Department: Physician Assistant Sciences Master of Physician Assistant Science Program Department Learning Objectives 1. Medical Knowledge: Graduates will have medical knowledge including an understanding of anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, patient presentation, differential diagnosis, patient evaluation and management, surgical principles, health promotion and disease prevention to be able to provide competent and comprehensive health care. Graduates will be able to demonstrate core knowledge about established and evolving biomedical and clinical sciences and the application of this knowledge to patient care utilizing an investigatory and analytic thinking approach to clinical situations. (PHYA 111, PHYA 112, PHYA 210, PHYA 211, PHYA211L, PHYA 440, PHYA 441, PHYA 442, PHYA 450, PHYA 451, PHYA 452, PHYA 460, PHYA 461, PHYA 462, PHYA 470, PHYA 471, PHYA 472, PHYA 480, PHYA 491, PHYA 492, PHYA 493, PHYA 494, PHYA 496, PHYA 503, all MPAS 500 level) 2. Clinical Competence: Graduates will have the ability to provide effective patient care that includes assessment, evaluation and management to diverse populations across the life-span in an ethical, compassionate and interprofessionally collaborative manner. Graduates will possess the necessary technical skills as well as clinical reasoning and problem-solving abilities to provide equitable and efficient patient-centered care. (PHYA 111, PHYA 112, PHYA 210, PHYA 211, PHYA 450, PHYA 451, PHYA 452, PHYA 460, PHYA 461, PHYA 462, PHYA 470, PHYA 471, PHYA 472, PHYA 480, PHYA 481, PHYA 490, PHYA 491, PHYA 492, PHYA 493, PHYA 494, PHYA 495, PHYA 496, all MPAS 500 level). 3. Interpersonal and Communication Skills Graduates will possess interpersonal and communication skills including verbal, nonverbal and written that result in effective information exchange with patients, families, physicians and other health professionals. (PHYA 111, PHYA 112, PHYA 210, PHYA 211, PHYA 211L, PHYA 450, PHYA 451, PHYA 452, PHYA 460, PHYA 461, PHYA 462, PHYA 470, PHYA 471, PHYA 472, PHYA 480, PHYA 481, PHYA 490, PHYA 491, PHYA 492, PHYA 495, PHYA 503, PHYA 505, all MPAS 500 level) 4. Professionalism Graduates will be able to demonstrate appropriate academic and professional skills, attributes, attitudes and behaviors necessary to function as a physician assistant. Graduates will possess an understanding of health policies and delivery systems to promote their participation as health care leaders in identifying solutions to community and professional endeavors, including service to people and communities in need, as expressed through the Franciscan tradition. (PHYA 111, PHYA 112, PHYA 210, PHYA 211, PHYA 440, PHYA 441, PHYA 442, PHYA 450, PHYA 451, PHYA 452, PHYA 460, PHYA 461, PHYA 462, PHYA 47-, PHYA 471, PHYA 472, PHYA 480, PHYA 481, PHYA 490, PHYA 491, PHYA 492, PHYA 493, PHYA 494, PHYA 495, PHYA 496, PHYA 503, PHYA 505, all MPAS 500 level). 5. Measures and Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Written Course Exams – Didactic year (Objectives covered: 1, 2, 4) Word Association Assessment End of Rotation Exams A&P Practical Exams (Objectives covered: 1) CM Practical Exams (Objectives covered: 1, 2, 3, 4) H&P Practical Exams (Objectives covered: 1, 2, 3, 4) History Taking Exercises (Objectives covered: 1, 2, 3, 4) Fall Write-ups (Objectives covered: 1, 2, 3, 4) 1 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Spring Write-ups (Objectives covered: 1, 2, 3, 4) SOAPs (Objectives covered: 1, 2, 3, 4) Half-Day Clinical Experience Evaluations (Objectives covered: 1, 2, 3, 4) Mid-term Rotation Evaluation (Objectives covered: 1, 2, 3, 4) Student Site Visits (Objectives covered: 1, 2, 3, 4) Preceptor Evaluation (Objectives covered: 1, 2, 3, 4) Summative Evaluation (Objectives covered: 1, 2, 3, 4) Clinical Year OSCE (Objectives covered: 1, 2, 3, 4) Clinical Year PES (Objectives covered: 1, 2, 3, 4) Graduate Survey – Evaluation of Curriculum (Objectives covered: 1, 4) PACKRAT Exam (Objectives covered: 1, 2) MPAS Capstone Project (Objective(s) covered: 1, 3, 4) NCCPA PANCE Exam (Objectives covered: 1, 2) Didactic Year Presentations (Objectives covered: 1, 2, 3, 4) Clinical Year Case Presentations (Objectives covered: 1, 2, 3, 4) Benchmarks for Action 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 95% of the students will obtain above a 72.5% on each written exam in didactic year. All students pass the Word Association Assessment. 90% of the students will obtain the required score (5-year average) on each EOR Exam. 95% of the students will obtain above a 72.5% on each A&P practical exam. 95% of the students will obtain above a 72.5% on each CM practical exam. 90% of the students will obtain above a 72.5% on each H&P practical exam. All of the students will obtain an average of a 72.5% on the exercises. All of the students will obtain an average of a 75% on the Fall H&P Write-ups. All of the students will obtain an average of a 79.5% on the Spring H&P Write-ups. All of the students will obtain an average of a 75% on the SOAPs. All students will receive “average” or better rankings on the Clinical Performance categories and “Yes” on Professional Conduct categories. All of the students will receive “appropriate” or “exceeds” ratings in clinical performance and “yes” ratings for professional conduct. Each student receives at a minimum, acceptable level of training on the Clinical site visit. All students receive at or above “average” rating for each category. All students will pass the summative evaluation. 90% of the students will receive above a 72.5% on the clinical year Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE). 90% of the students will receive above a 72.5% on the clinical year on-line Patient Encounter Simulations. Each category receives an average rating of a 2.5/4.0. 60% of the students will receive a score above the national average of the PACKRAT exam. Each MPAS capstone project will be assessed to verify the adequacy of the student‘s communication skills and professional competence. The SFU MPAS Pass rate is above the national average. Each student will earn above an 82.5% on the presentation. All students obtain a minimum grade of an 82.5%. 2 Timeline for Administration and Review Measure Written Course Exams – Didactic yr Word Association Assessment End of Rotation Exams A&P Practical Exams CM Practical Exams H&P Practical Exams History Taking Exercises Fall Write-ups Spring Write-ups SOAPs Half-Day Clinical Experience Evals Administration Per course schedule Each semester At the end of each rotation Per course schedule Per course schedule Per course schedule Per course schedule Per schedule Per schedule Per schedule Per schedule Mid-term Rotation Evaluation Student Site Visits Half-way through each rotation As scheduled by Clinical Coordinators At the end of each rotation Toward the end of the clinical year Once each semester in the clinical year At the end of each rotation, unless an OSCE is scheduled End of clinical year Preceptor Evaluation Summative Evaluation Clinical Year OSCE Clinical Year PES Graduate Survey – Evaluation of Curriculum PACKRAT Exam MPAS Capstone Project NCCPA PANCE Exam Didactic Year Presentations Clinical Year Case Presentations At the end of didactic yr and at the end of clinical yr End of rotation #7 After graduation One per student during didactic year Once per student during clinical year Review After all students have completed the exam At the completion of the assessment Completion of clinical year After all students have completed the exam After all students have completed the exam After all students have completed the exam End of the course End of fall semester End of spring semester End of fall and spring semester After completion of experience and again at the end of didactic year Half-way through each rotation After the site visit and at the end of the clinical year At the end of each rotation After completion of summative exams After the completion of the exam At the end of the clinical year After all students have completed the evaluation After each student has completed the exam, then again when national data is available End of the clinical year After all students have taken the exam once and then again when national data is available After the completion of the presentation After the completion of the presentation Record of Assessment Based Action for the Past Academic Year 2010 PANCE Performance 1. Final national statistics pass rate average for 2010 graduates is 94% while SFU graduates is 91% multiple choice average score was 560 while SFU graduates is 510 2. NCCPA Task Areas: SFU 2010 graduate performance was below the national average in all task areas 3. Organ Systems SFU 2010 graduate performance was at the national average in EENT, Dermatology and Neurology 3 SFU 2010 graduate performance was the lowest in Endocrine, GI, Hematology and Infectious diseases Discussion Additional suggestions that were discussed to attempt to increase student preparation for the PANCE examination included: A look at the top 100 IDC diseases seen in clinical practice revealed that a lot of the disease topics that were in the organ systems that did not perform well were at the lower end of the list except for Diabetes mellitus (#2) and Anemia (#84). GI topics were seen less. Potentially identify top 20 diseases that should be concentrated on during each required rotation with required text books and readings that end-of-rotation questions can also be drawn from Assess current end-of rotation examinations and move towards potentially classifying them into task areas to ensure the breadth of evaluation in relation to each area Analysis December 16, 2010 Departmental Retreat discussed and analyzed 2010 Graduate PANCE performance in detail Will need to continue ongoing evaluation in relation to graduate performance on PANCE to see if any improvement in performance results from changes initiated, such as: PANCE Word Association (pilot with 2012 graduates; full implementation 2013 graduates), increased Progression Standards for the professional phase (2013 graduates) and evaluation of current end-of-rotation examinations (initiated with 2012 graduates, but on-going) Action: P2 Committee needs to assess current rotation objectives and determine need to implement identification of top diseases with required text book readings and subsequent revision of end-ofrotation examination questions PACKRAT Results – new data was reviewed 2011 average raw score of both the first (didactic) and second (clinical) year student cohorts were better on PACKRAT than last year with an average score of 149 (2010 – didactic score 134 above national average of 131; clinical score of 136 below national average of 145) Task areas o 2009 and 2010 performance in all task areas on the PACKRAT for both the didactic and clinical classes was similar to the national PACKRAT average o 2010 Graduate performance on PACKRAT vs. PANCE – performance increased in all task areas between the clinical year PACKRAT examination and subsequent PANCE performance o 2011 PACKRAT results on task areas reveals similar performance between the didactic and clinical year o Review of task area didactic cohort performance on PACKRAT for past 4 years revealed that the 2011 didactic cohort did better than the 2009 and 2010 didactic cohort, but about the same or slightly lower than the 2008 didactic cohort 4 o Review of task area clinical cohort performance on PACKRAT for past 4 years revealed that the 2011 clinical cohort did better than the 2009 and 2010 clinical cohort, but was the same or slightly lower than the 2008 clinical cohort Organ Systems o 2010 Graduate performance on PACKRAT vs. PANCE – performance comparison in relation to organ systems is not as clear cut Clinical year PACKRAT performance was very variable with GU being the lowest area and Psych the best area PANCE performance revealed more consistent performance in all organ systems with significant improvement in some areas as opposed to PACKRAT performance o Review of organ system didactic performance on PACKRAT for past 4 years revealed: 2011 didactic cohort did better in the following areas compared to the previous 3 years: Dermatology, Endocrine, Orthopedics, Pulmonary and GU/Renal 2011 didactic cohort did better than at least 2 out of 3 years: Cardiovascular, EENT, Hematology, Ob/Gyn and Infectious Disease 2011 didactic cohort similar or decreased performance in GI, Neurology and Psych o Review of organ system didactic performance on PACKRAT for past 4 years revealed: 2011 clinical cohort did better in the following areas compared to the previous 3 years: Dermatology, Endocrine and Orthopedics 2011 clinical cohort did better than at least 2 out of 3 years: Cardiovascular, EENT, Hematology, Pulmonary and GU/Renal 2011 clinical cohort decreased performance in GI, Neurology, Ob/Gyn, Psych and Infectious Disease o 2011 Graduate PACKRAT Performance in Didactic vs. Clinical Year Majority of organ systems revealed an increase in performance Three systems revealed a decrease in performance: EENT, GI and Infectious Disease Analysis 2011 PACKRAT raw score average of didactic cohort (149) was the highest raw score average in the last 6 years 2011 PACKRAT raw score average of clinical cohort (149) was better than 4 out of the last 5 years 2011 PACKRAT organ system performance of the didactic class was better in areas that have been identified as lower performing organ systems on the PANCE Improvement in both task areas and organ system performance on the PANCE may be the result of tailored study habits in weaker areas as identified with PACKRAT examination Action: Ongoing evaluation with the 2011 graduate PANCE scores Assessment of implementation of new Professional Phase Progression Standards and full Word Association implemented for 2011 cohort (2013 graduate) 2010 Graduate Survey results General Information o Modified survey to better assess areas of Standards o Limited response rate 30% o Benchmark is an average rating of 2.50 on each question Didactic Year Curriculum Evaluation - none of surveyed areas were below benchmark 5 o o Lowest Genetics: 2.69 Healthcare Delivery: 2.81 Pathophysiology: 2.81 Highest Counseling/Patient Education & Evaluation, Diagnosis & Management Patients: both 3.50 Discussion Faculty discussed the possibility of Genetics as pre-requisite course; however, data would need to be gathered before any changes in current pre-requisite courses could be considered. The didactic year curriculum is currently being assessed and discussion occurred about ensuring appropriate genetic coverage; potentially replacing some of the current cell information with more on genetics. Supervised Clinical Practice (SCP) Experiences Evaluation – required rotation areas evaluated were all above 3.00; well above benchmark # of students not meeting the required benchmark on EOR Exams for 2010-2011: o o o o o o o o BM – 1 student EM – 5 students FP I – 2 students FP II – 9 students WH – 8 students Peds – 3 students Surgery – 7 students IM – 8 students Discussion/Analysis Of the students who didn’t pass the PANCE, one student didn’t meet the EOR exam benchmark on 5 of the exams, two didn’t meet on three, one didn’t meet on one and one student met the benchmark on all of the exams. 23% of the EOR exams grades that didn’t meet the benchmark were from students who didn’t pass the boards. # of students who did not pass a Clinical Year PES: o o o o o o o EM – 2 students FP I – 5 students FP II – 2 students WH – 5 students Peds – 3 students Surgery – 5 students IM – 3 students Discussion/Analysis 6 BM had no students that did not pass the PES. Of the students who didn’t pass the PANCE, one student didn’t pass two PES, three didn’t pass one and one passed all PES. 20% of the PES non-passing scores were from students who didn’t pass the boards. Conclusion: Action: Of those not passing PANCE on the first attempt, they are not doing so low or poorly to be able to identify a student at risk any earlier. Will continue to monitor and observe for any trends; will need to assess whether specific EOR and/or PES areas continue to be lower performing 7