Integers - Curriculum Support

Number - Integers
Syllabus Reference Content Page: 58
Outcome: NS 4.2
Key Ideas:
Compares orders and calculates with integers
Perform operations with directed numbers
Simplify expressions involving grouping symbols and
apply order of operations
Prior Outcome: NS 3.1
Post Outcome: NS 5.1.1
Orders, reads and writes numbers of any size
Applies index laws to simplify and evaluate arithmetic
expressions and uses scientific notation to write large
and small numbers
Working Mathematically Outcomes
Applying Strategies
Asks questions that
could be explored
using mathematics in
relation to integers
Analyses a mathematical or
real-life situation, solving
problems using technology
where appropriate
Uses mathematical
terminology and
notation, algebraic
symbols, diagrams,
text and tables to
mathematical ideas
relationships and the
strengths and
weaknesses of
different strategies
and solutions, giving
Links mathematical
ideas and makes
connections with, and
generalisations about,
existing knowledge and
understanding in
relation to integers
Knowledge and Skills
Students learn about
recognising the direction and magnitude of an
placing directed numbers on a number line
ordering directed numbers
interpreting different meanings (direction or
operation) for the + and – signs depending on the
adding and subtracting directed numbers
multiplying and dividing directed numbers
using grouping symbols as an operator
applying order of operations to simplify expressions
keying integers into a calculator using the +/- key
using a calculator to perform operations with
Working Mathematically
Students learn to
Pendle Hill HS Stage 4 mathematics program
interpret the use of directed numbers in a real
world context eg rise and fall of temperature
construct a directed number sentence to represent
a real situation (Communicating)
apply directed numbers to calculations involving
money and temperature (Applying Strategies,
use number lines in applications such as time lines
and thermometer scales (Applying Strategies,
verify, using a calculator or other means, directed
number operations eg subtracting a negative
number is the same as adding a positive number
question whether it is more appropriate to use
mental strategies or a calculator when performing
operations with integers (Questioning)
scientific notation
student number lines
directed numbers card game
integer bingo game
various worksheets
Students need to be aware of use of terms, such as
deposit, withdrawal, compass directions, above, below,
up, down, left, right, positive, negative . . . in the
context of directed numbers/integers
Learning Experiences and Assessment Opportunities
Assessment for learning
Students discuss in small groups where they have seen numbers like for eg -8 before. Teacher observes and
listens to discussion.
Students could:
investigate the language of directed numbers in real life situations eg temperature, banking and extend this
to developing number sentences eg the temperature was 8˚C. It went up by 2˚C. The temperature is now
8˚ + 2˚ = 10˚
use a whole-class number line and/or individual number lines to
- make journeys on the number line
- investigate, compare, order and place integers on the number line
- practice the language used to describe integer journeys
calculate, using integers, questions involving order of operations, fractions, decimals and grouping symbols
use a calculator to attempt more difficult examples
use puzzles and games to reinforce the four operations with integers and mental arithmetic skills
Pendle Hill HS Stage 4 mathematics program