Alumni Chapter - University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee

UWM Alumni Association
Alumni Chapter
August 2011
Dear UWM Alumni Chapter Leader:
Thank you for serving as a leader for your alumni chapter!
This handbook is a collection of policies, procedures, and guidelines that will help you
address many of the situations that may arise as you lead your chapter. There may still
be questions that you will have, and in those instances we invite you to contact the
Alumni Association for further guidance. We are always available to assist you.
It takes time and energy to lead a chapter through the daily operations and to offer a
diverse range of programs. I’m confident that you will find your volunteer experience to
be a positive and rewarding one, and I know you will make a difference in your chapter
and in the lives of the alumni members. We appreciate your dedication and continued
commitment to your chapter, the UWM Alumni Association, and to UWM.
John Bartel ’74, ’08
’74, ’08, Alumni chapter/advocacy coordinator
UWM Alumni Association
Go Panthers!
I. Your UWM Alumni Association
Alumni Relations staff and contact info
Our mission, vision, values and priorities
Page 4
II. UWMAA Alumni Chapters
UWMAA chapters’ goals and purposes
Establishing an Alumni Association chapter
Chapter requirements
Responsibilities of the chapter president
Recruiting new chapter members
Promote your chapter’s events/activities
Chapter programming ideas
Hold an annual chapter planning meeting
Chapter finances
III. Appendices
A. Chapter bylaws
B. Tips for planning an event
C. Chapter meeting report
D. Membership information form
E. Chapter annual report form
F. UWMAA Awards and Scholarships
G. UWMAA History/Alumni House
Page 13
I. Your UWM Alumni Association staff
John Bartel ’74, ’08
Alumni Chapter/Advocacy
Erin Harrass ’80, ’83
Executive Administrative Assistant
Amy Lensing Tate
Marketing Specialist
Sarah McCalvy
Event Coordinator
Cindy Petrites
Alumni Career Counselor
Contact us
Phone toll-free: 877-564-6896
Fax: 414-229-6930
UWM Alumni Association
Hefter Center
3271 N. Lake Drive
Milwaukee, WI 53211
Contact Alumni Chapter Coordinator John Bartel, 414-229-3266, for direction, ideas and support.
The UWM Alumni Association’s
Mission, Vision, Values & Priorities
Our Vision:
The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Alumni Association is a
partner in leading the University to excel as a premier education
and research institution.
Our Mission:
The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Alumni Association exists
to engage alumni with opportunities to connect with and support
the University and each other.
We Value:
Respectful collaborations
The UWM Experience
Provide programs for alumni
Increase services to alumni
Enhance relationships with and between alumni
Build relationships with students
Strengthen legislative education and advocacy
Meet or exceed revenue goals
Develop systems that promote development/fund-raising goals in
partnership with alumni association friend-raising
Our Priorities:
UWMAA Chapters
Chapters’ goals and purposes
Alumni Chapters are divisions of the UWM Alumni Association (UWMAA), organized to
work for the advancement of the UWMAA, the University and their missions. These
groups are established by alumni who are interested in developing targeted activities
and programs that promote and enhance the image of the UWMAA and the University
within a specified group. Chapters may be formed along academic or special-interest
lines, although they need not be restricted to these categories.
The following list of objectives should be used in developing individual Chapters’ goals:
Establish goals and offer Chapter projects that will strengthen ties between
members, the Chapters and the surrounding community
Support UWMAA activities
Unite individuals who are interested in the accomplishments and future progress
of the UWMAA and the University
Develop a supporting body of alumni leaders who may qualify for future
membership on the UWMAA Board of Trustees
Welcome new alumni by cultivating friends and contacts who will assist them in
becoming a part of the chapters
Recommend and encourage outstanding alumni for their service to the
University and their communities, as well as heralding their professional
Serve as ambassadors of UWM in furthering its interests
Promote fellowship within the Chapters
Offer alumni the opportunity to volunteer for projects and programs for UWM
Establishing an Alumni Association Chapter
1. Identify a nucleus of interested alumni of at least 10 alumni who are willing to
serve as your board. Select a diverse group with different age levels and
2. Draft, approve and operate under by-laws that are consistent with the UWMAA
by-laws. By-laws are to be drafted within three months of initially starting a
Chapter. A by-laws template is found in Appendix A.
3. Conduct an organizational meeting. Present the proposed by-laws and discuss
the purposes and objectives of the Chapter. Vote to adopt the Chapter’s by-laws.
Adopt, sign and return them to the UWMAA office. Send a summary of the first
meeting along with a sign-in sheet of the persons attending that meeting to the
UWM Alumni Office. Chapter officers should be elected at subsequent meetings.
4. Discuss and adopt plans and programs for the year. Establish a list of activities
that may include service projects and social gatherings that would be
appropriate for your Chapter and would appeal to a wide sense of purpose and
aid in stimulating enthusiasm.
5. Your board should meet regularly (this could be monthly, every other month
but no less than quarterly), perhaps at breakfast, lunch or after work. In order
for Chapters to remain active and effective, you should conduct at least two
activities each year. Invite (e-mail, phone, etc.) as many alumni as possible
provided on the list generated by the Alumni Office, and remind them of
upcoming meetings.
The strongest Chapters are those that conduct activities that enrich their constituents
and UWM. The successful formation of your Chapter is dependent largely upon the
enthusiasm and dedication of the alumni you involve.
Chapter requirements 1. Get involved with/host one program for your college/school/
department/ affinity group each year.
2. Hold one social activity each year. Consider a variety of programs
that will be of interest to your Chapter.
3. Communicate regularly with your members (a minimum of
Responsibilities of the chapter president
1. Maintain regular contact with the Alumni Relations Office, coordinating events
with the UWMAA’s schedule, getting the alumni chapter coordinator’s input on
all promotional materials, programs and mailings, and ensuring all chapter
activities correspond with your Dean’s alumni relations goals.
2. Attend meetings of the UWMAA’s Chapter presidents, as well as quarterly
UWMAA Board of Trustees meetings. You are a voting member on the UWMAA
Board. Should a president be unavailable to attend a Chapter Board or UWMAA
Board meeting, his/her designee (a member of that Chapter’s board) may
attend and conduct business in the president’s place. The designee will have
voting rights.
3. Meet with your college/school/department’s Dean at least once a year with the
alumni chapter coordinator.
4. Prepare the Chapter annual report, including a detailed budget and planning
schedule for the next year, and submit it to the Chapter Coordinator by June 15.
5. Cultivate and recruit Chapter board members.
6. Nominate alumni who have played an active role in the Chapter for service on
the UWMAA Board of Trustees and for various alumni awards.
7. Keep other Chapter leaders informed of your group’s activities by including a
short report from your Chapter for each chapter presidents’ and Board of
Trustees’ meetings.
Ideas for recruiting new chapter board members
Let us help you! – We can help identify board members for your chapter.
Contact student organizations - These are listed on UWM’s Web site
ubs/ Ask these orgs for the names & contact information of alumni who were
members and board members of their groups while they were students. At the
least, they may be able to contact these people for you. Those were active as
students are more likely to get involved in your chapter’s board.
Past award/scholarship recipients – These include the UWM Alumni
Association’s scholarship recipients and those who received similar awards from
your college/school.
Ask your faculty – There’s a strong likelihood they will be able to name alumni
for your board.
Professional organizations – Ask fellow members of the groups, clubs and other
organizations of which you’re a member. Perhaps you could get a note in their
newsletter for volunteers to serve on your chapter’s board.
Ask where you work – Most UWM alumni live and work in the metro Milwaukee
area, and it’s very likely that some (maybe many) work with you. Ask around,
and consider using your company’s Intranet or contact your HR Department to
find out who might be your fellow alumni.
Former classmates – Who did you go to school with? Give them a call and ask
them to join your chapter’s board.
UWM Alumni Connection – We can put a notice in our monthly alumni enewsletter, soliciting new members for your chapter’s board.
Promote your chapter’s events/activities:
 Use e-mail: This is a no-cost and very effective method of communication.
 Chapter activities can be promoted in the UWMAA’s monthly e-newsletter,
which is published around the first of each month. Submit your story
ideas/photos to Amy Lensing Tate at no later than the 21st of
each month.
 Your Chapter’s Web site should list Chapter events, contact information and
other pertinent information.
 Consider using Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter as ways of reaching your alumni.
 The UWMAA can provide UWM pompoms, beads (black & gold, of course),
UWMAA bookmarks, and flyers publicizing upcoming UWMAA trips and
Chapter programming ideas
What type of program or event would your Chapter like to hold? The number and types
of programming can be as diverse as the Chapters themselves. Here are some ideas that
you may consider when planning for your group’s activities. And we encourage you to
piggyback on existing events, especially as they relate to UWM, the UWMAA and other
chapters, whenever possible.
Be part of the UWMAA’s & UWM’s events
Panther Prowl – This certified 5K run/walk that starts and ends on the UWM
campus is held the second Sunday in October. Get a group from your Chapter to
volunteer their time or to form a team that will run or walk in the Prowl.
Open house – Help staff a table at UWM’s annual Open House, held on the
campus the last weekend in October.
Golf outings – Form a team comprised of your Chapter members to participate
in one or all of the UWM Athletics Department’s annual golf outings.
Service activities
Staging social activities is fun, but there are a number of other activities you can stage
on campus and in the community, and they can be rewarding as well.
Networking – Host a networking breakfast or social hour with your
Panther Advocates – This is especially important for alumni living in Wisconsin,
but it also pertains to alumni living elsewhere. It is a grassroots advocacy
coalition of UWM alumni who are concerned with the future of higher education
at UWM. We are committed to educating elected officials and our community
about the importance of UWM to the state of Wisconsin. Sign up to be a Panther
Advocate at
Mentoring – You have the experience and knowledge that current students
need. The UWMAA developed a mentoring program that teams up Economics
students with UWM alumni grads with Economics degrees. Considering starting
a mentoring program for your college/school/department/affinity group.
Other activities
Alumni Day on Campus – Hold a special day when alumni from your
college/school gather on the UWM campus for a special program or conference.
Bus trips – Get a group of alumni to take a one- or more day trip together.
Lunch with Leaders – Set up a presentation featuring UWM administrators,
faculty and coaches.
New graduate receptions – Consider hosting a reception for new UWM
graduates from your college/school/interest area.
Picnics – This kind of activity is great for alumni and their families.
Travel – Take part in one of the trips offered by the UWMAA.
Athletic events - UWM athletic teams with your cheers by attending an event, or
watching it on TV at a local sports bar or someone’s home.
(Please note – Because of accessibility issues, use of the Alumni House for your events
is very limited. The Hefter Conference Center at 3271 N. Lake Drive in Milwaukee may
be available for a fee or you may choose to find another convenient location on or off
campus. The Alumni House, Union and all campus bookings and catering must be
coordinated through the Alumni Relations chapter coordinator.
Hold an annual chapter planning meeting
Have one meeting early in the year to plan the entire year’s activities. You may wish to
survey your members before the meeting to define their areas of interest. This planning
allows your Chapter to pace itself and allows the Alumni Relations Office to assist and to
arrange its resources to provide the optimum service and publicity for your group’s
At this meeting:
1. Set realistic, meaningful annual goals.
2. Decide on the number and types of activities.
3. Develop a well-balanced program. A variety of academic, social, athletic, cultural
and/or service-oriented programs is necessary to ensure success.
4. To be successful, programs should be planned well in advance. Always allow at
least four months for planning an event. And space your activities as evenly as
possible throughout the course of the year to provide adequate time for
preparation and will ensure better attendance and participation.
Chapter finances
1. The UWMAA gives each Chapter an annual allocation of $1,000, effective July 1.
(See Appendix E.)
2. The annual allocation is made only after the Chapter has submitted a detailed
and thorough annual report.
3. The Alumni Relations staff administers each Chapter’s financial account. All
revenues and expenditures must be reported or turned in to the Alumni
Relations staff within one month of an event for processing. All disbursements
must be requested in writing (or e-mail) so an authorization is on file.
4. All reimbursable expenses must be submitted within the same fiscal year and
within 30 days. We will not reimburse expenses from the previous fiscal year.
5. All checks submitted to the UWM Alumni Association must be made out to
the UWM Alumni Association.
6. Our auditors require that we reimburse from an original receipt, invoice or
credit card slip. Please tape or staple the receipt to a larger piece of paper
with your name, home address, date, and purpose of the expenditure clearly
printed on it. (To begin the disbursement process, fill out a check request form,
available from the Alumni Relations office, and attach an original receipt or
documentation. The “staff approval” on the form refers to approval from an
Alumni Relations staff member.)
7. Updated financial reports are available from the Alumni Relations staff.
8. The financial viability of the Chapter is the responsibility of the Chapter board.
Expenditures should be planned well in advance and closely monitored.
Planning and budgeting should be as specific and accurate as possible. There is
no “slush fund” if an event or program goes over budget.
9. As would be expected, Chapter allocations cannot be used for any personal
gain, expensive gifts, alcoholic beverages, excessive board meeting
refreshments, year-end celebrations or similar inappropriate activities that do
not advance the mission and goals of the UWMAA.
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee__________________ School (or
College/Department/Affinity Group) Alumni Chapter
Section 1:
The name of this organization shall be the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
(UWM) School of _____________________ Alumni Chapter.
Section 2:
The _____ Chapter shall be considered a component of the University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee Alumni Association (UWMAA), but for the purposes of
events and activities sponsored by the _____ Chapter, shall be considered a
separate and distinct organization from the UWMAA.
The _____ Chapter will conduct itself only in a manner consistent with the
bylaws of the UWMAA in general, and by the following articles in particular. In
the event of a conflict, the UWMAA bylaws shall prevail.
The purpose of the _____ Chapter shall be exclusively educational and charitable; to
support the alumni relations goals of UWM, the UWMAA, and the Dean of the School of
________________. All events, programs or activities of the _____ Chapter shall serve
its alumni, and/or promote participation by those alumni in School, UWM or UWMAA
events, programs or activities.
Section 1:
Membership shall be open to all graduates of the UWM School/College of
Section 1:
The _____ Chapter shall be governed by a board of trustees composed of
_______ (UWMAA suggests no less than seven (7) and no more than 13)
Chapter members. All board members will be named by June 15 of each year.
Officers shall be elected by a vote of the board members.
Section 2:
The officers of the _____ Chapter board shall be ___________, ___________,
___________. (UWMAA suggests President, President-elect and SecretaryTreasurer at minimum.) Officers of the _____ Chapter board shall serve a threeyear term, beginning on July 1 and ending on June 30 of the following calendar
year. One-third of the board shall be rotated every 3 years through an election
Section 3:
The term of office for each board member shall be three years, commencing
July 1 to correspond with the new fiscal year and Chapter financial allocations.
The terms of the board members shall be staggered by year.
Section 4:
Chapter board members must be graduates of the college or school for which
they serve.
Section 5:
The _____ Chapter board shall meet at least four times during the UWMAA fiscal
year (July 1-June 30). More frequent or special meetings may be called by the
President or by a majority of board members. The board meeting schedule will
be set for the full year at the Annual Meeting of the _____ Chapter.
Section 6:
The _____ Chapter must hold an annual meeting at which the following business
will be conducted:
 election of officers
 review of the programming and financial activity of the past year
programming and financial planning for the upcoming year
preparation of the Annual Report required by the UWMAA by August
setting the full year’s schedule of Board meetings and other year-end
business as deemed appropriate and necessary.
Section 7:
A vacancy on the _____ Chapter board shall be filled by appointment by the
Chapter president to fulfill the remainder of the applicable term.
Section 8:
The President shall develop the agenda and preside at all meetings and, with
approval of the Board members, shall assign board members responsibility for
key functions.
The President shall submit an Annual Report to the UWMAA Board of Trustees
(via the UWMAA alumni chapter coordinator) by June 15 of each year. This
report shall include a thorough accounting of the accomplishments of the
previous year and a detailed operational plan for the upcoming year. Allocation
of UWMAA funds for the _________ Chapter use shall be dependent upon
receipt of the Annual Report by the UWMAA alumni chapter coordinator.
Section 9:
The President also serves as a member of the UWMAA Board of Trustees with
full voting privileges. The President shall attend all meetings of the UWMAA,
serve on the UWMAA Chapter Committee and participate in other appropriate
activities and events as requested by the UWMAA President and/or Executive
Director. If the President is not able to attend these meetings, he/she will
designate a representative to attend in his/her stead.
Section 10:
The President-elect shall preside at all meetings when the President is not
present and shall perform other duties as agreed upon with the President and
the ________ Chapter Board.
Section 11:
The Secretary/Treasurer shall record and distribute the minutes of all meetings
of the _________ Chapter Board, coordinate mailings to Board members, and
shall record all financial matters of the ___________ Chapter, processing said
matters in collaboration with the UWMAA alumni chapter coordinator.
The members of the Board shall be responsible for the following key functions of
the _________ Chapter:
To support the mission statement of the
To embrace the vision statement of the (SCHOOL/COLLEGE/
To support the strategic goals and objectives as established by the Dean
Section 1:
Subject to the UWMAA bylaws and any procedural guidelines set by the UWMAA
or its Chapter Committee, the Board may authorize an officer or ______ Chapter
member to enter into a contract or other commitment in the name of and on
behalf of the ______ Chapter. Such authority is not limitless and shall be
confined to specific instances.
Without such authorization, no officer or agent or employee shall have any
power or authority to bind the ___ Chapter by any contract or engagement, or to
pledge its credit or to render it liable financially for any purpose or in any
Section 2:
In no event shall the Board of the ______ Chapter or any officer or member have
the power to bind or obligate the _________ Chapter or the UWMAA in any
UWMAA be liable for any act or omission on the part of the _________ Chapter
or any officer or member thereof.
Conversely, no individual Chapter Board member shall be personally liable for
any act or omission on the part of the Chapter, the UWMAA, or the ________,
unless said individual has committed an egregious act.
Section 3:
Allocation of UWMAA funds for use by the _________ Chapter shall be
dependent upon receipt of the Annual Report (on or before June 15 of each
year) by the UWMAA staff designate.
All funds received from the UWMAA or raised by the ________ Chapter shall be
maintained by the UWMAA. All checks, drafts, or payments of money, and all
receipts must be payable to the UWMAA. The UWMAA shall pay expenditures
from the _________ Chapter account of the UWMAA.
The expenditures of the _______ Chapter shall not exceed its account balance at
any given time.
Section 4:
The ________ Chapter fiscal and operational year shall be the same as that of
the UWMAA – July 1 through June 30.
Section 1:
These bylaws may be amended or repealed, and new bylaws may be adopted,
with the approval of a majority of the _________ Chapter Board, provided the
amended or new bylaws are consistent with the UWMAA bylaws and that such
amended or new bylaws do not diminish or alter the powers of the UWMAA.
Section 2:
Amendments shall become effective upon adoption unless the proposed
amendment specifically provides otherwise.
Section 1:
In the event of the dissolution of the _______ CHAPTER, or in the event that the
UWMAA Board of Trustees no longer recognizes the _______ CHAPTER, all
________ CHAPTER assets maintained by the UWMAA shall be returned to the
Section 2:
In the event there is no recognized successor organization, said assets of the
______ Chapter shall be transferred to and become the property of the UWMAA
to use at its discretion.
Tips for planning an event
Getting started
At your chapter’s board meeting, decide on:
Purpose of event – how does it fit in with your chapter’s goals and your alumni?
Type of event
Potential dates for event
Location for event
Where will you hold your event?
If you plan to hold your event at a UWM campus facility, contact the UWMAA. We
can help! As noted earlier, booking rooms on the UWM campus must be done
through the Alumni Association. Booking an event through us also very likely will
result in no cost for booking the room, although there will be other room charges for
equipment & setup.
If you plan to hold your event off-campus, consider the following:
Downtown or suburban? Weekday or weekend? Is there a rental charge? Is a
deposit required to reserve the facility? Is there convenient and adequate
parking? If a pre-game activity, is the site within walking distance of the game?
Prepare nametags for those who have sent reservations ahead of time and have a
supply of blank nametags, holders and markers for those who show up unannounced.
Prepare a list ahead of time for those who have indicated they will attend. Keep a
record of those who have paid and who are to pay at the door.
Have a sign-in list with spaces for name, address, e-mail and class year. This will help in
making up the report to be sent to the Alumni Relations Office. It will also help the
hostess/host to check the names of incoming guests.
Keep the meeting sign-in list in the Chapter’s records. You may refer to it before the
next meeting to appoint boards, to contact members who were absent to let them
know they were missed, etc. Then send a meeting report to the Alumni Relations Office.
Event planning timetable
A. Four months before
Complete preliminary scheduling at a Chapter meeting. Contact the UWMAA chapter
coordinator to determine if these dates will fit the master schedule. Fax or e-mail
important information to the Alumni Office (Time, date, location, directions, price, RSVP
phone #'s, deadline to RSVP, etc.) Make sure the venue where you want to hold this
event is available, and then book it!
B. Three months before
1. Hold an initial meeting with the Chapter’s board.
2. Assign duties to board members.
3. The board will decide what/if other committees are needed (i.e., telephone, publicity,
C. Two months before
1. Hold another meeting of the board; have members report on the progress of their
2. Reach final decisions on event details.
a. Who will greet people?
b. Who will make introductory remarks/announcements and closing comments?
c. Inform the Alumni Association Office of additional materials needed, such as
UWM name tags, table cloths, signage, handouts, etc.
3. Have invitations designed and printed
4. If serving food, work with the venue to plan the menu. If holding it at a venue other
than on campus where you will serve the food, determine whether you need people to
help serve.
5. Does the venue where you’re holding the event need payment on the day of your
event? If so, work with the Alumni Association Office to have a check prepared to give
on the day of the event. Allow 3 weeks to have check requests processed.
E. Seven weeks before
1. Begin promoting the event.
2. Final event details must be given to the Association so any Chapter mailings (if
approved) can be produced. Please note: This is a very important deadline! If bulk mail
is used, it takes several weeks to be delivered. Also, alumni must have time to RSVP for
F. Six weeks before
1. Mailing will be sent from the Alumni Association to the Chapter’s alumni.
G. Five weeks before
1. The board will hold a meeting with committee chairpersons to check off assignments.
H. Three weeks before
1. Reservations begin to come in.
I. Two weeks before
1. Evaluate the response of the reservation returns. If necessary, additional e-mails or
phone calls may need to be made.
2. Make arrangements for the following, if necessary: laptop, projector, screen,
extension cord, podium, and microphone and registration table.
J. One week before:
1. Finalize all details.
2. Confirm, with the facility being used, the number attending.
K. Week of the event:
1. Prepare UWMAA name tags
2. Gather/prepare signage - do you need a UWMAA banner/table cloth?
72 hours prior to the event
Provide caterer with final anticipated attendance count.
Day of the event
Arrive at the location at least 2 hours early
Set up registration table
Ensure for proper signage
Ask people attending your events to sign in or at least provide their business
cards. Then within two weeks of these events, provide the UWMAA with the
names and contact information (especially e-mail addresses) of those attending
your Chapter functions so we can keep our database updated.
Within one week of the event
Write thank-you notes as needed
Turn in sign-in sheets to Alumni Office
Turn in reimbursement form (if necessary)
UWMAA ___________ Alumni Chapter meeting report
This information should be completed following each Chapter activity and e-mailed or
mailed to: John Bartel, Alumni chapter coordinator, UWM Alumni Association,
3230 E. Kenwood Blvd., Milwaukee, WI 53211 within one week of the meeting.
Date: _________
Time: _______ Location: ____________________________
Attendance: _________________________
Decision ______________________________________________________________
Decision _____________________________________________________________
Decision ______________________________________________________________
Decision ______________________________________________________________
Next Steps/Assignments:
Next meeting date:
Signature of Recorder: ___________________________________
(Many chapters post this form to their chapter’s Web site.)
Membership information form
Graduating year(s):___________
Spouse: ____________________________ If UWM graduate?/degree/class
Your address: ___________________________________________________________
Home phone:(____)_____________ Business phone:(____)_____________
Business name & address: ________________________________________
Personal activity interests: ________________________________________
Memberships: (Please indicate if it would be possible to use any of these club facilities
for an alumni gathering)
Chapter name: ______________________________________________________
President: __________________________________________________________
Mailing address: _____________________________________________________
E-mail and phone: _____________________________
I. Chapter officers
President _________________________________________________
Secretary _________________________________________________
Treasurer _________________________________________________
(other officers) _____________________________________________
II. List meetings/programs held this year (attach additional pages if necessary.)
(Count alumni separately from other guests)
CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR PERIOD July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012
CASH BALANCE July 1, 2011
CASH BALANCE as of June 30, 2012
III. Calendar of upcoming events
Prepared by: __________________________________ Date: ______________
President: ____________________________________
Date: _______________
Alumni Association awards and scholarships
The UWM Alumni Association values and recognizes the accomplishments of our
alumni. Chapter leaders are encouraged to take an active role in identifying and
nominating alumni in their areas as candidates for UWMAA’s awards. Provide the
candidate(s)’ class year and supportive information to the Alumni Relations Office.
Nominations forms are available on the Alumni Association Web site, by calling our
office toll-free at 877-564-6896 or e-mailing us at For further
information, nomination forms or if you have questions on any of these awards, contact
Erin Harrass at the Alumni Office, 414-906-4290,
Distinguished Alumnus Award
Nominees must have distinguished themselves, in the period since graduation from
UWM, with outstanding achievements in their career, civic involvement, or both.
Recipients are honored at the UWMAA Awards Reception held in May and at May
Special Life Achievement Award
This special award is designed to recognize outstanding and original life experiences and
accomplishments. In the history of the UWMAA, only seven alumni have received the
Special Life Achievement Award. Recipients are honored at the UWMAA Awards
reception in May and at May Commencement.
The Graduate of the Last Decade (GOLD) Award
Recipients must have graduated within the last 10 years and have achieved a measure
of success in their field bringing credit to themselves and the University. One
representative from each UWM College and School may be honored. This award is
presented at the UWMAA’s annual Awards Reception in May.
UWMAA Award for Teaching Excellence
The recipient must be an outstanding member of the tenured or tenure-track UWM
faculty or teaching academic staff who has distinguished him/herself in career or civic
involvement. The nominee must currently be teaching at UWM. The award is presented
at the UWMAA Recognition Reception in early December. One award is presented
UWMAA Teaching Excellence Award for Non-Tenure Track Instructors
This award recognizes the teaching excellence of non-tenure track instructors at UWM.
The recipient must be an outstanding member of the UWM community who has
distinguished him/herself in career or civic involvement. The nominee must currently be
teaching at UWM. The award is presented at the UWMAA Recognition Reception in
early December. One award is presented annually.
History of the UWM Alumni Association
The UWM Alumni Association (UWMAA) dates back to 1904, when alumni of the
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s initial predecessor, the Wisconsin State Normal
School, began holding regular meetings. Our organization was incorporated in
November 1965, and went dues-free on July 1, 2005.
Our members now include all graduates of UWM and its predecessor institutions:
Wisconsin State Normal School
Milwaukee Normal School (1885-1927)
Milwaukee State Teachers College (1927-1951)
Wisconsin State College, Milwaukee (1951-1956)
UW Extension Division (1920-1956)
Alumni House
The Alumni House was the home of the UWM Alumni Association (UWMAA) from 1983
to early 2010. The building is an English Tudor mansion located on 3.9 acres along the
shores of Lake Michigan at the end of Kenwood Boulevard, one block east of the
intersection of Lincoln Memorial Drive and Lake Drive.
Built as the home of Mr. and Mrs. Myron T. MacLaren, the Alumni House was purchased
by the Milwaukee State Teachers College in 1949 for $80,000.
It was used as a women's dormitory until July 1964, when it became Kenwood
Conference and Alumni Center. The building also housed the Center for Great Lakes
Studies (1966 to 1974) and the Office of Continuing Education for Adults (1969 to 1975).