COMPETENCY MAPPING Jagdeep Kaur (Vice President) HR Globe Consulting CONCEPT OF COMPETENCY MAPPING Personal Characteristics Motive, Trait, SelfConcept & Knowledge Behavior Job Performance CRITERIA TO MEASURE COMPETENCY & PERFORMANCE Competency Superior Performance Effective Performance Performance Threshold Competencies Differentiating Competencies THRESHOLD V/S DIFFERENTIATING COMPETENCIES Distinguishes superior from average performer Must have in the job NEED FOR COMPETENCY MAPPING Long learning curves & Lack of succession planning Want for Organizational change Unrecognized training needs High Turnover & Low retention Poor Performance STEPS IN DEVELOPING A COMPETENCY BASED SELECTION SYSTEM Develop Competency Model(s) for Target job(s) Select / Develop Assessment Methods Train Assessors in the Assessment Method Assess competencies of candidates for jobs Make job-person match decisions for selection, placement and promotion Validate Selection System Develop a Competency based job and person database and Matching System PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (PMS) Organization Strategy Pre-requisite steps Organization Objectives Manager/Work Unit Objective Start of Period Performance Planning Definition of Job Responsibilities During the Period Goal Setting End of Period Performance Appraisal Performance Management COMPETENCY BASED PMS MIXED MODEL Need for Competency based PMS Unfair Appraisal System Inflated Performance Ratings Low impact of PMS on Actual Management Non-serious Performance Appraisal Employees rated PMS worthless APT Situations for“MIXED MODEL” Performance + Competency PMS Uncertain Environments Self Managing Teams Qualitative/Process Service Jobs Changing Organizational Strategy or Markets TOOLS FOR COMPETENCY MAPPING 360 degree feedback Assessment Centres