Chapter 4 Definitions 1.) Algebraic Expression – A combination of

Chapter 4 Definitions
1.) Algebraic Expression – A combination of individual terms separated by plus and minus signs and
also including variables.
2.) Commutative Property – States that if two expressions are multiplied, then the order may be
reversed with no effect on the result.
3.) Corresponding – matching
4.) Evaluate – To find the numerical value of an expression
5.) Scale Factor – A ratio that compares the sizes of the parts of one figure or object to the sizes of
the corresponding parts of a similar figure or object.
6.) Terms – A single number, variable, or the product of numbers and variables
7.) Associative Property – If the sum or the product contains terms that are grouped, then the
groups can be changed without any effect on the total.
8.) Constant term – A number in an expression that is not multiplied by a variable.
9.) Distributive Property – For any a, b, and c, a(b + c) = ab + ac.
10.) Proportional relationship – A relationship between two ratios in which the ratios are equal.
11.) Similar figures – have the same shape but not necessarily the same size. Corresponding sides
have the same ratio.
12.) Unit rate – A rate with a denominator of 1 when simplified.
13.) Combining like terms – simplify an expression by combining constants and variable terms with
the same variables raised to the same power.
14.) Constant of Proportionality –The value of k in a proportional relationship with the equation of
the form y = kx.
15.) Equivalent expression – two separate expressions which have the same value.
16.) Scale drawing – A drawing that shows a real object with accurate sizes except they have all been
reduced or enlarged by a certain amount known as the scale factor.
17.) Simplify – to write a less complicated expression with the same value.
18.) Variable – A symbol used to represent one or more numbers in an expression.