9th September 2004 - Christ Church Academy

22nd September 2011
Dear Parent/Carer
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all Year 5 pupils and say how pleased the staff are as to how
they have settled. As you are aware we have many feeder schools and the children have the opportunity to
make lots of new friends from different areas. To help the children settle into their new class and develop
good relationships we have organised an activity day at Stanley Head Outdoor Education Centre.
Monday 3rd October
Wednesday 4th October
Thursday 6th October
Friday 7th October
The children will be involved in numerous team building activities which will provide an invaluable
experience for them and help them work together as a class. This in turn develops a more positive attitude
towards their work and to their new school.
The coach will be leaving school at 9.00 am and returning before the end of the school day.
The children will require a packed lunch and will need to wear suitable clothes for the various activities i.e.
trainers, tracksuit bottoms and t-shirts. Pupils will also need an outdoor coat.
The cost of the trip is £12.00 which includes the price charged by the centre, buses and insurance. If your
child wishes to participate in the visit please return the slip along with your payment as soon as possible and
no later than Thursday 29th September. If you wish to pay by cheque please make it payable to Christ Church
Yours sincerely
Mrs C Moor
Christ Church Academy - Year 5 visit to Stanley Head Outdoor Education Centre- October 2011
I give permission for my child _______________________ Class __________________ to attend the above
trip and enclose £12.00 cheque/cash (in a sealed envelope with child’s name and class on, cheques made
payable to CCA).
Please indicate below which meals your child has:
Free School Meals _____________
Dinners _______________ Sandwiches _____________
Signed _______________________________________
Date ___________________