Family Leadership Key Training Topics

Family Leadership Key Training Topics
Preparing and Conducting Training
 Recruitment materials (letters, application process, flyers, brochures)
 Descriptions of Modes of delivery (distance,
 Agendas
 Evaluations
 Tips
 Considerations regarding accommodations (language, interpreters, parents with
disabilities, transportation)
 Funding ideas/opportunities
 Challenges that families may face (financial – no credit card, transportation, no
support system, little experience with traveling)
 Tips for how to deal with bureaucracy (stipends, reimbursements, expectations
re: number impacted, opening up to broader group for more impact)
Understanding Leadership
 Defining and understanding family leadership
 Characteristics of leaders
 Discovering your own leadership qualities, passions and interests
 Reframing your view of power and influence
 Charting progress toward becoming a leader
Understanding Disability
 History
 Role of Parents over time
 Basic information on federal laws, definitions, funding, etc
Understanding Deaf-Blindness (or other specific disabilities)
 Getting the Big Picture: Federal Program for deaf-blindness
 The deaf-blind census, national and state
 Impact of deaf-blindness on learning, families and quality of life
 Resources on deaf-blindness
Understanding Systems and Opportunities for Family Leadership
 Understanding of systems (community, social, educational, medical, legislative
and adult service systems)
 Leadership within systems (community, social, educational, medical, legislative
and adult service systems)
 Elements of systems change
Communication Skills
 Understanding and respecting your own and others’ beliefs, attitudes, values
 Communication and active listening
 Understanding conflict styles
 Principle-based negotiation
 Supporting other families
Partnership and Collaboration Skills
 Collaboration and leadership
 Group dynamics and development
 Running/facilitating effective meetings
Advocacy Skills
 Telling your story
 Public speaking
 Writing skills: letters, newspaper stories, articles
 Tips for successful advocacy (bring pictures, food, personal story, say thank
you, share results)
Maintaining your Personal Life Balance
 Relaxation and regeneration activities
 Keeping your life in balance
 Taking care of yourself
 Problem solving skills
Optional Training Topics
Training Skills
 Learning styles
 Adult learning strategies
 Presentation skills
Loss and the Grieving Process
 Impact on families
 Relating to people in crisis
Connecting with Families: Building Relationships and Involvement
 Activities to introduce and connect families
 Identifying the needs of families
 Including the whole family
Cultural Competence Skills
 Understanding and respecting beliefs, attitudes, values
 Identifying underserved populations
 Outreach strategies
The National Center on Deaf-Blindness is funded through award #H326T130013 by the U.S. Department of Education,
OSERS, OSEP. The opinions and policies expressed by this publication do not necessarily reflect those of The Teaching
Research Institute, or the U.S. Department of Education. Federal Project Officer, JoAnn McCann.