Graphs as a Tool for Data Analysis

Graphs as a Tool for Data Analysis
Project Overview
This RWLO describes a lesson plan that instructs students on how to create a simple x – y
scatter graph which can be used to find correlations between the variables of a data set.
Graphs will be constructed by hand with graph paper and pen. Raw data abstracted from
CIESE’s International Boiling Point Project, will be used to create three x-y scatter
graphs. Students will be required to graph the boiling point of water as a function of the
volume of water used, the average room temperature during the boiling point
measurement, and the elevation. Then, the three graphs will be analyzed to determine if
any correlations exist between these variables. Students will be asked to write a
summary of their findings based on the data analysis.
This RWLO assumes that students have the prerequisite knowledge of what an ordered
pair is, how to write an ordered pair, and what the four quadrants of a Cartesian graph
Student Learning Objectives
Students will be able to read a data table and identify the independent and
dependent variable.
Students will be able to plot ordered pairs from a data set to create an x – y scatter
Students shall be able to choose a proper scale and label all components for the
Students will use the x – y scatter graphs to identify the variable that exhibits the
best correlation to the boiling point.
Time: 50 minutes
Materials: Graph paper, ruler, and pen
Implementation: This RWLO can be used as a classroom exercise or initiated in the
classroom and completed as a homework activity in order to demonstrate the learning
objectives. Each student will be assigned to a group for this exercise. The members of
the group will obtain their data for the exercise as a collaborative unit. Each member of
the group will submit individual scatter graphs and a summary report of their
 Assemble the students into their assigned groups. Supply each student with three
pieces of graph paper and a ruler. Also supply each student with the reference
handout: Graphical Analysis.
 Describe all necessary information concerning the International Boiling Point
Project (IBPP) and provide the students with its Web address
 Distribute and review the Assignment Handout.
 Discuss how the class will complete the activity. This will be depend on whether
the activity is entirely in-class or partially used as a homework assignment.
 Provide class time for each group to choose and download a data file from the
International Boiling Point Project. All members of the same group must use the
identical data file.
Content Material
 This RWLO will instruct students on how to create a simple x – y scatter graph
which can be used to find correlations between the variables of a data set. Each
student will be assigned to a group for this exercise. The members of the group
will obtain their data for the exercise as a collaborative unit, but each member of
the group will submit their own completed assignment. The raw data will be
downloaded from a collaborative Web site created by CIESE called the
International Boiling Point Project. Students will be required to graph the boiling
point of water as a function of the volume of water used, the average room
temperature during the boiling point measurement, and the elevation. Then, the
three graphs can be analyzed to determine if any correlations exist between these
variables. Students will be asked to write a summary of their findings based on
the data analysis.
 This RWLO assumes that you know what an ordered pair is, how to write an
ordered pair, and what the four quadrants of a Cartesian graph are.
Student Directions
 Assemble into your assigned group at a computer connected to the Internet and
access the International Boiling Point Project Web-site at
( Search the
project data by clicking on the PC user file data links. Once your group has found
a data file, send enough copies to the printer so every group member has one.
 Read the Assignment Handout provided by your instructor.
 Obtain three pieces of graph paper and a ruler from the instructor if it hasn’t
been provided.
 Read the Graphical Analysis handout provided.
 Complete the assignment.
Additional Resources
 Back-up Web-site for the International Boiling Point Project data:
Each of the bullets in the Assignment Handout can be used for assessment based on the
following rubric.
Graphs: [15 total points]
 Create a graph of boiling point of water verses volume of water used in the
boiling point determination.
 Create a graph of boiling point of water verses average room temperature.
 Create a graph of boiling point of water verses elevation.
Each graph will be scored as follows:
5 pts = All of the requirements listed below have been fulfilled.
a) The independent and dependent variable is chosen correctly and plotted on the
appropriate axis.
b) The axes scale are appropriate for the data plotted. The scale uses the correct
number of place holders provided by the original data table.
c) Each axis is labeled or titled. The graph is given a title.
d) All appropriate units are provided in parentheses near the axis label.
e) The data points are presented correctly.
4 pts = Four of the five requirements have been fulfilled.
3 pts = Three of the five requirements have been fulfilled.
2 pts = Two of the five requirements have been fulfilled.
1 pts = One of the five requirements has been fulfilled.
0 pts = None of the requirements have been fulfilled.
Student Summary: [10 total points]
 Analyze the three graphs. Based on your observations can you identify a
relationship between the two variables plotted in any of the graphs? If so, draw a
trend line which correlates best to this relationship. Are there any other
relationships observed? Discuss your findings.
10 pts = All of the requirements listed below have been included.
a) The summary statement is clearly developed and complete.
b) The statement indicates that the student has interpreted the graphs correctly.
c) The student has used the graphs to identify a relationship between boiling point
and elevation.
d) The student has provided convincing arguments based on their data analysis in the
summary statement.
e) The statement is written in complete sentences.
8 pts = Four of the five requirements have been included
6 pts = Three of the five requirements have been included.
4 pts = Two of the five requirements have been included.
2 pts = One of the five requirements has been included.
0 pts = None of the requirements have been included.
Links to Course Competencies
This RWLO can be used in many different math courses or a physical science course.
The RWLO is best suited for introductory through intermediate algebra courses. Upon
completion of this RWLO the following list of competencies shall be met.
 Students will be able to apply the process of mathematical modeling to realworld applications.
 Students can represent data sets graphically and explore the interrelationships
of these representations.
 Students will analyze tables and graphs to identify trends and relationships
between variables.
 Students will communicate inferences and convincing arguments that are
based on data analysis.
Supplementary Resources
The International Boiling Point Project Web site contains background information
about the collaborative project, both new and archived data, and many
supplemental links.
There is a Back-up site for the International Boiling Point Project.
This resource provides the linear equation for the relationship between altitude
and boiling point.
A Web-based calculator is supplied to allow calculation of the boiling point for
specific altitudes.
This RWLO can be used in either a math or physical science course to graphically
demonstrate the correlation between two variables of a data set. The design of the
RWLO requires students to work cooperatively in a group to identify and
download a data file which each student will use, independent of the other group
members, to complete the RWLO. Use approximately 5 minutes to describe the
Print out all the required materials referenced in the content material section of
this RWLO. This includes: three pieces of graph paper, an assignment handout,
and a graphical analysis handout per student.
Back up:
 If the primary Web site for the International Boiling Point Project is unavailable,
the back up site is:
 As a precaution, print at least one copy of a data file from the International
Boiling Point Project in case the Internet becomes inaccessible.