Paintings Pricing the priceless An econometric approach on art Art and money. An apparent contradiction according to a lot of art and culture lovers. Nonetheless a great deal of money hides behind the world of beautiful masterpieces. The turnover of auction houses like Chistie's and Sotheby's alone runs into billions of dollars. When we also notice that art pieces like Mondriaan's Victory Boogie Woogie are sold for tens of millions of dollars, we cannot conclude differently than there is indeed a relationship between money and the world of art. On this relationship, and especially the price setting of individual paintings, we've done an econometric research. It proved to be a precarious but learning endeavour. The art market The market for art pieces is constructed differently than most other markets economists and econometrics analyse. One of the big differences is the fact that the supply -in most cases- is made of unique products. Still, unique products have characteristics that can be measured or mapped. In an econometric model it is even possible to do this all at the same time. We've 'explained' the proceeds of 4950 paintings, auctioned at Christie's. And because numbers say more than words, we'd like to refer to the estimation results, stated in table 1. Table 1. Estimation results of the log-linear regression model Variable Coefficient Constant 6.398 Log Surface 0.309 Classification in periods 18th century -0.036 19th century -0.171 Impressionism -0.071 20th century (before 1945) -0.094 20th century (after 1945) -0.366 Origin and attribution of a work of art Dated 0.402 Origin Known 0.375 Land of Auction = Origin -0.529 Signed -0.011 In Literature 0.716 Is Exhibited 0.705 Technical characteristics Paper -0.514 Chalk 0.341 Pen 0.031 Tempera 0.721 Not Oil paint -0.099 Fame of artist Author 0.934 In Janson 0.898 Log Internet Hits -9.7E-5 Standard error 0.017 t-value 17.7 0.083 0.072 0.076 0.076 0.079 -0.4 -2.4 -0.9 -1.2 -4.6 0.041 0.107 0.039 0.048 0.156 0.162 9.8 3.5 -13.7 -0.2 4.6 4.3 0.117 0.136 0.118 0.245 0.135 -4.4 2.5 0.3 2.9 -0.7 0.073 0.079 8.4E-4 12.9 11.4 0.9 Auction Year: 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Performance: adjusted R2 = 0.32 0,448 0,0537 0,0192 0,059 0,0253 0,0552 -0,1298 0,0545 -0,1012 0,0537 -0,0525 0,0511 0,0367 0,0491 -0,0395 0,0491 -0,2062 0,0644 model standard error = 1.27 8,34 0,33 0,46 -2,38 -1,88 -1,03 0,75 -0,81 -3,2 The performance is not at all great. The adjusted R2 tells us that 32% of the variance in the price is explained by the variables above. Or: we are unable to explain 68% of the 'movement' in the price. The model standard error (1.27) tells us that the 95% of the confidence interval is from 12.71) times as cheap to 12.7 times as expensive as the estimated price! We owe it to the large quantity of data, that we still get significant results. In the table above are two kinds of variables. Dummy-variables and variables in the logarithm. The coefficient of a dummy-variable must be interpreted as follows: small coefficients are almost proportional differences, but a coefficient of 0.7 means that a work of art becomes ceteris paribus twice as expensive (e0.7 = 2.01). The coefficients matching the logarithms are elasticity's: when a painting gets 10% bigger, the price rises with approximately 3% (1.100.309 = 1.03). And in case of a larger change like two times as big as the standard work, the price is 1.24 times as high (20.309 = 1.24). Classification in periods We've made distinctions in the works of Old Masters (17th century and before), art out of the 18th century, the 19th century, works of art by (Post-)Impressionists, art out of the first half of the 20th century and out of the second part. To avoid econometric pitfalls like dummytraps, we've taken the Old Masters group as the reference group which technically means leaving it out of the picture. All period dummy's coefficients have values smaller than 0. This implies that the multiplication factor is somewhere between 0 and 1. For clarification we've shown the correction factors in the next figure. Figure 1. Correction factors of the different periods 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 Old Masters th 18 th 19 Impress th 20 I th 20 II After the correction for differences in material and size -one of the advantages of multiple regression- it shows that, in reference to the works of art made by Old Masters, the paintings made in the other periods are in general worth less. The figure shows that works out of the 18th century and out of the Impressionism period are the runners up. The 19th century appears to be a less valuable period, according to our model. It's interesting to see that works out of the Impressionism period and out of the first half of the 20th century are not worth much less than the works of art by Old Masters such as Rembrandt, Rubens and Michelangelo. This shows the significance of 'pricepushers' like Monet, Van Gogh and Picasso. It's remarkable that modern art has a significant2) lesser value. Artists like Appel, Corneille and Warhol must cope with a lot less than their colleagues of before the wars. This has to do with two reasons. First of all the supply is bigger, and second it is the question if the art evaluation of today will last. The authenticity and history of the work of art We've also taken a look at the influences of the fame and history that the painting has and whether the attribution is certain on the value of the work of art. First we'd like to discuss the factors concerning the authenticity of the attribution of a painting to a certain artist. When it is found out that a painting is not made by the master -which was originally thought- but by a lesser painter, the price of the work would probably drop. If the work of art is dated or the origin is known, then its value would be significantly higher. A remarkable fact is that a signed work doesn't yield more. The coefficient is even -neglectable- negative. Besides the big differences in value between different painters, there is also a big difference in value between several works of art made by the same painter. To catch those differences, there are some variables in the model which could tell something about the quality of the work of art. It shows that when a painting has been in a exhibition of some kind about the artist the value will be twice as much as when it wasn't in an exhibition. When a painting can be found in art historical literature, it also yields c.p. twice as much. When a painting is auctioned in the same country in which the artist is born it shows that it yields 70% less. So it would seem that auctioning a work of art in your own country isn't the smartest thing to do. But here lies the danger of non-experimental data: paintings of higher quality are more likely sold abroad. It takes a more subtle investigation to correct this. Trend in de art market The trend in the art market in the period 1990-1998 is modelled here with a second degree equation. It's better done with dummy's, but this somewhat abstract -and especially not usable to forecast- description give us a nice insight into the considered period. The negative value of the coefficient of the year of auction states that the equation is a dalparabool. This is in agreement with the reality. In 1990 the art market was ready to pop. Encouraged by the threatening recession, the market collapsed. At about 1993 it had hit rock bottom and afterwards it steadily increased. However the high level of 1990 has not been reached since. Technical characteristics Because a sketch in general yields less than an oil painting, there is also a difference made in the canvas and the drawing or painting material. The results are noteworthy. De reference point is a painting made on canvas and oil as painting material. It shows that works made with chalk render significantly more. This coefficient should however be viewed together with the paper coefficient, because 96% of the chalk works are made on paper. Then it shows that chalk on paper works yield less than oil on canvas. When an art work is painted with paint but not with oil paint -like gouache or acrylic paint- the work is worth slightly less than if it had been made with oil paint. Tempera -paint with yolk instead of oil as a binder- works render more than twice as much as oil paintings. Tempera is a technique used frequently by the Old Masters. So once again we'd have see the coefficients in combination with each other. But we don't understand what is really going on, and neither do the appraisers as will be shown. Artistic performance Lastly we've tried to model the artistic performance of an artist. To do so, we've defined three explaining variables. These are Author -does the author of this article know the artist-, Janson -is the artist stated in the standard art historical literature "History of Art" of H. W. Janson- and the on our own gathered indicator of the modern world: the logarithm of the exact number of internet hits on the name of the artist by the 'search engine' AltaVista. If the author of this article is familiar with the name of the artist, the worth of the work rises with 250%. If the artist is listed in Janson's work, it almost yields twice and a half as much. The real big ones, which are stated in Janson and known to the author, are more than six times worth as much. The high t-values also state the importance of such variables for the model. Only the internet hits doesn't work. This is remarkable: the world of high priced art and the internet differ apparently. The opinion of the art connoisseur In the art market there are persons who can give an estimate of what the work of art is worth. During auctions there opinions are frequently sought after. Estimates of the values that those art connoisseurs have given to a work of art are known in a part of our data. We've taken these opinions in consideration in our analysis. First we've looked at the next question: 'Is the art connoisseur right?'. For that we've taken the logarithm of the rendered value of a work of art and regressed that on the logarithm of the mean value the art connoisseur has attached to the work. The results are encouraging. The performance improve significantly: an adjusted R2 of 0.89 and a standard error of 0.49. We are encouraged by these improvements to further investigate. For that we've put together the powers of our examined model and the estimates of the art connoisseur. We've put together the first model and the opinion of the art connoisseur. This improved the performance a little: the adjusted R2 rose to 0.90 and a standard error declined to 0.48. The estimation results are shown in table 2. All non significant deviates are left out, so what is left are the significant deviates of the opinion of the art connoisseur. Table 2. Estimation results of the regression model with the estimation the art connoisseur. Variable Coefficient Standard error Constant 0.887 Log estimation 0.931 0.011 Classification in periods 20th century (before 1945) -0.067 0.040 20th century (after 1945) -0.138 0.037 Origin and attribution of a work of art In Literature 0.130 0.057 Trend in the art market Auction year -0.143 0.083 (Auction year)2 0.023 0.018 Technical characteristics Tempera 0.605 0.181 Fame of the artist In Janson 0.173 0.044 Log Internet hits -1.2E-3 6.0E-4 Performance: adjusted R2 = 0.90 model standard error = 0.48 t-value 84.4 -1.7 -3.6 2.3 -1.7 1.3 3.3 3.9 -2.2 This model is a slight improvement in comparison to the model in which the art connoisseur stood alone with an adjusted R2 of 0.89 . However the standard error means that still one in twenty paintings is sold 2.6 times higher or lower than expected. The number of significant variables is noticeable lower, which shows that the art connoisseur estimates most of the price influences correctly. Still, objections can be made here. A constant term and coefficient matching the estimates of the art connoisseur of 0.931 remain, significantly different from one. It shows that art appraisers in general underestimate the paintings and the real expensive ones even more than the more normal works. With the model their opinion can be systematically adjusted. The variable Log Surface has disappeared out of the results table. This means that in general the art connoisseur estimates the value of the surface remarkably well. However, there are enough points on which the opinion of the art connoisseur must be corrected. For instance: there has to be a constant correction for the Old Masters who are listed in Janson's standard work, or if the painting itself is stated in the art historical literature. The internet hits correction might even be relevant: surprisingly the variable has become significant. But, to say it ones more, more research is needed here. Conclusion Even though the construction of a model which explains the prises of works of art is difficult, it creates a lot of insight. Especially when the appraisal of the art connoisseur is used besides the econometric techniques. With a model these appraises can be corrected and supplemented. And with models there are a lot more possibility's than is discussed here. We would get a much better estimates of trends in the art market than we get now, should we make a nice model type analysis for all the available data -about 6.5 million. Which will not take away that buying art is a financial risky business. But with a model we could at least figure out how risky. 1) A 95% confidence interval is calculated by adding twice the standard error to the estimation. Because we are working with a log linear model, we have to take the exponent of two times the standard error, e2*1.27 = 12.7. 2) A variable has a significant influence on the price setting when the t-value of the coefficient is bigger than 2.