Creative Arts Policy - Northlew & Ashbury Parochial Primary School

Northlew and Ashbury Primary School
Creative Arts Policy
Next Review Date: April 2016
Northlew and Ashbury Primary School is firmly committed to providing a balanced and
stimulating curriculum for all of its pupils. To do this the school believes all pupils should have
access to a broad curriculum which encompasses all areas of the creative arts namely art and
design, drama, dance, creative writing and music. These will be taught both as discrete subjects
and as part of other curriculum areas. By engaging in the study of the arts we believe pupils will
develop a greater degree of self-esteem, self-motivation and a greater appreciation of the
world around them.
 To ensure all pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which includes all
areas of the creative arts.
 To allow all pupils, including those with SEN, to gain expertise in the arts and develop
confidence in their own abilities.
 To develop creativity from working together and with experienced artists.
 To reflect on their work and improve performance based on self-evaluation with support
from teaching staff.
 To increase pupil awareness of cultural diversity by ensuring creative arts from a variety
of cultures are included in the curriculum and extra-curriculum provided.
 To help pupils to develop an awareness and enthusiasm for the arts, particularly art and
design, creative writing, drama, music and dance.
 To provide meaningful links with other curriculum subjects wherever such links are
meaningful and lead to an improvement in teaching and learning for pupils.
 To provide rich experiences of the arts through participation and observation.
 To develop critical awareness of the work of others and self-evaluation of their own work
using a variety of media.
 To work with outside agencies and partners involved in the arts to broaden experiences
and develop further expertise.
 To develop understanding and appreciation of their own and others cultures through the
 To help foster the spiritual education of pupils.
These objectives will be implemented through:
 The national curriculum, the foundation stage curriculum and by the implementation of
policies in PE-dance, Art and Design, English and Music.
By ensuring at least 25% of the curriculum is dedicated to arts teaching. This includes
discrete teaching of the arts and also
by curriculum links to other national curriculum subjects.
Working with external partner organisations and schools.
Extra-curricular activities including after school clubs in art, drama, dance and music
which will be provided at different times during the school year and may also be provided
by partner organisations.
Continue to develop and perform arts activities in the school, with and to other schools
and to the wider community.
Developments, training and resources as included annually in the school improvement plan.
Equal Opportunities
We aim to make access to all the arts subjects equal for all our pupils including
our SEN pupils and our gifted and talented pupils. This is reflected
fundamentally in all teachers’ planning. Please refer to our Equality Policy.
Extra-curricular clubs
We aim to use staff and other specialist providers in offering a wide range of arts’based clubs after-school. These vary throughout the year and over the year cover all areas of the arts.
Additional musical instrument tuition and dance occurs during the school day.
The policy and practice will be reviewed annually by staff, pupils and governors as part of the
monitoring cycle. Targets set in action plans for individual arts subjects as part of the School
Improvement Plan will be reviewed and new ones set for the following year by governors and