Minutes of Regular Meeting
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Commissioners present:
Chairman Kevin Brace, George Hall, Edward Lanati, Dennis Gragnolati,
and Neal Cunningham
Commissioners absent:
Vice Chairman James Gaylord
Also Present:
Acting Chief Chet DeGray
Call to Order – Chairman Brace called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm.
Public Input –
Michael Bracken – 12 Tinker Drive – 1) He suggested that the Department buy a rope gun to be used for rescues,
etc., 2) He stated that he does not believe there is enough work to justify two detectives working the day shift, 3) He
wants the Commission to look into the overtime being paid to certain individuals within the Department. He feels
certain individuals are using overtime to increase their salaries for calculating future retirement income, 4) He heard
the Department bought new weapons. He thinks that officers should have guns with aim point lasers attached for
accurate shooting in crowded areas; and 5) He feels the Department should be enforcing that oil trucks servicing
Windsor Locks be lettered to prove they are legitimate.
Approval of minutes for meeting of April 11, 2012.
MOTION: To approve the minutes of the April 11, 2012 meeting.
Neal Cunningham
Motion Passed Unanimously
Seconded by George Hall
Approval of minutes for special meeting of April 29, 2012.
MOTION: To approve the minutes of the April 29, 2012 special meeting.
Neal Cunningham
Motion Passed Unanimously
Seconded by George Hall
5) Chief’s Report –
Attended the K-9 drug sweep at the WLMS.
Attended the North Central Chief’s meeting.
Attended recertification training in Wethersfield. Attended meeting with school and community
members regarding drugs.
Attended Shattered Dreams at the WLHS. Attended public hearing on 2012-2013 town budget.
Met with C&S Wholesale Grocers regarding security contacts.
Attended Pleasant Street Community Watch Group Meeting.
Attended the Town’s Department Head meeting and Department’s radio committee.
Attended Department’s supervisor meeting.
K-9 Memorandum of Understanding – Chairman Brace stated the MOU was preliminarily agreed to by
Attorney Deneen and the Union and is only awaiting signatures.
MOTION: To adopt the K-9 Memorandum of Understanding as written.
George Hall
Motion Passed Unanimously
Seconded by Neal Cunningham
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Purchase of K-9 Dog – Officer Dzierzgowski introduced a 14 month old German Shepherd as the potential new
addition to the K-9 unit and gave the Commission background information on the dog and his training so far.
Officers from the Department suggested that the WLMS students choose and vote on a name for the dog. The
Commission agreed.
MOTION: To purchase the dog at a cost of $6,500 using the Asset Forfeiture Fund.
Edward Lanati
Seconded by Neal Cunningham
Motion Passed Unanimously
Possible Stop Sign approval on Hamilton Road and Rt. 20 West Bound Ramp – This intersection has been
the site of several accidents.
MOTION: To approve adding a stop sign on Hamilton Road and Rt. 20 making it a three-way stop.
Neal Cunningham
Seconded by George Hall
Motion Passed Unanimously
Public Input –
Michael Bracken -12 Tinker Drive - Montgomery Building second floor is soaked with cyanide and feels it is a
danger to officers entering the building. Chairman Brace said officers have been directed not to enter the
Sue Caldon - 21 Pleasant Street - She stated she liked the idea of the Middle School students voting on the
name for the new K-9 dog but thinks the name he goes by now should be included as one of the choices. The
dog’s name as of now is “Jax”.
10) Commissioner’s Comments –
Edward Lanati thinks the oil truck issue, rope gun, department weapons, and the overtime issue brought up in
Public Input should be looked into. Chairman Brace stated that the Detective discussed in Public Input is
working 2nd shift which meets the town’s needs more effectively.
11) Executive Session – Discuss personnel issues, including salaries.
MOTION: To enter into Executive Session at 7:43 pm. Acting Chief DeGray was invited to attend.
George Hall
Seconded by Neal Cunningham
Motion Passed Unanimously
MOTION: To end Executive Session at 8:42 pm.
Neal Cunningham
Motion Passed Unanimously
Seconded by Edward Lanati
12) Adjournment –
MOTION: To adjourn at 8:43 pm.
Neal Cunningham
Motion Passed Unanimously
Seconded by Edward Lanati
Respectfully Submitted,
Sharon Pfaffenbichler
Recording Secretary
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