HOUSTON ALUMNI CHAPTER WILLIAM AND MARY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ARTICLE I – NAME The name of this organization shall be the Houston alumni chapter of the William and Mary Alumni Association of the College of William and Mary in Virginia. The chapter shall include alumni in the Houston area. (area to be defined in conjunction with Alumni Association staff) ARTICLE II – PURPOSE The purpose of the chapter is to maintain and strengthen the bonds that exist between the alumni and the College and one another, to promote the welfare of College, the William and Mary Alumni Association, and the College community. ARTICLE III – MEMBERSHIP AND DUES Section 1. All persons who shall have been matriculated students at the College of William and Mary in Virginia, other than regular summer session students, and who have been enrolled in the College for as much as one regular college semester, or who have earned degrees from the College, are considered alumni and are eligible for membership in this chapter upon the payment of annual dues (if chapter charges dues). Section 2. Chapters with more than 999 alumni in their defined chapter area are required to collect dues. The chapter’s board of directors shall establish the annual dues for members. Payment of annual dues shall be a prerequisite to membership in good standing and voting. Section 3. If there are fewer than 999 alumni in the defined chapter area, and the chapter board of directors determines that dues payments are not necessary, all alumni (as defined in Article 1) are considered members of the chapter in good standing, and are eligible to vote. ARTICLE IV – OFFICERS The officers of the chapter shall consist of a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. No officer shall serve more than one two-year term in a particular office. Officers must be members of the chapter in good standing. ARTICLE V – DUTIES OF THE OFFICERS Section 1. President – the president is the official representative of the chapter on all occasions, except when otherwise designated. The president shall preside at all meetings of the chapter, and have general supervision of all the day-to-day business of the chapter. The president is the primary contact with the Alumni Association staff liaison. The president shall be chairperson of an executive committee, and an ex-officio member of all other committees. The president shall designate the time for the next meeting at each board meeting, and assure that at least quarterly board meetings are held. The president represents the alumni chapter by participating in the William and Mary Alumni Association’s Chapter Presidents Council (CPC), and attending CPC meetings and participating in CPC-related activities as required. He/she is a co-signer on the chapter’s checking account. Section 2. Vice President: the vice president assists the president as necessary, and in the absence or disability of the president, or at the president’s request, shall perform the duties of the president. If the office of the president becomes vacant, the vice president shall become president for the unexpired term. He/she shall perform such additional duties as may be delegated to him/her by the president. Section 3. Secretary: the secretary shall record the minutes of the meetings and submit copies to the assigned Alumni Association staff liaison. The secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the chapter, and shall notify the Alumni Association staff liaison of all new officers immediately after election. The secretary shall keep a list of the membership of the chapter, and shall ensure that the list not be released for commercial or political purposes. Section 4. Treasurer: the treasurer shall supervise all receipts and expenditures, and deposit all monies in a bank account approved by the board of directors. The treasurer shall collect and disburse dues subject to the approval of the board of directors, and submit a report at every business meeting. The treasurer shall serve as one of two signers on the chapter bank account, and shall be charged with the responsibility of all financial reporting as required by the Alumni Association. A list of names and class years of all those who paid dues must be sent to your WMAA staff liaison in a timely manner. ARTICLE VI – BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 1. The chapter board of directors manages the business of the chapter. The primary functions of the chapter board of directors include policy making, resource management and event planning for the chapter. The board, which shall not exceed twelve members, shall consist of: a. The elected officers of the chapter b. Members reflecting the composition of the chapter’s membership c. A representative of both the Young Guarde and the Olde Guarde d. The William and Mary Alumni Association’s designated staff liaison as a permanent ex-officio member Section 2. The chapter board of directors shall have the power to fill all vacancies. Section 3. The government of the chapter and the direction of its activities shall be vested in the board of directors, subject to approval by the William and Mary Alumni Association. Section 4. A meeting of the chapter board of directors must be called by the president upon written request of at least three members of the board. Section 5. The chapter board of directors shall hold at least four meetings annually, and others as required. Section 6. The members of the chapter board of directors shall serve terms lasting a period of three years. Each may be re-elected for a second consecutive three-year term. ARTICLE VII – MEETINGS Section 1. A general membership meeting shall be held annually, in order to conduct elections and business of the chapter. At least 14 days in advance, all members shall be notified of the time and place of the impending meeting. Section 2. The president as deemed necessary may convene additional meetings. Section 3. Any meeting of the chapter, or chapter board of directors, in which business is to be conducted requires a majority of directors to be present. Section 4. There shall be no quorum requirements for general membership meetings or for committee meetings. ARTICLE VIII – COMMITTEES Section 1. Committee chairpersons shall be appointed from the membership by the president with the approval of the chapter board of directors. The chairperson from the chapter board of directors and the general membership shall select committee members. The following standing committees shall exist as part of the chapter: a. Nominating committee consisting of at least three board members who are not eligible for re-election. The committee shall submit nominations for all officers and members of the chapter board of directors. b. Executive committee consisting of the officers of the chapter. c. Membership committee to develop membership recruitment plans and methods for obtaining and maintaining active members from all areas of the eligible population. d. Publicity committee to plan and execute an effective publicity program, incorporating print and electronic communication resources, to ensure that the membership is kept abreast of activities and items of interest. Section 2. The president of the chapter, with the approval of the chapter board of directors, shall appoint additional committees as necessary. ARTICLE IX – ELECTIONS Chapter board member elections take place at the chapter’s annual meeting. The nominating committee shall present nominations to fill impending board vacancies, vacancies occurring as a result of resignation, or removal with unexpired terms, and all officers of the chapter. The election will take place following a call for nominations from the floor. Voting privileges shall be granted to all members in good standing who are in attendance. Members of the board of directors and officers shall hold office until their successors have been elected and qualified. Terms for the board of directors shall be staggered. Officer terms are defined in conjunction with the Alumni Association’s fiscal year, from July 1 – June 30th. ARTICLE X – REMOVAL FROM OFFICE Officers and directors may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the board of directors. ARTICLE XI – GUESTS Members of the chapter may invite guests to any function of the chapter by paying the amount established for guests for that function. ARTICLE XII – ANNUAL REPORT The chapter shall file an annual report with the board of directors of the William and Mary Alumni Association, as well as Statement of Account reports as required by the Alumni Association’s Standards of Excellence. ARTICLE XIII – ADOPTION These bylaws shall be adopted officially upon approval of a two-thirds vote of the members of the chapter board of directors. They may be amended by a two-thirds voting majority at any duly called meeting of the chapter board of directors. ARTICLE XIV – REVOCATION OF CHARTER In the event that a chapter fails to maintain the standards set by the William and Mary Alumni Association, the Alumni Association reserves the right to revoke the alumni chapter charter. Adopted: 2009 by the Houston Alumni Chapter Board of Directors