DW – Recruiting and Admissions Data Set Enhancements Reporting Using MATR_Appl_Prog & MATR_Orient_Attend_Curr Tables Reporting Using MATR Appl Prog & MATR_Orient_Attend_Curr Tables Documentation 04/01/02 1 Recruiting & Admissions DW – Recruiting and Admissions Data Set Enhancements Reporting Using MATR_Appl_Prog & MATR_Orient_Attend_Curr Tables Introduction to the Post MATR Data Folder in the Application Folder Overview Enhancements were made to the Recruiting and Admissions data set (SA02). As part of this enhancement to this data set, a new folder called the Post MATR Data folder has been nested within the Application Folder. This data represents the activity of a new student in their matriculated Admit Term. Two new tables in the Post MATR Data folder represent this data. The Matriculated Applicant Academic Record (MATR_Appl_Prog) table. This table consists of academic record information for a matriculated applicant. The Orientation Attendee Current (MATR_Orient_Attend_Curr) table. This table contains information about Orientation activity for a freshman or transfer student as maintained by the Office of New Student Programs (ONSP). 04/01/02 2 Recruiting & Admissions DW – Recruiting and Admissions Data Set Enhancements Reporting Using MATR_Appl_Prog & MATR_Orient_Attend_Curr Tables This document provides information about the data contained in the Recruiting and Admissions SA02 data set. Specifically, this document: Highlights key data particulars about these two tables Presents a diagram of the tables to familiarize you with the fields in each table and to illustrate the relationship between the tables and the other tables in the Application folder Provides examples of how you might use the Matriculated Applicant Academic Record and Orientation Attendee Current data in reporting Business Process Information The MATR_Appl_Prog and MATR_Orient_Attend_Curr tables are granted along with the standard UM Data Warehouse Recruiting and Admissions data set. Access is available via submitted requests on the MPathways M1 form combined with required data set training. Individuals who are matriculated do not necessarily have Orientation attendance data in HEProd. For example, graduate and professional students in the Rackham and Law careers do not have Orientation data in M-Pathways. Orientation data entered in HEProd primarily involves freshman and transfer students within the Undergraduate Admissions careers and programs. Orientation data will be purged annually in HEProd. However, the data is archived every academic term within the Admissions Snapshot data set, and this data set can be used for historical reporting after the purge process. Please refer to the self-study guide Data Warehouse – Understanding Admissions Snapshot Data (course ADS004) for more information. The Admissions Snapshot data will be updated with this functionality in late May. Supporting Documentation Table diagrams, as well as detailed information about the fields on MATR_Appl_Prog and the MATR_Orient_Attend_Curr Data Warehouse tables, are available in the most recent version of the Student Recruiting and Admissions Data Dictionary which you can download from the M-Pathways Web site at: http://www.mpathways.umich.edu/student/sadw.html Note: Data dictionaries are continuously updated to reflect changes that occur in the Data Warehouse. 04/01/02 3 Recruiting & Admissions DW – Recruiting and Admissions Data Set Enhancements Reporting Using MATR_Appl_Prog & MATR_Orient_Attend_Curr Tables New Orientation and Post MATR Tables ORIENT_ATTEND_CURR EMPLID ORIENT_EFFDT ORIENT_EFFSEQ ORIENT_EVNT ORIENT_EVNT_DESCR ADMIT_TERM ADMIT_TERM_DESCRSHORT ORIENT_CAMP_DAVIS ORIENT_PTP ORIENT_STAYING ORIENT_EARLY_ARRVL ORIENT_ADV_GRP ORIENT_ADV_GRP_DESCRSHORT ORIENT_OPRID ORIENT_CANCEL_ADMT ORIENT_OVRD_SESSION ORIENT_COMM_COMPLETED_DT ORIENT_LASTACTION MATR_APPL_PROG EMPLID ACAD_CAREER ADM_APPL_NBR MATR_APPL_ACAD_PLAN MATR_APPL_ACAD_SUB_PLAN MATR_APPL_PROG_ACTION_EFFDT MATR_APPL_PROG_ACTION_EFFSEQ ACAD_CAREER_DESCRSHORT MATR_APPL_ACAD_PROG MATR_APPL_ACAD_PROG_DESCR MATR_APPL_ACAD_PLAN_DESCR MATR_APPL_ACAD_SUB_PLAN_DESCR MATR_APPL_ACAD_LOAD_APPR ADMIT_TERM ADMIT_TERM_DESCRSHORT MATR_APPL_PROG_STATUS MATR_APPL_PROG_STATUS_DESCRSH MATR_APPL_PROG_ACTION MATR_APPL_PROG_ACTION_DESCRSH MATR_APPL_ACTION_DT MATR_APPL_PROG_REASON MATR_APPL_PROG_REASON_DESCRSH MATR_APPL_ACAD_GROUP MATR_APPL_ACAD_GROUP_DESCRSH STDNT_CAR_NBR_SR Legend Underline = Key Field = One to One = One to Many = Many to Many = Outer Join = Secured Table = Check Status Table for refresh date 04/01/02 4 Recruiting & Admissions DW – Recruiting and Admissions Data Set Enhancements Reporting Using MATR_Appl_Prog & MATR_Orient_Attend_Curr Tables Data Particulars – MATR_Appl_Prog_Table Overview The fields and structure of the MATR_Appl_Prog table represents several Student Records tables, which includes Acad_Prog, Acad_Plan, and Acad_Subplan. These three Student Records tables were denormalized, or consolidated, onto one table similar to the structure of the Adm_Appl_Prog table. The data is current as of the end of the Drop/Add period of a newly matriculated student’s Admit Term, and begins with Admit Term 1370. MATR_Appl_Prog fields (elements) Many fields in the Matr_Appl_Prog table are mirror images from the Adm_Appl_Prog table in the Application folder. A key exception is the Stdnt_Car_Nbr_SR field from the Matr_Appl_Prog table and the Stdnt_Car_Nbr from the Adm_Appl_Prog table. These numbers do not relate. The Stdnt_Car_Nbr (from the application) is always 0 because there is always one application per Career and Program. If the applicant applies to a different program in the same career, a new application is issued. However, the Stdnt_Car_Nbr from the Student Record may be 0 or 1. The Student Record is designed to capture all academic activity in all careers, and 1 will occur for this field when a student is admitted/readmitted into an additional and different program for the same Career. ADM_APPL_PROG EMPLID ACAD_CAREER STDNT_CAR_NBR ADM_APPL_NBR APPL_PROG_NBR ADM_APPL_PROG EFFDT ADM_APPL PROG_EFFSEQ ACAD_PLAN ACAD_SUB_PLAN ACAD_CAREER_DESCRSHORT ACAD_PROG ACAD_PROG_DESCR ACAD_PLAN_DESCR ACAD_PLAN_TYPE ACAD_PLAN_TYPE_DESCRSHORT ACAD_SUB_PLAN_DESCR ACAD_SUB_PLAN_DESCRSHORT ACAD_PROG_DUAL ACAD_PROG_DUAL_DESCR JOINT_PROG_APPR ACAD_LOAD_APPR ADMIT_TERM ADMIT_TERM_DESCRSHORT PROG_EVALUATION_DT PROG_EVAL_STATUS PROG_EVAL_STATUS_DESCRSHORT PROG_STATUS PROG_STATUS_DESCRSHORT PROG_ACTION PROG_ACTION_DESCRSHORT ACTION_DT PROG_REASON PROG_REASON_DESCRSHORT MATR_APPL_PROG EMPLID ACAD_CAREER ADM_APPL_NBR MATR_APPL_ACAD_PLAN MATR_APPL_ACAD_SUB_PLAN MATR_APPL_PROG_ACTION_EFFDT MATR_APPL_PROG_ACTION_EFFSEQ ACAD_CAREER_DESCRSHORT MATR_APPL_ACAD_PROG MATR_APPL_ACAD_PROG_DESCR MATR_APPL_ACAD_PLAN_DESCR MATR_APPL_ACAD_SUB_PLAN_DESCR MATR_APPL_ACAD_LOAD_APPR ADMIT_TERM ADMIT_TERM_DESCRSHORT MATR_APPL_PROG_STATUS MATR_APPL_PROG_STATUS_DESCRSH MATR_APPL_PROG_ACTION MATR_APPL_PROG_ACTION_DESCRSH MATR_APPL_ACTION_DT MATR_APPL_PROG_REASON MATR_APPL_PROG_REASON_DESCRSH MATR_APPL_ACAD_GROUP MATR_APPL_ACAD_GROUP_DESCRSH STDNT_CAR_NBR_SR 04/01/02 5 Recruiting & Admissions DW – Recruiting and Admissions Data Set Enhancements Reporting Using MATR_Appl_Prog & MATR_Orient_Attend_Curr Tables Data Particulars – MATR Appl Prog Table (continued) Dating Logic The MATR_Appl_Prog table retrieves the most current data as of the end of the Drop/Add period. This date is similar to the Third Week Reporting date, except for the shorter Spring and Summer terms, when the Drop/Add period falls a week earlier than the Third Week Reporting date. Note the following end of the Drop/Add dates related to the respective Admit Terms: Admit Term End of Drop/Add Period 1380 14-MAY-2002 1390 21-MAY-2002 1400 10-JUL-2002 1410 24-SEP-2002 1420 29-JAN-2003 Note: Please contact the Registrar’s Office for Drop/Add dates of future Admit Terms. The user is able to view any updates that occur to the Student Record after: Matriculation Registration, and The beginning of classes through the end of the Drop/Add period It will only pull the max effective date, max effective sequenced data as of the end of the Drop/Add period. Therefore, if there are two plan changes that occur on the same day, the table will retrieve the max row of the set, i.e., the most recently entered data. Academic Units and Admitting Offices can use this table to keep up to date on changes in program status, plan, or subplan after a student has been matriculated. Admission Revocation (ADRV) When the Student Record is updated with an Admission Revocation (ADRV) program action, it is removed from the Student Record Acad_Prog, Acad_Plan, and Acad_Subplan tables in HEProd, and reverts back to the respective application. The record can no longer be retrieved in Student Records, as the respective application is reactivated on the Application tables in HEProd for any further inquiry or updates. The MATR_Appl_Prog table only contains academic student record data; therefore revoked records will not appear in reports using this table. 04/01/02 6 Recruiting & Admissions DW – Recruiting and Admissions Data Set Enhancements Reporting Using MATR_Appl_Prog & MATR_Orient_Attend_Curr Tables Data Particulars – MATR_Appl_Prog Table (continued) Multiple Programs, Plans, and Subplans An Academic Record that contains multiple Programs, Plans, or Subplans will appear differently on the MATR_Appl_Prog table than records that only have one Program, Plan, or Subplan. As described earlier, the table actually represents three tables from the Student Record side, and the Program, Plan, and Subplan are distinct and unique key fields on these tables. When a Student Record is updated with a second Program, Plan, or Subplan, the tables then create two unique rows of data to reflect the multiple academic activities of the student. The following tables illustrate how data is represented. This represents an academic record with one Plan: Effective Date Career Program Plan Subplan 02/14/2002 GSW Social Work (MSW) Soc Pol Eval/Ment Hlth MSW This represents an academic record with two Plans: Effective Date Career Program Plan Subplan 03/24/2002 GSW Social Work (MSW) Soc Pol Eval/Ment Hlth MSW 03/24/2002 GSW Social Work (MSW) Comm Org/Comm & Soc System MSW When reports are created using the MATR_Appl_Prog table, multiple rows will appear for records that have more than one Program, Plan, or Subplan. 04/01/02 7 Recruiting & Admissions DW – Recruiting and Admissions Data Set Enhancements Reporting Using MATR_Appl_Prog & MATR_Orient_Attend_Curr Tables Data Particulars – MATR_Orient_Attend_Curr Table Overview This table provides the most current row or maximum (Max) effective dated, max effective sequence information on a new student orientation attendee record managed by the Office of New Student Programs (ONSP). It DOES NOT contain the most current effective row as of “today’s date.” Instead, it contains the max row and max effective sequence so reporting can be accurate concerning the Orientation status. This table may also contain future dated information. This design facilitates easy access to orientation data about matriculated applicants for the academic units and admitting offices. The following are some of the fields in the MATR_Orient_Attend_Curr class: Orient Eff Date is the date when the new student was last scheduled or corrections were made to the new student’s orientation data. Orient Evnt is the orientation session for which the student is enrolled. For example, F062302 refers to a freshman orientation session of June 23, 2002. 04/01/02 8 Recruiting & Admissions DW – Recruiting and Admissions Data Set Enhancements Reporting Using MATR_Appl_Prog & MATR_Orient_Attend_Curr Tables Data Particulars – MATR_Orient_Attend_Curr Table (continued) Orient Adv (Advising) Grp is the academic advising group that the new student has been assigned to by advising group rules incorporated into M-Pathways. The advising group is determined by the student’s planned career or a combination of the career and plan (e.g., RC and Honors). This advising group determines the appropriate orientation sessions that are available for the new student. Key ONSP staff has access to override the automated scheduling rules. Note: If the student has dual careers, the student is only assigned one advising group and one orientation session. Orient Camp Davis is a summer course taught off-campus that requires enrollment in Summer Term. New students that applied for Fall Term but want to attend Camp Davis have their entire records backed out and moved to Summer Term. Camp Davis students attend freshmen orientation prior to the start of Summer Term. The program that runs Camp Davis is not using MPathways to track this group and thus, has to be manually updated. Orient PTP is Engineering’s Professional Training Program, which is a type of new student internship. ONSP provides orientation to these students who then spend the summer under the direction of the College of Engineering. PTP students may attend one of the Engineering Orientation Dates prior to the start of PTP. Orient Cancel Admt (Admit) indicates that the student contacted ONSP directly to cancel admission. Orient Ovrd Session indicates if the new student is granted an override to attend an orientation session different than their default Advisory Group would indicate. Orient Last Action is a new row for situations when a change is made, such as, a student date changes to another session, the student is a “no-show” for the assigned session, or an advising group change was made. 04/01/02 9 Recruiting & Admissions DW – Recruiting and Admissions Data Set Enhancements Reporting Using MATR_Appl_Prog & MATR_Orient_Attend_Curr Tables Uses for Data The admitting office may use the data on the MATR_Appl_Prog table and the MATR_Orient_Attend_Curr table in the Application folder in the following ways: To view an applicant’s current academic record information after matriculation, particularly to keep track of changes on the academic record, such as Plan and Subplan changes. To track Plan and Subplan changes that occurs before, during, or after Orientation. The Admitting Offices and Orientation units may use the table MATR_Appl_Prog with the MATR_Orient_Attend_Curr table to identify students who are Matriculated, but have not yet signed up for Orientation. When reporting out of the Application folder, they will retrieve both Orientation and non-Orientation students when beginning the queries from the Application tables, and supplementing the report with Orientation data. This enables the units to play an active role in tracking students for Orientation. To view Post Matriculation patterns of targeted populations of applicants by using the Evaluation, Recruiter or Academic History tables supplemented with the MATR_Appl_Prog table and/or the MATR_Orient_Attend_Curr table. Although ADRVs will not appear on the MATR_Appl_Prog table, any Orientation information will still be preserved on the MATR_Orient_Attend_Curr table. Academic units and Admitting Offices can identify when Admissions Revocation is occurring with newly Matriculated students before, during, or after Orientation. 04/01/02 10 Recruiting & Admissions