HARVARD LAW SCHOOL Dean’s Approval Form - Sponsored Programs Page 1 of 3 Revised July 2012 DATE SUBMITTED: TO OSP Postmark Receipt DEADLINE: P.I. NAME: DEPARTMENT: FELLOW NAME: TUB: ORG: (if fellowship) Is this proposal in response to an announcement or RFP? If yes, RFP # Yes No (attach RFP or give URL below) P.I. APP’T: (see note #1) No time limit End date: RFP/Program announcement URL: TITLE OF PROPOSAL: PROJECT PERIOD: AMOUNT (all years): SPONSOR: AWARD NUMBER (if known): (If subk to be rec’d) PRIME SPONSOR NUMBER OF SPONSOR-REQUIRED COPIES: STATUS: New Renewal Continuation Supplement Revision (see note #2) No-cost Extension Other PROJECT TYPE: Stimulus Research/Instruction Training Grant Other Sponsored Activity Fellowship LOCATION: On-campus Off-campus The HLS Development Office must be notified prior to the submission of any proposal to a foundation or corporation. Please contact jcashdan@law.harvard.edu with the name of the funder, PI, project name, and amount requested. Notified HLS Development Office FRINGE BENEFIT RATES (please check all that apply) FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 Faculty 27.3% 27.7% 28.1% Exempt staff 44.6% 45.1% 45.8% Non-exempt 57.6% 58.8% 60.1% Temporary 8.3% 8.4% 8.4% Postdoc (6150) 24.3% 25.2% 26.0% FACILITIES & ADMINISTRATIVE (Indirect Cost) RATES Rates are predetermined through 6/30/2015. Rates beyond 7/1/2015 will remain the same until amended. Research Rate: FY12 – FY15: 69% Other Sponsored Activity Rate: 34.0% (see note #3) Off-Campus Rate: 26.0% (see note #4) Other % (see note #5) SEPARATE FORMS AND APPROVALS (please check if any of the following apply and attach the required documentation) Admin/clerical staff salaries directly charged to award (attach Administrative Checklist if federal award – see note #6) Biohazards and/or DNA (approval date: (attach letter from University Biosafety Office) Subaward or subcontract (complete subagreement details on page 3 and attach subcontract documents) ) NSF or PHS funding (attach PI Certification Form on Financial Conflict of Interest; see note #9) Human subjects (approval date: ) (attach IRB approval or indicate “pending,” see note #7) Cost sharing, including faculty contributed effort (explain at note #10 and attach Cost Sharing Form) Animals (approval date: (attach IACUC approval or indicate “pending”) Other sponsored matching funds obligated (see note #11) ) Multiple schools (Will the project involve Harvard Investigators or other resources from schools or entities? (Complete details on page 3) Are animal per diems funded in budget? yes no (see note #8) Human embryonic stem cells (attach University Stem Cell Research Committee approval or indicate pending) Approval date: DEPT CONTACT: Development Office approval (if needed, see note #12) Incremental or renovated space required (see note #13) PHONE: EMAIL: HARVARD LAW SCHOOL Dean’s Approval Form - Sponsored Programs NOTES AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Page 2 of 3 Revised July 2012 1. If the PI appointment will expire prior to the end date of the project period, please explain how the research will be carried out (i.e., project will be transferred to PI’s new institution, another PI will assume responsibility for the project, etc.) 2. If you are submitting a revised budget for an NSF budget reduction of 10% or more, please attach a revised budget justification that describes the corresponding reduction in the scope of work for the project. 3. If you are requesting the Other Sponsored Activity F&A rate of 32.0%, the purpose and primary activity of the project cannot be Research or Instruction and Training. Examples of Other Sponsored Activity include: Travel; Publication or printing; Preservation, maintenance and/or cataloging of collections, archives, equipment or facilities; Conferences and symposia; Administration; Public presentations; Demonstration; Acquisition of equipment; Facilities construction; Work pertaining to library collections, acquisitions, bibliographies or cataloging; Work pertaining to social and/or community service, or health service and/or promotion. 4. If the off-campus F&A rate of 26.0% is requested, please justify that the preponderance of effort will be carried out off-site (i.e., specify facts supporting assertion that more than 50% of the project takes place in facilities not owned by Harvard). 5. If you are requesting a Facilities and Administrative (indirect cost) recovery rate other than the full rates listed, which apply both to federally-funded and non-federally-funded projects, please attach documentation explaining the sponsor's policy on the payment of indirect costs. Note that projects funded by for-profit sponsors should include indirect costs at the negotiated federal rate. 6. If the proposal includes Admin/Clerical salaries and is being submitted to a federal sponsor, the Administrative Checklist (available at http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~research/forms/admin_checklist.pdf) must be completed for each admin/clerical position listed on the proposal. 7. If the project requires the use of human subjects, the relevant IRB approval date should be supplied and the appropriate approval attached. New proposals may indicate that review is “pending,” but approval must be granted before any human subjects involvement, including recruitment, can begin. Please see http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~research/HumSub.html for a description of the University’s policies and procedures regarding human subjects. 8. If the proposal involves living animals, the budget must include the appropriate per diem amount for the animals to be used. Information on current per diem rates is available from the Molecular and Cellular Biology Financial Office, Bio Labs 5104, 495-7907. Please explain any exceptions below. 9. If the proposal is for NSF or PHS support, a PI Certification Form must be attached. This form indicates that the Disclosure Form Required for Federal Support has been completed by all investigators. PI Certification Forms are available on the web at http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~research/forms/fed_disclosure.pdf 10. For all cost sharing, including faculty contributed effort, (i.e., any project costs to be paid from 000001 – 054999 or 300000 – 699999 funds), complete and attach a cost sharing form, available on the web at http://vpf-web.harvard.edu/osp/docs/cost_share_id_app.xls 11. If the proposal includes commitments to provide partial project costs in the form of matching funds from other sponsored sources, please indicate the source and amount of funds committed: 12. If the proposed project will require incremental and/or renovated space, a separate explanation should be attached. HARVARD LAW SCHOOL Dean’s Approval Form - Sponsored Programs Page 3 of 3 Revised July 2012 SUBAGREEMENTS PROPOSED (attach scope, budget, basis for selection, and approval from each proposed subrecipient; use additional pages if necessary) 1. Subrecipient Institution: Subrecipient PI: Subcontract period: to INTERFACULTY INVOLVEMENT – MULTIPLE SCHOOLS Other Harvard School or Center: Org: Dept. Administrator: PI: Phone: Other Harvard School or Center: Org: Dept. Administrator: Email: PI: Phone: Email: COMMENTS (including any other potential issues, special mailing instructions, etc.) PROPOSAL APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION ____________________________________ Principal Investigator __________ Date Please print or type name: ___________________________________ Dean/Designee Signature Please print or type name: Geoffrey Swift, Associate Dean for Finance __________________________________ Department/Institute Designee ___________ Date Please print or type name: ___________ Date __________________________________ Other Signature Please print or type name ___________ Date