Admissions Policy Checklist

SPA - Admissions Policies: Check list
Admissions Policies: SPA Checklist for College higher education providers
May 2013
This checklist gives an indication of some of the key topics that SPA suggests universities and
colleges cover in their admissions policies. It is not exhaustive but hopefully will be helpful in
reminding institutions of what the policies should cover. It should be read in conjunction with the SPA
Good Practice Statement on Admissions Policies.
Policies should be made readily available to applicants and their advisors, normally via institutions’
websites, or in the case of some College HE providers, via their partner HEI’s website.
A couple of sentences or paragraphs on many of these topics may suffice, while others may need to
be longer, possibly even being separate policies in their own right. Some policies will apply across
the institution and can be published centrally, with reference to them from course or programme
profiles, while in other cases it might be more appropriate to present the information at course or
programme level. It may also be necessary to have polices both at institution and at
course/programme level (though they should, of course, be consistent).
Some of the topics in the checklist may not apply to your institution (e.g. you may not use admissions
tests), in which case a simple statement to that effect should suffice. Remember that clarity over what
is not required can often be as helpful as detail on what is.
An admissions policy should be updated in time for the beginning of each new admissions cycle and
applied consistently throughout the year. If you are writing a completely new HE admissions policy or
updating a basic one, carefully consider the resources required (including time) to develop policy on
every topic in the checklist. If, for any reason, it would not be practical within the given deadline to
develop everything, agree a rationale for prioritising the most relevant topics for your institution and
focus on delivering those.
For example, you could prioritise according to the areas that would give greatest transparency and
information for applicants, or ensure compliance with any statutory requirements (e.g. QAA; partners)
or give greatest support to consistency within your institution, Note any remaining topics not covered
and agree a timeline for reviewing them and including them into your policy over subsequent years.
SPA is always happy to offer advice and guidance; contact us at, Telephone
01242 544891 or consult our website at
SPA - Admissions Policies: Check list
Does your policy have …
Overarching/introductory information
High level statement (potentially from institutional mission statement)
Strategic framework
Responsibilities for policy approval and updating
Responsibilities for operation, monitoring and review of the policy
Compliance with legislation
Good practice guidance used to inform policy (e.g. QAA; SPA)
Relationships between (and responsibilities of) partner institutions
Statement on support and training for /professionalism of admissions staff
A link to internal quality assurance information
Information for applicants and entry requirements
Financial information (including bursaries and scholarships)
Timescales (including any service level agreements)
Offer/entry requirements
Links to other relevant policies if these are separate e.g. separate policies for College HE
students if these exit, disability, equality and diversity, appeals and complaints.
Issues in considering applications – institution level
UCAS similarity detection service
fraudulent application
relevant criminal convictions (inc disclosure for some courses)
in care/ looked after young people
parents/ guardians/ carers who may have/ have not undertaken higher education
extenuating, mitigating or medical circumstances
complaints or appeals
Issues in considering applications – course level
foundation year or bridging course and the progression from these courses
direct entry into the second or later year of a course
re-sitting qualifications for entry
requirement to provide a portfolio presentation or other material evidence
SPA - Admissions Policies: Check list
feedback on the reasons for rejection
weight given to prior and potential academic and other achievement including work
weight given to the personal statement and to the reference on the application
required to attend for interview including purpose and type of interview (but not specific
interview arrangements)
required to take an admissions test and information relating to how the test score is used
including the weighting in relation to other criteria
Issues in considering applications – course and institution level
progression and ‘top-up’ arrangements between courses and institutions
accelerated learning
extended learning
deferred entry
Adjustment and Clearing
fee status assessment
any different consideration according to student number control numbers/exemption
discontinued courses
reapplying for the same or different course at the institution
applying for readmission having withdrawn
applying for readmission having had their course terminated at the institution
applying for a course/programme with multiple start dates or a start date other than in
September/ October
institution’s compact, progression or articulation agreement or credit transfer arrangements
general policies on qualifications or specific subjects which are preferred, or which are not
acceptable, either on their own or in particular combinations, including GCSE requirements
unit grade information, including how it is used if it is used
changes in the curriculum including changes to A levels, Curriculum for Excellence in
Scotland, Welsh Baccalaureate, etc.
access qualifications – e.g. Access to HE Diploma (England)
English language requirements
international qualifications
SPA – May 2013