Registration/Enrollment Guide - Banner Self-Service

Fort Valley State University
(Preparing & Advising Wildcats to Succeed ~ P.A.W.S.)
Registration/Enrollment Guide
Welcome to Fort Valley State University ~ Home of the Wildcats. Whether you are a
prospective, new or continuing student we want to make your experience in Wildcat Country one
you will always remember. Please read the Registration/Enrollment Guide thoroughly to prepare
you for the Wildcat experience of a lifetime.
Apply for Admission
All prospective students must complete an Application for Admission and submit a non-refundable
$20.00 application fee to the Cashier’s Office at Fort Valley State University. Applicants must also
submit official high school transcripts or GED scores, official college transcripts, SAT/ACT test scores,
health form and an immunization record. An applicant who has never attended college before will be
considered a freshman. Applicants will receive a notification letter from the Office of Admissions
informing them of their admissions status. To students who have received an acceptance letter,
congratulations on your acceptance to Fort Valley State University! All new students should receive
instructions, with their acceptance letter, for logging into Claws or Banner Self-Service before coming
to campus.
Students who did not receive instructions go to The
Registration/Enrollment Guide will further assist new students with information they need to know before
arriving to campus.
Apply for Financial Aid
Eligibility for federal student aid programs is based on financial need and several other factors. Students’
eligibility is determined by the information they provide on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid
(FAFSA). Students must complete the FAFSA each academic year if they expect to receive federal
financial aid to attend FVSU. All currently enrolled and prospective students are strongly urged to apply
early (FVSU’s priority deadline is April 15th). Students receiving the HOPE Scholarship (Georgia
Residents Only) must complete the FAFSA form. Many federal funds are limited. The key is to apply
early. Please remember to enter the FVSU Title IV Code 001566 when completing your FAFSA for
FVSU. After completing the FAFSA, if you are selected for verification you must submit the requested
documentation before you can be awarded financial aid. Failure to submit the requested
documentation(s) will prohibit any further action on your award process. To speak with a Financial Aid
Representative during registration, students must speak with a Customer Service Representative
from the Financial Aid Office.
Testing Center and Student Placement Exam
o Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Credits
An incoming student may receive credit toward graduation for work completed before enrollment
at Fort Valley State University. Credits are granted through performance on the College Board’s
Advanced Placement (AP) Exams or through the internationally recognized International
Baccalaureate (IB) academic program. Official/original copies should be mailed to the Testing
Department for evaluation prior to advisement and enrollment at FVSU. Visit the web for a
listing of AP/IB courses.
Fort Valley State University
Registration/Enrollment Guide
Placement Exam
Prior to entry into credit level instructional courses students are administered a placement exam.
The exam assists the university in placing freshman and transfer students with fewer than 30
semester hours of credit at the appropriate level in either college-level courses or Learning
Support courses, based on the exam outcome. Placement testing requirements are based upon the
student’s SAT/ACT scores and CPC (College Preparatory Curriculum) deficiencies. Students do
not receive credit hours for placing out of a course.
Learning Support
The purpose of Learning Support (LS) is to prepare students for success in college-level courses.
Students required to enroll for LS courses are coded as Learning Support students and are
restricted to 12 semester hours (including Learning Support courses) each semester. Students
may not accumulate more than twenty hours of college level credit before completing all
Learning Support requirements. Students who accumulate twenty hours of college-level credit
and have not successfully completed required Learning Support courses may only enroll in
Learning Support courses until requirements are successfully completed. Students who do not
meet departmental attendance requirements and/or who fail to complete required course
assignments may be suspended from the program. Students may be dropped from school during a
semester if they fail to meet the attendance regulations.
YEARS OF THE SUSPENSION (BOR Policy 2.09.02). The Learning Support Program will
keep students in the program informed of their status.
Regents’ Examination
Each institution of the University System of Georgia shall ensure that students obtaining degrees
from a System institution possesses certain minimum reading and writing skills. The Regents'
Test has been developed to help attain this goal. Students enrolled in undergraduate degree
programs leading to the baccalaureate degree will be required to complete the Regents'
Writing and Reading Skills requirement as a requirement for graduation. Students who have
earned 45 credit hours and have not passed or exempted the test must take the Regents' Skills
courses during each subsequent semester of enrollment. Students enrolled in a Regents' Skills
course must pass the corresponding Regents' Test in order to receive a passing grade for the
All newly enrolled students, excluding students enrolled in Learning Support English and
Reading, are required by the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia to take the
Regents’ Test during the first semester of enrollment. Newly enrolled students who failed to take
the Regents’ Test during the first semester of enrollment must contact the Office of Testing
Services at (478) 825-6384.
Effective Summer Semester 2008, class schedules will include the Regents’ Test (RGEX).
Students are required to take the Regents’ Test in strict accordance with their appointment. All
students will be required to successfully complete all preparatory requirements before testing is
allowed. Please visit the web for Regents’ Test dates.
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Fort Valley State University
Registration/Enrollment Guide
New Student Orientation
The First-Year Experience Center plans to make transition to FVSU as seamless as possible, including
excellent Wildcat customer service and care.
New Student Orientation is required for first-time undergraduate students and new transfers to the
campus. International students must attend the New Student Orientation and an International Students
Orientation as well. FVSU New Student Orientation is designed to give students, parents and family
members important information that will assist students with a smooth transition to college.
Prior to enrolling all students are encouraged to attend summer sessions entitled S.O.A.R. (Student
Orientation, Advisement, and Registration). During these sessions new students who are admitted early
for the Fall Semester are welcomed to the campus to test, register and become acquainted with what
FVSU has to offer during the summer before school starts. So don’t delay your Admissions and apply
early. Registration for New Student Orientation is based on testing reservations. To schedule a session,
contact the Office of Testing Services upon receipt of an official acceptance letter. Information will be
mailed to students that qualify for the S.O.A.R. sessions.
Students who have not been enrolled at FVSU for a Fall/Spring semester must submit an application for
re-admission to the Office of the Registrar before the term admission deadline, along with official
transcripts from all colleges and/or universities attended since the last term of enrollment at Fort Valley
State University. The student will complete requirements for graduation under the catalog in force at the
time of re-entry.
Visit the website to retrieve an application for re-admission at
Transient ~ FVSU students
Students currently enrolled at Fort Valley State University who wish to take a course or courses at
another institution for credit are considered transient students. Student must consult with their academic
advisor before completing a transient request form. Students that are approved to take a course or
courses at another institution must request that a transcript be sent to the Office of the Registrar, Fort
Valley State University, 1005 State University, Fort Valley, Georgia 31030.
Transient ~ attending FVSU
Transient students are students who are not seeking a degree but who would like to enroll for a semester
at Fort Valley State University and transfer their credit(s) back to their home institution. A transient
student must submit an application for admission along with a $20.00 application fee, a transient data
form, a letter of good standing from their home institution, an academic transcript(s) and an immunization
record. Note: It is the transient student’s responsibility to ensure that courses taken at Fort Valley State
University will transfer back to his/her home institution before enrolling. Visit the website to retrieve an
application for transient admissions at
Academic Success Center-Academic Advising
Once students are cleared through the Testing Services Center, they are permitted to register. Students
who do not require any remediation are eligible to register through the Academic Success Center (ASC)
advisors in conjunction with faculty advisors. All students are assigned an advisor and are required to see
their advisor each semester prior to registering for classes. Students who do not know the identity of their
ASC advisor should contact the Center director during normal business hours 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM via
telephone at 478-822-1070 or you may e-mail us at Visit the website for
additional information at
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Fort Valley State University
Registration/Enrollment Guide
Other support services provided by the Academic Success Center are:
o Academic Probation Counseling
Academic Probation Counseling is available for students who need help returning to good
academic standing. Students with less than a 2.00 GPA are permitted to take a reduced load of
13 hours. Students on probation are required to meet with their academic advisor to discuss
strategies to improve their academic performance. Referrals to other support services are made
when necessary. Students on probation who register early for a Fall or Spring semester will be
removed from all courses if they are placed on Academic Suspension/Dismissal at the end of the
semester. Those students will need to go through the appeal process.
Academic Appeals Students seeking appeals must begin the process with the Director of Student
Support Services located on the 2nd Floor of the Lottie M. Lyons Student Center.
Differently-Abled Services Office
The Differently-Abled Services Office (DSO) exists to provide the qualified student with any
mental, physical and/or learning disability equivalent access to an equal opportunity in the
educational environment at Fort Valley State University. New students with a disability are
encouraged to contact the Differently-Abled Services Office prior to arriving on campus.
Official documentation should be submitted to the DSO representative at Fort Valley State
University who will submit the documentation to the Regents Center for Learning Disorders
(RCLD) at the University of Georgia. Documentation should be current, no older than 3 years old.
At this time, a specialized assessment will take place which will identify the appropriate
academic accommodations that should be made by FVSU for the student. An accommodation
letter is distributed by the DSO representative at FVSU to all necessary parties explaining
accommodations that must be made. Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act and the 1990
Americans with Disabilities Act define a person with a disability as someone with a physical or
mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities such as walking,
seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and working. Such a person must have a record of
the impairment or regarded as having such impairment. For additional information contact Fort
Valley State University’s DSO representative at 478-822-1070.
Presidential Scholars
The Presidential Scholars serve as peer tutors for students in need of academic assistance, as
research and technical assistants in campus departments, as volunteers for campus and
community enrichment efforts, and as hosts/ambassadors for distinguished campus programs and
visitors. Presidential Scholars agree to provide 70 hours of service each semester and receive
stipends for participating in the program. For more information, please contact Ms. Jocelyn
Powell at 478-822-1070.
Tutorial Services
Tutorial services are available for all students enrolled at Fort Valley State University. Tutoring
is provided in core subject courses. Students should contact their academic advisor, who will
assess their need(s) and make referrals to the appropriate service.
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Fort Valley State University
Registration/Enrollment Guide
Registration for Students Currently Enrolled at FVSU
Priority registration is mandatory for all currently enrolled students; please refer to the academic
calendars for dates. Students who do not take advantage of Early Registration will have a schedule
created by their Academic Advisor. All students who have not registered by the first day of class will be
required to pay late fees.
Registration Holds
Holds are placed on new and continuing students for different reasons. Some holds must be
cleared before registration can take place. Please view your account through Banner Web for
holds and consult with the appropriate office before arriving on campus.
A prerequisite is a requirement that must be satisfied prior to registration in another course
(e.g. ENGL 1101 must be satisfied before ENGL 1102). The student is responsible for
meeting prerequisites as identified in the FVSU Catalog. Prerequisite checks are conducted
by many departments and if students do not have the required prerequisite they may be
refused continuing enrollment in the course after classes have started (it may be too late to
replace it with another course).
Drop/Add begins the first day of class each semester. Students have until the schedule
change deadline to make adjustments to their current schedule. Refer to the Academic
Calendar for these dates. Visit the website to retrieve an academic calendar.
Online/Web-Based Courses
Online/Web-Based Courses are designed to allow learners to receive instruction regardless of
time and location. Online courses are displayed with a “W” Section (e.g. FVSU 0000 W1).
In order to enroll in a course online the student must attend the orientation for online students,
either on campus or online. Visit the website to retrieve a schedule and access for online
Beginning Fall 2008 all fully online classes (W sections) will be charged $160 per hour for
undergraduates and $195 per hour for graduate students.
o Out-of-state students pay the same as in-state students for fully online classes only.
o Students who do not take any classes on a FVSU campus do not have to pay for
student activities or health fees.
o All students have to pay the technology fee.
o Student financial aid will cover the online tuition rate since it is an approved regular
Building Codes
Building codes are displayed on course schedules. Visit the website to retrieve a listing of
building codes.
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Fort Valley State University
Registration/Enrollment Guide
Payment of Fees
Tuition and fees are due and payable upon registration. Students are not officially enrolled until
tuition and fees have been paid for a given semester. Students who take advantage of registration
during the semester will receive bills in the mail. The fee acceptance process will be completed for
students who sign and return their bills by the deadline if no balance is due on their account.
Optional Ways To Pay Fees
o To Pay Via Charge Card or Check:
Students may log into their Banner Web account to pay with either a debit/credit card
or by check. Go to: “Student Services and Financial Aid.” Select: “Student
Account.” Select: “Account Detail for Term.” If all fees and financial aid
information are correct, select: “Pay Now” to pay using a VISA or MasterCard, or
select: “Pay by Check” to use a personal checking account .
To Pay With Cash:
Visit the Cashier’s Office with your FVSU Student ID card. If you do not have an
FVSU ID, you may present a state ID, military ID, or passport. Please check the
Enrollment Instructions for the Payment of Fees location during registration.
Remember, payments are always due before the first day of class.
To Use a Payment Plan:
To learn about the Payment Plan options available prior to the beginning of the
semester. Visit the web at and select: Payment Instructions. Please note that this
option is only available before the first day of class. Also, if you are receiving any
financial aid, only those amounts that are listed in the Authorized Financial Aid
section of the Account Summary by Term screen will be taken into consideration
when completing an agreement for the Flexible Payment Plan.
Late Fees
Students who have not completed the payment process before the first day of class will be
charged a late fee. The late fee is $35.00 the first day of class, increasing $10.00 per day on
the second and each day, will not exceed a total of $65.00.
FVSU Identification Card
FVSU ID Cards are available and required for all current students, faculty and staff. All
students are required to carry their FVSU ID Card at all times. An FVSU ID Card is required
for use in the library, computer labs, dining halls, entrance to sporting events and other
campus services. Students receive an FVSU ID Card once tuition and fees have been paid
during their initial semester at the university. Replacement cards are $25.00.
Higher-One Cards
The FVSU Higher One Card is the university’s means of issuing refunds to students. New
students who complete course registration will have an Easy Refund Debit Card sent to the
mailing address on file. This MasterCard branded debit card is needed to activate the Easy
Refund account that is used for refund disbursements. Students can have refunds deposited
onto the Easy Refund card or sent to an existing checking or savings account. Students must
activate their Higher One Easy Refund cards only once. Students should verify their mailing
address via Banner Web and complete any updates online or in the Office of the Registrar.
Visit the website for additional information at
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Fort Valley State University
Registration/Enrollment Guide
Parking Decals
The Fort Valley State University Campus Police Department is committed to the safety of
students, faculty, staff and visitors. Therefore, all vehicles on the FVSU Campus must
display a current parking permit. Visitors must stop by the main office in Carnegie Hall for a
temporary parking permit to have access to the campus. Until a current parking permit has
been purchased vehicles are not be permitted on campus. Parking decals for students, faculty
and staff can be purchased in the Cashier’s Office, Suite 230 Troup Administrative Building.
All students, faculty, staff and visitors must park in the zone designated on their parking
permit to avoid receiving a ticket.
Prices for Parking Decals:
 Reserve ~ $150.00 per year
 Faculty/Staff ~ $100.00 per year
 Students ~ $50.00 per year
 Visitors – temporary parking permit
Visit the Department of Campus Police and Safety website for additional information at
Your Fort Valley State University Bookstore is here for you. It’s our pleasure to meet new and continuing
students and assist them through their college experience. We are located in the Health and Physical
Education Complex (HPE Complex) and our hours of operation are 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday thru
Friday. Visit the website for additional information at .
The Henry Alexander Hunt Memorial Library is the main library and information service building on
campus. The objective of the library is to enrich the learning capacity of students by providing print and
non-print resources to support classroom experiences. The library instructs, educates and informs users in
the use of technology for information and research.
Electronic Services: The library building is semi-wireless. Students can use their laptop computers
anywhere on the second floor of the building where study rooms and study tables are located. Access to a
computer lab for student use is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There are 40 computers in the
lab, running on Windows XP platform – with access to the Internet, emails, and Microsoft Office. This
lab is extensively used by students and supported by the department of Information Technology.
Virtual Library: Through collaboration and resource sharing, the library participates in the GALILEO
project, a world wide, web-based virtual library that provides access to multiple information resources,
including secured access to licensed products. Participation allows access to over 150 databases, indexing
thousands of periodicals and scholarly journals. Over 2000 journal titles are provided in full text. Other
resources include encyclopedias, business directories and government publications.
Information Literacy: Bibliographic information classes are conducted regularly, with training in the use
of reference resources, databases and doing research. Learning Support classes are also conducted in the
library to enhance student literacy.
Library Services: Reference, Circulation, Inter-Library Loan, GIL Express and GALILEO Resource
Sharing, 24/7 Computer Lab, Reserves, Special Collection, University Archives and Media Services.
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Fort Valley State University
Registration/Enrollment Guide
The Curriculum Materials Center (CMC) is one component of the library that provides resources for
child development, early childhood education, and other educational programs. It is a collection of the
State of Georgia’s adopted textbooks and other supplementary materials, pre-K through 12 grades. It is
located in the Education building under the jurisdiction of the College of Education. A successful and
productive stay at Fort Valley State University is dependent upon the frequency and use of library and its
Library Service Hours: The library is open 16 hours per day, and the computer lab is open 24 hours each
day, seven days a week.
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Visit the website for additional information at
SSN/Generated ID and PIN Number
The social security number is required from all entering students to create a permanent and lasting record.
Upon admission to the university, a generated ID is created and used by the institution for all purposes
which do not require the social security number. FVSU is dedicated to the privacy and proper handling of
confidential information pertaining to students. Students must use their FVSU-generated ID and PIN to
retrieve information through Banner Web.
The FVSU e-mail account is the university’s official means for communicating with students and all
students are required to maintain an active e-mail account. Therefore, it is responsibility of students to
monitor their FVSU e-mail account on a regular basis. This will ensure that students are in tune with
what is going on at the university. Continuing and new students may retrieve instructions on how to
access their university’s generated e-mail address from the web at
Grades and Academic Transcripts
As grades become available for the mid-term and the end of the semester, students are able to access them
through Banner Web. If a grade is unavailable at the initial check, continue to check on a regular basis.
Once all grades have been reported students will retrieve their grade point averages and academic
standing through the web. Please note that grade reports, academic probation/suspension/dismissal
letters are not mailed (status is available online). Details on probation/suspension/dismissal are
available online. Students who fail to check their grades or academic status are not exempt by not
Current/recently enrolled students may request and pay for an official transcript online. Visit the web for
instructions on requesting and paying for transcripts at
Other Services at FVSU
o Residential Life Student Housing/Wildcat Commons & University Housing
All undergraduate students with less than 59 hours are required to reside in student housing,
Wildcat Commons or Traditional Housing. Students may be exempt if they live within a 59 mile
radius of the University. Please contact the University Housing for the housing application or
click here retrieve the application and
lease agreement through the web. All students are required to submit a $200.00 non-refundable
housing application fee in order to complete the housing process.
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Fort Valley State University
Registration/Enrollment Guide
Food Service
The University contracts Thompson Hospitality to provide food service for its students. Wellbalanced meals are offered throughout the day at the Food Service Center which is located next to
the Lyon’s Student Center. In addition to the cafeteria, dining opportunities are available at the
Wildcat Snack Bar which operates a Checker’s and a Fort Valley Pizza program on the ground
floor of the Student Center and at the Outtakes Convenience Store located in the Wildcat
Commons Clubhouse.
Students living in the residence halls are required to have a meal plan. Each meal plan offers
meal equivalency.
Meal plan options:
19 meal plan
15 meal plan & $50.00 flex dollars (with restrictions)
7 meal plan & $150.00 flex dollars (with restrictions)
Meal plans are available for non-resident students also.
A more detailed discussion is available in the Residence Life Handbook.
Career Development Center
The Career Development Center (CDC) at Fort Valley State University provides a variety of
career services designed to assist students with career exploration, career planning and placement
needs. The Center also assists FVSU students and alumni with preparing resumes and cover
letters, job search strategies, internship and cooperative education opportunities. Students are
encouraged to visit the Career Development Center as early as their first semester on campus. All
students should register and establish a placement file with the center (see placement registration
form). You may contact the Director of the CDC at (478) 825-6350/6202 or Fax: 478.825.6471.
Visit the web for additional information at
Judicial Affairs
The mission of Judicial Affairs is to support the university’s educational mission and goals by
engaging and empowering students, staff and faculty in the process of creating a safe, orderly and
positive university environment. Efforts will facilitate and support community values, standards
and expectations which enhance just and fair disciplinary processes, student learning and support
student intervention efforts.
All students are responsible for becoming familiar with the Student Code of Conduct. For
clarification or questions pertaining to the Student Code of Conduct, please contact Judicial
Affairs at (478) 825-6258 or on the web at
Fort Valley State University is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of
Colleges and Schools, 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA, 30033-4097, 404-679-4501, to award associate,
baccalaureate and master’s degrees.
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