centurio n fir e control

N F PA 10 Portabl e F i r e Exti n gu i she r Techn i c i a n
C erti f i c ati o n
Centurion Fire Control
York Region
Halton Region
Muskoka Region
Why PFE Technician Certification?
What is happening out there?
Service providers not properly assessing overall Code compliance in buildings.
Service providers not educating the customer re Code requirements.
The wrong type of extinguisher for specific hazards.
Obsolete extinguishers that should be removed from service.
Poor documentation (tags, proof of service collars, maintenance stickers)
Inspections and maintenance not done in time.
PFE’s not maintained to manufacturers specs and instructions - under/over filled.
Service providers not seeking advice from AHJ.
NFPA 10 Requires that Fire Extinguisher maintenance personnel be “certified”.
For far too long entering the field of fire extinguisher maintenance has been too easy. No formal training or certification was
required. As a result, the quality of service provided has varied dramatically. Most jurisdictions have or are addressing this by
requiring NFPA 10 certification as part of the local Fire Code. The positive results are that disreputable operators are slowly
disappearing, and reputable operators are seeking the training required to become the best in their trade. Centurion Fire
Control NFPA 10 Portable Fire Extinguisher Certification training is unsurpassed in such training. We don’t just review the
written materials and give a memory test. We offer a hands on multidimensional training experience that ensures that
everyone who becomes certified can educate the customer and do the work in a high quality fashion.
Centurio n Fire Cont ro l
P F E Te c h n i c i a n C e r t i f i c a t i o n
The Centurion Difference
Provide Fire Extinguisher Technician Training Program Acceptable to the AHJ(s)
Not just training – deliver knowledge and skills!
Hands on, interactive, adaptable and personalized content
Participants don’t just hear about or see how it’s done – you do the procedures!
Smaller class sizes ensure proper attention to each participant!
Educators are experienced, practicing and certified technicians!
To enquire about upcoming sessions
Contact Us
Centurio n Fire Cont ro l
P F E Te c h n i c i a n C e r t i f i c a t i o n
Curriculum for Portable Fire Extinguisher Training
Anatomy of Fire
Fire triangle and tetrahedron
Types of fire
The Role of Portable Fire Extinguishers
Extinguish small fire
Get people out to safety
Not to fight a fire – let firefighters do this
Responsibilities of PFE Service Technician
Advise and educate customers
Seek help from local FPO’s
Quality work in accordance with OFC and listed standards
Continual improvement – stay up to date on codes & standards
Code of conduct and ethical requirements
Why Certification?
Eliminate the bad apples
Consistent standard of work
Better safety for customer
The Ontario Fire Code
Key segments for the PFE technician
What does the OFC require
How to get additional information and support (PFO, OFM, etc)
What is AHJ? How to use the AHJ to ensure Code compliance
Other Organizations
Association of Fire Chiefs
Definitions – correct terminology
Installation of PFE’s
- types of hazards and required protection
Inspection, Maintenance, and Recharge
Hydrostatic Testing
Safety Requirements for the PFE Technician
Centurio n Fire Cont ro l
P F E Te c h n i c i a n C e r t i f i c a t i o n
OFC vs NFPA 10
How do these documents differ?
How should these differences be handled?
What are the expectations of us by OFM?
Practical Training
A monthly PFE inspection
An annual PFE inspection
A 6 year maintenance procedure
A hydrostatic test procedure
Examples of obsolete and damaged PFE’s
Exam will focus on the following:
Knowledge of fire, types of fire, extinguishment for each
How does each type put out the fire
How does a PFE work (powder, water, K, water mist, halotron)
Purpose of PFE, when & when not to use – advising the customer
Code of conduct and ethical requirements for PFE Technicians
What is the right course of action under various observed situations
How many, what kind, where located – for various scenarios
How to conduct an assessment of needs – vs current protection – identifying compliance issues and
corrective action
Knowledge of maintenance requirements and the correct maintenance procedure (note: this needs to
be more that multiple choice or true/false questioning – candidate should be required to write out
the steps for a 6 year maintenance procedure and hydrostatic test)
Ideally there would be a practical requirement – have the applicant actually perform the maintenance procedures correctly
Centurio n Fire Cont ro l
P F E Te c h n i c i a n C e r t i f i c a t i o n