ADMISSIONS REPRESENTATIVE PROGRAM APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP Spring 2010 APPLICATION DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 19, 2010, 5PM Thank you for your interest in becoming an Admissions Representative (AR) for the 2010-11 academic year. The primary role of the Admissions Representatives (ARs) is to assist the Office of Undergraduate Admissions with recruitment and enrollment activities. ARs will be asked to interview prospective students, to serve on student panels for open house programs, to participate in group information sessions for campus visitors, to e-mail prospective students, and to serve more generally as positive ambassadors of the university. Due to the visible, public nature of the position, ARs are highly respected members of the office and the university. Although some ARs enter the program with strong public speaking and presentation skills, others develop them throughout the training process. Prospective ARs should demonstrate energy, poise, and positive interpersonal skills; prior experience with interviewing and/or previous work with the Office of Undergraduate Admissions is appreciated. The required time commitment is typically between one to two hours each week with the greatest demand during the fall and late spring. Many of the office’s open house programs occur on Saturday mornings; ARs should expect to contribute their time to Saturday programs and/or weekday open house programs as needed. ARs are expected to dress neatly, to arrive for scheduled activities in a timely fashion, and to represent the university in a positive, professional manner. The selection process for ARs is highly competitive. As a result, there may be many strong applicants to whom we are unable to offer positions. Rising juniors and seniors only are eligible to apply. An application, a reference, and an interview are required portions of the selection process. 1. Application: Please complete Parts I-III of the application. 2. Reference: Please ask a faculty member, administrator, advisor, etc. to complete the attached recommendation form and send it directly to Amy Brokl and Mark Butt/Office of Undergraduate Admissions/Mason Hall. This must be received by Friday, February 19th. If this proves challenging for your reference, please notify Amy Brokl and Mark Butt directly at 3. Interview: When you return your application to the front desk in Mason Hall, please plan on signing up for an interview time slot on the sheets provided. Interviews will be offered the weeks of February 22 and March 1. If the times and/or dates listed on the interview sheets pose a problem for you, please contact Amy Brokl or Mark Butt directly. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Amy Brokl and/or Mark Butt via phone at (410) 516-8171 or via e-mail at the following address: ADMISSIONS REPRESENTATIVE PROGRAM APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP Spring 2010 PART I: Contact Information Name: E-mail Address: Preferred Local Phone No: Home Mobile (Please circle one) Preferred Mailing Address: Major(s): Minor(s): Year of Graduation: High School Attended: City/State_________________ Country (if International) _____________________________ PART II: Please attach a copy of your current resume and/or list of activities. PART III: Please attach your responses to the following questions. 1) Admissions Representatives, or ARs, play a critical role in the admissions process at Johns Hopkins. Briefly explain why you are interested in becoming an Admissions Representative. If you have been involved in Admissions volunteer organizations, please note how these assisted in motivating your decision. If you have not had the opportunity to become involved with the office’s work prior to applying for this position, please explain the evolution of your interest. 2) Describe your own impressions of the college search process and of Johns Hopkins University specifically. Why did you choose to apply, and ultimately, enroll? What role, if any, did student representatives play in your decision-making? 3) In a short paragraph, please describe a memorable and/or significant Johns Hopkins experience. 4) Please compose a “Hopkins Top Five” list. Feel free to be creative! 5) How did you hear about the AR Program? Thank you for your interest in becoming an Admissions Representative! Return your application to the front desk of the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, Mason Hall. ADMISSIONS REPRESENTATIVE RECOMMENDATION FORM Spring 2010 DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 19, 2010, 5PM To the student: Please ask a faculty member, administrator, advisor or R.A. to complete this recommendation form for you. Your reference should be familiar with your interpersonal skills, your public speaking ability/interviewing skills, and your knowledge of Hopkins. Recommendations should be received by February 19th. If this proves difficult for your reference, please contact Amy Brokl or Mark Butt directly. To the individual completing this form: The primary role of the Admissions Representatives (ARs) is to assist the admissions staff with recruitment and enrollment activities. ARs are asked to interview prospective students, to serve on student panels for open house programs, to participate in group information sessions for campus visitors, to e-mail prospective students, and to serve more generally as positive ambassadors of the university. ARs are expected to dress neatly, to arrive for scheduled activities in a timely fashion, and to interact with members of the Admissions staff and office guests in a professional, pleasant manner. Please note that the selection process for the program is highly competitive; any comments you can provide will be most helpful. A short letter may be attached to provide any additional insight or comments, but is not necessary. After completing this recommendation form, the student may pick it up from you, it may be sent via campus mail to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions c/o Mark Butt, or an e-mail version can be sent to Thank you for your time and assistance. STUDENT’S NAME: YOUR NAME & TITLE: RELATIONSHIP TO STUDENT: Please rate the student’s abilities in the following categories on a scale of 1-5. Poor 1 2 Good 3 4 Excellent 5 Interpersonal skills 1 2 3 4 5 Oral communication 1 2 3 4 5 Written communication 1 2 3 4 5 Maturity 1 2 3 4 5 Ability to evaluate objectively 1 2 3 4 5 Ability to represent JHU 1 2 3 4 5 Public speaking skills Thank you! Amy Brokl, Associate Director, Admissions & Alumni Relations Mark Butt, Senior Assistant Director, Undergraduate Admissions No Basis for Judgment