Stage, Work Placement and Internship Group

Model Guidelines for Good Practice in International Work Placements
Stage, Work Placement and Internship Group
Model Guidelines for Good Practice in International Work Placements
Conditions of use
The documents comprising the set may be used, separately or together, as a model and
guide for specific work-placement arrangements. Whenever the documents are used
or cited, acknowledgment should be made to the EAIE and SWING.
In all cases, use of the documents must comply with the applicable national laws.
The documents are intended to provide guidelines for the preparation of individual
agreements. Neither the EAIE nor SWING accepts legal liability in connection with
any dispute arising from use of the documents.
International Student-Trainee Model Agreement Form
International Student-Trainee Code of Practice (Students)
International Student-Trainee Code of Practice (Higher Education Institutions)
International Student-Trainee Code of Practice (Employers)
Standards for the Evaluation and Assessment of International Work Placements
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Model Guidelines for Good Practice in International Work Placements
International Student - Trainee
Agreement Form
This statement was developed in Europe for use by any institution of post-secondary education intending to
send students abroad for a work placement in conjunction with studies at the home institution. It was
developed by SWING (Stage, Work Placement and Internship Group), which is a Professional Section of
the European Association for International Education (EAIE). It forms part of a set of documents intended
as guides to the development of good practice in international work placements. Conditions governing the
use of all documents are set out in the Preamble to the set. SWING and the EAIE accept no legal liability in
connection with the use of the document.
The EAIE is a non-governmental, non-profitmaking professional association, which aims to stimulate and
facilitate within a global perspective the internationalisation of education, in particular higher education,
in Europe. The EAIE has more than 1 700 individual members in over 50 countries around the world.
Subject to the general Conditions of Use, this document can be used as:
EAIE document
supplement to own documents
model to which your institution can claim that its own documents conform
Personal information about the student and study programme
Family name
First and middle Names
Date of birth
Country and city of birth
Citizen of
Country of legal permanent residence
Permanent address
Home address during the work placement
Title of degree/qualification
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Model Guidelines for Good Practice in International Work Placements
How many years of study have already been completed towards the degree/qualification?
When will the degree/qualification be obtained?
Information about the educational institution
Name of educational institution
Is the work placement part of an established national or European programme (such as
Does this programme provide a grant?
Name and title of Academic Supervisor or Placement Officer
Information about the employing organisation
Name of employing organisation receiving the student-trainee
Work address for student-trainee during the training period
Basic activity of employing organisation
Name and title of student-trainee's Supervisor/Manager
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Model Guidelines for Good Practice in International Work Placements
Training period agreement
article 1: Objectives of the work placement
The purpose of this work placement is to provide the student with experience of
the practical application of theoretical knowledge he or she has already acquired.
The host employing organisation and the educational institution will ensure that
the student-trainee is given tasks and responsibilities commensurate with the level
of competence of the student and the educational objectives for the training
Educational objectives: skills and knowledge to be acquired, defined by the
Academic Supervisor.
(please continue on a separate sheet if necessary)
Tasks of student-trainee: responsibilities in order to meet these objectives,
defined by the employing organisation Supervisor/Manager and the Academic
(please continue on a separate sheet if necessary)
Please include methods of training such as observation periods, rotation through
departments, language training, seminars, meetings, etc, as well as the use of any specific
equipment essential to the work placement.
Article 2: Supervision and evaluation
The educational institution will name an academic Supervisor responsible for the
student's work placement and the employing organisation will name an on-site
Supervisor. If any problems arise, the employing organisation Supervisor will
contact the Academic Supervisor.
At the end of the work placement the educational institution requires a report
from the student-trainee, the detailed requirements for which will be available to
the student before the work placement begins. The employing organisation may
request a copy of this report.
The employing organisation will provide the student-trainee with an evaluation of
his or her work as well as written confirmation that the work placement has been
undertaken and completed.
Article 3: Working arrangements and student-trainee status in the employing
Is a work permit required? Yes/No
If Yes, the work permit will be arranged by the:
employing organisation / student-trainee (delete as appropriate)
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Model Guidelines for Good Practice in International Work Placements
Is a residence permit required? Yes/No
If Yes, the residence permit will be arranged by the:
employing organisation / student-trainee (delete as appropriate)
The student will remain a student in his or her home country and will become a
student-trainee in the host country.
The training period will take place on the following dates:
The working hours per week will be:
The amount of holiday included in the period of training will be:
The student-trainee must comply with all the international regulations of the
employing organisation.
The student-trainee may or may not receive a "salary" from the employing
Renumeration per month will be:
The employing organisation may or may not give an "allowance" to the studenttrainee to cover any living costs, travel, etc.
o Contribution for living costs per month will be:
Contribution for travel costs will be:
Contribution for pension fund: Yes / No
article 4: Social protection
The employing organisation will protect the student-trainee against any form of
intimidation or discrimination at the workplace. The principle of equal rights will
The student-trainee must be insured for health and accidents in and out of the
workplace, personal liability and medical repatriation.
Individual insurance policies may be necessary for liability and repatriation.
Accidents in the workplace will be covered by the employing organisation in
accordance with national law. If no national insurance plan covers the student,
individual insurance will be necessary and must be arranged.
Accidents in the workplace
Coverage arranged according to national law: Yes / No
If no, individual insurance arranged by (name of the company and policy number)
Health insurance
E 111 form: Yes / No
Private insurance: Yes / No
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Model Guidelines for Good Practice in International Work Placements
Name of the company and policy number
Accidents out of the workplace
Name of the company and policy number
Personal liability
Name of the company and policy number
Medical repatriation
Name of the company and policy number
article 5: Taxes
Student-trainees have a responsibility to pay income tax when appropriate and will pay
according to the agreement between their home country and their host country.
The signatories confirm the accuracy of all statements made on this form and
agree to all principles and articles expressed therein.
Name and title of educational institution official approving this International
student-trainee agreement (in block letters)
Signature and date
educational institution seal or stamp
Article 6: Visas and work permit
is a work permit required? Yes/No
is a residency permit required? Yes/No
is a permit for preliminary stay required? Yes/No
 Name and title of employing organisation executive approving this International
student-trainee agreement (in block letters)
Signature and date
employing organisation seal or stamp
 Name of student (in block letters)
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Model Guidelines for Good Practice in International Work Placements
Signature and date
Ensure that:
1. Personal information about student and study programme is provided.
2. Information about the educational institution is provided including name of
Academic Supervisor.
3. Information about the employing organisation is provided including name of
4. Information about any other parties or brokers is provided.
5. Objectives of the work place are determined by student-trainee and Academic
6. Tasks and responsibilities of student-trainee are determined by Superior Manager.
7. Conditions of Employment and working arrangements are determined and given
to the student-trainee.
8. Adequate social protection is provided and, in particular, appropriate insurance
cover is available for the student and that legal status of student-trainee is
understood. (student is always responsible for arranging complete insurance
9. Accommodation and arrival arrangements have been organised.
10. A suitable introduction programme is given by the employing organisation at the
start of the work placement.
11. Monitoring of the work placement by the Academic Supervisor and the
employing organisation occurs.
12. The employing organisation makes an evaluation of the work placement.
13. The student submits a report to the employing organisation and the educational
14. The higher education institution conducts an assessment of the student-trainee
Bottom of Form
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Model Guidelines for Good Practice in International Work Placements
International Student - Trainee
Code of Practice
This statement was developed in Europe for use by any institution of post-secondary education intending to
send students abroad for a work placement in conjunction with studies at the home institution. It was
developed by SWING (Stage, Work Placement and Internship Group), which is a Professional Section of
the European Association for International Education (EAIE). It forms part of a set of documents intended
as guides to the development of good practice in international work placements. Conditions governing the
use of all documents are set out in the Preamble to the set. SWING and the EAIE accept no legal liability in
connection with the use of the document.
The EAIE is a non-governmental, non-profitmaking professional association, which aims to stimulate and
facilitate within a global perspective the internationalisation of education, in particular higher education,
in Europe. The EAIE has more than 1 700 individual members in over 50 countries around the world.
1. The student will ensure that the relevant sections of the International StudentTrainee Agreement Form are completed and signed and will arrange for the
higher education institution and the employing organisation sections to be
2. The student will make, or ensure that arrangements are made, for appropriate
insurance cover during the work placement and ensure that article 4 of the
International Student-Trainee Agreement Form is completed.
3. The student will conduct him/herself professionally in all his/her dealing with
employing organisations.
4. The student will comply with any reasonable request by the employing
5. The student will, with the help of the higher education institution, determine
his/her educational objectives for the work placement.
6. The student will carry out the work programme specified by the employing
organisation under the supervision of the specified supervisor.
7. The student will act within the Conditions of Employment laid down by the
employing organisation and within the working arrangements detailed on the
International Student-Trainee Agreement Form.
8. The student will comply with any reasonable request by the employing
organisation in its appraisal procedures.
9. The student will comply, both during and after the work placement, with any
confidentiality requirement made by the employing organisation.
At the end of the training period the student must submit a report on the work placement
to the higher education institution and the employing organisation.
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Model Guidelines for Good Practice in International Work Placements
International Student - Trainee
Higher Education Institutions
Code of Practice
This statement was developed in Europe for use by any institution of post-secondary education intending to
send students abroad for a work placement in conjunction with studies at the home institution. It was
developed by SWING (Stage, Work Placement and Internship Group), which is a Professional Section of
the European Association for International Education (EAIE). It forms part of a set of documents intended
as guides to the development of good practice in international work placements. Conditions governing the
use of all documents are set out in the Preamble to the set. SWING and the EAIE accept no legal liability in
connection with the use of the document.
The EAIE is a non-governmental, non-profitmaking professional association, which aims to stimulate and
facilitate within a global perspective the internationalisation of education, in particular higher education,
in Europe. The EAIE has more than 1 700 individual members in over 50 countries around the world.
1. The higher education institution will ensure that the appropriate section of the
International Student-Trainee Agreement Form is completed and signed.
2. The higher education institution will be responsible for selecting students for
nomination for international placements and for their detailed preparation.
3. The higher education institution will help the student determine his/her
educational objectives of the work placement.
4. The higher education institution will provide sufficient information to the
employing organisation so that the tasks and responsibilities given to the studenttrainee are commensurate with the level of competence of the student and the
educational objectives of the training period.
5. The higher education institution will appoint an academic supervisor of the
student-trainee for the work placement.
6. The higher education institution will ensure that the student-trainee has adequate
social protection, and, in particular, appropriate insurance cover during the work
7. The higher education institution will monitor the progress of the student during
the work placement.
8. The higher education institution will conduct an assessment of the student-trainee
as may be required by its own regulations and it will receive a report prepared by
the student-trainee on the work placement.
The higher education institution will take appropriate action if informed by the
employing organisation or student of any problems which occur during the work
9 of 13
Model Guidelines for Good Practice in International Work Placements
International Student - Trainee
Code of Practice
This statement was developed in Europe for use by any institution of post-secondary education intending to
send students abroad for a work placement in conjunction with studies at the home institution. It was
developed by SWING (Stage, Work Placement and Internship Group), which is a Professional Section of
the European Association for International Education (EAIE). It forms part of a set of documents intended
as guides to the development of good practice in international work placements. Conditions governing the
use of all documents are set out in the Preamble to the set. SWING and the EAIE accept no legal liability in
connection with the use of the document.
The EAIE is a non-governmental, non-profitmaking professional association, which aims to stimulate and
facilitate within a global perspective the internationalisation of education, in particular higher education,
in Europe. The EAIE has more than 1 700 individual members in over 50 countries around the world.
When an employing organisation agrees to take a student for a work placement, which is
part of their course of study, then that organisation accepts certain responsibilities. This
form lists in Section A those responsibilities which are obligatory and in Section B those
which are recommended.
Section A
1. The employing organisation will appoint a Supervisor/Manager.
2. The employing organisation will ensure that the appropriate section of the
International Student-Trainee Agreement Form is completed and signed.
3. The employing organisation will give tasks and responsibilities to the student
trainee in accordance with the level of competence of the student and the
educational objectives of the training period.
4. The employing organisation will protect the student-trainee against any form of
intimidation or discrimination at the workplace. The principle of equal rights will
5. The employing organisation will ensure safe working conditions and provide
insurance cover against accidents in the workplace in accordance with national
6. The employing organisation will provide a statement of the Conditions of
Employment for the student-trainee which includes the dates of the training
period, the working hours, the amount of holiday and details of any remuneration
and ensure that article 3 of the International Student Agreement Form is
The student-trainee must comply with all the internal regulations of the
employing organisation.
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Model Guidelines for Good Practice in International Work Placements
7. The employing organisation will provide a suitable introduction programme at the
beginning of the work placement which includes all relevant information about
Health and Safety Policies and Procedures.
8. The employing organisation will be responsible for monitoring the progress of the
student-trainee and for making an evaluation of his/her performance.
9. At the end of the training period the educational institution will require a report
from the student-trainee. The requirements of confidentiality are paramount and
so the employing organisation must receive a copy of this report.
10. The employing organisation will provide to the educational institution written
confirmation that the training period has been undertaken and completed.
11. The employing organisation will inform the educational institution if any
problems occur.
Section B
1. Reference Section A 3
It is in the interest of both employing organisation and student-trainee that the
tasks and responsibilities undertaken by the student-trainee are completed
satisfactorily and managed well. These outcomes are essentially determined by
the employing organisation which is recommended to provide the quality of
supervision to achieve them.
2. The employing organisation is asked to cooperate with the educational institution
regarding visits by their staff to discuss the progress and performance of the
student-trainee at a reasonable time and by mutual agreement.
3. Reference Sections A8, A 9
As well as the educational objectives of the student-trainee the employing organisation
may well have performance objectives. The employing organisation may well have its
own appraisal schemes and it is recommended that these schemes are used when
evaluating student performance.
11 of 13
Model Guidelines for Good Practice in International Work Placements
International Student - Trainee
Standards for the Evaluation and Assessment of International Work
This statement was developed in Europe for use by any institution of post-secondary education intending to
send students abroad for a work placement in conjunction with studies at the home institution. It was
developed by SWING (Stage, Work Placement and Internship Group), which is a Professional Section of
the European Association for International Education (EAIE). It forms part of a set of documents intended
as guides to the development of good practice in international work placements. Conditions governing the
use of all documents are set out in the Preamble to the set. SWING and the EAIE accept no legal liability in
connection with the use of the document.
The EAIE is a non-governmental, non-profitmaking professional association, which aims to stimulate and
facilitate within a global perspective the internationalisation of education, in particular higher education,
in Europe. The EAIE has more than 1 700 individual members in over 50 countries around the world.
1. The evaluation must involve the employing organisation, the higher education
institution and the student.
2. The evaluation of international work placements must take the work placement
itself into account, the placement process as a whole, and the student's work
placement report.
Evaluation of the work placement
3. It is strongly recommended that this evaluation takes place both halfway through
the placement period and at the end of the period.
4. The evaluation must cover the following:
o aspects relating to the field of study (quality, planning, working methods,
insight into the work, professional attitude);
o social aspects (motivation, initiative, flexibility, creativity, criticism,
contact with colleagues and supervisor, and insight into the norms and
values relating to the work);
o intercultural aspects (integration into the culture of the country/region and
the culture of the organisation);
o communication in the host language (the student's ability to read,
understand, speak and write).
Evaluation of the work placement process
5. At the end of the work placement, the employing organisation, the higher
education institution and the student must have the opportunity to give their views
on the following:
o supervision by the higher education institution and by the employing
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Model Guidelines for Good Practice in International Work Placements
the relevance of the work placement assignment to the student and to the
employing organisation;
o the facilities available at the placement location;
o the status of the student in the employing organisation.
6. The student must be given an opportunity to comment on the information which
was provided on the following:
o the content of the work placement;
o the language requirements;
o the cultural preparation.
Evaluation of the work placement report
7. The student's work placement report must be assessed by the higher education
institution and by the employing organisation on the following:
o content;
o use of language;
o form and structure.
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