HRK/Minutes from HIIG Leadership 9/8/10 Conference Call

Overview – Ron Klasko provided the leadership team with an update on the HIIG and his communication
with NAFSA on the HIIG website, membership, and Survey Monkey
Fall Webinar – Rose Mary will contact members of the AHME group to see if we can work with them on
conducting a webinar open to their group and HIIG members for the week of November 15, 2010. RMV
will discuss topics of importance with the AHME group and seek their input on what is of importance
that the HIIG can offer. RMV will report back once more details are known. Possible topics: J-1 vs. H-1B
vs. O-1; trainee vs. employee; questions to ask at interviews; I-9/E-Verify issues.
Liaison Conference Call – Discussion was held on whether we should try to conduct a conference liaison
call for our members during the month of October. Based on Ellie Fitzpatrick’s statement that ECFMG
would be very interested in continuing to liaison with the HIIG, Janice Bogen volunteered to contact Ellie
to see if a conference call could be set up for October, 2010. Little did we know that when we were
having the HIIG Leadership meeting that ECFMG was having the same topic discussion. No sooner than
we were off the phone, did Ron and I receive an email from Irene Anthony offering ECFMG for a
webinar. Email from Irene was directed to Janice Bogen who will take the lead on this assignment.
Regional and Annual Conference – Michele Stelljes reported that the proposal for the annual
conference was submitted timely and to her knowledge no decision on the sessions have been made as
of date. She also reported that Region III and Janice Bogen’s Region VIII will be offering HIIG sessions
during the Regional Conferences. Suggestion was made that Michele contact HIIG members in other
Regions to see if they would coordinate an informal meeting of HIIG members and non-members during
the Regional Conferences (e.g. meet for coffee in the hotel restaurant, meet for a brief meeting in hotel
lobby, etc). Ron Klasko reminded Michele that we had volunteers at the HIIG meeting in Kansas City
that volunteered to help at the Regional Conferences and those individuals should be noted in our
minutes. Michele indicated she would follow-up with this group.
Membership alerts on hot healthcare immigration topics – Ron Klasko asked the HIIG Leadership what
were the hot healthcare topics. Responses received were: New fee for H-1Bs and how academic
institutions should handle RFE’s and submission of I-129 applications; I-9s and E-Verify for non-paid
trainees; and Driver License. The decision was made that Ron Klasko would send out an announcement
to all HIIG members on the new fee for H-1Bs and how academic institutions should handle RFEs and
submission of I-129s. With respect to drivers license, it was felt that since each state is managing this
differently and the HIIG has no real guidance on how to address these issues, that the HIIG not take this
topic on as a hot topic. I-9s and E-Verify for non-paid positions was determined not to be an issue that
the HIIG could send out an alert on at this time.
Spring Webinar – Topic and dates will be placed on hold for now until we are able to send out via Survey
Monkey and receive information from HIIG members of topics of importance. We are hopeful Survey
Monkey will be sent out within the next few weeks.
Creation of Listserve – Rose Mary Valencia will maintain a consolidated listserve.
Development of online manual – Michele Stelljes informed the HIIG leadership members that she and
Janice Bianco have begun discussion and work on this document. The goal being that the on-line
manual would provide HIIG members with step by step processes on how to for Healthcare positions.
Suggestion was made that once the project is more advanced, that HIIG members could be asked to
assist with this project since this would enable some HIIG members to gain experience and receive
recognition for published material.
Upgrading website – Ron Klasko provided an overview of his conversations with NAFSA staff on the HIIG
website. As the discussion continued, HIIG leadership members indicated that it is very difficult for
anyone to find the HIIG website without going through a very difficult maze. It was determined that a
request to NAFSA would be submitted requesting that the site be revised to make it easier for members
and non-members to access the HIIG site from the NAFSA home page. In addition, the communication
to NAFSA regarding the HIIG site would ask for some clarification on the processes to update the HIIG
site. Janice Bogen offered to draft the letter but recommended someone else on the HIIG leadership
sign the document. Ron Klasko was nominated to sign the letter both as HIIG Chair. Possible additions
to website: powerpoints; leadership materials; updates; programs; membership; resource links.
Resource Guide – Discussion was held on developing a resource guide for HIIG leadership to provide
guidance on Chair Stream roles and service; job descriptions; NAFSA contacts; minutes; communications
strategy; HIIG website; Annual Conference Proposals; etc. Rose Mary Valencia was nominated to draft
the resource guide for HIIG leadership review, edits, and comments.
Expanding membership – medical schools and community colleges are targets.