FINAL REPORT AN INVESTIGATION INTO WORK PLACEMENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR SCHOOL PUPILS WITH OUTDOOR ACTIVITY EMPLOYERS John Middlewick March 2006 CONTENTS Section Page Number 1 INTRODUCTION 4 1.1 Background 4 2 PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT 5 2.1 2.2 Aim Objectives 5 5 3 SCOPE 6 3.1 3.2 3.3 Schools Potential Employers Geographical Area 6 6 6 4 METHODS 7 4.1 4.2 4.3 Previous Research and Studies Consultation with Schools Consultation with Employers 7 7 7 5 FINDINGS 9 5.1 General Issues 9 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.1.5 5.1.6 5.1.7 Overarching Strategy Employer Motivation School Motivation Funding Occupational Classifications Clarity of Pupils Aspirations Opportunities Available for Employment 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 5.2 Pilot-specific Issues 11 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 5.2.6 5.2.7 5.2.8 5.2.9 Pupil Profile Duration and Timing of the Pilot Co-ordination and Liaison Links to the School Curriculum Work-placement Activities Costs and Overheads Health and Safety at Work (HSW) and Risk Assessment Selection Process Evaluation 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 2 6 CONCLUSIONS 15 6.1 Overarching Issues 15 6.1.1 Strategic Co-ordination 15 6.2 15 Pilot-related Issues 6.2.1 Commercial Priorities 6.2.2 The Way Ahead 15 15 6.3 15 Revised Work-Placement Model (Pilot) 6.3.1 Format 15 6.3.2 Potential Benefits of the Revised Model 6.3.3 Potential Difficulties Created by the Revised Model 17 18 7 RECOMMENDATIONS 19 7.1 Pilot-specific 19 8 ANNEXES 20 Annex A: List of Organisations Contacted 20 Annex B: References 20 3 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background An introduction to some outdoor activities is part of the curriculum for first and second year pupils at both Kingussie High School and Grantown-on-Spey Grammar School. As pupils progress through the schools their continued curriculum involvement in outdoor activities tends to become dependent upon their personal inclinations and the course options that they make. Additional contact with outdoor activities may be made through their membership of clubs or by participating in, for example, The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. A number of pupils at both schools have expressed some interest in finding out more about career options within the outdoor activities sector. However, it may be that this desire is based upon limited knowledge and false perceptions of the opportunities available, the working environment and the personal requirements needed for such work. Given this situation, SkillsActive Scotland applied to the Highland Skills Fund (HSF) for funding for a Pilot project to work together with Badaguish Learning Centre and examine potential opportunities for work-placements for schoolchildren with outdoor employers in the Aviemore area. The HSF agreed to provide 50% of the funding needed for the project on condition that SkillsActive Scotland found matched funding. Aware that the Cairngorm National Park Authority (CNPA) has an aim to support the Park area economically and socially with, specifically, a draft Park Plan strategic objective being to “... promote access to educational and vocational training at all levels across the Park” and also a three year goal to develop “.. improved training with a special emphasis on the Park’s special qualities and to have a Park Apprenticeship Scheme available”, it was anticipated that the Pilot project proposed would be compatible with this objective and goal. An approach was, therefore, made to the CNPA which agreed to fund 20% of the project. The Local Enterprise Company (LEC) agreed to fund the remaining 30% of the costs. In developing the project, SkillsActive acknowledged the research already carried out by the CNPA, Cairngorms Chamber of Commerce and the BASIL+ Learning Centres in which skills needed by employers in the Park area had been analysed (Reference A), the aspirations and training needs of young people collected (Reference B) and the extent of training provision and funding in the CNPA (Reference C). It was believed a small practical Pilot undertaken in two stages would complement these studies by 1) looking in greater depth at one sector 2) and then providing a practical and tangible outcome. During the work-experience Pilot project it was hoped that opportunities would be found for about eight pupils to be placed with employers within the outdoor activities sector and facilitated by Badaguish Learning Centre and BASIL+. It was anticipated that each pupil would visit the employer for a total of about six days spread over a six to eight week period. By so doing it was anticipated that the young people would be given the opportunity to see for themselves 4 the potential of a career in outdoor activities and be made more aware of the practical implications of such a career choice. 2 PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT 2.1 Aim The aim of this project is to explore the area of work placements for school pupils with providers of outdoor activities in the Badenoch and Strathspey area. 2.2 Objectives The project has two stages, the objectives of each stage being shown below. Stage One To identify, from the perspective of the schools involved in the project, the barriers that might exist for pupils wanting to undertake a workplacement with an outdoor employer. To identify, from the perspective of employers, the issues that they would face in providing school pupils with work-placement opportunities. To identify the barriers that might interfere with an employer offering a work-placement opportunity. To identify the incentives that might motivate an employer to offer a work-placement opportunity. To detail the conclusions arising out of such investigations. To recommend how best to proceed with Stage Two of the project. Stage Two To conduct a short-duration Pilot of work-placements for up to eight pupils with appropriate employers. To evaluate the effectiveness of the Pilot. Using the findings of the evaluation of the Pilot, to consider the potential benefits of generating a sustainable series of work placements for pupils who have an interest in a career in the outdoors. Should it be considered that such work-placements would have potential benefits, consider the feasibilty and means by which these might best be implemented. 5 SCOPE 3.1 Schools The views of the Head Teacher of Kingussie High School and the Depute Rectors at Grantown-on-Spey Grammar School were obtained. 3.2 Potential Employers Reference A details the findings of a study in which a wide range of businesses in the CNPA and locale were canvassed in order, inter alia, to determine the extent of their interest in becoming involved in a Vocational Employment Scheme. From this list of businesses a selection of organisations offering outdoor activities was made: these organisations became the pool of potential employers contacted during Stage One of this project but was also supplemented by some known providers of outdoor activities not on the list. 3.3 Geographical Area The potential for work-placements extends throughout the Cairngorm National Park (CNP) and surrounding areas. For this reason, and also because the pool of potential employers offering outdoor activities was not excessive, it was decided to scope in all apparently appropriate organisations listed in Reference A. On the other hand, knowing that any subsequent Pilot would take place in the area local to Badenoch and Strathspey it was anticipated that it would, therefore, only involve pupils from the schools mentioned. Consequently, it was considered adequate to restrict the study to these schools, especially as it was recognised that the senior staff members involved could bring to the investigation considerable insight and experience based upon their involvement over many years of similar initiatives covering a range of employment sectors. 6 4 METHODS 4.1 Previous Research and Studies As mentioned earlier, some of the impetus for the Aim and Objectives of this project were generated by the findings of earlier research studies; (References A – C). Furthermore, both during the exploratory and design phases of the project, SkillsActive sought to liaise with and keep informed other organisations as appropriate in order to minimise the risk of duplication. In addition, and when conducting the investigation, some reference was made to similar projects taking place elsewhere throughout Scotland: for example, Breadalbane Academy has been developing a vocational training programme in respect of land-based studies, the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) has been piloting a range of Skills for Work courses and Lochaber College has been piloting and developing similar programmes. However, the amount of additional general and sector-specific research and piloting activity being carried out is prodigious: indeed, as the project unfolded the extent to which these studies were taking place became increasingly apparent. Nevertheless, given the time available to complete Stage One of the project it was possible to give them only superficial attention and merely acknowledge their existence. 4.2 Consultation with Schools An initial meeting took place with representatives of the secondary schools in Grantown-on-Spey and Kingussie in order to gauge the extent of their interest in such a project. During this meeting the representatives identified their key issues associated with the Pilot and provided valuable suggestions regarding their essential and desirable criteria and parameters. Subsequently, individual meetings were held with the school representatives when these issues were confirmed and investigated. 4.3 Consultation with Employers Organisations working in the outdoor sector were chosen using the database of organisations contained in the Cairngorm Chamber of Commerce study, (Reference A), However, it quickly became apparent that the categorization of outdoor sector organisations is extremely confusing in that it incorporates such a wide range of occupational areas. For example, within the same category can be found outdoor activity course providers, holiday centres, guides, providers of outdoor equipment, facilities and bunk accommodation and corporate and recreational activity providers. In addition, further complications arose when it was realised that some of these operate multiactivity roles or are sole traders who sometimes contract with self-employed 7 operators or employ the services of volunteers: (it would appear that a significant proportion of such people have moved to and settled in the area in order that they may follow such an employment path). Thus, when considering the appropriateness of an organisation to participate in a Pilot in which pupils would be offered work experience in the broad area of ‘outdoor activities’ it became clear that some informal judgements needed to be made regarding the suitability of including a number of the listed organisations. So, given the work-experience wishes of the schools and pupils, it became apparent that some organisations on the proposed list of potential employers were not really appropriate for placements for the purposes of this Pilot. Furthermore, even having decided upon a short-list of apparently suitable organisations to approach, the actual interviews often revealed additional problems. For example, the activities of some of the employers still did not fall within the scope of the Pilot or their size and operating methodologies, (such as relying primarily upon contracted, self-employed instructors) meant that they were not compatible with the achievement of the aims and objectives of this project. Nonetheless, feeling it to be essential that the views of a wide spectrum of employers were obtained, their comments about the workplacement concept were gathered and have been taken into account within the Findings section of this report. A list of the organisations contacted can be found at Annex A. 8 5 FINDINGS 5.1 General Issues 5.1.1 Overarching Strategy An enormous amount of work has and is taking place across the country aimed at improving the longer-term work prospects and opportunities available to school-leavers. Certainly the bewilderingly large number of projects, studies, research papers, audits and pilots undertaken in support of this aim and covering many occupational sectors is prodigious and is testament to the commitment and dedication of the wide range and number of organisations and individuals involved. People conceded that the complexities of the working landscape within which many organisations are operating makes meaningful communication difficult, particularly given that some are working at a national level whilst others retain a local focus. Nevertheless, there was a strong belief amongst the respondents that, in the majority of cases and at an operational level, lessons learned and findings made do not seem to be systematically shared. It was acknowledged that the various top level and project managers invariably recognise that parallel or similar work is taking place elsewhere and that this is noted and sometimes used as a reference source. However, the perception remains that knowledge of and access to previous work is often the result of fortuitous awareness and contacts and, furthermore, that such awareness of similar projects does not necessarily result in the work being built upon. Consequently, many of the people interviewed in this study felt that such work is taking place within, at best, only a hazy national or even local over-arching strategy. Furthermore, when one considers that a fundamental aim of many of these projects is to support or stimulate the creation of sustainable employment opportunities throughout communities, many found it difficult to have faith in a belief that other influential strategies, such as those dealing with housing provision, rural public transport and the maintenance of a rural social infrastructure, (such as securing the longer-term viability of some schools and post-offices), were being brought into the equation. So, whilst acknowledging that the perceptions of participants in this study were not necessarily representative, systematically canvassed nor investigated in detail, they were still real for the people concerned. As a result and to varying degrees these views tainted the motivation of some to become actively involved in projects such as this. 5.1.2 Employer Motivation The strategic considerations touched upon above are, undoubtedly, being considered by national and local government agencies and enterprise companies but, to reiterate, at grass-roots level many people appear to remain sceptical that much progress is being made. Consequently it was 9 apparent that whilst willing to participate and being politely supportive of the project’s aim, many contributors were doubtful that any real, long-term developments would take place: they explained that they had seen similar ‘initiatives’ over many years which, in their experience, inevitably withered on the vine after the initial growth spurt. 5.1.3 School Motivation There is absolutely no doubt about the commitment that members of the teaching community give to improving the employment and career prospects of their pupils. Consequently, they inevitably give their support to any project that appears to benefit the chldren. Nevertheless, teachers at all levels are not immune to the development of the scepticisms raised in paragraphs 5.1.1 and 5.1.2, particularly when this is viewed against a background of increased administrative burdens, audit processes and risk assessments that, over recent years, have placed major work-loads upon educators at all levels. 5.1.4 Funding Projects such as this seek funds from a wide range of funding sources although the overall purse available is limited. Furthermore, there was a perception that funding allocation sometimes depended more upon the quality of the bid and whether it adequately adhered to the required application criteria rather than being based upon the intrinsic value of the project. Consequently, and this again being strengthened by their lack of faith in the existence of a coherent strategic over-view, many people considered that funds were not being used to best effect. Furthermore, and whilst everyone acknowledged the need for financial propriety, it was felt that inappropriate timeframes are sometimes imposed upon projects in that they correspond more with meeting the auditing deadlines set by the funders rather than being driven by the intrinsic needs of the project. 5.1.5 Occupational Classifications The classification of occupations within the outdoor sector is not straightforward and could include, for example, instructional work, corporate and personal development, holidays, guiding or merely the provision and maintenance of accommodation, facilities and equipment. Furthermore, there is a blurring of the boundaries when some classifications relating to the outdoor sector incorporate, for example, organisations that concern themselves with conservation, animal husbandry or rural, agricultural, estate, environmental and land management. 5.1.6 Clarity of Pupils’ Aspirations regarding Outdoor Employment As noted above, a wide range of potential occupation classifications are often included when consideration is being given to employment opportunities available in the outdoor activities sector. Pupils aspiring to work in this area need to be clear as to whether they wish for a career with an outdoor activities provider or are actually seeking a form of employment that gives them the opportunity to work outdoors. 10 5.1.7 Opportunities available for employment in the Outdoor Activities Sector The wide range of interpretations that exist regarding the range of occupations classified as falling within the outdoor sector could give rise to a false assumption that employment opportunities within the area of outdoor activies are greater than is really the case. Consequently, it was felt that such a false premise could wrongly skew work-placement strategies and also raise unrealistic expectations when efforts are being made to promote sustainable employment opportunities for local youngsters. Furthermore, and partly as a result of the growth in outdoor activities education courses provided by Universities and Colleges, the pool of people seeking employment in the outdoor sector has increased over recent years. Obviously, these people are also hoping to secure a foothold on this career pathway and a number of the employers interviewed in this project explained that they receive regular unsolicited requests from individuals nationwide who are seeking workexperience or employment. As a result they felt that they could easily fill their organisations with such recruits. Again the situation is further complicated by the employment strategies of some self-employed, sole traders who tend to irregularly use the services of volunteers and contract staff as client demand dictates. 5.2 Pilot-specific Issues 5.2.1 Pupil Profile As should be expected, no-one interviewed raised any discriminatory issues relating to, for example, gender, race or disabilty. Regarding the age of the placements and in order to ensure compatibility with curriculum content and phasing, the schools anticipated that the pupils involved in the Pilot would be 16+. All employers considered this to be suitable. One employer raised the point that someone of that age could not be given a vehicle to drive but, when asked if this would be an inhibiting feature, all the other employers were quick to indicate that a placement pupil would not be given charge of a vehicle anyway! 5.2.2 Duration and Timing of the Pilot With Stage Two of this Pilot to be completed by September 2006, a duration period of about six weeks was considered to be appropriate and would dovetail with school programmes. In this respect, the schools considered that any period between late May and June would be appropriate: however, placements could extend into the Summer school break period or even into the first few weeks of the Autumn term. The period from mid-September onwards was considered inappropriate because of examination preparation and pressures. Given these points and the timeframe of the Pilot, the schools felt that a total of six or seven placement days should be sought, ideally spaced over that number of weeks rather than being carried out as one block. 11 In principle, employers felt that they could accommodate such a programme although a number indicated that seasonal factors associated with their activities might influence the type and range of work-experience that might be available. 5.2.3 Co-ordination and Liaison Both the schools and employers felt it to be important that a person be appointed to act as a link between the two parties. Whilst no precise definition was given as to the roles and functions that such a person should fulfil, the intuitive feeling from employers was that the person should be required to minimise any administrative burdens placed upon the employer and also be responsible for any issues of a broadly pastoral nature. 5.2.4 Links to the School Curriculum An imperative requirement of the schools was that any work-experience activity, be it during the Pilot or subsequently, should link with the school curriculum and take account of existing vocational pathways leading to some form of accreditation. In principle, employers understood the desire for this requirement and accepted that it would need to be a necessary element of any placement. However, many had only a superficial knowledge of the provision available and how this would work in practice. All felt that they and, where appropriate, their staff had the ability to effectively train, coach, mentor and evaluate performance but awaited further information before making any commitment to how best to proceed with this issue. Certainly, all were concerned that this requirement contained the potential for imposing a high work load upon their staff members, be it in terms of direct supervision or in the completion of associated paperwork and administration. In acknowledgement of these difficulties the school representatives recognised that the schools would need to retain some control and co-ordination of the linkages to the curriculum being achieved and that the Co-ordinator might have a role to play here. 5.2.5 Work-placement Activities A fundamental objective of any placement would be to provide participating pupils with an insight into the type of work carried out within the outdoor activities sector and give them an opportunity to work on practical skills directly relevant to the job. However, in addition, it is anticipated that such a learning experience in a ‘real’ situation would also reinforce pupil-awareness about wider world-of-work issues such as personal responsibilities associated with timekeeping, appearance, team-working, customer care, work-place protocols: essentially, features that combine to create a positive work ethic. The employers interviewed subscribed wholeheartedly to this objective and, indeed, many had been involved in identifying skills and personal qualities that employers seek in their employees, (Reference A). However, they unanimously expressed the view that, given the commercial imperative of their organisations, the type and range of activities they could offer to placements would be limited and so not truly reflective of their outdoor 12 activities role. They explained that their first and prime concern would always be to service the needs of their paying customers and that this focus would frequently, they felt, interfere with their ability to adequately support the workplacement requirements. For example, many anticipated that some of the activities would require of pupils a level of physical rigour, personal technical proficiency, outdoor environment awareness and be of a duration that would preclude participation, even if this was only in a shadowing role. Furthermore, the regulations of National Governing Bodies recommend staff to student ratios which could further interfere with the ability to easily subsume a workplacement pupil into a group. A fundamental concern was that the end result would be the staff member having to closely supervise and give attention to the needs and safety of the pupil at the expense of the paying client. Given this scenario, many employers felt that in practice, and despite their best intentions, it would be difficult to dedicate a member of staff to the pupils exclusively. Consequently, all felt that pupils would probably end up being shuffled around from person to person which would result in them being given menial, safe and routine jobs such as basic office administration, cleaning equipment or even making tea just in order to give them something to do. Furthermore, it was felt that even this type of work was unlikely to be closely supervised, would be provided on an ad hoc basis and would have the potential to be interspersed by long periods of inactivity. 5.2.6 Costs and Overheads Employers anticipated that their organisations would not be willing to absorb major financial overheads associated with any placement. Whilst they felt it to be possible and appropriate for pupils to take advantage of arrangements that are made for permanent employees; (for example, travel on a pick-up vehicle, access to staff canteen facilities or the use of appropriate equipment and protective clothing), it was considered unlikely that special provisions for pupils over and above routine arrangements would be provided. Indeed, they felt that when one considers the concept of work-experience in its wider sense and as indicated earlier, it could be argued that any such special provision would not be desirable anyway. 5.2.7 Health and Safety at Work (HSW) and Risk Assessment It is not the place of this paper to define in detail the Health and Safety at Work (HSW) and Risk Assessment guidelines, statutory requirements and compliance procedures laid down by The Health and Safety Commission (HSC) in respect of outdoor activity providers. Suffice it to say here that there are stringent Licencing requirements for organisations working in the outdoor activities sector. As a result, considerable emphasis is placed upon organisations to ensure the provision of HSW and Risk Assessment policies and practices and to make these open to external scrutiny. Consequently, the employers interviewed considered their practices and standards to be adequate for and inclusive of any work-experience pupils. Equally, the schools believed that they had no reason to doubt this. Nevertheless, they felt that they had an obligation, if only to satisfy parents, Governers, Education Authorities and other interested parties, that before making a placement they were also applying some independent scrutiny and verification that these good practices were in place and being effectively applied. For example, not 13 all organisations have found it necessary for their employees to have undergone the Disclosure Scotland process and this may be an aspect of risk assessment that would need to be addressed before a placement could be made. 5.2.8 Selection Process Both the schools and employers considered it to be appropriate that about eight pupils participate in the Pilot stage of this project. That said, the two schools involved were confident that between them they had more than that number of pupils who had expressed an interest in becoming involved. Given this fact, but also to again make the work-experience more realistic, both the schools and employers believed that the pupils could gain valuable experience of work-related practices by going through a staged yet typical and formal job application and selection process. Furthermore, there was some support for the idea that successful applicants be issued with a written Contract similar to and representative of a Contract of Employment. In principle, employers were supportive of the idea of participating in such a selection process. However, again, their major concern was that this could be time-consuming and create for them an unacceptable manning burden. 5.2.9 Evaluation Obviously, in order to clarify how best to continue beyond the Pilot stage of the project, an evaluation of the work-placement experience would need to take place. Additionally, at an individual level, there was a strong belief that some form of personal evaluation should occur which would involve all participating parties, including the pupils. Again there was general consensus that this would be a most valuable element in the work-experience package in that it would provide each pupil with personal insights regarding their motivations, strengths and development needs regarding their approach and attitude to the working environment generally and the outdoor sector specifically. Once more, employers were supportive of the concept in principle but concerned about the manning implications and burden of participating. 14 6 CONCLUSIONS 6.1 Overarching Issues 6.1.1 Strategic Co-ordination A considerable number of strategy and policy documents are available which indicate that high level authorities are trying to create inclusive and interrelated strategies. Also, through means such as consultation sessions, presentations and the dissemination of literature, attempts are being made to communicate these to the public at large. Nevertheless, comments made during this project suggest that some people remain convinced that much of the work being undertaken when developing or implementing these strategies lacks cohesion, remains parochial in outlook, fails to effectively build upon knowledge gained elsewhere and does not always result in the best use of the limited funds available. There was certainly a high degree of support for the aim of this project; but there remains the potential for the negative perceptions noted above to conflict with and possibly erode people’s ability to retain a positive outlook. 6.2 Pilot-related Issues 6.2.1 Commercial Priorities Employers give their support, in principle, to the idea of providing local youngsters with work-placement opportunities. However, as explained in Section 5, they feel that commercial and practical pressures would almost certainly dilute the quality of any work experience that could be realistically made available. Furthermore, they believe that these factors would undoubtedly downgrade the quality and intensity of any support and supervision they could provide. Consequently, the unavoidable conclusion is that any Pilot work-placement activity in the format originally anticipated would fall far short of the ideal and probably be counter-productive for both the employer and pupil. 6.2.2 The Way Ahead Despite the issues detailed in Section 6.1 and in no way wishing for them to be overlooked or minimised, it is to the credit of some employers that they willingly volunteered to explore different ways of satisfying the project’s Objectives as given in Section 2.2. As a result of these discussions there evolved an alternative work-placement Model, the broad terms and key features of which are now given. 6.3 Revised Work-Placement Model (Pilot) 6.3.1 Format Discussions resulted in the following proposals: 15 Eight work-experience placements could be made available. Each placement could last for a total of six or seven days. The placements could occur as single days, (or, perhaps, incorporate some back-to-back days), and take place during the period June to September 2006. The placement locations would be limited to two or three outdoor activity organisations, each one of the organisations taking responsibility for, say, two days of work experience. All eight placements would attend each organisation together as a group. The organisations would endeavour to allocate dedicated staff to the work-placement members for the duration of their stay at their Centre. The work-experience programme devised would aim to offer the pupils practical experience of some outdoor activities but also incorporate awareness-raising sessions regarding the role and responsibilities of people working in this specific sector. The programme could, therefore, incorporate the following elements, (although these are only offered as suggestions at this stage): 1. Some practical participation in a number of outdoor activities as deemed to be suitable to the requirements and ability level of the group. 2. Consideration of the roles and responsibilities of an outdoor instructor. 3. An analysis of the personal qualities required of an outdoor instructor. 4. An opportunity for each pupil to undertake some personal and supported self-analysis regarding their suitability and potential for the role. 5. An indication of the potential diversity and career prospects and pathways available within the outdoor sector. 6. Awareness–raising regarding the range of Governing Bodies associated with the sector, the extent and diversity of qualifications available and the pathways by which such accreditations might be achieved. 7. The inclusion of a structured and formal application and selection process for a place on the Pilot with designated Centre staff members taking a leading role in its implementation. 16 8. The inclusion of a comprehensive evaluation process of both the Pilot project and each pupil. The evaluation would include all participating parties and, again, involve the designated Centre staff members. Obviously, should it be felt that this Revised Model has merit, a detailed implementation plan would need to be devised. 6.3.2 Potential Benefits of the Revised Model Organisations that have intimated their willingness to take part in such a Pilot model have highlighted a number of potential benefits: Given a commitment of this nature they would be more inclined and probably better able to allocate a designated staff member to the group. Consequently, a structured programme of work-experience could be devised, thereby overcoming the likelihood that a placement would be given an ad hoc and unstructured experience. There would be opportunity for pupils to experience a number of outdoor activities appropriate to the constraints of the Pilot project and their abilities. Any such practical participation and experience would be supplemented by a more educative component in which pupils would learn more about the career potential and opportunities available in the outdoor activities sector. There would be opportunity for the pupils to take part in some structured and supported self-analysis regarding their career aspirations and motives, thereby better enabling them to arrive at a rational decision regarding their suitability and desire for such a future. The ‘whole-group’ format would provide pupils with better peer support and reassurance whilst on placement. There would be greater opportunity for pupils to informally meet and converse with outdoor Centre staff members and thereby absorb an appreciation of the nature of the outdoor sector’s working environment and culture. The structured application and evaluation processes would provide pupils with added dimensions to the work-experience package. The ‘whole-group’ focus of the placement would better enable coordination and liaison to occur. Instead of having to oversee a dispersed group it might be possible, for example, for the Co-ordinator 17 to become more actively involved and available to the pupils whilst on placement. It may be possible for participating staff members to use the programme as part of their own personal development programme. The Pilot could possibly be linked to aspects of the school curriculum; for example, by relating it to Work Experience, Personal and Social Development, Working with Others or Enterprise and Education. 6.3.3 Potential Difficulties Created by the Revised Model At first sight the Revised Model does not so obviously lend itself to the prospect of subsequent, longer-term work-experience placements. However, it would be wrong at this stage to anticipate the outcome of the Pilot; subsequent evaluation may indeed generate ideas that enable sustainable placements to be made available. 18 7 RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1 Pilot-specific The following Recommendations relate to the development and implementation of a Pilot exercise only. It is not intended that the list necessarily reflects a chronological sequence of events. The Pilot exercise proceeds using the Revised Work-Placement Model. Not less than three organisations become active partners in the Pilot. A person be appointed to assume the role and responsibilities of Coordinator. The role, responsibilities and remit of the Co-ordinator be agreed in consultation with all parties actively involved in the Pilot. A Work-Placement Pilot Programme be devised involving the Schools, Partner organisations and the Co-ordinator. The Programme defines clearly the responsibilities of each party. The Programme occurs between June and September 2006. The duration of the Programme be approximately seven days, this to include the application and selection process and End-of-Programme Evaluation. A formal application and selection process be used when selecting pupils for participation. Participating pupils be issued with a Placement Contract that simulates a Contract of Employment as issued to permanent employees. Each pupil be given opportunity to take part in an exit personal performance review. The Evaluation of the Pilot concludes with Recommendations regarding the feasibility or otherwise of extending the Pilot into more sustainable, longer-term work-placement opportunities. The Evaluation of the Pilot takes account of feedback from all participants, including the pupils. 19 8 ANNEXES ANNEX A: List of Organisations Contacted Cairngorm Mountain Limited Glenmore Lodge The British Association of Ski-board Instructors (BASI) Cabin Fever Crathie Opportunity Holidays Alvie and Dalraddy Estates Rothiemurchus Estate Royal Air Force Outdoor Activities Centre Bothy Bikes Equal Adventure Abernethy Outdoor Centre Mountain Innovations Repeated unsuccessful attempts were made, either by frequent telephone calls or site visits, to contact another eight organisations. In the main, these organisations were either in their low season and presumably, therefore, not operating, or sole traders who were possibly working away from base with their clients. ANNEX B: References A Cairngorms Vocational Employment Scheme: Business Skills Audit February 2006. (Cairngorm Chamber of Commerce). B Cairngorm National Park Authority: Training Needs Analysis Project (Assess Potential Modern Apprentices Training and Development Needs). Irene J MacDonald Associates; February 2006. C Cairngorm National Park Authority: Information Gathering – training provision and funding – Final Report. BASIL+ (3 February 2006). 20