Academic Contract

CHC 230 • 157 Commonwealth Ave • University of Massachusetts Amherst 01003-3232
(413)545-2504 •
As a prospective BDIC student, I acknowledge the following guidelines and
requirements of the program:
1. Successfully complete the one credit course, BDIC 396P, and submit a proposal that is accepted by a
Faculty Supervisor.
2. Completion of at least twelve upper level (numbered 300 or above) 3-credit courses totaling at least
36 credits in the area of concentration, with a minimum grade of “C.”
3. Completion of either: BDIC 496C, a Junior Year Writing class from a different department that
fulfills all of the Junior Year Writing requirements, or an Honors Thesis/Project.
4. Completion of BDIC 394I, Integration and Innovation (BDIC’s IE course), or a class from a different
department that fulfills the Integrative Experience requirement.
5. Completion of the Foreign Language requirement if required by your faculty supervisor. FL
requirement dependent on area of concentration.
6. Commit to at least four semesters in the program. The semester a student is in the Proposal Writing
class is considered the first semester in BDIC. A semester is counted if two or more upper level
courses related to the concentration are taken and listed on curriculum.
7. All changes to the curriculum plan (using the “Changes to Concentration” request form) must be
submitted to the student’s BDIC Supervisor with the SPONSOR signature already on it. Forms must
be submitted during the semester in which the classes are taken. Changes submitted after the last day
of classes in any given semester will not be accepted.
8. Submit a Senior Summary and one-page Abstract during the last semester in the program. Both
documents must be turned in by November 15th for February grads, April 1st for May grads, and
September 1st for October grads.
9. Meet at least once per semester with Faculty Sponsor and BDIC Supervisor.
10. Agree to include no more than three retroactive courses from no earlier than the semester previous to
the one in which you are enrolled in BDIC 396P, Proposal Writing. Any additional retroactive classes
inadvertently included in the proposal will automatically be removed from the curriculum plan.
11. Periodically check your ARR and contact the Office with any issues. It is your responsibility to check
your requirements.
I further understand that my acceptance into BDIC is conditional upon acceptance of my Proposal,
and the completion of my degree is provisional upon following the above guidelines.
Student’s Signature
Rev 06/14
Student’s Printed Name
607 Goodell • 140 Hicks Way • University of Massachusetts Amherst 01003-3232 • (413)545-2504 •
Isenberg Course Memorandum
Memo to: All BDIC students who may include any Isenberg School of Management
courses in their proposal.
Courses in the Isenberg School of Management are often overenrolled. For this reason, it has
become necessary to emphasize the following points:
1. BDIC majors may include a maximum of four courses from the Isenberg School of
Management in their BDIC program. This includes any courses numbered 301 and higher.
Students will not be enrolled in any courses if they have not met the pre-requisite for that
2. Being a BDIC major does not guarantee you admission to any Isenberg course. BDIC
students are not precluded from enrolling in Isenberg courses, but they have the same priority
as students from non-Isenberg departments.
3. Isenberg professors will not accept the plea that you need a specific course for graduation,
etc. any more than they would accept such a plea from one of the other non-Isenberg majors.
4. Therefore, for each Isenberg course that you include in your BDIC proposal, it is your
responsibility to list an alternative non-Isenberg course and be prepared to take it should you
not be able to enroll in your first choice. Alternative courses can be taken through
Continuing Education, in another department at UMass, and/or at another college or
university. However, even at another college or university, the substitute courses must be
outside that college or university’s management department.
5. The following courses will not be accessible to BDIC students: Sch-mgmt 310, 312, 314,
315, 390A and 390S (which are any of the Sch-Mgmt communication courses), Marketing
412, Management 397A, or a capstone course such as Sch-Mgmt 494BI, Ht-Mgt 433, 444,
455, and SportMgt 494PI. NO EXCEPTIONS.
I have read and understood the above policy.
Student’s Signature
Rev 06/14
Student’s Printed Name