Class of 2014 Incoming Freshmen Placement (Honors, Learning Labs) Each year, we provide information to parents and students to ensure that their placement in FHS courses is both fair and challenging. Our goal is to have each student placed in a course that allows the student to be appropriately challenged as a learner and also able to achieve academic success, with appropriate effort and support. Parents and students should be aware of the following: Student’s placement as a freshman does not limit their ability to select honors or AP levels in subsequent years. Freshman year is a transition year: a time to adjust to high school expectations and find a balance between academic challenge and other interests. As a family, you need to consider the student’s outside interests and demands on his/her time. We have reviewed student performance data to assist in the scheduling process. Based on previous data, the chances of a student’s success have been directly connected to the following guidelines. Grade 9 English The following criteria have been set for honors: o NWEA RIT score: 237 or above o Grade 8 writing prompt score: 12 or above o 8th grade English trimesters 1 and 2 (averaged) grades: 93 or above If a student has two of the three qualifiers and the third is close (within 5 points of RIT, 1 point of writing prompt score, or 3 points of GPA), his/her chance of success, with appropriate effort and dedication to studies, is high. Grade 9 World History The following criteria have been set for honors: o NWEA RIT score: 237 or above o Grade 8 writing prompt score: 12 or above o 8th grade Social Studies trimesters 1 and 2 (averaged) grades: 93 or above If a student has two of the three qualifiers and the third is close (within 5 points of RIT, 1 point of writing prompt score, or 3 points of GPA), his/her chance of success, with appropriate effort and dedication to studies, is high. Grade 9 Science To be recommended for Honors Freshmen Science, the student should have earned a 92 or above in grade 8 science (average of trimesters 1 and 2), and an 85 or above in grade 8 Honors Algebra OR a 92 or above in grade 8 math. Students must also be enrolled in either Honors Geometry or Honors Algebra I for grade 9. If the student has earned below a 92 in grade 8 science (average of trimesters 1 and 2), or below an 85 in grade 8 Honors Algebra I, or below a 92 in grade 8 math, Freshman Science is recommended. Grade 9 Math If your student has taken Honors Algebra in grade 8, enroll in Honors Geometry. If your student has taken grade 8 math and earned a 93 or higher, he/she may consider Honors Algebra I; students who have earned a 92 or below should take Algebra I. World Language In Middle School French or Spanish: If your student is earning an 84 or lower, enroll in French I Advanced or Spanish I Advanced. If he/she is earning an 85 or above, enroll in French II or Spanish II. If he/she is earning a 93 or higher, consider the Honors level. If he/she was not enrolled in a language in grade 8, Spanish I will be offered in 2010-11 and French I will be offered in 2011-12. Latin I will be offered but offerings will be limited. Sign-up Process In English, math, science and social studies, your son/daughter will have the recommended level as a default setting. If he/she chooses Honors when it has not been recommended, you will be contacted for a placement meeting. Placement Meetings The placement meeting includes the student, parent, content area teacher(s), and the principal. At this meeting, we will discuss the following: the course expectations; how the placement criteria did not match with an honors placement; and why the student feels he/she can succeed in the higher level and why he/she wants to try. After the information is gathered, the principal and teacher(s) will make an informed decision and notify the student and parent. Learning Labs In order to be successful in a regular high school level course, some students need the extra support of a learning lab. Students who have been recommended for this extra support will be pre-enrolled in learning labs (English, math, science, social studies). These will be pre-assigned and will show after all courses are selected and the student hits SUBMIT.