The Partnership for Excellence will be transitioning to Accountability Reporting for Community Colleges (ARCC) in the 2007-2008 academic year. The ARCC Steering Committee will be reviewing the outcomes for the 2006-2007 PFE projects. This report documents the progress each project has made toward its stated PFE objectives. The PFE Evaluation Handbook should be read prior to completing this report, and it should be referenced at the time of completion. Please complete all sections. To type your responses, click inside a box and begin typing. The box will automatically expand when you reach the bottom. If the items in a section do not completely match the items used in the project’s original proposal, please state the information you feel best addresses them. To help you complete this report, a hypothetical sample of a completed evaluation report is provided in the Evaluation Handbook and on the final two pages of this report. If you have any additional questions, contact Crystal Kollross in the Institutional Planning and Research Office at extension 3290. Note: A TYPED completed PFE evaluation report must be submitted. Name of Project Manager(s): ______________________________________ Extension(s): ____________________ Partnership for Excellence Number: __________ Section I. Need Statement Describe in detail the problem or opportunity the project is intending to solve or satisfy. In other words, describe succinctly the fundamental rationale for the project. The need statement should be justified by providing data that support the need for your project. State how the need relates to the PFE Goals. Section II. Objective(s) for 2006-2007 List the project’s general objective(s). If the project has more than one unrelated Objectives, be sure to list these Objectives separately. For each objective, click next to the PFE Goal it impacts then type a “X.” If an Objective does not support any of the PFE Goals, click next to “not applicable” then type a “X.” To create additional boxes, highlight all of the area you want to duplicate, copy, and immediately paste the copied material above Section III. Objective(s) Objective 1: Objective 2: Objective 3: PFE Goals ___Transfer ___Workforce Development ___Degrees/Certificates ___Basic Skills Improvement ___Successful Course Completion ___Not Applicable ___Transfer ___Workforce Development ___Degrees/Certificates ___Basic Skills Improvement ___Successful Course Completion ___Not Applicable ___Transfer ___Workforce Development ___Degrees/Certificates ___Basic Skills Improvement ___Successful Course Completion ___Not Applicable Section III. Activities Completed in 2006-2007 List the activities completed during the 2005-2006 academic year. List all activities that supported your Objectives. Include types of services, number of service hours provided, and number of students and/or departments served. Also, include any items or equipment purchased. Section IV. Progress Toward Objective(s) in 2006-2007 Please provide documentation to show to what extent the project’s Objective(s) were achieved. If it is too early to demonstrate progress, please explain how and when progress will be demonstrated. Section V. Recommendation(s) Indicate your recommendation(s) as to what should be done with the project. For example, continue the project as it is, expand the project, reduce it or discontinue the project. Explain your reasoning behind the recommendations. Include, if possible, the impact on students, departments, and/or other projects that would result if the recommendations were carried out. Hypothetical Sample of a Completed Evaluation Report Section I. Need Statement Section III. Activities Completed in 2003-2004 Need Statement New students are not well informed about the resources and services provided by PCC. Participants キ All new incoming students for Fall 2002 who attend the Orientation Data Documenting the Need According to data from PCC, in 2001 the retention rate for students who attended the Orientation was 57%, and their success rate was 42%. New students are utilizing services provided by PCC three times less than continuing students. Staff Activity: to assist with the implementation of services and programs キ Hired 13 hourly staff members who worked 2700 hours from July 2002 through April 2003 Rationale for the Project If new students are better oriented and prepared for taking classes at PCC, they will be more aware of the resources available to them and be more likely to use these tools/services. If students are able to utilize resources and services provided by PCC, they will be more likely to successfully complete their courses. Relation with PFE Goals The focus of this project will have an effect on Goal #3, Successful Course Completion by increasing the number of students who successfully complete their courses. This project may also have an impact on the goals of Transfer Rate and Degree/Certificates Awarded by increasing the likelihood of course completion. Objective 1: To increase students’ success and retention rates by augmenting the services provided in New Student Orientations Objective 2: To increase new students’ level of awareness of PCC’s resources and services PFE Goal(s) __ Transfer __ Workforce Development __ Degrees/Certificates __ Basic Skills Improvement _X Successful Course Completion __ Not Applicable __ Transfer __Workforce Development __ Degrees/Certificates __ Basic Skills Improvement __ Successful Course Completion Evaluation Activities: to collect data on the effectiveness of Orientations キ Compiled data from New Student Orientation Surveys キ Made 2400 follow-up phone calls to new students to verify if all their questions and/or concerns were addressed at the Orientation Equipment and Staff Development キ Purchased 2 laptop computers to conduct presentations in PowerPoint キ New Student Orientation Leaders attended a one-day conference on student retention conducted by the Association of Higher Education Section II. Objective(s) Objective(s) Service Activity: to increase student awareness of resources and services and in turn increase student course completion rate キ Served 2400 new students at 6 New Student Orientations キ Representatives from 4 departments made presentations at the Orientations キ Designed a New Student Orientation brochure キ Assembled 850 packets of pertinent information about academic and student support programs and mailed to new students who requested information キ Met with 950 new students to discuss their concerns and questions _X Not Applicable Section IV. Progress Toward Objective(s) Section V. Recommendation(s) Objective 1: New Students’ Success and Retention Comparison Measures Students that attended the New Student Orientations were compared to students who did not attend in regards to retention and success rates. Comparisons were also made from the students who entered in Fall 2002 to those in Fall 2001, the baseline data. Progress/Results During their first semester, students who participated in the Orientations completed an average of 11.98 course units compared to students who did not participate in the Orientation who completed an average of 6.52 course units. Relation to PFE Goals By increasing students’ knowledge of resources and services, students will be more likely to complete their courses (Goal #3). Baseline Data Fall 2001 Retention Rates Success Rates Project Outcome Data Fall 2002 Retention Rates Success Rates Attended Orientation 57% 42% Did not Attend Orientation 49% 36% Attended Orientation 78% 62% Did not Attend Orientation 51% 39% Criteria for Success Goal Follow-up Phone Calls Contact 100% of the students Schedule Appointments Meet with 80% of students with questions/concerns Outcome Reached 75% Met with 65% Objective 2: New Students’ Awareness of PCC’s Resources and Services Evaluation Method Students were asked to indicate how much the Orientation increased their level of awareness of PCC’s resources and services. Criteria for Success- Goal 75% of students who attend the New Student Orientation will feel that they have a better understanding and awareness of PCC’s resources and services after attending the New Student Orientation. Criteria for Success –Outcome/Progress/Results The majority of students (98%) indicated that the Orientation significantly increased their level of awareness of PCC’s resources and services. Relation to PFE Goals Although this does not directly relate to any of the PFE Goals, this objective does allow for the evaluation and improvement of the New Student Orientation, which does aid in the completion of Goal #3. Recommendations This project should be continued since it has had an effect on increasing students’ success and retention rates. Next year, more effort will made to streamline the Orientations and increasing the quality of customer service and student support services. It was determined that students are more likely to be available during the evening hours to discuss concerns and questions. More effort will be made to schedule hourly staff during the evening hours to meet with new students. It was determined that hourly staff needed additional training in student support services and customer service. New Student Orientation leaders will attend workshops on ways to train hourly staff on effective customer service. Hourly staff will attend workshops on student support services. Effects on Outcomes If the above recommendations are carried out, students, staff, and departments will be impacted. New students’ success and retention rates will increase because more students will be served in the evening hours. The quality of the services our office provides will also increase students’ level of awareness of PCC’s resources and services. This will increase the number of new students who are served by on-campus departments and programs throughout the academic year.