Emerson Alumni Mentoring program

Emerson Alumni Professional Development Fund
Due to generous support from the ConAgra Foods Foundation, the Congressional Hunger Center is
establishing a training and conference fund for Emerson National Hunger Fellow Program alumni.
Opportunities for training and professional development in the field of hunger and poverty
alleviation exist in the form of conferences and trainings all over the country, but they require an
investment of resources that few non-profit professionals nor their financially strapped employers
tend to have available. By providing continued leadership development opportunities for alumni
after they complete the fellowship, CHC hopes to strengthen the impact of alumni work, and
expand their future leadership potential.
 Continue leadership development of alumni beyond the fellowship;
 Allow alumni access to resources for professional development and training;
 Provide alumni with connection to current issues/innovations in anti-hunger and antipoverty fields; and
 Provide a structure for alumni to increase connections with CHC.
Alumni are encouraged to apply for conference or training funds anytime between now and April 1,
2012. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis and CHC will provide up to $1,000 for
registration and travel expenses for accepted applications until the funds are depleted.
1. Application: Alumni should complete an application form describing the training or conference
event, presenting the reasoning for how it would support their leadership development in
hunger, poverty and/or social justice work, and estimating funds needed (see application form
for details).
2. Review: CHC staff will review each application, determine the extent to which the training or
conference aligns with CHC goals and guidelines, and provide alumni with notice accepting or
rejecting applications accordingly.
3. Report: After participating in the conference or training, alumni will provide a short report to
CHC outlining what they learned and how their new knowledge applies to their current or future
work, and providing documentation of expenses for reimbursement.
4. Reimbursement: upon receipt of the report, CHC will process the reimbursements for alumni
for registration and travel expenses up to $1,000.
These funds should be used for conferences in the U.S. covering issues related to domestic hunger
and poverty or their root causes. Issues could include (but are not limited to) food justice, public
health and nutrition, affordable housing, racial justice, agriculture, economic development, social
entrepreneurship, etc. They can also be used for one-time workshops or trainings on skills that
would enhance alumni contributions to their work against hunger and poverty. They shall not be
used for ongoing classes or tuition, such as language classes, degree programs, etc. CHC in its sole
discretion will accept or reject alumni applications for funding, and CHC will only fund one
conference or training per person.