released date to course selection deadline, students are still allowed to select these courses. Note 2: Undergraduates can not select postgraduate courses during the Course selection period. If undergraduates intend to take postgraduate courses, they should enroll during the course add/drop period. Note 3: During the course selection period, students of the four-year undergraduate program should not take more than 3 General Studies courses; students of the two-year undergraduate program should not take more than 2 General Studies courses. 1 Note 4: With the consideration of enrollment numbers on the system, more Elective Foreign Language courses may be opened. 1.5 Under the following circumstances, students should enroll courses by manual operation: 1.5.1 If part-time undergraduate students wish to take daytime courses, they should show certificate of their employers' approval. 1.5.2 Students taking elective courses which are required courses in another department. 1.5.3 Students taking elective courses which are required courses in another department and are reserved for the department’s students’. 1.5.4 Students re-taking a required course which they have previously failed. 1.5.5 Students who have failed a required course taking the same course opened by another department to make up the credits. 1.5.6 Students taking the required General Studies courses offered for other classes because of retaking required courses which they have failed. 1.6 After verifying the courses you have enrolled in via the system, follow the system’s instruction, and press the button E-mail the course selection report back to myself the system will send the report to all students by e-mail. If you have any questions concerning the report, log onto the system again or contact the computer center (Tel: 02-27376209, Mr. Roger Yu) to verify your report. 2. Adding and dropping course: (At this stage, the priority is on a first-come, first-served basis. A course is closed upon full enrollments.) 2.1.1 After course selection period ends, each department should set a course selection limit. The size of a course that has no quota limit should not be over 55. If a course size is under 55, the course is open to course adding and dropping via the system. 2.1.2 The following courses are open to course adding and dropping on the system. Postgraduate courses which are open to senior undergraduate students. Under the same undergraduate program, senior-year students taking junior-year undergraduate courses which are still available. Students retaking the “Proficiency in English” (offered every second semester) course which they have failed. 2.1.3 Starting from the first day of the adding/dropping period, General Studies Courses are not restricted to the department offering the courses. They are opened to all departments to enroll on the system. 2.1.4 Course adding/dropping period: Two weeks after class begins, new students and current students can add and drop courses via system. 2.1.5 In addition, students who meet the following exceptional requirements can add and drop courses by manual operation: Part-time undergraduates with average grades in the previous semester over 80 can take one more course and senior-year courses after obtaining approval. Day-time undergraduates with average grades in the previous semester over 80 can take one or two more courses and senior-year courses after obtaining approval. Students taking elective courses offered by other universities or other departments which cannot be enrolled in via system. When the teacher of the course and director of the faculty and department signs 2 to approve a course add or drop after the student details the reasons for adding or dropping the course. Students who use add/drop application forms for special circumstances should submit the forms back to the Registration Section (undergraduate students) or the Graduate Studies Section (graduate students) before the course add/drop period ends. 2.2 After verifying the course you have enrolled in via system, please follow the system’s instruction, and press the button E-mail the course selection sheet back to myself. The system will send the report to all students by e-mail. If you have any questions concerning the reports please log onto the system again or contact the Computer Center (contact 02-27376209, Mr. Roger Yu) to verify your report. 3. Course Correction 3.1 “Course selection reports” will be issued after add/drop period. Should any discrepancies discovered, student can request for course correction to Section of Registration/Graduate Section during correction period. However, students are not allowed to utilize for the purpose of course adding/dropping. 3.2 Cashier Section will announce the dates for paying credit fee bill after correction period ends, please pay the credits fees (except for zero-credit courses) before due. The Academic Affairs Office will announce the names of unpaid students and mark “course credit fees unpaid; course withdraw” on the transcripts for that semester. 4. 2nd Course Withdrawal Period 2nd course withdraw period is scheduled prior to final exams in every semester (see academic calendar for the starting and ending dates). Students’ total credits shall be no less than the required credits after 2nd course withdrawal. No credit fees will be refunded afterwards. Withdrawal course during this period will be marked “withdraw” on semester transcript. 5. If students have any questions concerning course selection , please contact the following: Registration Section (for undergraduate students): 27376110、27376113、27376790、27376115、27377001、27377372 Graduate Studies Section (for graduate students): 27306121、27301296、27376111、27376112、27376119、37391060、 3 Appendix #1 C o u r s e S e l e c t i o n Ve r i f i c a t i o n R e g u l a t i o n 1. Maximum and Minimum Credits Student type Maximu m Maximum Minimum Class F r e s h m e n 25 16 Sophomores 25 16 J u n i o r s 25 16 S e n i o r s 25 9 Education Program Part-time undergraduates, the 3rd , 4th , 5th year students 13 9 Graduate program (master/Ph. D) Minimum Notes Undergraduate or 6 credits part-time or 2 courses programs ( summer course) 10 0 0 Effective academic year 2004/05. Students must study for two years after their admission to the Education Program. (Practicum included) See Appendix#2 2. A student is prohibited from selecting courses for which there is a time conflict; otherwise, both courses will be disregarded. 3. A student is not allowed to take a course with the same title and credits as any previously taken course; otherwise, the latter course grade will be disregarded 4. Full-time undergraduate students cannot take courses open for part-time undergraduate courses or graduate students. 5. Part-time students cannot take daytime full-time courses. 6. Undergraduates are allowed to select postgraduate courses with the specification that they are open to undergraduates. 7. Undergraduates are allowed to select other departments’ courses with the specification that they are open to students from other departments. 8. Physical Education Electives for seniors are one-credit courses. Students cannot take two physical education electives in the same semester. Before graduation, the total acknowledged credits of these courses will be no more than 2. Course Add/drop Period: Senior-year undergraduates are allowed to take junior-year undergraduate courses that still have vacancies. Undergraduates who wish to take postgraduate courses, within the enrollment limit of the course add/drop period, can select the courses on the system. 9. If graduate students take undergraduate courses (the first digit of the course codes being below 4), the credits will not be counted into the required credits for graduation, and the course scores will be disregarded, either. (However, the credit fees will still need to be paid.) 4 Appendix #2 Maximum Credits for Graduate students (master’s and Ph.D degree) Passed by the 140th Committee of Academic Affairs meeting on 2005/10/14 Department/ Graduate School/ Education Program Graduate Institute of Automation and Control (Program) Graduate Institute of Material Science and Technology (Program) Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Polymer Engineering Department of Construction Engineering Department of Chemical Engineering Department of Electronic Engineering Department of Electric Engineering Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering Graduate School of Management Department of Industrial Management Department of Business Administration Department of Information Management Graduate School of Finance Graduate School of Design Department of Architecture Graduate School of Technological and Vocational Education Department of Applied Foreign Language Master’s Doctorate Regular graduates Executive graduates Regular students Executive graduates None None None None 12 12 12 12 None None None - 12 12 12 - 12 12 12 - 12 - 12 - None None None - None None None None None None None - - None - None None None None - None None None - None None 12 - None None None - 12 12 12 - None None None - 12 - - - - None - - 5