- Alliance for Cancer Gene Therapy
- Alzheimers Association
- American Cancer Society
- American Lung Association
- Arthritis Association
- American Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Foundation
- Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation
- Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
- Florida Department of Health
- Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
- Paralyzed Veterans Association
- The CONCERN Foundation
What is new or different in proposalCENTRAL Version 2?
• To verify the identity of new registrants, a confirmation number is sent via e-mail when
a user registers. This confirmation number must be entered the first time a new user logs
onto proposalCENTRAL.
• During the registration process, users select a challenge question and response. This
challenge question will be asked to verify the user’s identity when the user requests a
forgotten password or when they call customer service.
Enhanced Professional Profile
• PI’s can store more data in their Professional Profile, including multiple biosketch files,
so that less information has to be entered into grant applications.
• PI’s can enable access for administrative staff to help maintain their Professional
• PI’s can easily link institution information to their Professional Profile by selecting
institution affiliation(s) from a list. (The institution information is maintained in a
separate Institutional Profile by the institution officials.)
Easy application navigation.
What’s New in proposalCENTRAL Version 2
• The Professional Profile of the PI, the Institution Profile and contact information for
Institution Officials are automatically loaded into the application.
• “Next” and “Previous” buttons guide new applicants quickly through the sections of the
• Applicants can move easily from any section of the application to another using a
proposal “table of contents”.
Multiple users can work on a grant application.
• PI’s can enable co-investigators and administrative staff to access proposals they are
jointly preparing and submitting.
Letter of Intent preparation and submission
• Applicants can submit Letters of Intent (LOI) through proposalCENTRAL for
grantmakers that offer or require LOI’s.
• The LOI is contained within the application as a separate section. Data entered in the
LOI is automatically copied to the proposal to simplify the application process.
• The LOI and the grant application are submitted separately.
• For grant-makers that require an LOI e.g., Alzheimer’s Association, applicants will be
prevented from submitting the application until the LOI is approved.
Separate Institution Profile
• Based on suggestions from applicants, grantee organizations and members of research
administration professional organizations (e.g., NCURA, SRA, AIRI, FDP),
proposalCENTRAL will now include a separate Institution Profile. Similar to the
Institution Profile that is registered with the NIH Commons, the Institution Profile in
proposalCENTRAL is created once by the appropriate institution official. The institution
information is then available to all applicants when they prepare and submit proposals.
This makes the application process easier for the researchers and ensures that that the
foundations receive consistent, accurate institution information on grant applications.
• RAMS is actively engaging almost 1,500 institution administrators to pre-register their
institutions so that applicants/PI’s can easily link this information to their grant
Improved access for Sponsored Research Officials (SRO’s) and other support staff
• Using their own user account, administrators can create and maintain proposals and
profiles for the PI’s they support.
PI Responsibilities
To Register
Professional profile default information
Research interests
Personal data for applications
To apply
Find a grant opportunity by clicking under the grant opportunity tag.
Fill out the grant application and save when done each section.
Some of the Institution Contacts will populate based on what details
have been set up for signing officials in the Institution Profile. If the
“signing officials” and “Send checks to attention of” do not appear,
you should contact your Grants and Contracts Office and have them
added to the Institutional Profile.
You can manually add information about a Department Head or Who
Checks Are To Be Made Payable To.
Administrator (Sponsored Research Office) Functions
Most foundations require a signature from an SRO on the hard copy that is sent to the
foundation along with the electronic submission. The Alzheimer’s Association requires
an electronic submission only (no SRO signatures). Other foundations (example: Florida
Department of Health) require a signature on a hard copy that is then scanned into the
application as an electronic document.
For specific details of which situation applies to the foundation you are applying for, I
would refer you to the instructions for the particular grant. If you have any further
questions at the time for a specific grant.