DIVISION OF RESEARCH & GRADUATE STUDIES POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Title: POST-DOCTORAL SCHOLAR Description: Post-Doctoral Scholar Policies Contact: Director of Post-Doctoral Affairs and Dean of the Graduate School I. Number: Revised: Originated: EC Approval: Effective: 3/28/2008 11/2007 12/17/2007, 4/7/08 January 1, 2008 Introduction East Carolina University (ECU) annually hosts Post-Doctoral Scholars on campus. PostDoctoral Scholars (Scholars) are placed in many different departments and centers at the University and they are associated with ECU primarily with the goal to continue their academic training. However, some aspects of their relationship with the University more resemble those of employees. Given the hybrid nature of their association, the University has developed these policies to better outline the University’s and the Scholar’s obligations and expectations in various contexts. The Dean of the Graduate School will house the Office of Post-Doctoral Affairs (OPA) and will maintain policies, handbooks and other materials related to Post-Doctoral Scholars at ECU. II. Definition of Post-Doctoral Scholars East Carolina University will utilize the FASEB (Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology) definition of Post-Doctoral Scholars. This includes the following criteria: A. The appointee was awarded a PhD, equivalent doctorate or terminal degree (e.g., ScD, MD, MFA) in an appropriate field. B. The appointment is temporary (at will). C. The appointment involves substantially full-time research or scholarship. D. The appointment is viewed as preparatory for a full-time academic or research career. E. The appointment may be part of a clinical training program, if research training under the supervision of a Mentor is a primary purpose of the appointment. F. The appointee works under the supervision of a Mentor or a department in a university or similar research institution (e.g., national laboratory, NIH, etc.). G. The appointee is expected to publish the results of his/her research or scholarship during the period of appointment, in consultation with his/her Mentor. III. Expectations of Post-Doctoral Scholars ECU has adopted the following universal set of performance expectations for Scholars: A. Conscientious discharge of assigned duties. B. Adherence to ethical standards. C. Compliance with good laboratory practice, regulatory standards, and recognized University procedures and policies. D. Observation of established guidelines and regulatory standards for research involving biohazards, human subjects or animals. E. Open and timely discussion with the Mentor regarding research progress, distribution of reagents or materials, or any disclosure of findings or techniques privately or in publications. F. Collegial conduct towards coworkers. G. Compliance with all applicable University policies and procedures including those related to the responsible conduct of research and export controls. H. Publish the results of his/her research of scholarship during the period of appointment, in consultation with his/her mentor. I. Whenever possible, the Scholar is encouraged to apply for extramural research funding and other financial support. IV. Appointment and Discontinuation Policies A. All post-doctoral scholars will be given 12-month appointments. B. The Mentor will provide the Scholar with an offer letter which outlines the terms of the appointment, the rate of compensation, and the effective dates of the appointment. Included with the letter will be a position description and a post-doctoral scholar contract. C. The maximum term of service for a Scholar is five (5) years. Following this five year training period, a Scholar must either be moved into an established employee position or separated. This term of service refers to total post-doctoral time spent at ECU and does not include time spent at other institutions. D. To request an extension of appointment, the Mentor may submit a written request to the Director of Post-Doctoral Affairs, indicating exceptional circumstances that require an extended appointment. This request must be cosigned by the Scholar, as well as the department Chair (or Dean when appropriate). Requests for extensions should be based on strong mitigating circumstances and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. E. Discontinuation of Appointment Other Than for Cause 1) Discontinuation with Notice A Scholar may have his/her appointment ended at any time upon 90 calendar day’s prior written notice from the Mentor. 2) Discontinuation due to Funding If the funding supporting his/her appointment ends, a Scholar may have his/her appointment ended at any time upon 90 calendar day’s prior written notice from the Mentor. 3) Discontinuation due to Expiration of Term A Scholar’s appointment for a stated definite term expires automatically at the conclusion of the stated term. No advance written notice of non-renewal is required to be provided to the Scholar in this case. If the Scholar wishes, he/she may request assistance from the department chairperson in identifying other post-doctoral or employment opportunities within the department. Requests for this kind of assistance should be made in writing 90 to 120 days prior to the expiration of his/her term. The department chairperson will respond in writing within 30 calendar days thereafter to the Scholar a decision as to whether a renewal or extension will be made. Failure to communicate a decision constitutes notice that no renewal or extension will be offered. The University has the option to renew or extend a Scholar’s appointment, subject to the requirements of Section IV. B. and C., above. F. Discontinuation of Appointment for Cause A Scholar may have his/her appointment ended at any time during the appointment if he/she is found by his/her Mentor to have violated the expectations set forth above. Discontinuation of appointment for cause is to be preceded by written notice of intent to discontinue, and is subject to invocation by the affected Scholar of the grievance procedure provided by these Policies (see Section VIII). When a Scholar has been notified of the intention to discontinue his/her appointment for cause, the Director of Post-Doctoral Affairs may suspend the Scholar at any time and continue the suspension until a final decision concerning discontinuation is rendered; the power to suspend shall be invoked only in exceptional circumstances, and when it is determined to be in the best interests of the University. Further, such suspension shall be with full pay. If a Scholar does not initiate a formal grievance (as provided in Section VIII) within 14 calendar days after receipt of a written notice of intent to discontinue, then the appointment shall be discontinued immediately without further recourse. If a Scholar initiates a formal grievance and the final outcome of the grievance procedure is to uphold the discontinuation of appointment for cause, then the Scholar’s discontinuation shall be effective as of the date of the final decision in the grievance procedure. If a Scholar initiates a formal grievance and the final outcome of the grievance procedure is not to uphold the discontinuation of appointment for cause, then the Scholar’s discontinuation is effective 90 calendar days following the date of the final decision in the grievance procedure. V. Evaluation The Scholar’s Mentor must complete an annual written evaluation of the Scholar’s performance. The evaluation criteria should be related to the Scholar’s offer letter and position description. The evaluation should be forwarded to the Director of the Office of Post-Doctoral Affairs. The completed evaluation form must be signed by the Mentor and the Scholar. The Scholar will be acknowledging receipt of the evaluation, not necessarily concurrence. The evaluation process should be simple and must include the opportunity for the Scholar to respond in writing to appeal the evaluation, through the appropriate Chair, then the appropriate College Dean, then the Director of the Office of Post Doctoral Affairs. VI. Compensation Effective January 1, 2008, the minimum annual stipend for a Scholar shall be no less than $30,000. This level will be assessed annually by the Post-Doctoral Advisory Committee and it is projected that this minimum salary level will increase approximately 3% per year. VII. Benefits A. A Scholar is eligible for: (a) a minimum of 10 days of compensated vacation leave (in addition to recognized University holidays) per year, and (b) 12 days of compensated sick leave per year. Neither vacation leave nor sick leave can be carried over to a new calendar year. It is the responsibility of the department to maintain leave records for each Scholar. Unused vacation and sick leave will not be paid out when the Scholar’s appointment ends. Leave will be made available in total on the first day of the Scholar’s appointment and will be reappointed annually. Leave does not accrue and cannot be carried over from year to year. B. A Scholar is eligible for six weeks of paid parental leave to care for a new biological or adopted child, which includes exhausting all available vacation and sick leave. This paid parental leave must be completed within one year of the birth or placement of the child. Scholars are eligible to use up to six weeks of paid parental leave though they only earn a cumulative total of 22 days vacation and sick leave (approx. 4½ weeks) per year. Scholars may also be eligible for Family and Medical Leave if they meet the eligibility requirements under the temporary employee section of the Family and Medical Leave Policy: (http://hr.unc.edu/Data/SPA/leave/fmla-SPA#sub4). C. A Scholar is eligible for participation in health and dental insurance benefits. D. A Scholar is not eligible for participation in ECU retirement benefits. VIII. Grievances A Scholar may use the following procedures to address matters of concern related to his/her appointment: A. The Scholar must make a reasonable effort to resolve the matter through discussions with his/her Mentor. B. If the matter is not adequately resolved by discussion with the Mentor, the Scholar may formally request resolution through the Mentor’s immediate supervisor. The request must include a written statement describing the matter of concern, the supporting facts, and the disposition of prior discussions. The request must address three critical questions: (a) What is the grievable offense? (b) Who committed the grievable offense? (c) What is the desired resolution? The Mentor’s supervisor shall resolve the matter promptly, providing a written response and outlining the reasons for the decision, within 30 calendar days from receipt of the written request. C. If still unresolved, the Scholar may formally request resolution by the Dean of the School in which the Mentor is appointed or by another appropriate administrative position above the immediate supervisor. The written request must include all information as described in 2 above. The Dean shall resolve the matter promptly, providing a written response outlining the reasons for the decision, within 30 calendar days from receipt of the written request. D. If still unresolved, the Scholar may formally request, in writing, a resolution by the Director of the Office of Post-Doctoral Affairs. The written request must include all information as described in 2 above. The Director shall resolve the matter promptly, providing a written response outlining the reasons for the decision within 30 calendar days from receipt of the written request.