Category: HR-PERF POLICY & PROCEDURE Subject: Competency Assessment of Associates Classification: Management Approved Policy Owner: Senior Vice President, Human Resources Approved by: WFH President and CEO POLICY: It is the policy of Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare to assure that the competency of all associates is assessed, maintained, demonstrated and continually improved. Effective: July 1, 2010 An annual performance review process is used to evaluate associates in respective positions. The competency assessment process is integrated into these programs as part of the evaluation process. Competency of associates must be validated during orientation and on an ongoing basis by Human Resources (HR) personnel, educators, validators, directors, managers and/or designees. Leadership staff and HR must develop strategies to support individual performance improvement. RATIONALE: This policy is designed to support our Mission, Vision, and Values through our Standards of Behavior. The WFH values of respect, integrity, development, excellence, and stewardship serve as the guide to provide both compassionate and superior service to the communities we serve. Through the competency assessment of our associates we can achieve our Vision to be recognized in each community we serve for superior and compassionate patient service, clinical excellence, as the health care employer of choice, and preferred partner of physicians by ensuring a safe, healthy and efficient work environment. This is accomplished by setting clear expectations of behavior, competence, and performance and holding associates accountable to job competence. SCOPE: This policy applies to all associates working in entities owned and/or managed by Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare with the exception of employed physicians. PROCEDURE: A. Initial Competency Assessment 1. Human Resources completes the pre-employment phase based on the job description for the position and including but not limited to: a. Validation of required education, license(s), certification(s) and other credentials b. Verification of previous work experience c. Personal and professional references d. Statements and behaviors of the applicant during the interview process 2. Orientation a. Orientation includes general, entity, departmental, and unitHR-PERF Competency Assessment of Associates Page 1 of 4 specific competency related activities. b. During the first 30 days of employment, all associates must complete the system-wide orientation program. c. All associates must complete the Department Orientation Checklist within the first 30 days of hire. d. All initial job competencies must be validated prior to working independently. e. Additional competencies determined by a manager or designee must be validated prior to performing that aspect of the job independently. 3. Transfers a. The associate file, including all competencies, any documented assessments and summary records of competency should be sent by the current manager to the manager of the new department prior to the transferred associate’s first assignments in the new department. b. Department-specific items on the Department Orientation Checklist must be reassessed in the new work setting and any competencies required by the new department that have not been previously demonstrated by the associate will be assessed/validated before the transferred associate performs the new activities independently. 4. Change of Job Responsibilities/Cross-training a. When associates are being taught new roles or are temporarily assigned (floated) to an unfamiliar work area, they may only assume responsibilities commensurate with their level of knowledge, skill, and orientation to the new area. b. Cross-training is complete when role and/or setting specific competencies have been demonstrated by the cross-training individual, evaluated, and documented by the manager or the manager’s designee. 5. Leave of Absence: a. Associates returning from approved leaves of absence, paid time off, and seasonal associates are required to complete a plan of action when their approved time away from work has resulted in the associate not completing their competency requirements. The department leader (or designee) will determine which competencies will need to be revalidated/completed and determine time frames for completion. B. Ongoing Competency Assessment 1. Competence assessments will be performed for each associate annually during the performance evaluation. A review of the associate’s competence of essential job duties will be noted on the performance evaluation form. 2. Competencies that need to be assessed and reassessed on an ongoing basis will be based on techniques, procedures, technology, equipment, or skills needed to provide care, treatment, and services. Competencies which are validated for the performance review year are documented on the associate’s on-line transcript or other applicable document. 3. The department leader or designee will determine the ongoing competencies appropriate for their staff annually. The following factors HR-PERF Competency Assessment of Associates Page 2 of 4 can be considered: Job description High risk, low volume, and/or problem prone activities in their specific work environment Medical device safety inspection Population-specific and developmental needs of patient populations (where appropriate) Performance evaluation tools Policies, procedures and protocols Internal and external standards (including regulatory) Process improvement data Risk and Quality management findings Outcome data analysis Suggestions from staff 4. Documentation of validated competencies will be kept in the associate’s file or on-line transcript and this information will be shared with those responsible for job assignments, as necessary. 5. The department leader or validator must ensure that required competencies are validated before an associate independently performs related work activities. C. Performance Improvement 1. When an objective evaluation of an associate’s competencies reveals that improvement is needed, the manager will discuss with the associate and document strategies for improvement with a timeframe for completion on the Action Plan for Unmet Mandatory Education and Competency form or applicable document. This can include counseling, self-directed learning, inservice, skills training, competency validation, modification of the associate’s work assignment, continuing education and/or a development plan that will help the associate meet expectations. 2. In the event that the improvement strategies for achieving the required competencies fail after the stated time period, refer to the disciplinary and corrective action policy. The department leader (or designee) may temporarily modify the associate’s job assignment and or take corrective action in conjunction with Human Resources support and counsel. DEFINITIONS: Competency Program – Includes job descriptions with initial job competencies, verification of license, registration and/or certification, a system-wide orientation, department specific orientation, an initial assessment of competencies, annual performance feedback, on-going competency validation of incumbents, population appropriate competencies and continuing education. Competency – A person’s actual performance in a particular situation. It describes how well a person demonstrates his or her knowledge, attitudes, skills and behaviors according to expectations for specific situations. Competency Statement – A broadly written statement that defines aspects of performance associated with success in the role. Competency Assessment – The process of identifying an associate’s ability to perform as expected. Initial Job Competency – Validation of actual performance of job duties documented by the end of the department/unit orientation and prior to working HR-PERF Competency Assessment of Associates Page 3 of 4 independently. Additional Competencies – Specific competencies determined by manager or designee that are related to the role/job performed by associates based upon the department scope of service. Ongoing Competencies – Periodic assessment of selected competencies developed from quality data, new/changed policies and procedures or technologies, and/or high risk/high volume job functions. Annual Competencies – Competencies required annually are those determined by standards of care and/or regulatory agencies. Orientation – The process of introducing new staff to the organizational culture. This includes mission, goals, policies and procedures, role expectation, physical facilities, and other factors needed to function in a specific role and/or work setting. Associate – Any individual directly employed by Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare. Validator – Anyone who is knowledgeable in competency assessment (knows purpose, follows assessment procedures and documents properly) and has demonstrated competency in the skill/area being validated. Replaces: Competency of Associates (All Saints 2008) Competency Assessment of Associates (Milwaukee 2008) Competency of Associates (Franklin 2008) Competency and Performance Feedback (Iowa 1986) Competency of Associates (Marianjoy 2006) Cross reference: Associate Selection and Placement Policy (except FMI and OLA) Associate Selection and Placement Policy (FMI) Associate Selection and Placement Policy (OLA) Disciplinary and Corrective Action Policy (except FMI and OLA) Disciplinary and Corrective Action Policy (FMI) Disciplinary and Corrective Action Policy (OLA) Leadership Excellence, Accountability and Development Program (LEAD) Leadership Performance Management (except FMI) LEAD (FMI) New Associate Orientation Program (except FMI) New Associate Orientation Program (FMI) New Associate General/Department Orientation Checklist New Leader Orientation Checklist (Iowa) New Leader Orientation Checklist (Marianjoy) New Leader Orientation Checklist (Southeast Wisconsin) Performance Excellence Program (except FMI) PEP (FMI) Temporary Personnel Policy (except FMI) Temporary Personnel Policy (FMI) Competency Forms are located at: Review Period: Two (2) years Original Policy Date: July 1, 2010 Dates Updated: HR-PERF Competency Assessment of Associates Page 4 of 4