Thirteenth Annual
π(Pi) Day/Math Awareness Day Contest and Exhibition
Announced for April 29, 2006
Theme – ’06: The Perfect Year for Math
Enter the 13 annual π(Pi) Day/Math Awareness Day Exhibition contest!!!
This contest, sponsored by the Goudreau Museum of Mathematics, is designed to stimulate an interest in the creative
possibilities of mathematics. The contest is built on a model developed by Bruce Waldner, District Mathematics Chairperson,
Syosset Central School District.
What is π(Pi) Day/Math Awareness Day?
π(Pi) Day occurs on March 14 (that is, 3/14) and honors the special number 3.14.... The purpose of the day is to foster
creativity in and enjoyment of mathematics. The Museum=s π(Pi) Day contest encourages students to participate in
mathematics in imaginative, alternative ways.
Schools are encouraged to celebrate π(Pi) Day in their own way, including participation in the π(Pi) Day contest which
concludes with an exhibition of all entrants= works on April 29, 2006, 12 - 4 pm, at the Goudreau Museum.
What is the contest=s theme?
This year=s theme is – ’06: A Perfect Year for Math. Since math is involved in some way with many different fields,
contest entries must be developed in the context of an area of study such as art, language, technology, music, the humanities
or, of course, mathematics. Entrants are encouraged to use their imagination to find a creative way in which to relate their
project to this year’s theme.
Who is eligible to enter the contest?
Students at various levels of learning are encouraged to participate. Each category will be judged according to one of the
three grade divisions:
Grades 4 - 5
Middle School
Grades 6 - 8
High School
Grades 9 -12
How can you participate? You may enter on your own or through your school.
You may work as an individual or as part of a group.
Projects may be submitted in one of the following categories. Participants can submit more than
one entry if they choose (additional fees apply).
Geometric Models
Math Games
Math Puzzles
Song Lyrics
Submit your project to the Museum by the deadline date, Monday, March 20, 2006, no later than 5 pm.
Plan to attend the π(Pi) Day/Math Awareness Day Exhibition on Saturday, April 29, 2006, 12 - 4 pm.
Goudreau Museum of Mathematics, Herricks Community Center, 999 Herricks Road, Room 202, New Hyde Park, NY 11040
E-mail at info@mathmuseum.org or telephone 516-747-0777
What are the contest’s guidelines?
Essays: Each essay will be judged on its literary
content and how it reflects the contest’s theme, ’06:
A Perfect Year for Math. Essays should be original
and between 200 and 300 words in length. They
should be typed on 8½" x 11" paper. Do not include
a cover.
Geometric Models: Models must be based upon
one of the Platonic solids, Archimedean solids or
toroids. Calculus students may enter a solid of
revolution. Judging criteria will include creative
design and the intricacy of the model. Maximum size
is 2'x 2'x 2'. For inspiration you may wish to visit the
Pavilion of Polyhedreality at www.georgehart.com.
Math Board Games: Create your own math
strategy game. Include instructions. Games must be
packaged inside a sturdy box. Maximum size is
2'x2'x2'. Decorate your sturdy box with an
advertisement for your game.
Math Puzzles: Create your own complex
mathematical puzzle. Be sure to include instructions,
as well as the solution. Puzzles may be made of any
medium. Maximum size is 2'x2'x2'. Loose parts must
be packaged in an appropriate-sized box and labeled.
Poetry: Poetry related to the theme, ’06: A Perfect
Year for Math, may be written in rhyme or in blank
verse. Entries must be typed on 8½" x 11" paper.
They should not be mounted.
Posters: Subject must be related to the theme, ’06:
A Perfect Year for Math. Maximum size is 22" x
28". All media will be considered. Poster must
mention (Pi) Day 2006.
PowerPoint: Create a 3 – 5 minute computer-based
presentation using Microsoft PowerPointTM. This
presentation should be designed to be either selfrunning or to be advanced by the user and should be
on the theme, ’06: A Perfect Year for Math.
Submit your project on a 3½" disk or CD. Along
with the electronic format, you must include a
storyboard in handout view, 6 slides per page. Be
sure to describe other effects that should appear on
each slide (motion, sound, etc). The effects should
not distract from the overall project.
Song Lyrics: Write song lyrics reflecting the
contest’s theme, ’06: A Perfect Year for Math. The
lyrics should be typed on 8½" x 11" paper and must
be submitted along with a cassette or CD recording
of the song. No microcassettes will be accepted.
Tessellations: Create an original space-filling
geometric pattern or example of Islamic art. Look at
the works of M. C. Escher, Islamic art, or quilt
patterns for inspiration. Your design may be drawn,
painted, or printed. A template for the tessellation
must accompany your artwork, or for Islamic art, a
description of your method. Size should be between
8.5” x 8.5” and 22" x 28".
How Do You Enter the Contest?
All entries must be accompanied by TWO entry forms (photocopies are permitted), which must be filled out
completely. Projects without requested forms will not be judged. For the safety of our children, home
information will not be disclosed during the display of their work.
Schools must submit a $25.00 registration fee plus $5.00 for each entry submitted (group projects count as one
entry). Individual entries may be submitted from students whose schools are not participating. The registration
fee for such an individual is $10.00 for one entry, plus $5.00 for each additional entry.
Note: The participants’ TEACHER MUST include a TYPEWRITTEN LIST of the participants’ names. If
this is not included, the Museum cannot be responsible for misspelled names.
Goudreau Museum of Mathematics, Herricks Community Center, 999 Herricks Road, Room 202, New Hyde Park, NY 11040
E-mail at info@mathmuseum.org or telephone 516-747-0777
Judging of entries will take place prior to the exhibition. Museum judges use the previously outlined criteria and also
consider spelling, grammar and neatness of presentation. Entries that do not follow the rules for that category may
be disqualified. Any category with fewer than 5 entries may be combined with another category for judging purposes. Any
category with more than 25 entries may be divided into 2 sub-categories with separate awards given. All work must be
proofread before submission as all entries will be displayed on Saturday, April 29th from noon to 4:00 pm in the
Goudreau Museum of Mathematics, located in the Herricks Community Center, New Hyde Park.
Return of Entries at the End of the Exhibit
Entries may be claimed* by the entrants, their parents, or their teacher on Saturday, April 29th, NO EARLIER THAN
4:00PM AND NO LATER THAN 5:00PM. Those unable to pick up their exhibits on that date should make arrangements
to pick them up from Monday - Wednesday, May 1 - 3, from 3-5 pm. Entries not kept by the Museum, nor claimed by the
entrant, will be discarded.
*The Goudreau Museum reserves the right to hold selected winning projects as part of a display. All entrants must
sign the release on the entry forms.
Certificates will be awarded to all entrants. These certificates will be mailed to the
principal of each entrant’s school after April 29th. During the exhibition, a ceremonial
pie cutting will be held at 3:14 pm and refreshments will be served. Family and friends
are invited.
Who is Involved?
This contest has been endorsed by:
Association of Teachers of Mathematics of New York City
Nassau County Mathematics Teachers Association
Nassau County Association of Mathematics Supervisors
Suffolk County Mathematics Teachers Association
United Federation of Teachers, Mathematics Teachers Committee
Last Day for Receipt of Entries (No exceptions!)
Include the entry material as described in the
preceding paragraphs, signed applications
(2 copies), and the entry registration check.
Monday, March 20**
at 5 pm
(Pi) Day Exhibition
Held at the Goudreau Museum, New Hyde Park.
Saturday, April 29
12 - 4 pm
Entry Returns
Entries may be claimed by an
entrant, parent, or teacher.
Saturday, April 29
4 - 5 pm
Monday – Wednesday, May 1 – May 3
3 - 5 pm, by appointment only
Week of May 8th, by appointment only
**Entries may be mailed, but must be received on or before 5 pm on Monday, March 20, 2006.
Late entries will not be accepted.
Goudreau Museum of Mathematics, Herricks Community Center
999 Herricks Road, Room 202, New Hyde Park, NY 11040
Questions: Contact us by e-mail at info@mathmuseum.org or telephone 516-747-0777
Please duplicate as needed.
Sponsored by the Goudreau Museum of Mathematics in Art and Science
Send to: Goudreau Museum of Mathematics, Herricks Community Center
999 Herricks Road, Room 202, New Hyde Park, NY 11040
 Additional forms and information may be downloaded from www.mathmuseum.org/piday.htm
 Wherever possible, tape one copy of application to back of entry.
 Check (payable to the Goudreau Museum) to cover registration fees must accompany entries.
Deadline for receipt of entries is Monday, March 20, 2006 at 5 pm.
1. Entry (circle one)
2. Division (circle one)
Group (Please attach an application for each group member.)
Intermediate (4-5)
Middle School (6-8)
High School (9-12)
3. Category (choose one category only):
___Geometric Models
___Math Games
___Song Lyrics
___Math Puzzles
4. Describe your entry. What instruments or techniques did you use; what inspired you to produce this
particular work; the subject matter; etc. You may attach additional pages, if necessary.
Student’s Name
(Attach applications for ALL group members.)
Teacher’s Name Dr. Mr. Ms.
Teacher’s E-Mail
Principal’s Name Dr. Mr. Ms.
Home Address
School (FULL NAME)
Telephone (
School Address
School Telephone (
I (we) affirm that this is my (our) own original work. I grant the Goudreau Museum of Mathematics permission to use my
work in ways deemed appropriate (T-Shirts, notecards, publications, and by sponsors promoting the (Pi) Day/Math
Awareness Day Contest). The Goudreau Museum can make no guarantee against damage or loss of entrant’s property. All
possible care is taken to safeguard work. Submission of work constitutes acceptance of the above conditions. Entries may
be picked up on April 29 from 4 to 5 pm. Please call to make arrangements for pickup during the period May 1 –
May 3 and the week beginning Monday, May 8. All work that is not claimed will be discarded.
*** Entries that do not follow the rules for that category may be disqualified. ***
Applicant Signature
Teacher Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature