Part G: Respiratory System

RNSG 1327 Transition to Professional Nursing
Unit V – Care of the Patient Experiencing Commonly Occurring Health Problems
Part G – Respiratory
Behavioral Objectives
Apply the terms listed in the content
column appropriate to the patient
situations involving the respiratory
Compare and contrast the normal
anatomy and physiology to the
pathophysiology of selected commonly
occurring disease processes in the
respiratory system.
Analyze factors included in the
assessment of the patient experiencing
common occurring respiratory
problems, including the developmental
and cultural considerations.
Content Outline
Application of terms
A. Bronchitis
B. Dyspnea
C. Hypercapnia (Hypercarbia)
D. Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (PND)
E. Polycythemia
F. Pulmonary toilet
G. Pulsus paradoxes
H. Sensoruim
I. Ventilation
J. Virus
II. Anatomy & Physiology of Respiratory system
A. Developmental considerations
1. Infant
2. Child
3. Adolescent
4. Adult
5. Older adult
B. Pathophysiology of respiratory system
1. Impaired gas exchange
2. Immune/inflammatory process
III. Selected commonly occurring problems
A. Interview
1. Chief complaint
2. Precipitating event
3. Medical history
4. Family/ Social/occupational history
5. Medication history
1. Prescription
2. Nonprescription
6. Knowledge of health maintenance
7. Risk factors
B. Physical exam – respiratory
1. Breathing pattern (rate, depth,
rhythm, effort, symmetry)
Clinical Objectives
Learning Opportunities
Berman & Snyder
TVCC Library – Nursing Education in
Anti-Infective Medication Therapy Series:
Antifungal and Antiviral Agents
Assessment of an Infection
Cephalosporins, Aminoglycosides,
Macrolides and Quinolones
Nursing Implications
Sulfonamides and Penicillins
Assessment of Respiratory Distress in the
Pediatric Patient
Tuberculosis: New Strategies for the
Healthcare Worker
The Basics of Oxygen Administration
RNSG 1327 Transition to Professional Nursing
Unit V – Care of the Patient Experiencing Commonly Occurring Health Problems
Part G – Respiratory
Behavioral Objectives
Content Outline
2. Breath sounds
3. Color (central & peripheral)
4. Cough & sputum
5. Activity level
6. Capillary refill
7. Chest pain
8. Nasal flaring, chest retractions
9. Nails (clubbing)
C. Diagnostic tests
1. Radiology
1. Chest x-ray
2. Laboratory studies
1. Complete blood count (CBC)
(1) Electrolytes
(2) Culture & sensitivity
(3) Sputum
(4) Peak and trough
3. Other
1. Pulmonary function test
2. Pulse oximeter
D. Risks
1. Cultural influences
2. Hereditary
3. Environmental
4. Health beliefs/practices
5. Developmental
(1) Age specific assessment data
Vital signs
Fluid /electrolytes
response to health care
Clinical Objectives
Learning Opportunities
#6009 – The Respiratory System
Mosby’s Videos:
 Physical Examination and Health
 Nursing Video Skills
Care of Infants and Children
RNSG 1327 Transition to Professional Nursing
Unit V – Care of the Patient Experiencing Commonly Occurring Health Problems
Part G – Respiratory
Behavioral Objectives
Differentiate between the etiology,
pathophysiology, and clinical
manifestations of selected commonly
occurring respiratory disease
processes including immune –
inflammatory process.
Content Outline
IV. Common Occurring Respiratory Problems
A. Respiratory
1. Asthma
2. Upper respiratory infection
1. Colds
3. Lower respiratory infection
1. Pneumonia
2. Bronchitis
Discuss analysis, planning,
implementation, and evaluation for the
nursing management of patients with
commonly occurring respiratory
disease processes.
V. Selected Nursing Diagnoses/Implementation/
A. Impaired gas exchange
1. Independent Interventions
1. See respiratory assessment
2. Pulmonary toilet
3. Positioning for maximum
4. Energy conservation measures
5. Breathing techniques
6. Monitor pertinent diagnostic
7. Decrease sputum viscosity
8. Allergen control
9. Avoid cigarette smoke
10. Turn, cough and deep breathe
2. Collaborative interventions
1. Oxygen support
2. Collaborate with respiratory
(1) Aerosol therapy
(2) Chest physiotherapy with
postural drainage
(3) IPPB
(4) Mist tent
3. Administer medications and
monitor for desired/adverse/side
Clinical Objectives
Learning Opportunities
RNSG 1327 Transition to Professional Nursing
Unit V – Care of the Patient Experiencing Commonly Occurring Health Problems
Part G – Respiratory
Behavioral Objectives
N/AND/Transition/RNSG 1327 Unit V Part G Respiratory
Content Outline
(1) Bronchodilators
(2) Corticosteroids
(3) Antibiotics
(4) Mast cell inhibitors
(5) Leukotrienes
(6) Anticholinergics
(7) Epinephrine
Recognition of complications
1. Atelectasis
2. Pneumothorax
3. Respiratory failure
4. Pulmonary hypertension
5. Status asthmaticus
Evaluation of Outcomes: The patient
will have improved gas exchange as
evidenced by:
1. Breathing pattern
2. Level of consciousness
3. Vital signs
4. Color
5. Cough /sputum
6. Activity tolerance level
7. Pulse oximeter
Clinical Objectives
Learning Opportunities
Reviewed 03/12
Reviewed 03/13