Mathematics Evidence sheet AT2 Number and Algebra

Mathematics Evidence sheet
Year Group
Pupils count, order, add,
subtract numbers when solving
problems involving up to 10
They read and write the
numbers involved.
AT2 Number and Algebra
 reads most numbers up to 10
 counts and order most numbers to 10 using digit cards
begins to add numbers in problems using counting aids
begins to subtract numbers in problems using counting aids
writes most numbers to 10
uses oral and pictorial methods of presenting work
recognises and makes repeating patterns (colour, size, number)
reads numbers to 10
counts and orders numbers to 10 using digit cards
counts and uses ordinal numbers
writes numbers to 10
uses numbers up to 10 to solve problems involving addition
uses numbers up to 10 to solve problems involving subtraction
counts, reads and orders numbers from 0 to 20
recognises 0 as ‘none’ and ‘zero’
operates ‘missing numbers’ using aids
understands and uses mathematical language (add, subtract, plus)
begins to be aware of patterns in numbers (2+3 = 3+2)
Mathematics Evidence sheet
Year Group
AT2 Number and Algebra
 mentally recalls number bonds to 10 using visual cues
 confidently uses numbers to 20
Pupils count sets of objects
reliably and use mental recall of
addition and subtraction facts
to 10.
They begin to understand
place value of each digit in a
number and use this to order
numbers up to 100.
They choose the appropriate
operation when solving addition
and subtraction problems.
They use the knowledge that
subtraction is the inverse of
begins to understand place value by setting into 10s
recognises odd and even numbers to 20
collects data by counting
records data in a pictogram or block graph
 counts, orders, reads and writes numbers to 50
 counts on in steps of different sizes (e.g. counts on from 5 in steps
of 2 or 3)
 identifies doubles and halves using numbers up to 20
 recognises that subtraction is the inverse of addition
 recognises and uses coins up to 50p
 organises and classifes data using simple lists and tables
 counts, reads, orders and writes numbers to 100
 understands place value to 100
 confidently uses mental calculation strategies to solve number
They use mental calculation
problems involving money and measures
strategies to solve number
 chooses an appropriate strategy to solve a problem (e.g. chooses
problems involving money and
whether to add or subtract, chooses to take half of a number)
 understands multiplication as repeated addition
 understands multiplication as a way of representing the number
of items in a rectangular array
They recognise sequences of
numbers, including odd and even  understands division as repeated subtraction or sharing
 identifes and uses half and quarter (e.g. half a rectangle, a quarter of
8 pupils)
 locates an object in a grid (e.g. what’s in square 3D?)
 understands and uses £ and p notation for money
 sorts and classifies objects using more than one criterion
 interprets data presented in a simple list, table or graph
Mathematics Evidence sheet
Year Group
Pupils show understanding of
place value in numbers up to
1000 and use this to make
They begin to use decimal
notation and to recognise
negative numbers, in
contexts such as money and
Pupils use mental recall of
addition and subtraction facts
to 20 in solving problems
involving larger numbers.
AT2 Number and Algebra
uses mental calculations to solve addition and subtraction problems
involving up to 20 objects
counts in 2s, 5s and 10s
uses 2,5 and 10 multiplication facts to solve problems (including
being able to identify remainders)
uses symbols for multiplication and division
recognises place value in numbers to 1000 and uses this to identify
‘hundreds, tens and units’
solves (in variety of ways) problems involving addition and subtraction
to 20, halves and quarters, doubling and multiplying by 2, 5 or 10
explains why work has been set out in a certain way
solves a given problem by organising and interpreting information from
tables and graphs
uses mental methods for adding and subtracting numbers of two digits
uses and explains number patterns such as 3,6,9,12 or 5,8,11.14
They add and subtract numbers
with two digits mentally and
numbers with three digits
using written methods.
They use mental recall of the
2,3,4,5 and 10 multiplication
tables and derive the associated
division facts.
They solve whole-number
problems involving multiplication 
and division, including those
that give rise to remainders.
They use simple fractions that
are several parts of a whole
and recognise when two simple
fractions are equivalent.
uses decimal notation in the context of money
uses multiplication facts involving 5x,3x,4x
recognises multiples in the 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables
derives division facts corresponding to 2,3,4,5, and 10 times tables
understands place value to 1000
constructs and interprets bar charts and pictograms where the symbol
represents a group of units
understands place value to 1000 and uses this to approximate to
nearest 100
understands negative numbers in context e.g. weather
uses multiplication facts involving 6x,7x,8x,9x
uses more than one method to solve a problem
recognises and uses simple fractions that are several parts of a whole
recognises when two simple fractions are equivalent
begins to use decimal notation to add numbers
Mathematics Evidence sheet
Year Group
Pupils use their understanding of
place value to multiply and divide
whole numbers by 10 or 100.
In solving number problems,
Pupils use a range of mental
Nethgods of computation with
The four operations, including
Mental recall of multiplication
Facts up to 10x10 and quick
Derivation of corresponding
Division facts.
They use efficient written
Methods of addition and
Subtraction and of short
Multiplication and division.
Number and Algebra
Pupils can:
 begin to use inverse operations to check answers
 use decimal notation to add and subtract numbers
 understand and use multiplication tables up to 10x10
 derive quickly division facts corresponding to tables up to 10x10
 explore multiples and factors
 recognise proportions of a whole and use fractions to describe them
 understand place value to 1000 and use this to approximate numbers to
nearest 10 and to divide and multiply by 10 or 100
 explore percentages
 collect discrete data and record in a frequency table
Pupils can:
 use efficient written methods of addition, subtraction, short
multiplication and division
 add and subtract decimals to two places
 explore number patterns and express a simple generalisation (e.g. “you
can’t make a number ending in 9, if you add these numbers in any way”)
They add and subtract decimals
to 2 places and order decimals
to 3 places.
use a simple formula expressed in words (e.g. area = length x breadth)
understand squares and square numbers and use them in simple
solve problems (with aid) involving more than one operation
use multiplication facts to multiply two digit numbers
calculate percentages
use and interpret co-ordinates in the first quadrant
group data, where appropriate, in equal class intervals
understand and use language associated with probability
In solving problems with or
without a calculator, pupils
check the reasonableness of
their results by reference to
their knowledge of the context
or to the size of the numbers.
They recognise approximate
proportions of a whole and use
simple fractions and
percentages to describe these.
Pupils can:
 confidently use decimal notation, adding and subtracting to two places Y6
 order a mixed set of numbers including decimals to three places
 convert decimals to percentages and vice versa
 check reasonableness of an answer in problems with an without a
 use multiples, factors and square
 construct and interpret simple line graphs
Pupils recognise and describe
number patterns, and
relationships including multiple,
factor and square.
They begin to use simple
formulae expressed in words.
Pupils use and interpret
coordinates in the first quadrant
Mathematics Evidence sheet
Year Group
Pupils use their understanding
of place value to multiply and
divide whole numbers and
decimals by 10, 100, 1000.
They order, add and subtract
negative numbers in context.
They use all four operations
with decimals to two places.
They reduce a fraction to its
simplest form by cancelling
common factors and solve
simple problems involving ratio
and direct proportion.
They calculate fractional or
percentage parts of quantities
and measurements, using a
calculator where appropriate.
Pupils understand and use an
appropriate non-calculator
method for solving problems
that involve multiplying and
dividing any 3 digit by any 2
digit number.
They check their solutions by
applying inverse operations or
estimating using approximations.
They construct, express in
symbolic form, and use simple
formulae involving one or two
operations. They use brackets
Pupils use and interpret
coordinates in all four quadrants
Number and Algebra
uses knowledge of place value to multiply and divide whole numbers/
decimals by 10, 100 and 1000
orders, adds and subtracts negative numbers in context
uses all four operations of number with decimals to two places
reduces a fraction to its simplest form by cancelling common factors
solves simple problems involving ratio and direct proportion
calculates fractions and percentages of quantities using a calculator
understands and uses an appropriate non-calculator method for solving
problems that involve multiplying and dividing any three digit by any
two digit number
uses simple formulae involving one or two operations
uses brackets appropriately
uses and interprets co-ordinates in all four quadrants
understands and uses the mean of discrete data
compares two simple distributions using range and mode
interprets graphs and diagrams including pie charts
understands and uses probability scale from 0 to 1
understands that different outcomes may result from repeating an
Mathematics Evidence sheet
Year Group
Level 6
Pupils order and approximate
decimals when solving numerical
problems and equations
(e.g x³ + x + 20), using trial-andimprovement methods .
Pupils are aware of which
number to consider as 100%, or
a whole, in problems involving
comparisons, and use this to
evaluate one number as a
fraction or a percentage of
They understand and use the
equivalences between fractions,
decimals and percentages and
calculate using ratios in
appropriate situations.
They add and subtract fractions
by writing them with a common
When exploring number
sequences, pupils find and
describe in words the rule for
the next term on nth term of
a sequence where the rule is
linear. They formulate and solve
linear equations with wholenumber coefficients. They
represent mappings expressed
algebraically, and use
Cartesian coordinates for
graphical representation
interpreting general features.
Number and Algebra