Disbursement of Net Pay into Financial Institution form


Disbursement of Net Pay into

Financial Institution

Human Resource Services

HRS-04-001 Version 1.02

Issued January 2015

Please Note: If you are currently employed at CDU , please request changes to your disbursement of your net pay details through StaffOnline

If you do not have access to StaffOnline please the request for change details section.

When amending or closing your account, you need to consider the Human Resource Services pay cut-off dates. Please contact us for further information or assistance.

New Employee Existing employee (who does not have access to StaffOnline ONLY)


Faculty/Division school/branch


Financial institution details


New Employees (Please Note: On commencement of your employment at CDU you will be registered on StaffOnline)

Please deposit my net pay into the following account:

Name of Financial Institution


Account Name

Account No.


Existing Employees change request (ONLY for existing CDU employees who do not have access to StaffOnline)

I wish to change from the Financial Institution where my net pay is currently deposited to a different financial Institution as detailed above.

Additional institution or change financial institution

Additional financial Institution

Please deposit $

Name of Financial Institution from my net pay into the following account with the remainder deposited into the Financial Institution described above.

Account No.


Account Name


On completion please forward this form to Human Resource Services, Orange Precinct, Building 12, Level 2 or email: salaries@cdu.edu.au
