Office of Learning and Teaching HIGHER EDUCATION UNIT ACCREDITATION/REACCREDITATION Stage 2 - Quality Assurance SHELL UNIT Proforma Unit Title: Unit Code: Version: Date ART to complete Submission Date: Note: Notes for shell unit contact person: Shell units are units that form part of the core or specialist elective requirements of a CDU accredited qualification where the delivery is undertaken by another Higher Education provider through a Memorandum Of Uunderstanding. This form is to be used to capture the unit information and learning outcomes that are accredited by another institution, to ensure quality course level outcomes. Shell units can only be used for advanced standing purposes. Students will not be able to enroll in the units through CDU. Enrolment is via cross-institutional enrolment only. The information required in this proforma should be available from the host institution. Contact Details Contact name at CDU Phone and Email Name of alternate contact at CDU Phone and Email 1. Unit Administration Host Institution Host Institution Unit Code: Host Institution Unit Title: CDU Administering School CDU Administering Faculty Credit Points Level Field of Education (FOE) Code: FOE Description: 2. Host Institution Unit Offering Details Confirm unit offerings at Host Institution Unit Accreditation period Intensive Mode Compulsory Teaching Period ....... .......... ......... Teaching Period ....... .......... ......... Teaching Period ....... .......... ......... 3. Academic Details Host Institution Pre-requisites Unit Code/s (if applicable): Rationale for Pre-requisites (no more than 200 words): Equivalent CDU units that meet the pre-requisites Main Course Code This unit is being accredited as a specialist elective for the following course: Course Code – Specialist Elective List courses in which this unit is a Specialist Unit Code/s: (if applicable): Optional Elective unit. 4. Unit Description This should provide students with a short description of the unit (4 – 6 sentences). Note: the information provided here will be posted to the CDU website for student information. Include a brief summary of the topics covered; skills acquired; and an indication of how the unit fits into a wider context of the course. SECTION B – LEARNING AND TEACHING AND CURRICULUM 1. Unit Learning Outcomes List below the specific unit learning outcomes as they will appear in the unit outline of the Host Institution. Unit learning outcomes are a clear set of around 4-6 statements (limited to maximum of eight) that inform the development of teaching strategies, learning activities/tasks and assessment. They should also convey to students the level of understanding, specific skills, knowledge and capabilities they are expected to gain by successfully completing the unit. List the CDU course learning outcomes that the unit outcomes contribute to. By the completion of this unit students will: CDU Course Learning Outcome/s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2. Approaches To Learning And Teaching Provide details of the approaches to learning and teaching in the sections under each the following headings. Learning and Teaching Strategies Provide a brief indication of how students will be expected to learn in the unit (eg. through case-based learning, collaborative group work, individual contracts, experiential learning etc) and the methods for receiving content (eg. lectures, audio, video, web-based or written materials, Learnline etc. Explain the different approaches to be used for students studying in external and internal mode. Participation Provide a brief summary of participation requirements, including private study commitments (eg. one 4 hr workshop per week plus 6 hrs individual study over 12 weeks; access to online forums is required at least three times per week and a broadband connection is required). Include any compulsory attendance requirements such as intensive or residential blocks, weekend workshops, laboratory classes etc. It is also helpful to include information that sets your expectations of student involvement in the unit and what the students could expect from your interactions within the unit. Explain the different approaches to be used for students studying in external and internal mode. 3. Learning activities and assessment; alignment with learning outcomes Indicate the major learning activities that the students will engage in to achieve the unit learning outcomes written in section B1. The level of detail provided should inform subsequent development of assessment and teaching to enable the delivery of the unit. Unit Learning Outcome/s Learning Activities 4. Assessment Items List the assessment items and indicate how each relates to the unit learning outcomes. The number of assessment items should not exceed five. The assessment items should be appropriate for the unit level and the nature of the assessment item explained. For example: 2000 word essay. Assessment Item Percent age Must equal 100% 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Does this unit require a centrally time tabled end of semester exam, irrespective of modality of students? Yes No Is there any compulsory assessment item/hurdle assessment item listed above that must be passed to pass this unit? Item/s Number: Yes No Learning Outcome s Supported by Administrating School at CDU Name Signature Date Supported by Host Institution Name Position Institution Signature Date Endorsed by CDU Faculty Learning and Teaching Committee Name Signature Date Approved by CDU University Learning and Teaching Committee Name Signature Date