C - Naresuan University

Name :
Miss Kultida Chaijinda
Nationality :
Birth details :
4 February 1973, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Marital Status :
Home address :
179 Moo 4 Tambon Sansai Saraphi District
Tel : (6653) 429465
Mobile : 089-4314124
Position :
Department of Pharmacy Practice
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Naresuan University
Phitsanulok 65000, THAILAND
Tel : (6655) 261000 ext. 3620
Fax : (6655) 261057
E-mail address :
Chiang Mai
Academic qualifications :
Bachelor of Pharmacy, Silpakorn University, Nakornpathom,
Thailand GPA 2.90 out of 4.00, Februry 1996
Senior Project :
Attitudes of pharmacy students of Silpakorn University on
pharmacy professional roles
Master of Science in Pharmacy (Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy),
Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand GPA 3.68 out of
4.00, November 1998
Master Degree Thesis :
Evaluation of total parenteral nutrition administered via a central
venous catheter in adult patients at Chulalongkorn Hospital
Doctor of Philosophy (Pharmacy), Chiang Mai University, Chiang
Mai, Thailand
Dissertation :
Development and evaluation of pictorial labeling system for
northern Thai patients with low literate skills
Scholarship and grant :
University Developing Commissions (UDC) Grant, Ministry of
University Affairs, Thailand
University Developing Commissions (UDC) Grant, Ministry of
University Affairs, Thailand
Thai Health Promotion Foundation, Thailand
Professional experience :
1. Teaching
1.1 Professional Communication (course director) for Bachelor of Science in
Pharmacy Degree students and Doctor of Pharmacy students in the following topics
- Communication skills
- Interpersonal communication
- Communication in healthcare relationship
- Patient interview
- Patient education
- Concept of counseling
- Counseling patients in challenging situations
- Counseling to enhance compliance
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of patient counseling
- Patient counseling: focus on sexual transmitted diseases
- Drug counseling on telephone
- Mass communication
1.2 Hospital Pharmacy (course director) for Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy
Degree students in the following topics
- Clinical pharmacy
- Drug counseling
- Drug use evaluation
1.3 Social and Behavioral Pharmacy for Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy
Degree students in the following topic
- Medication compliance
1.4 Pharmacotherapeutics for Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy Degree
students and Doctor of Pharmacy students in the following topics
- Concept of pharmaceutical care
- Drug related problems
- Problem oriented medical record
- SOAP note and FARM note
- Gastrointestinal disorders and Hepatitis
1.5 Dispensing Pharmacy for Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy Degree
students in the following topics
- History taking
- Drug counseling
- Gastrointestinal drug
- Vitamin and Mineral
Baby milk formula
1.6 Pharmacology for students in the following programs
- Doctor of Medicine
- Doctor of Dental Surgery
- Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy
- Bachelor Degree in Nursing
- Bachelor Degree in Public Health
- Bachelor of Science Degree (Cardio-Thoracic)
in the following pharmacology topics
- Gastrointestinal drugs
- Hematologic drugs
- Steroid drugs
- Oral contraceptive drugs
- Adverse drug reactions
2. Advisor and co-advisor
2.1 Advisor in Senior Projects for Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy Degree
2.1.1 Establishment of information system for Pharmacy Department on
the internet at Sawanpracharuk Hospital
2.1.2 Survey of knowledge in Pharm.D. graduated among hospital
pharmacists in the lower northern region
2.1.3 Drug use evaluation of ciprofloxacin injection in adult patients at
Pichit Hospital
2.1.4 Drug use evaluation of erythropoietin in adult patients at
Buddhachinnaraj Hospital
2.1.5 Study of the appropriate use of oral contraceptive in Muang
District, Phitsanulok
2.1.6 Comparison of healthcare seeking behavior of people in
Phitsanulok, before and after the introduction of universal health
coverage policy
2.2 Advisor in Senior Projects for Doctor of Pharmacy students:
2.2.1 Study of utilization ceftazidime in adult patients on medicine ward
at Buddhachinaraj Phitsanulok hospital
2.2.2 The evaluation the diabetes patients’ understanding of
pharmacist’s discharge counseling at female’s medicine ward,
Ayutthaya hospital, Thailand
Advisor in Independent Study for Master of Pharmacy Degree
program in Community Pharmacy students:
2.3.1 A study of drug information that Thai patients need from
community pharmacists in Bangkok
2.3.2 Survey of opinion of people in Bangkok on community
pharmacists operating in drugstores
2.3.3 Study of a drug-selection guideline for drugstore in Bangkok
2.3.4 Desirable characteristics of community pharmacists : A survey on
the residents of Muang Municipality in Chonburi
Co-advisor in Senior Projects for Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy
Degree students
2.4.1 Thai pharmacists’ career commitment
2.4.2 Thai pharmacists’ job satisfaction
3. Teaching assistant for Master of Pharmacy Degree program in Community
Pharmacy students in the following subjects
3.1 Pharmaceutical Care and Professional Communication
3.2 Pharmacotherapeutics
4. Conferences
4.1 The 3rd Congress of PENSA (Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Society of
Asia) at Central Plaza Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, October 29-31, 1997
4.2 Workshop: “Counseling to enhance compliance” Faculty of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Prince of Songkla University, Songkla, Thailand,
April 19-23, 1999
4.3 Clinical pharmacy workshop: “Advanced pharmacotherapeutics”
Faculty of Pharmacy, Chiang Mai, Thailand, May 17-21, 1999
4.4 The Association of Hospital Pharmacy (Thailand) meeting, August 25-27,
4.5 Workshop: “Communication and presentation techniques” ASEAN
Institute for Health Development, Mahidol University, Nakornpathom,
Thailand, May 22-25, 2000
4.6 Pharmaceutical care foresight symposium. Faculty of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand, July 27-29, 2000
4.7 Workshop: Improving medication use process in pharmacist
communication: education and behavioral interventions. Faculty of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand,
July 31 – August 4, 2000
4.8 The 1st Pharmaceutical Care Workshop: “Development of
pharmaceutical care skills from case study” Faculty of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand, August 24-25, 2000
4.9 Teaching to think with MEQ (Modified Essay Question) in health
sciences training. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongkorn
University, Bangkok, Thailand, October 7, 2000
4.10 Training: production of radio programs. Naresuan University radio
station, Phitsanulok, Thailand, October 30, 2000
4.11 Workshop: “Basic production of cosmetics” Faculty of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand, May 26-28, 2000
4.12 Assessor training. Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand, August
10, 2001
4.13 Workshop: “Pharmacist’s roles in primary care unit” Faculty of
Pharmacy, Chiang Mai, Thailand, February 4-5, 2002
4.14 Clinical pharmacy workshop: “Sociology in Public Health” Faculty of
Pharmacy, Chiang Mai, Thailand, June 10-14, 2002
4.15 Workshop: “Research proposal writing for international grants”
Faculty of Pharmacy, Chiang Mai, Thailand, July 25-26, 2002
4.16 Comprehensive research presentation skill workshop, Faculty of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand,
August 21-25, 2002
4.17 Clinical pharmacy workshop: “Research methodology I, II : selfdirected learning” Faculty of Pharmacy, Chiang Mai, Thailand,
November 25-30, 2002
4.18 Clinical pharmacy workshop: “New drugs and novel concepts” Faculty
of Pharmacy, Chiang Mai, Thailand, May 12-16, 2003
4.19 Clinical pharmacy workshop: “Sociology in public health” Faculty of
Pharmacy, Chiang Mai, Thailand, June 16-20, 2003
4.20 Research and Teaching Forum “Opening dialogues in healthcare
communication” Indiana University School of Medicine, Indiana, USA,
October 1-3, 2004
5. Research presentation
5.1 Chaijinda K, Hemachudha A and Chalaprawat M, Evaluation of total
parenteral nutrition administered via a central venous catheter in adult
patients at Chulalongkorn Hospital. Poster presented at the Association of
Hospital Pharmacy, August 24, 1999, Bangkok, THAILAND
5.2 Chaijinda K, Nilawad K, and Kimberly S P, Development of pictorial
labels for Northern Thai patients with low literacy. Talking poster
presented at MidWest Pharmacy Administration Meeting, Purdue
University, July 29- 31, 2004, Indiana, USA
5.3 Chaijinda K, Nilawad K, Chuamanochan P, and Awiphan, Development
and evaluation of pictorial labeling system for Northern Thai patients with
low literacy. Oral presentation at the Fifth Indochina conference on
Pharmaceutical Sciences, November 21-24, 2007, Bangkok, THAILAND
6. Practice.
6.1 Part-time work as a community pharmacist in Tesco, Phitsanulok branch,
Thailand, April 1999 – May 2002
6.2 Part-time work as a community pharmacist in Tesco, Chiang Mai branch,
Thailand, May 2002– present
Responsible Work :
1. Editor of pamphlet of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Naresuan University
2. Advisor of pharmacy student union
3. Committee member of the Quality Assurance unit, Faculty of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Naresuan University
4. Committee member of the radio station, Naresuan University
5. Committee member in Student Affairs, Naresuan University
Other Experiences :
1. Guest lecturer in the following topics
1.1 Drug use evaluation for hospital pharmacists at the office of Public Health,
Phitsanulok, October 20,1999
1.2 Establishing research skills for public health scientists at Institute of Public
Health, Phitsanulok, 28-31 March, 2000
1.3 Basic principles of drug use and herbs used medicinally in the elderly for
public health volunteers at Ban Yang-ane, Phitsanulok, December 10, 2000
2. Field work of Naresuan University mobile unit of , April 22-23, 2000
3. Drug counseling in the Red Cross of Phitsanulok Fair, 27-28 January, 2001
4. Associate Dean in Student Affairs, January 2001 – May 2002
5. Providing drug information on the faculty website (www.pha.nu.ac.th)
6. Guest speaker in “Pharmacy Meeting” program on the radio station, Naresuan
7. Visiting Scholar at Division of Pharmacy Administration, Department of Pharmacy
Practice, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical sciences, Purdue University,
2004, Indiana, USA
Interested field of research :
- Professional Communication and Patient Counseling
- Health Literacy
- Pictograms
- readability
Reference :
Assistant Professor, Aphirudee Hemachudha, MS., Head of
Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Chulalongkorn University,
Bangkok 10330 THAILAND, Tel (662) 2188152-3
Associate Professor, Pinyupa Plianbangchang, PhD, Department
of Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Naresuan University, Phitsanulok 65000, THAILAND, Tel :
(6655) 261000 ext. 3620
Associate Professor, Kunyada Nilaward, PhD (Social and
Administrative Pharmacy), Division of Social and Administrative
Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Srinakharinwirot University,
Nakhonnayok, 26120 THAILAND, Tel. (662) 6495026
(Pharmaceutics), MS (Radio Pharmacy), Department of
Pharmaceutical Care, Faculty of Pharmacy, Chiang Mai
University, Chiang Mai, 50200 THAILAND, Tel. (6653) 944342-3
Assistant Professor, Ratanaporn Awiphan, Ph.D. (Pharmacy
Health Care Administration), Department of Pharmaceutical Care,
Faculty of Pharmacy, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai,50200
THAILAND, Tel. (6653) 944395