Annual Progress Report - University of Roehampton

Student name: «Student_Name»
Department: «Department_Student»
TO RESEARCH STUDENTS: Please complete this Annual Progress Report form for the 2015/16 academic year
and arrange a ‘progress review meeting’ with your supervisors to discuss your report. During your meeting you
should discuss the University’s Research Student Development Programme and any training requirements you may
have. You should consider your timetable for completion as well as any administrative requirements for the coming
year. After the meeting, your supervisors will complete their own reports on your progress, which they will forward to
your Head of Department for consideration. Failure to return the form will result in a formal warning and may
lead to programme termination.
All students who commenced their period of registration on or after 1st October 2015 are required to append a
training log to this report to evidence participation in the Research Student Development Programme. This must be
countersigned by the supervisory team.
Please inform the Graduate School ( if any details are incorrect
Name: «Student_Name»
Start date: «Start_Date»
ID number: «Student_ID»
End date: «Expected_Finish_Date»
Mode of study: «MOA»
Programme year: «Year»
Thesis Title: «Thesis_Title»
Director of Studies: «Directors_of_Studies»
Co-supervisor(s): «CoSupervisors_Internal»
External supervisor(s): «CoSupervisors_External»
RDB2 status: «RDB2_Status»
Date of approval/Due date:«RDB2_Status_Date»
RDB3 status: «RDB3_Status»
Date of approval/Due date: «RDB3_Status_Date»
Exam entry form status: «RDB_EE_Status»
Date of approval/Due date: «RDB_EE_Status_Date»
Student name: «Student_Name»
Department: «Department_Student»
PROGRESS REPORT – to be completed by the student
How many supervisions have you had with your complete Supervisory Team?
How many additional supervisions (if any) have you had with your Director of Studies?
How many additional supervisions (if any) have you had with your 1st Co-Supervisor?
How many additional supervisions (if any) have you had with your 2nd Co-Supervisor (if you have one)?
Did you attend any training courses over the past year? If so, please indicate which courses:
Please give the date of your Progress Review Meeting:
If there was no Progress Review Meeting please state why:
Do you feel that your progress has been satisfactory over the past academic year: Yes/No
Do you feel that you will complete within your maximum registration period: Yes/No
If you do not consider that your progress has been satisfactory over the past year and/or you feel you will not
complete within your maximum registration period please state briefly why you feel this is so:
Has your project design changed in any way since approval was given to your application by the Ethics Committee?
If Yes, have you discussed these changes and their ethical implications with your DOS?
If you answered ‘Yes’ in the previous question, what action has been, or will be, taken?:
Please advise the University Ethics Officer if necessary. Please note that minor changes can be advised using the
Minor Amendment Form on the Ethics Website, but substantial changes may require a new application to be
Please make any relevant comments on the issue of careers, employability and transferrable skills.
What are your intentions following completion of your programme? How can your supervisors and the University help you
in your chosen or intended career? Do you have particular training needs or requirements in relation to your chosen or
intended career?
Student name: «Student_Name»
Department: «Department_Student»
Student's Annual Progress Report
When writing your report please give an account of how your research has progressed over the last year with respect to
the following issues (you may continue on a separate sheet if necessary):
(1) critical appraisal of existing research;
(2) identification and consideration of relevant research methodology;
(3) progress of the research investigation;
(4) written aspects of the thesis
Student signature:
NB: Once you have had the Progress Review Meeting with your Supervisory Team please return this form to your
Department Business Manager
Student name: «Student_Name»
Department: «Department_Student»
TO THE SUPERVISORY TEAM: The above student has been sent a progress report to complete and has been
asked to arrange a meeting with his/her Supervisory Team at which to do so. During your meeting you should
discuss the University’s Research Student Development Programme and any training requirements the student may
have. For students who commenced their registration on or after 1 st October 2015, you must append a countersigned
training log to evidence their participation in this programme. You should consider the student’s timetable for
completion as well as any administrative requirements for the coming year. After the meeting, supervisors should
complete their sections of the supervisors’ form and return the form to the Department Business Manager. It is the
Director of Studies’ responsibility to ensure that all sections of the supervisors’ form have been completed
and returned to the administrator by the set deadline.
Please note that the University requires that full-time students normally receive six-eight supervisions per year with at
least one of their supervisors. Of these meetings, at least three should be with the full supervisory team. Part-time
students normally receive four-six supervisions per year with at least one of their supervisors, of which at least two
should be with the full supervisory team. One of the full supervisory team meetings (the ‘progress review meeting’)
should focus on the student’s Annual Progress Report.
Director of Studies’ Report
Please use the space below to give your view on the student's progress during the past academic year with particular
reference to the following points:
1. critical appraisal of existing research;
2. identification and consideration of relevant research methodology (indicate whether the student attended courses
specified by you in your previous report, and which courses from the Research Methods and Methodologies
Programme 2016-2017 the student should be advised to attend);
3. progress of the research investigation;
4. written aspects of the thesis
Please add any other comments you wish to make.
Please state the number of supervisions you have had with the student over the past academic year:
Do you feel that the student’s progress has been satisfactory:
Do you feel that the student’s progress suggests cause for concern:
Has the student’s project been changed in any way since approval was given by the Ethics Board?
If Yes:
Have you discussed these changes and their ethical implications with the student?
Are you advising the student to complete a new application for ethical approval? (A ‘No’ response will be taken as
your assurance that the changes do not substantially alter the procedures for which approval was originally given):
Director of Studies Signature:
Student name: «Student_Name»
Department: «Department_Student»
Co-Supervisor's Report
Please use the space below to give your view on the student's progress during the past academic year and to add any
comment on the student’s progress report that you wish to make:
Please state the number of supervisions you have had with the student over the past academic year:
Do you feel that the student’s progress has been satisfactory:
Do you feel that the student’s progress suggests cause for concern:
Co-Supervisor’s signature:
Second Co-Supervisor's Report
Please use the space below to give your view on the student's progress during the past academic year and to add any
comment on the student’s progress report that you wish to make:
Please state the number of supervisions you have had with the student over the past academic year:
Do you feel that the student’s progress has been satisfactory:
Do you feel that the student’s progress suggests cause for concern:
Second Co-Supervisor’s signature:
Supervisory load
Please indicate the percentage load for each supervisor for the coming year (2016-17). Under the university Code
of Practice, each supervisor must have a minimum of 30%.
Director of Studies
Co-supervisor 1
Co-supervisor 2
Co-supervisor 3
Supervisory load 2016-17
Supervisory load 2016-17
Supervisory load 2016-17
Supervisory load 2016-17
Student name: «Student_Name»
Department: «Department_Student»
The supervisors’ form should be returned to the Department Business Manager. This should then be passed
to the Head of Department to be signed off for approval of workload allocation. Where there is a crossdepartmental supervisory team, the form must also be signed by other relevant Head(s) of Department.
Head of Department Recommendation
I recommend that the student's registration/enrolment:
Be allowed to continue/Be withdrawn* (please delete as appropriate)
*Where a recommendation of withdrawal of registration is made the student must have been given written warning of
unsatisfactory progress at least three months previous to making this recommendation
Head of Department Signature:
Cross-Departmental Head of Department Approval of Supervision Arrangements
The student’s home Department is:
The student is co-supervised in the Department of:
I approve ongoing cross-departmental supervision arrangements as detailed on this report.
Head of Department Signature:
After the form has been signed by the Head of Department(s), a copy should be sent by the Department
Business Manager to no later than 31st May 2016.