CMT 15th July 2013 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS Planning approval is sought for the following proposals: FOR NOTING The below two courses granted planning approval at CMT on the 1st of July 2013 will be franchise awards and not dual awards. FST 41/12 BSc (Hons) Business Information Systems FST 42/12 BSc (Hons) Computer Science FACULY OF ARTS, LAW AND SOCIAL SCIENCES REF ALSS 06/12 START & INTAKE September 2013 AWARD TITLE MODE-LOCATIONCREDITS BA (Hons) Performing Arts FT/PT NATURE OF PROPOSAL Face to face No planning form, update only Semester 1 & 2 intakes per year CMT Proposals 15thJuly 2013 University Centre Peterborough 360 credits 120 credits @ level 4 120 credits @ level 5 120 credits @ level 6 CMT granted planning approval on the 18th of March 2013 with the condition that the validation Panel must consider how appropriate the course title is in representing the dance specialism within the curriculum. The approval event took place on the 13th of June 2013. The Approval Panel agreed that the proposed course title was appropriate, see extract from report below. DECISION For noting only Our University’s Corporate Management Team approved the franchise approval with one condition: that the franchise approval Panel consider how appropriate the course title is in representing the physical theatre specialism within the curriculum, rather than the music specialism within the course as delivered by the Department of Music & Performing Arts in Cambridge. The Panel considered the content proposed for delivery at University Centre Peterborough and agreed that a course title of ‘BA (Hons) Performing Arts’ remained appropriate. Page 1 of 5 Academic Office FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY REF FST 43/12 START & INTAKE September 2013 AWARD TITLE MODE-LOCATIONCREDITS BEng Electronics FT NATURE OF PROPOSAL Face-to-face Page 1 Semester 1 & 2 intakes per year HELP College of Arts and Technology, Malaysia 360 credits 120 credits @ level 4 120 credits @ level 5 120 credits @ level 6 FST 44/12 September 2013 Page 8 Semester 1 & 2 intakes per year BEng Mechanical Engineering FT Face-to-face HELP College of Arts and Technology, Malaysia 360 credits 120 credits @ level 4 120 credits @ level 5 120 credits @ level 6 CMT Proposals 15thJuly 2013 Page 2 of 5 DECISION Proposed franchise of an existing course Proposed Non EU tuition fee options: £1,350 (£450 a year for 3 years) £600 in year 2 plus £450 in year 2 (year 2 APL entry) £900 in year 3 (year 3 APL entry) Anticipated annual recruitment of 15 fte The Asian market is a key target market for Anglia Ruskin; the course will offer two intakes a year 100% existing modules, franchise of an existing course Standard semester delivery Approved Proposed franchise of an existing course Proposed Non EU tuition fee options: £1,350 (£450 a year for 3 years) £600 in year 2 plus £450 in year 3 (year 2 APL entry) £900 in year 3 (year 3 APL entry) Anticipated annual recruitment of 15 fte The Asian market is a key target market for Anglia Ruskin; the course will offer two intakes a year 100% existing modules, franchise of an existing course Standard semester delivery Approved Academic Office FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY continued REF FST 45/12 Page 14 START & INTAKE September 2013 AWARD TITLE MODE-LOCATIONCREDITS NATURE OF PROPOSAL DECISION BSc (Hons) Biomedical Sciences FT Approved Face-to-face Proposal for a type B new dual award (student may wholly complete their studies at the partner institution) Tuition fee as per academic agreement Anticipated annual recruitment of 40 students The course will only be offered at MAHSA University and will offer two intakes a year 100% new modules, the modules are developed to meet Malaysian Quality Assurance and Anglia Ruskin regulations Standard semester delivery Sandwich year fees apply Proposal to introduce a sandwich year working within an existing validated course as an optional provision with no guarantee of placement Rationale of proposal is to improve employability and employment prospects and attract international students No significant capital spend Standard semester delivery Approved Semester 1 & 2 intakes per year MAHSA University College, Kuala Lumpur 480 credits 120 credits @ level 4 120 credits @ level 5 120 credits @ level 6 120 credits @ level 6 FST 46/12 September 2013 Page 20 Semester 1 & 2 intakes per year BSc (Hons) Computer Science FT Sandwich year CMT Proposals 15thJuly 2013 Sandwich year placement option Cambridge 0 credits Page 3 of 5 Academic Office LORD ASHCROFT INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SCHOOL REF LAIBS 33/12 START & INTAKE January 2014 AWARD TITLE MODE-LOCATIONCREDITS NATURE OF PROPOSAL DECISION BA (Hons) Business Management PT/FT Proposed franchise of an existing course Proposed Non EU tuition fee options: £1,350 (£450 a year for 3 years) £600 in year 2 plus £450 in year 3 (year 2 APL entry) £900 in year 3 (year 3 APL entry) Anticipated annual recruitment of 20 fte The Asian market is a key target market for Anglia Ruskin; the course will offer two intakes a year 100% existing modules, franchise of an existing course Standard semester delivery Approved Proposed franchise of an existing course Proposed Non EU tuition fee options: £1,350 (£450 a year for 3 years) £600 in year 2 plus £450 in year 3 (year 2 APL entry) £900 in year 3 (year 3 APL entry) Anticipated annual recruitment of 20 fte The Asian market is a key target market for Anglia Ruskin; the course will offer two intakes a year 100% existing modules, franchise of an existing course Standard semester delivery Approved Face-to-face Page 26 Semester 1 & 2 intakes per year HELP College of Arts and Technology, Malaysia 360 credits 120 credits @ level 4 120 credits @ level 5 120 credits @ level 6 LAIBS 34/12 January 2014 Page 30 Semester 1 & 2 intakes per year BA (Hons) Marketing PT/FT Face-to-face HELP College of Arts and Technology, Malaysia 360 credits 120 credits @ level 4 120 credits @ level 5 120 credits @ level 6 CMT Proposals 15thJuly 2013 Page 4 of 5 Academic Office INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SCHOOL continued REF LAIBS 35/12 START & INTAKE January 2014 AWARD TITLE MODE-LOCATIONCREDITS NATURE OF PROPOSAL DECISION BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance PT/FT Proposed franchise of an existing course Proposed Non EU tuition fee options: £1,350 (£450 a year for 3 years) £600 in year 2 plus £450 in year 3 (year 2 APL entry) £900 in year 3 (year 3 APL entry) Anticipated annual recruitment of 20 fte PSRB: Association of Chartered Certified Accountants exemptions The Asian market is a key target market for Anglia Ruskin; the course will offer two intakes a year 100% existing modules, franchise of an existing course Standard semester delivery Approved Proposed franchise of an existing course Proposed Non EU International tuition fee of £1,350 Anticipated annual recruitment of 20 fte The Asian market is a key target market for Anglia Ruskin; the course will offer two intakes a year 100% existing modules, franchise of an existing course Standard semester delivery Approved Face-to-face Page 34 Semester 1 & 2 intakes per year HELP College of Arts and Technology, Malaysia 360 credits 120 credits @ level 4 120 credits @ level 5 120 credits @ level 6 LAIBS 36/12 January 2014 Page 38 Semester 1 & 2 intakes per year MBA Business Administration FT Face-to-face HELP College of Arts and Technology, Malaysia 180 credits @ level 7 CMT Proposals 15thJuly 2013 Page 5 of 5 Academic Office