Alumni Survey

Alumni Survey
Institutional Research / Data Management
August 2004
Template for gathering alumni outcomes data
PO Box 521
Upperville, Va. 20185
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Following is a general model for an effective survey of alumni for the purposes of understanding
1) benefits they received from their educational experiences and 2) the level of and interest in
continuing engagement of the institution. Results of data analysis should assist in creating
themes and messages that enhance recruitment/retention and increase participation in college
activities including alumni/admissions programs and development campaigns.
If you are surveying alumni, it’s also useful to test the set of positioning statements used with
prospective students. If alumni do not strongly agree with the core themes presented to
prospective students, you’ll need to probe the depth of the disconnect through focus groups and
test with prospective students the themes that do resonate with alumni.
Stimuli and responses will change depending on specific type of institution and its strategic
Based on this model, institutions can conduct cross-tab analyses that uncover variations among
segments of alumni (class year, gender, academic major, social engagement, level of interest in
alumnae/i activities, etc.) which lead to development of more effective communications
strategies that will enhance their engagement with the institution.
Developed by David L. Brodigan, Ph. D., RossWrites’ senior consultant for research, this
template will help you get started. For more information and assistance in developing your
survey, contact:
Sample questions:
Please rate the effectiveness of the each of the following ways of building the bond between
(name of institution) and its alumnae/i.
Class reunions on campus on homecoming and/or alumni weekend
Assisting in recruitment of students through alumni/admissions programs
Participating in an alumni employment network
Sponsoring travel opportunities
Alumni colleges and similar programs
College sponsored community service projects
Taking part in regional alumni club activities
Networking with other alumnae/i on-line
The college or university magazine
Last reunion gathering you attended (5th, 10th, 15th, etc…)
How would you rate your involvement with (name of college/university) (Extremely, very,
somewhat, not, n/a)
Your current involvement as an alumna/us
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Your academic involvement as a student
Your involvement in the college’s social life while a student
What best describes (name of college/university) (pick one)
Create three descriptive statements – one of which is the statement used in current
admissions materials. The other two should be 1) a statement that represents the
aspirations of the institution and 2) a statement that describes the institution as it was 20
years ago
How much has (name of institution) changed over the past five years? (Greatly Improved,
Somewhat Improved, About the Same, Become worse, Don’t know)
Campus facilities
Academic quality of the students
Financial health
Quality of faculty
Commitment to quality service
Services for alumni
Based on your personal experience at (name of institution) please rate the importance of each of
the following: (very important, somewhat important, important, not very important, not
important, n/a)
Athletics, sports
Dedicated, caring faculty and staff
Faculty interaction, attention
Fraternity, sorority experience
Friendships made
Hands-on learning
Individualized study
Liberal arts curriculum
Major or program
Opportunity to earn degree
Personal growth
Preparation for a job
Preparation for graduate school
Prepared me for life after college
Quality of education
Quality of faculty
Quality of teaching
School spirit
Sense of community
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Social life
Study abroad
Other __________________________
Compared to other similar colleges and universities that you know, please rate the reputation
each of the following aspects of (name of institution). (Much better, somewhat better, about the
same, not as good, don’t know)
Commitment to community service
Diverse student body
Financial strength
Global outlook
Intercollegiate athletics
Interdisciplinary teaching
Quality of academic program
Quality of facilities
Quality of faculty
Quality of teaching
Sense of community
Strategic vision
Please rate the importance of each of the following in terms of defining an institution’s overall
reputation (very important, somewhat important, important, not very important, not important,
Faculty publications
Famous alumnae/i
Financial strength
Good facilities, labs
Grads admitted to best graduate schools
Graduates get good jobs
High ranking in college guides
Making a difference in student lives
Quality faculty
Research faculty
Selective admissions
Service to the community
Strong core curriculum program
Strong majors or programs
Success of alumni
Well known nationally
Well regarded by other educators
Well respected by friends, colleagues
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How would you compare (name of institution) to each the following (use list of peer or aspirant
institutions) (Much better, somewhat better, about the same, not as good, don’t know)
Do you regularly receive alumni materials from (name of institution) (Yes, No, DK)
Is the amount of materials you receive from (name of institution) (pick one) (way too much, too
much, about right, too little, not nearly enough)
Do the materials you receive accurately reflect what you know about (name of institution) (yes,
no, not sure)
How would you rate the quality of the following: (Excellent, very good, good, fair, poor, d/k)
Alumni colleges and similar programs
Alumni employment network
Alumni travel opportunities
Alumni/admissions programs
Class reunions on campus on homecoming and/or alumni weekend
College or university magazine
Continuing education opportunities for alumni
Information for alumni on college/university web
Networking with other alumnae/i on-line
Regional alumni club activities
Solicitations for funds
Do you have access to the Internet? (Y/N)
How often do you look at the at the university's web site? (Once a month, Once a Week, Once a
day, Seldom, Never)
Please rate the importance of the following kinds of services which (name of university) could
provide to alumni on-line: (very important, somewhat important, important, not very important,
not important, d/k)
Ability to pay for alumni events, athletic tickets, etc.
Access to university library
Alumni employment network
Booking for alumni travel
Calendar of alumni activities in your area
Career networking with other alumnae/i
College or university magazine
Continuing education opportunities for alumni
Regional alumni club activities
Registration alumni colleges, class reunions and similar programs
Social networking with other alumnae
Solicitations for funds
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Would you like to receive information about upcoming events in your area via e-mail? (Y/N)
How would you describe your interest in personally recommending (name of college/university)
to a potential students or her/his family who may live in your area? (Very high, high, interested,
not interested, d/k)
For you, personally, please rate the importance of the following sources of information about
(name of institution). (very important, somewhat important, important, not very important, not
important, d/k)
College/University magazine
Emails from the college/university
Informal conversations with other alumni
Institution’s web site
News media
Newsletters and other occasional mailings from institution
Presentations by administrators or faculty at regional alumni club events
Visits to campus
Overall, how would you rate the quality of the education you received at (name of institution)?
(Excellent, Better than most, Average, Below average)
Generally speaking, how do you feel about (name of institution)? (very positive, positive,
neutral, negative, very negative)
For each of the following, please rate how have you personally benefited from your education
and experiences at (name of institution). (Very much, much, somewhat, not much, no opinion)
Actively participating in volunteer work to support worthwhile causes
Applying mathematics and statistics
Applying scientific knowledge and skills
Appreciating literature and the fine arts
Deepening my commitment to religion
Developing an interest in exploring new ideas or situations
Developing ethical standards and values
Developing leadership skills
Developing original ideas
Developing problem solving skills
Developing self confidence
Developing skills and habits I use in my personal and professional life today
Engaging in lifelong learning
Exercising my rights, responsibilities and privileges as a citizen
Getting along with people whose attitudes and opinions are different from my own
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Improving thinking and reasoning skills
Interacting well with people from racial groups or cultures different from my own
Preparing me to live a creative and dynamic life
Providing direction toward my current career
Setting clear goals
Working as a team member
Writing and speaking effectively
Please identify the three reasons why you originally chose (name of institution)
Athletic program, coach
Brother or sister attended
Campus visit
Close to home
Excellent reputation
Far from home
Felt comfortable on campus
Liberal arts education
Merit scholarship
National rankings
Parent attended
Provided best financial aid
Recommended by counselor, teacher, coach
Rejected at other choices
Reputation of alumni
Strong major in my field
Please rate how your level of agreement with each of the following statements: (strongly agree,
somewhat agree, agree, do not agree, d/k)
(name of institution) develops in its students qualities of intellect and character that are
useful in whatever they choose to do in life
(Name of institution) has contributed greatly to my personal happiness
(name of institution) has contributed greatly to success in my career
(name of institution) has enough money so it doesn't need mine
A liberal arts education is the best preparation for a career
Alumni give because of the past, but to support the future
Alumni have an obligation to give back to their alma mater
Balance between teaching and research is important for faculty
Balance between the academic experience and the out-of-class experience is very
I cannot afford to contribute to (name of institution)
I got to know at least one faculty member reasonably well each semester I attended the
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I had a positive experience as a student at (name of institution)
I seem to value my (name of institution) experience more than friends of mine who
attended other colleges
I would choose to attend (name of institution) again
It is important to me that I help ensure that a new generation of students will benefit from
(name of institution)
It is more difficult to be admitted to (name of institution) today than it was when I
Saving money for my children's education is my highest financial priority
Students should participate in undergraduate research
The racial and ethnic diversity of (name of institution) is one of its great strengths
The type of students who attend (name of institution) are more service oriented and
continue to build on their service experience after graduation
The university asks me for financial contributions too often
The university's tuition is too high for families like mine
While a student at (name of institution) I (check all that apply)
Played intercollegiate sports
Held an internship
Was an officer in a campus organization
Lived on campus
Studied overseas
Performed with campus music, dance or drama group
Conducted undergraduate research
Received honors or awards for academic achievement
Was a member of a fraternity or sorority
Participated in community service projects
Worked on-campus
Held an off-campus job
Received scholarship or grant from (name of institution)
Received federal and/or state-based financial aid
Commuted to campus from home
Also, of course, obtain biographic and demographic data from sample: age, gender,
race/ethnicity, year of graduation (or years of matriculation for non-grads), major, gpa,
employment status, highest level of educational attainment,